The Devil's Cage-Chapter 1806 - Sunset III

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Chapter 1806: Sunset III

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Edatine palace, council hall.

It was not a big one but a smaller one located near the edge of the palace.

However, everyone knew this smaller council hall was the real place where all important matters that affect the whole of Edatine or even the whole Northern Lands were discussed and decided.

Every single order or decree that came out from this council hall was substantial enough to affect millions of lives.

Therefore, no normal attendants were allowed to approach the vital place.

Other than the subjects summoned by the king himself, only the royal court guardians and the close vassal of the king, Monte, were allowed to approach.

Even Monte’s arrival had to be notified beforehand.

Standing in the corridor outside the door, Monte shook his red dress with golden linings, making sure his attire and looks were clean and neat after he had perfectly carried out the order assigned to him by the king. He smiled at the royal court guardian chief, who was on duty at the door.

He did not smile in a flattering way, but a normal one.

The normal smile with the presence of the thick layer of white powder on his face did not make him look neither fish nor fowl, instead it granted him an exceptional steadiness, increasing fondness in people when looked at.

Everyone wore a mask.

As for Monte, he wore multiple masks on his face. He’d choose different masks to put on when facing different people.

He’d put on the flattering mask when facing Kieran, the respect and equality mask when facing the guards.

When facing Edatine VI?

“Please go in, Lord Monte,” said the chief guard.

“Thank you.”

A very polite thank you later, Monte entered the hall as the chief opened the door for him.

The small council hall was not big, less than 165 square meters.

The fire in the fireplace at the wall burned strongly, providing warmth to the room. A big study table was on the right with quail pens, ink, and documents placed on top, looking messy but actually organized, on the left wall was a wind rack combined with a book rack. The wine rack took up two thirds of the place and held many kinds of alcoholic drinks which could be found all over Northern Lands, plus some from the south.

The book rack had only a few books. The center part had a big ship model instead of books.

Edatine VI was sitting in the only tall back chair in front of the fireplace. The other chairs around him were empty. The king was only in his 50s but his beard was white, cheeks flabby, eye bags puffed, bloodshot eyes that made him look like a ferocious hound, especially when he looked at you, the pressure would double.


Monte stood straight like a knight, then knelt down on one knee and lowered his head.

His actions and postures were meticulous, not a bit of flattery was found, as if he was a real royal subject.

This was the mask Monte put on when facing the king: upright and loyal.

He wasn’t actually fond of his straight looks but the king was.

To an ambitious king, all treacherous court officials weren’t allowed to truly exist, which was why he made an example, a decoy, to attract other people’s attention.

For example, Monte. He knew he was the decoy but he knew it was what the king wanted to see him, not the king himself.

As a close vassal, he has to be dutiful. His job was to distinguish the corrupted bunch from the upright ones and search for the truly capable to help the king.

After that, it would be Edatine VI’s job.

As a king, Edatine VI was exceptionally outstanding in Monte’s view. Whether it was his capabilities or means to approach things, he drew much admiration from Monte.

This time was no exception either.

The new lord of Sicar and the Snake Sect Demon Hunter having dinner together!

It wouldn’t just be a simple dinner though, Monte was able to sense a thing or two from the complicated plans but dared not and could not make guesses. He was just a close vassal after all.

“How is it?” asked Edatine VI.

The king’s voice was hoarse and heavy, as if metal was being grinded on sandpaper. The rugged voice would strike chills down one’s spine.

“The guest is here,” Monte answered.

“Did you see Svenson?” Edatine VI asked all of a sudden.

Svenson, full name Svenson Edatine. In short, Edatine VI’s only son and heir to the throne.

The abrupt question did not send Monte into panic mode, neither did his expression change.

“I saw His Highness earlier. He was in the grand hall.”

State what he saw, avoid irrelevant details and skip the unnecessary guesses.

Monte bore his identity in mind, he would never cross the line.

“He is a young man and young men always act on impulse. More so, a young man like him tends to be rebellious at times. Even though I am king, I can’t stop my son from being rebellious. So I asked someone for help, someone that wouldn’t hold back just because of his identity.”

Edatine VI sounded like he was talking to himself but at the same time telling it to Monte.

“Snake Sect Demon Hunter would be a good candidate,” Monte seized the moment and voiced his suggestion during the little pause in the king’s words.

“Of course. Both Snake Sect and Wolf Sect are very ideal candidates,” Edatine VI smiled, the loose flabby cheeks on his face waving as he curled up his lips.

Monte, who knew a little bit more secrets than others, lowered his head further.

Knowing more wouldn’t necessarily be good, at least it applied to this situation.

The Black Cataclysm was a great shuffle for the north and south. The forces that got annihilated in the calamity were countless.

The most famous among them was the Wolf Sect Demon Hunters. Many people even thought Demon Hunters were a relic of the past, and they would have continued doing so if it wasn’t for the reappearance of Snake Sect.

Everything seemed to be secured but with their appearance, things would have to go through reevaluations.

Unlike those people or factions, who could be easily moved by gains and benefits, Demon Hunters worked according to their heart. They were stubborn as rocks and should they discover the truth about the Black Cataclysm, they… might very well get to the bottom of this, even if it cost them their lives.

Monte had the theory in mind, his lowered head showing a faint sorrow and sighs.

He would never want to be on the opposite of the Demon Hunters.

They were proven to be the best against the monsters, but against normal enemies, they would also be the best assassins.

They didn’t have the honor of knights, they could commit all kinds of acts in order to take out their enemies. The thought of losing his head while he was asleep tightened Monte’s neck.

As for persuading the king? Forget about it.

Should the Demon Hunters come after him, he would die at a later date.

Persuading Edatine VI, however, might kill him on the spot.

More so… it was already too late.

Svenson Edatine would have already made a move against that Snake Sect Demon Hunter.

It was actually the king’s arrangement.

After that?

The secret agents on stand by would swarm over, there would be no fights, only questioning—a display of strength in front of a ridiculously powerful Demon Hunter was not a wise move.

But given that Demon Hunters wouldn’t hurt normal people if they weren’t in danger, the king would surely win this round.

A Snake Sect Demon Hunter under control would surely attract more Demon Hunters forward, both Snake and Wolf sect.

After these Demon Hunters understood the truth, they would surely be apologetic, especially after the king displayed his generous bearing.

This was the deal that the king sought after.

A small conflict leading to his son getting beaten up and he would be able to tie the Demon Hunters on his chariot, it was a bargain!

On top of that, there wouldn’t just be the Snake Sect Demon Hunters, there was also the Mist religious sect!

This religious sect that had proven its strength was also a group the king would like to rope in.

Of course, it also included the new lord of Sicar, Erin Sicar.

Monte was utterly sure that his king would surely throw the bomb of revelation at the perfect timing, exposing the real culprit behind the Black Cataclysm.

Until then…

Sweat broke out of Monte’s forehead as more dots were connected.

The sweat rolled down and entered his eyes, carried powder with it, which stung, but Monte dared not wipe it. He lowered his head and waited for the king to speak.

Fortunately, the wait was not long before the king spoke again, “Have the bunch from Silent Night Secret Society entered the city?”

“The representatives of all 14 councilman entered the city in the afternoon! They are now at Silent Night Town,” Monte reported.

“Silent Night Town!”

A faint grunt came from Edatine VI as he mentioned the town.

To a king, what else was more frustrating than unable to make a move against the foregin town built within his own city, his own turf?

It would be having two of said towns on his turf.

Edatine VI leaned back on his tall back chair, the crown on his head not moving. His bloodshot eyes were staring in a certain direction.

Monte didn’t lift his head up but he knew where his king was looking at.

As a matter of fact, many knew what the king was truly furious about and dreaded: God of War!

The divine existence that had unsevered ties with Edatine.

Some time in the past, the God of War’s actions or words affected the entire kingdom.

Although after the Black Cataclysm, the God of War’s influence had declined greatly, he was still a thorn in the king’s flesh.

“What about the south?” Edatine VI asked calmly, tucking his emotions away.

“Our docks are hard at work. When summer arrives, our ships will be able to fill the entirety of Qitar Bay,” Monte unconsciously raised his volume.

He was excited and it was hard for him to hide his excitement.

As the subject of Edatine VI, he feared the king but also admired him at the same time. He knew should the king’s plan succeed, the situation surrounding Edatine would change entirely.

The slumbering kingdom would be given a new life!

Edatine VI’s achievements would surely race up to the first king.

“Summer, summer,” Edatine Vi muttered softly.

The king then stood up. The old-looking king had the physique and height of a Northerner, time left some severe marks on his face but not his body.

Absent the face, no one would treat him as an old man, especially with his fit physique.

People would treat him as a man in his prime, a very strong king.

He walked to the book rack and picked up the ship model.

It was crafted by the craftsman of the palace.

It wasn’t just the scale that was precise, the sail, the ropes, the hatches, and the cannons looked exactly like ones on the real ship. It was like the whole boat was shrunk down and placed on his book rack.

Edatine VI’s fingers caressed the canons, his bloodshot eyes showed a sense of vicious anticipation.

That gaze was of a conqueror and something a victor was used to.

“How did ‘they’ react?” Edatine VI seemingly asked a casual question as his mind fantasized about something else.

“They tried to rope in the Mist religious sect to their side but the men they sent out failed. Before this, they also tried to contact the Demon Hunters but before they could even get close, our agents took them out.”

Monte knelt down on one knee and slightly lifted his head up, reporting in detail as he looked at the back of his king. His voice had a trace of contempt.

He knew what kind of attitude he should use when speaking of the orthodox party.

He also agreed that the orthodox party deserved to be treated with such a poor attitude.

A bunch of straw bags!

Maybe some among them were admirable and alarming figures but the majority of them were straw bags who could achieve nothing but were good at spoiling things!

Just think about the person earlier today, who tried to persuade the Mist religious sect.

Did he really think of himself as an important figure, showing mercy to the religious sect?

He didn’t even know his position and yet he rushed forward to propose a collaboration, did he really think of himself as the protagonist of a biography novel?

‘If I had such resources, I would have…’

The thought came afloat in Monte’s mind but he quickly stopped himself from imagining things.

He waited quietly and patiently for Edatine VI’s next order.

He knew the orthodox party must be dealt with before summer, otherwise Edatine VI could not proceed with his conquest with a peace of mind.

Right at the moment—

Ring ring ring!

A bell behind the study table suddenly rang.

Monte looked at that direction in utter shock. He never knew there was a bell hidden behind the study table but after he saw the slight change in Edatine VI’s look, he understood the importance of the bell.

Or rather, it was normal that such a bell existed in the small council hall.

The king before him preferred to be prepared for any kind of danger.

Edatine Vi strode behind his study table and pulled the hidden lever to stop the bell from ringing.

“What happened?” Edatine VI bellowed.

His voice was heavier and louder than at normal times, sounding extra pressuring and intimidating, shaking the one in the dark.


Stuttered words plus the trembles made the words incomplete.

Edatine Vi frowned.

It was rare but a bad feeling rose up in the king’s heart.

“What happened?” Suppressing the uneasy feeling, Edatine VI emphasized the question once more.

“It’s His Highness, Svenson! His Highness Svenson… was kicked to death by the Snake Sect Demon Hunter!”

The voice finally became clear.


Monte fell limp on the ground from his kneeling. At that very moment, there was only one word that ran through the close vassal’s mind: ‘F*CK!’