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The Daily Life of the Demon King-Chapter 194: ": First Stop in Zombieland"
Chapter 194: "Chapter 194: First Stop in Zombieland"
After Alex threw Shido and his lackeys out of the bus, the tension inside lingered. Takashi, the young hero with a savior complex, tried to argue that Alex's actions were too harsh.
However, after looking at Shido's dossier, which Alex handed him, Takashi quickly fell silent, realizing Shido was truly a societal scumbag. His attempts to defend everyone now seemed pitiful, and he retreated into himself, sitting quietly.
Amid this conflict, Alex calmly stood behind Shizuka, watching the road and occasionally chatting with her. He enjoyed her kindness and lighthearted nature, which reminded him of Hestia. Although he knew it wasn't entirely fair to compare the two, sometimes it was hard to avoid such thoughts. Shizuka appeared focused, but there was still a spark of optimism in her eyes, despite the grim circumstances.
Meanwhile, Kyoko, the teacher, tried unsuccessfully to calm the frightened students—most were still shaken by recent events. Rebecca and Brunhilde, on the other hand, looked relaxed: Rebecca enthusiastically talked about various zombie movies, and Brunhilde listened with a gentle smile, occasionally nodding.
Saeko caught Alex's gaze and gave him a mysterious smile. Her poise and almost predatory aura reminded Alex of the legendary Okita Souji—a similar blend of calm confidence and underlying danger.
Alex shifted his attention to Saya. Deep down, he hated to admit it, but even before ending up in this world, she had struck him as one of the most intriguing characters. Her snobbishness reminded him of Hermione from Harry Potter, but despite that, he found her endearing.
When Saya noticed his gaze, she huffed and turned away, prompting a small smirk from Alex. It reminded him of Hestia or Rebecca when they were displeased about something.
"Shizuka, pull over at the nearest gas station or store. We need to stock up on supplies," Alex said, giving her shoulder a light pat.
"I'm not sure there's anything suitable nearby," she replied, frowning slightly.
Alex pulled out his phone and quickly checked the map. Finding the closest gas station, he showed Shizuka the direction, and she immediately picked up the pace. The sun was already setting outside, casting the surroundings into twilight. A few minutes later, the bus pulled up to an old gas station. Shizuka stopped by one of the pumps, but none of the passengers hurried to get off, clearly afraid of zombies.
"Listen up, kids," Alex's voice cut through the tense silence. "We need to refuel the bus and gather supplies. I get that you're tired and scared, but I'm not here to babysit. So, either you help, or you stay here without us. Got it?"
"We don't want to go out—it's too dangerous! You and your group are stronger than us; only you can handle it!" one of the boys replied, his voice trembling as he avoided Alex's gaze.
Rebecca stood up and leaned over the back of her seat.
"Listen here, you little brat," she said icily. "I'm not as kind as my husband. If you don't start pulling your weight, you won't last long here. Next time, no one's going to save you. Got it?"
The boy swallowed hard, realizing arguing was pointless. Alex chuckled quietly, watching Rebecca. Her decisiveness and cold confidence reminded him once again why she was his indispensable favorite gremlin.
Rebecca's words caused nervous silence among the boys, though some of the girls exchanged surprised glances. First, they looked at Rebecca, then at Alex. Alex simply nodded, showing he fully agreed with her statement. He had no intention of coddling this group either.
"I'll go. If no one else will, then I'm ready," Saeko said calmly, rising from her seat.
"I'll go too. I'll help however I can. Unlike some people, at least I'll try to do something," Saya added, standing up resolutely.
"Count me in," Rei announced, making her way to the front of the bus.
Alex cast a disdainful glance at the boys. He could understand their fear, but fear was a luxury they couldn't afford right now. How long would they survive without food and water? And when the initial wave of the epidemic subsided, people—far more terrifying than zombies—would become the real threat. In some cases, death by zombies would seem merciful compared to what survivors might do.
"Alright, got it. Listen carefully. I'll go inside and clear the building. You stay near the bus and keep watch. Make sure no one sneaks up on us. Remember, the danger comes not only from zombies but also from people," Alex said as he stepped out of the bus.
Once outside, he carefully surveyed the area. His priority was ensuring there were no threats nearby. Zombies couldn't harm him, but for the others, even a small cut could prove fatal. Seeing no immediate danger, Alex motioned for everyone to exit.
As the others disembarked, they too scanned their surroundings nervously.
"The area is clear, which means we have some time to gather supplies. Rebecca, keep watch from the bus roof. Kohta, check the area behind the station with G.I.R.. The rest of you stay close to the bus until I give the signal," Alex commanded.
"Mind giving me a lift, handsome?" Rebecca asked with a playful smile.
Alex smiled back, walked to the bus, and crouched, offering his hands. Rebecca deftly used his help, springing up and landing gracefully on the roof. Meanwhile, G.I.R. dragged Kohta toward the back of the station to inspect the area.
Alex didn't fully trust G.I.R.—or rather, he didn't trust the robo-dog's sometimes erratic behavior—but at the moment, he had no choice. To ensure the main group's safety, he left Brunhilde with them. Besides Saeko, she was the only one who knew how to handle weapons.
Alex headed toward the gas station building to activate the pump and check the storage area for food. Saeko followed, offering her assistance.
"Be careful," Alex reminded her as he noticed her walking alongside him.
"I'm fine. I know my limits," Saeko replied with a smile.
"I hope so. I'd rather not end up in a situation where I have to kill you," Alex said with a wry smirk.
Saeko smiled back at his remark and kept pace. Alex cautiously opened the door, considering how best to check the premises for zombies. The only idea that came to mind was to create a small noise.
Saeko caught up to him, peering inside and scanning the interior. She was curious why Alex hadn't entered yet. He, meanwhile, studied the layout before making a move that might attract attention. Bloodstains smeared the floor, scattered remains lay about, and mangled bodies rested in a distant corner. Even the station clerk hadn't escaped a gruesome fate.
"What are you doing?" Saeko asked, her tone tinged with curiosity.
"Assessing the area. I'll try to lure any zombies out if they're in here," Alex replied, his eyes fixed on the room.
Saeko nodded and joined him in surveying the scene. Alex was confident that such a large building was bound to harbor zombies; it was only a matter of time. Drawing his katana, he struck it twice against a nearby counter, creating a loud, echoing clang.
As if on cue, zombies began to emerge from the depths of the store, including the clerk. Alex nodded at Saeko, signaling her to be ready. She returned the nod, and the two waited for the undead to get closer.
As the zombies shuffled forward, Alex decided to test the mechanism of his katana. Placing his hand on the hilt, he waited for the creatures to come within striking distance. One of them, reaching out with decaying arms, moved into the katana's attack range.
Alex activated the mechanism, and the katana shot out of its sheath, striking the first zombie in the jaw. The blow was so powerful that the undead's head literally exploded, fragments scattering in all directions. Alex jumped, caught the blade mid-air, and cleaved the zombie in half.
Saeko watched his maneuver in surprise. The trick with the katana was impressive, but she wasn't about to fall behind. Suppressing her astonishment, Saeko got to work. As the fight continued, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on her face, sharply contrasting with her usual calm expression.
Once they had taken care of the zombies, Alex surveyed the room to ensure there were no more threats. He remembered from some films that zombies could still move after their heads were severed.
After finishing his check, Alex turned to Saeko. She was still in a frenzy, coldly dispatching the last of the undead. The same bloodthirsty smile remained on her face. Alex raised an eyebrow, mentally comparing her to Okita Soji.
That small samurai had also been incredibly bloodthirsty. Alex recalled how Okita once forced the mighty Adamas to sit by a fountain, simply by chasing the god across the battlefield. Smiling at his thoughts, he pushed the memories aside and approached Saeko, gently patting her on the shoulder.
"I didn't expect to see this side of you. Pleasantly surprised," he said with a small smile.
Saeko returned to reality and gave a sheepish smile, realizing she had gotten carried away. She remembered how, in her last frenzy, she had mutilated a pervert who had been harassing girls.
She also noticed that Alex showed no fear or disgust toward her bloodthirstiness—only mild surprise.
"Doesn't it scare you, girls like me?" Saeko asked, a little surprised.
"Why should it scare me? You haven't seen what Rebecca is capable of. She once blew up an entire warehouse. And you're not the first bloodthirsty samurai I've encountered," Alex replied, shrugging.
"And who was the first?" Saeko asked with interest, eager to satisfy her curiosity.
Alex gestured for Saeko to follow him to check the storage area. He also wanted to confirm if they could stay overnight at the gas station. There was a risk that zombies would become more active at night. At the same time, Alex considered asking Shizuku to contact her friend Rika.
It could be a good excuse to go after her, and an additional sharpshooter in the group would never hurt. If there were other fighters with Rika, it would make the team's movements even easier. Saeko followed Alex without question, carefully observing the premises.
"Well, the first one was Okita Soji. He's a lot like you—he gets carried away sometimes too," Alex remarked with a smile.
"You met a samurai named after the legendary Okita Soji?" Saeko asked, genuine interest in her voice.
Alex merely smiled mysteriously but did not respond. Even if he had confessed that he had met the real Okita Soji, Saeko would likely have believed him. However, such openness could call his current identity into question. Alex decided it was not the right time to reveal his secrets.
While checking the storage area, Alex found that there was enough supplies to last for several months. However, as expected, there were no essential medications – they were rarely found at gas stations. Alex knew that medicines would be needed in the future, especially in case of illness or infection.
Saeko noticed that Alex had avoided her question but decided it was due to their lack of closeness. She kept her suspicions to herself. Alex, on the other hand, carefully examined the storage for safety and concluded that the place was suitable for spending the night.
"That's everything. Let's head outside," he said, gesturing for Saeko to follow him. "I have a few options, but first, I want to hear what the others think."
"What are you planning?" Saeko asked, walking beside him.
"I think we should stay the night here," Alex replied. "It's still unknown if zombies become more aggressive at night. In movies and games, there are different types of these creatures. We need to figure out what to expect. Today's the first day, but things could get worse. In the worst case, they might start mutating, and then..."
Alex fell silent, not finishing his thought. Saeko listened carefully to his explanation. Her understanding of zombies was limited to them simply being reanimated corpses, but she decided to trust Alex. In her opinion, he knew more than she did.
Alex, however, hoped they were just simple, slow zombies. But he knew how his luck worked – it often played cruel tricks on him. For now, there was too little information about the zombies, and he didn't have time for experiments.
First and foremost, he needed to find a safe place, gather the group, and develop an evacuation plan for the country. Alex didn't rule out the possibility that governments might begin bombing cities in an attempt to contain the outbreak.
Stepping outside, Alex noticed Kota and G.I.R. They had come out from the other side of the gas station and were talking animatedly. Alex squinted at G.I.R., suddenly thinking that Kota might also be a fan of the Warhammer universe. He tiredly rubbed his forehead, wondering if his group could handle one more "maniac."
"How's everything on your side?" Alex asked, catching the attention of the duo.
"A couple of strays, and that's it," Kota replied. "The rest is surrounded by a fence."
Alex nodded, signaling the group, and headed toward the bus where the others were waiting. He noticed that everyone had finally gathered their courage and no longer tried to whine about being scared to go outside. Looking around, Alex saw Rebecca calmly finishing off a couple of zombies that had been aimlessly wandering nearby. As he approached the bus, he waved at her to signal that she could jump down from the roof.
Rebecca, standing at the edge of the roof, made eye contact with Alex. Seeing his smile and open arms, she jumped without hesitation. Alex caught her effortlessly and gently set her down on the ground. He then turned to the group to share some important information. However, the sky was already beginning to darken, and there was less and less time to think.
"So, two pieces of news," Alex began, holding up two fingers. "The first: there's enough supplies in the storage to last for a few months. The second, less pleasant one: there's a chance zombies will become more active at night. So I suggest we wait out the night here at the gas station. We need to make a decision quickly before the sun sets completely."
"Why do you think zombies could be more active at night?" Saya asked, adjusting her glasses and looking at Alex carefully.
"I don't know," Alex replied honestly. "That's why I'm saying they might be. It's the first day, and we should be ready for any scenario."
Saya nodded, agreeing that such a possibility was feasible, though she wasn't an expert on zombies. Rebecca and Kota, who knew more about zombies than the others, also nodded in approval. Alex understood that he could have just insisted on his idea, and the group would have followed. But he needed time to test what the local zombies were capable of.
"Enough thinking. Pack up your things and let's head to the storage. We'll finally be able to catch our breath and eat. I'll move the bus to the back of the station, so some idiot doesn't steal it," Alex said, waving his hand to end the discussion.
"Guys, grab some rags and take the bodies out of the building. No one wants to sleep with the smell of decay," he added, pointing at the young men.
The guys turned pale, but Alex didn't feel sorry for them. He headed to the bus and started the engine. However, none of them moved toward the bodies.
"What are you waiting for, princesses? Move it, or do you need a kick to get going?" Rebecca intervened, clearly annoyed as she kicked one of the guys in the leg.
Her words worked better than any persuasion. No one dared to argue with Rebecca, knowing her personality was far more dangerous even without the rifle she held. Alex glanced out the window and smirked as he watched Rebecca literally force the guys to work. Once he saw they had finally started moving toward the storage, he shifted his focus back to the road and continued driving the bus.
A few minutes later, Alex noticed someone was following him. It was Rei. Her face showed irritation, and she was clearly avoiding being near the others. Alex raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"Why didn't you go with the others?" he asked, looking at the girl.
"I don't want to see Takashi's face," Rei muttered, her tone cold.
"Your boyfriend?" Alex asked with feigned interest, pretending not to know.
"No," Rei replied sharply, crossing her arms. "He's a childhood friend. But he's acting like a complete idiot. He constantly ignores what people tell him, and then acts like a victim, as if everyone's mistreating him and abandoning him."
Alex chuckled as he listened to Rei. He could only imagine how many more dramatic moments awaited them ahead.
He nodded, giving Rei the chance to vent while he parked the bus. Everything she was saying, Alex already knew, but something about Takashi's behavior continued to trouble him. Rei explained how she had stayed back a year to be in the same class as Takashi, and yet he acted like a complete idiot and didn't even understand her actions.
Alex listened, offering a few short comments, but his mind was elsewhere. He thought to himself: if he had had a childhood friend like that in his past life, he would have been thrilled. But, alas, his life had turned out differently.
He sighed, recalling the carefree days of his past before his reincarnation. He missed those times when he could relax, not constantly worrying about death at every turn. Now, rest had become something out of reach.
After parking the bus, Alex got out and helped Rei climb down. Then he locked the doors to keep the vehicle secure.
"Have you called your family?" he asked, looking at her.
"Yes, but the connection cut out while I was talking to my father. He's a cop, and my mom's a housewife. She used to work in the police too, but decided to focus on the family," Rei replied with a sad smile.
"If you want to try calling again, ask G.I.R.," Alex said, lighting a cigarette. "He's my assistant, a green robot dog. He has access to a satellite, he can help."
Rei looked at him in surprise, gratitude reflecting in her eyes. Alex didn't think much of it—at times like this, everyone wanted to know what was happening with their loved ones. Of course, he also understood the other side of things: sometimes such calls happen at the worst times, when all you hear on the other end are screams and death.
"Thanks," Rei said, unexpectedly hugging him.
"Anytime. I know what you're feeling," he replied, patting her on the back.
"Aren't you worried about your family or friends?" she asked, releasing him.
"They're fine. You don't need to worry about them," Alex dismissed.
In reality, in this world, he had no family or friends to worry about. All his loved ones were back in Orario, and some of his friends remained in Asgard after Ragnarök.
Rei nodded but quickly changed the subject, starting to ask about his life before coming to Japan. Alex, without going into too many details, explained that he had been a mercenary in America before his vacation. He left out certain aspects of his work to avoid frightening her. Rei understood, as her father had dealt with people like that in his job.
As they talked, they reached the storage area. Rei, walking past Takashi, snorted in displeasure and quickly disappeared inside. Takashi only frowned, watching her leave. As Alex walked by, he gave Takashi a pat on the shoulder, as if hinting that solving this problem would be up to him.
Entering the room, Alex noticed that the girls were busy checking the supplies. He found a free spot to sit and take some time to think things through. Now that everyone was relatively safe, he had time for plans and a few experiments.
After a while, the guys returned with pale faces, clearly shaken by the recent task of removing zombie corpses. After ensuring everyone was accounted for, Alex stood up to clarify the situation.
"So, we have a temporary shelter, but we can't relax. We're only staying here for one night to wait out the darkness. I strongly recommend everyone eat and rest. Tomorrow we'll continue moving. If anyone wants to contact their family, you can do so through my assistant, G.I.R.," Alex said, pointing to the robot dog.
The group, though exhausted, agreed with his words. Alex understood that the night was still ahead, and it could bring surprises.
G.I.R. raised his paw, gesturing that he was ready to help. The group nodded in acknowledgment, deciding to have a snack first. With limited resources, the choice was instant noodles. Alex left the warehouse, taking the water heater with him. Some of the girls wanted to take a shower and change out of their bloody clothes, but there was no opportunity for that just yet.
Wanting to distract himself for a bit, Alex headed to the roof to smoke and think about his next steps. To his relief, there was a ladder leading up to the roof. Taking a chair with him, Alex began climbing.
"Why did you decide to go up to the roof?" Shizuka called out, noticing him climbing the ladder.
"I don't want to smoke inside," Alex replied without turning around. "The roof is quiet and spacious, plus the fresh air helps me concentrate."
Once on the roof, Alex placed the chair in the center and made himself comfortable. Lighting a cigarette, he began to think. His plan of action was forming in stages. The first step was rescuing Riki, which would require Shizuka's help. The second was going to Takagi's house, which could be one of the largest concentrations of survivors.
Next, Alex intended to reach the military base to seize a large ship. But the threat of potential nuclear weapon use lingered in his thoughts. Energy at stations and water in the cities might also run out in the coming days. Moreover, the growing group of survivors would inevitably attract attention from zombies and other hostile factions.
From Alex's perspective, the most reasonable option was to steal a military ship and head for Alaska. However, he understood the global nature of the problem: huge zombie hordes emerging in China and India due to their massive populations posed a threat to everyone.
Lost in thought, Alex didn't notice Shizuka joining him.
"Here, that girl with green hair and the gun said you need coffee to think," she announced, placing a cup and a chair beside him.
"Thanks. I see you even brought a chair," Alex smiled.
"Of course! I didn't want to stand. And you know, it wasn't easy—carrying it up without spilling the coffee, but I managed," Shizuka said proudly, lifting her chin and puffing out her chest.
Alex just shook his head, watching her enthusiasm, and began drinking his coffee. They sat in silence for a while. Shizuka, however, was sneaking glances at him, lost in her own thoughts.
She thought about how Alex had appeared at the right moment and saved her, like a knight on a white horse, though the horse was a strange-looking green dog with a huge hammer in its paws. What impressed her the most was Alex's shooting skills—her friend Rika, who served in the police, always emphasized how much time and effort it took to master such skills.
Feeling the gaze on him, Alex finally spoke without turning his head:
"Have you contacted anyone from your family to check on them?"
"I only have one friend, but I'm not sure if I can reach her. She serves in the police special forces," Shizuka replied with a faint smile.
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"Are you talking about Rika Minami? If so, you can use my phone," Alex said, handing her the device.
"How do you know?" she asked, her eyes wide in surprise.
"Maybe by accident, maybe not. I just checked each of your files," Alex answered innocently, shrugging.
Shizuka didn't know how to react to Alex's words. She still had to understand that he was very meticulous about certain things. Alex always made sure to keep everything under control and know who he was dealing with. Seeing Shizuka's shocked expression, he quietly chuckled. Of course, he couldn't tell her that he knew part of the history of this world, but he was sure that since he ended up here, events would inevitably deviate from the original timeline.
"So, are you going to call or not?" Alex asked, waving the phone in front of her face.
"I will. But just so you know, it's rude to dig into a girl's secrets," Shizuka replied, puffing her cheeks.
"Alright, next time I won't," Alex promised with a smirk.
Shizuka continued to sulk, puffing her cheeks, but took the phone and started dialing her friend's number. As she expected, the connection was unavailable. Alex, noticing her disappointment, silently took the phone from her hands and, without explaining, connected to a closed channel. In moments, he managed to establish direct contact with Rika.
When a shocked Rika answered the call, Shizuka still didn't realize that Alex had used a closed channel for this. Instead, she began chatting casually, happy to have reached her friend. Alex, however, already imagined Rika's shocked expression. She looked so stunned that describing her emotions in words would be difficult—Rika was as surprised by Shizuka's call through the secured channel as anyone could be.
Alex decided not to interfere with the conversation and, leaning back in his chair, continued drinking his coffee while gazing at the stars that were slowly appearing in the night sky. His thoughts had already drifted far away. Once everyone went to sleep, he planned to take G.I.R. and head out for reconnaissance to study the zombies up close.
To be continued...