The Crippled Boss Loves Me-Chapter 935 - Han Yin Killing Someone

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935 Han Yin Killing Someone

Suddenly, Shen Hanxing realized something and quickly took out her phone. She had almost forgotten that Han Yin was now a well-known actress. With so many reporters surrounding her for interviews, there must be news about her online. ๐’‡๐™ง๐™š๐™š๐’˜๐’†๐’ƒ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐’—๐™š๐’.๐™˜๐’๐’Ž

As expected, Shen Hanxing did not need to search for Han Yinโ€™s name on Weibo postโ€™s trending searches. There was a red explosive icon next to it, and the top message read, โ€œHan Yin involved in a murder.โ€

โ€œMurder?โ€ Shen Hanxingโ€™s pupils contracted, and she immediately clicked on the post. The top post was from an entertainment gossip account. Han Yin had been filming a period martial arts drama recently. The video online was secretly taken by someone from the production team. It showed an actor in a period costume falling from a wire, brandishing a weapon. At that moment, a terrified scream was suddenly heard. A figure in yellow clothes suddenly fell from the sky!

The camera started to shake, and with the noise of the crowd, an especially sharp voice came out. โ€œSomethingโ€™s happened! Someoneโ€™s dead!โ€

At a glance, Shen Hanxing could tell that the person in the yellow clothes was not Han Yin. However, the camera swiftly shifted its focus, and it was unknown whether it was intentional or not, the camera finally froze on Han Yinโ€™s shocked and bewildered face.

Shen Hanxing frowned as she watched the video. From what she could see, it was an accident. Why was Han Yin implicated? She decided to read the comments.

โ€œHow terrifying! Falling from such a heightโ€ฆ Is Nana alright?โ€

โ€œI heard Qin Na has been rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. There was a lot of blood at the scene. I hope sheโ€™s safe!โ€

โ€œHan Yin is too terrifying! Her expression at the end was too genuine to be acting!โ€

โ€œI used to have a good impression of Han Yin and treated her like a little sister. I didnโ€™t expect her to be so vicious!โ€

โ€œSuch a trivial matter resulted in a loss of life! This woman is ruthless!โ€

โ€œHan Yin should leave the entertainment industry! Han Yin must pay for this murder!โ€

The commenters seemed convinced that Han Yin was responsible for the incident. They were all criticizing her, but no one mentioned the details of the incident or how Han Yin became involved.

Just as Shen Hanxing was about to continue reading, Ji Yan reached out and took her phone away. โ€œThereโ€™s no point in looking at these now,โ€ he said, turning off the phone. He pressed his hand against Shen Hanxingโ€™s forehead, his dark eyes gleaming with a cold light. He wanted his wife to be happy and enjoy everything in the world, and he wouldnโ€™t let anyone make her worry.

Ji Yan handed her a bottle of water and spoke calmly, โ€œLooking at these things will only increase unnecessary worries. The information on the internet may not be accurate. Weโ€™ll find out the truth when we get to the police station and ask them directly.โ€

โ€œI understand,โ€ Shen Hanxing replied, feeling a bit calmer. With a life at stake, she couldnโ€™t help but worry. The incident seemed like an accident, so why was Han Yin implicated? Moreover, considering Han Yinโ€™s crying and Chu Fengโ€™s attitude, she felt that things werenโ€™t as simple as they seemed. If she didnโ€™t handle it well, Han Yinโ€™s life would be ruined.

Shen Hanxing pinched the space between her eyebrows and leaned against Ji Yanโ€™s shoulder. She sighed deeply and spoke, โ€œThank goodness Mr. Ji is here.โ€ It gave her a shoulder to lean on when she was lost and helpless.

Ji Yan did not say anything. He only adjusted his posture so that Shen Hanxing could lean more comfortably.

The chauffeur did his best to increase the speed of the car. By the time they arrived at the police station, a group of reporters carrying cameras had already gathered outside!

As soon as Shen Hanxing stepped out of the car, the reporters pounced on her like sharks smelling blood. They quickly turned their attention and surrounded her, their camera flashes continuously flickering, and their microphones almost entering Shen Hanxingโ€™s mouth. The questions came one after another, each louder than the last, โ€œMrs. Ji, are you here to see Han Yin?โ€

โ€œMrs. Ji, what is your opinion on Han Yinโ€™s murder?โ€

โ€œMr. Ji, did you know that Mrs. Jiโ€™s friend committed murder? What are your thoughts?โ€

โ€œMr. Ji, will you use the power of Ji Corporation to help Han Yin?โ€

โ€œThe internet is saying that Han Yin must pay with her life for the murder. Mrs. Ji, what do you think?โ€

Shen Hanxing and Ji Yan had planned for some private time together today, so they didnโ€™t bring many people with them. As a result, there was only one chauffeur who was trying to separate the reporters from the group. However, the chauffeurโ€™s lone effort was insufficient, and the reporters quickly rushed in.

Ji Yan wrapped his arms around Shen Hanxing, holding her against his broad chest, his tall figure creating a barrier between her and the reporters, providing her with a safe space. As he listened to the reportersโ€™ questions, which were laced with suggestions and innuendos, his face turned ice-cold. His pitch-black eyes glimmered with a bone-chilling light, making it impossible for anyone to meet his gaze.