The Devil's Cage-Chapter 1810 - Next Game

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Chapter 1810: Next Game

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Glancing over the merry scene, Bloody Mary sat on its throne and counted the time.

It didn’t mind the noise. Truth be told, it was fond of the noisy and merry scene from a certain perspective.

Attending a banquet as the king was a first for Bloody Mary too. The admiration and respect it got from its subjects was very fresh and it tasted good. Do note that it usually ended up dead, with its head separated from its body or sliced in half, sometimes it even got blasted into a pile of ashes. It had never been treated this way.

If there was no upcoming mission, it would really be a fine day.

Thinking about what it had to face next, Bloody Mary couldn’t hold back its sigh.

Why couldn’t it clone itself? Why couldn’t it be at two places at one time?

If it could clone itself, it would tell its clone to work and it would stay back and rest, enjoying the feeling of being a king. How good would that be?


The vassal’s voice sounded in its ear.

Bloody Mary turned around to Monte and his flattering expression.

“His Highness is just not used to it, I’m sure he will get better with more time to adapt.”

Monte comforted Bloody Mary with obvious lies— time couldn’t do anything against the knot in someone’s heart. Most of the time, when one claims that time will wash away everything, the truth was time had grinded the person’s life to the very end, hence the helpless emotional sigh.

In many situations, one was just trying to label himself with a ‘I don’t care’ tag, since being calculative against a ‘dead’ person would lead to nowhere.

As for the ‘living’ one, they would be even sturdier and stronger, like tempered iron, pressing forward in life.

Monte’s comfort incited dissatisfaction from Marquis Horton.

The old marquis looked askance at the well-known petty character and then said solemnly, “Sire, His Highness seems to have some trouble with his thoughts. Solve the problem and he will be better.”

The old marquis sounded very sincere. As the most loyal subject of Edatine VI, the old marquis was astonished at the scene that unfolded in the palace.

He knew Edatine VI always kept some secrets from him and rarely paid any attention to Prince Svenson, yet he never would have thought Prince Svenson was nothing but a fluke.

However, after finding out about the truth, the astonishment subsided. Quite the contrary, he felt relieved.

This WAS the method of the king he served.

Why would his king place such an obvious weakness on the table to attract hostility?

He wouldn’t. The so-called weakness was a fluke and the real one had been hidden in a safe place for a long time.

What else was more suitable than the elusive Snake Sect Demon Hunters?

The old marquis recalled the situation when the king heard about the Snake Sect Demon Hunters and showed a complicated expression, which was a mix of worries and anger, everything making sense now.

He was worried because His Highness Colin was caught in the trouble.

Anger? Other than War God Temple, the one who was responsible for all this, there was no one else to be mad with.

Besides, this reunion…

His Highness Colin must have heard of his true heritage from his teacher, that’s why he killed Svenson, the imposter.

Especially when the imposter mocked the real heir for his identity, anyone would be mad in that situation, let alone a young man who had left his family and father for more than 20 years, Demon Hunter or not.

It turned out better than expected because it proved that His Highness Colin hadn’t forgotten his true lineage and identity. Therefore, it was a good thing that he was mad at the imposter.

Reacting to the situation with nonchalance would be the scariest outcome.

Though the trouble that plagued His Highness’ mind must be solved too, otherwise things would exacerbate and unhappy incidents were bound to happen in the future.

Those bastards had their eyes on the king’s throne!

The old marquis always probed for danger and was cautious against those persistent and resilient bastards, who grew and multiplied like grass!

“Sire surely has the right away around this, you don’t need to voice your reminder so often!”

Monte inconspicuously mocked the old marquis.

It was a common scene. The old marquis didn’t even care about the vassal, his eyes were on his king.

The old marquis knew who was the ruler and decision-maker.

“Horton, what advice do you have? I have many ways around many things but Colin… the guilt and regret in my heart stopped me from judging what was best and what was worse calmly. I need you Horton, use your wisdom and aid me,” Edatine VI asked softly.

Hesitation and worry appeared on the king’s face, a rather rare expression for the king, at least it was something the old marquis hadn’t seen in the past.

Though what was so strange about it?

The old marquis was also a father himself, he resonated with the king’s feelings, despite the fact that he himself wasn’t a good father.

“I think we should leave the problem in the hands of a capable and suitable person. A young man should be able to help another young man with his problem. My son, Kuer, and His Highness Colin seem to know each other well. I think sending Kuer to approach the problem subtly and provide help would be a decent option.”

“Your son?! My dear lord marquis, don’t assume that I don’t know what you are thinking! Sire is anxious about His Highness but he isn’t without wisdom!”

After the old marquis’ words subsided and before Edatine VI even got the chance to speak, Monte squealed sharply.

Monte squealed but he had control over his volume, only the three of them could hear him.

But other people who had been paying attention to them noticed something unusual.

Monte knew it as well, in fact he did it on purpose.

This was exactly the purpose of his existence.

He was a ‘bait’ thrown out by the ‘bait-holder’, to distinguish some inconspicuous and muddled matters; the ‘bait-holder’ was Edatine VI, the king before his eyes.

The thoughts that ran through the king’s mind, Monte couldn’t wait for them to be uttered before he carried it out, he had to plan ahead and be prepared, that would make him a qualified vassal.

The old marquis looked asquint at him and did not say anything. He too had some guesses about the existence of a vassal like Monte.

Otherwise, the audacious and ambitious Edatine VI would never tolerate a petty person filled with nothing but flattery around him.

Of course, his decision to recommend Kuer to the job had his own intentions as well.

It was not necessary to utter everything verbally.

Bloody Mary was in deep thought for a while, but deep down inside, it was contacting its boss.

“Kuer? Okay”

When Kieran thought of the young noble who had good virtues and a similar hobby with himself, he couldn’t help but agree to the suggestion.

“Let’s continue in the councilroom. Monte, I’ll leave this event in your hands. Horton, bring Kuer here and let him be with Colin.”

Bloody Mary stood up as it gave its order, its huge physique turning heads in the hall and under everyone’s gaze, it walked to Kieran.

“Colin, can you come with me for a while?”

All noises in the grand hall went silent that very moment, even the royal musicians slowed down their musical instruments. Edatine VI’s question was heard by everyone around him.

It was a first for everyone in the hall to hear the begging tone in the king’s question.

Immediately, the last bit of doubt in the people’s heart disappeared.

Other than his role as a guilty father, what else could make the king speak like that?

More importantly, the Snake Sect Demon Hunter reacted coldly at Edatine VI and his begging tone.

At the same time, everyone also acknowledged Svenson was nothing more than a fluke, a shield to protect the real heir. Didn’t everyone see how Svenson behaved like a freezing cicada in winter in front of Edatine VI?

He was nothing like Prince Colin, who was calm and steady, generous with his etiquette and well-fitting.

The power of lineage proved him different.

A fluke would always be a fluke.

The authentic, even if it was buried for some time, would still shine dazzlingly.

“Mm,” Kieran nodded.

Under everyone’s eyes, Bloody Mary and Kieran walked side by side and went away from sights.

The honor of walking beside the king made everyone exclaim at the tolerance the king had for his heir.

Monte grabbed his glass and stood up.


The silver spoon clunked against the glass, a clear chime attracting people’s attention.

“People, today is a special day, a day worthy to be celebrated. Of course, I hope everyone remembers your own identity,” the vassal uttered words fitting to his identity.

Many of the nobles showed contempt on their face when they heard the words.

They knew if the vassal could kneel down to the prince’s shoe and lick it, he would without a second thought, unlike them, who pondered about it and hesitated for a while. They’d hold back until the very last line of defense before they too went up to lick the prince’s shoes.

Likewise, the nobles also noticed Marquis Horton’s temporary absence.

Though before the nobles could find out why the marquis left, they saw Monte run up to the new lord of Sicar and grovel in front of her.

Some were surprised, some were confused, but many were able to figure out the reason for the behaviour from the vassal soon enough, as realization hit them.

Prince Colin came from Sicar!

Damn it! This shameless vassal beat them to it again!

The slow nobles reacted with gnashing teeth, then all of them simultaneously flocked towards the baroness.

Monte chuckled coldly in his heart when the nobles flocked over.

‘A bunch of fools!’ he commented.

The reason why he grovelled in front of the baroness was to create a diversion for the old marquis, distracting the people from noticing Kuer Horton’s arrival.

It was what his king wished for, so he must perform it without shame.

Though when he thought about the old marquis… that cunning old fox!

Monte suddenly choked on his frustrating breath.

Why didn’t he possess the long sight in the first place? If he knew things would go down this way, he would have gotten married early on.

Seconds turned into minutes.

Inside the small council room, Bloody Mary sat on the tall back chair of Edatine VI as though it was sitting on a mattress of needles.

Its eyes were following Kieran as he walked in circles in the room.

If it wasn’t for its boss’ strict order to play the role of Edatine VI well, it would have stood up and let its boss sit down instead.

Both of them did not communicate verbally but through the power of the contract and the content of the conversation was simpler than expected.

“The bell in Silent Night Town is about to ring,” Kieran’s voice rang in Bloody Mary’s mind.


A very simple statement, but Bloody Mary understood what its boss was trying to convey.

“I know. Maximize the gains!” Bloody Mary assured its boss.

“Mm,” Kieran nodded then looked at the book rack.

The book rack of a person held much information about that particular person.

Other than a hobby, many people preferred to hide things inside.

Some hid money, some hid letters from mistresses.

Edatine VI didn’t have any of those habits, but the books and information he read were concerning to Kieran.

After a quick flip through the books, he noticed all the books were about Edatine I and things during that era.

The contents ranged from the smallest detail, like how he dressed and ate, to bigger events like war and annihilating countries.

It wasn’t some exaggerated novel, but a biography.

“Searching for his ancestors?” Kieran wondered as he went through the information and recalled the life of Edatine VI.

Soon enough, his attention was captured by a horizontal line drawn on the book he had in his hand—

Before meeting that prophet, Edatine I never thought he would transform from a declining noble to a king who built his kingdom.


The former was the label and the latter was written by Edatine VI himself.

The question mark proved the doubts in Edatine VI’s heart and it seemed like the late king also noticed something. It was just that he was a step too late.

Kieran shook his head.

He didn’t deny the late king’s capabilities but he had fallen into Broker’s trap and clung onto the bait hard. Given the situation, no matter how capable the person was, his fate would be sealed.

Broker would never spare a chance for his enemy to make a comeback, just like how he was good at concealing himself

Broker really wanted to create an army of pagans? Is that what he really wanted?

It wasn’t that the army of pagans weren’t strong enough. Quite the contrary, consuming the pagans didn’t just increase Kieran’s Origin Forces several times, the darkness and chaos in his body were expelled to their maximum limit.

Even [Lord of Mist] received a huge bump in power.

It ranked up from IV to V straight away! Rank V was a qualitative change to the attributes, to Kieran and to the [Lord of Mist]!

[Name: Lord of Mist]

[Type: Wonder Item]

[Rarity: V]

[Attack: None]

[Defense: V]

[Attribute: 1. Mist Control; 2 Poison Mist Assault; 3. Icy Air Assault; 4. Snow and Rain Assault; 5. Flora Communication; 6. Fauna Summon; 7. Conceal ]

[Effect: 1.Land of Sicar 2. Edatine Castle; 3. Reply; 4. Bless; 5. Deceive Contract]

[Prerequisite: Bound to you who performed all perfect kill]

[Able to bring out of dungeon: Yes]

[Remark: A product of an accident during the Black Cataclysm. Unlike how your predecessor crudely used it, its true potential is being brought out in your hands. After a perfect kill, you started to gain total control over it and with the following perfect kill, it is bound to you and you only. You can use it like your own arm and you can perceive the title that it brings you. And now, after expanding the territory, it can never leave you—you truly own it, it will become your hands and legs, you can use it at will and it is also happy to be used by you.]

[Mist Control: Summon a 1000 meter radius mist and shroud everything in sight, 4/day]

[Poison Mist Assault: Induce Poison to the targets caught by the mist, targets would have to go through 3 times A rank Constitution authentication. Targets who fail all three times will be inflicted with lethal poison damage; targets who fail twice will be inflicted with Powerful poison damage; targets that fail once will be inflicted with Strong poison attack; targets who pass all three will be immune but still trapped in the mist.]

[Icy Air Assault: Able to create a Weak, Average, Strong, Powerful and Extreme freeze attack inside the mist, the icy air cannot go outside the mist’s range]

[Snow and Rain Assault: Able to call upon the normal rain or snow inside the mist, or cast a Weak, Average, Strong, Powerful or Extreme acid rain or hailstorm, the cast effect cannot go outside the mist’s range.]

[Flora Communication; Able to communicate and control floral in the mist, the number of controlled targets cannot exceed your Spirit limit (100 for Advanced Rank, +25 for each rank)]

[Fauna Summon: Able to communicate and control animals in the mist, the number of controlled targets cannot exceed your Spirit Limit (150 small animal, 75 medium-sized animal, 30 big-sized animal, 3 large animal for Advanced rank, +25 for small animal, +10 for medium-sized animal, +5 for big-sized animal and +1 for large animal for each rank increased) (animal smaller than a rat is considered as 3 times the number of small animals)]

[Conceal: Inside the mist, your traces could not be detected; Effect: Undercover +3, Undercover Advanced Skill +1]

[Land of Sicar: Within the Land of Sicar, the title of Mist has become one-of-a-kind and you, who possess the Lord of Mist, can move natural mist at will and induced them with poison, ice, and rain, control flora and fauna inside the mist is also possible (unable to exceed the range of the poison mist, icy air, acid rain, snow, hailstorm, control of flora and fauna +1 level), but it will consume your stamina accordingly.]

[Edatine Castle: Within Edatine Castle, the title of Mist has slowly gained recognition and you, who possess the Lord of Mist, can move natural mist at will and induced them with poison, ice, and rain, control flora and fauna inside the mist is also possible (unable to exceed the range of the poison mist, icy air, acid rain, snow, hailstorm, control of flora and fauna +1 level), but it will consume your stamina accordingly.]

[Reply: You are treated as the God of Mist, you can use the Lord of Mist to reply simply to the prayers of your believers. It will consume your stamina accordingly.]

[Bless: Within Land of Sicar and Edatine Castle, when your believers pray to you, you can consume stamina to bless them with the Blessing of Mist (Blessing of Mist: provide resistance against poison, ice, acid) wherever mist is visible, or provide a blessing to your teammates (communicate with flora and fauna in a short period of time); you can also bless them with Blessing of Ironwall Bloodthirsty (depends on how devoted the believer is during the short period of time), the blessed will be enhanced with 120% Strength, damaged received decreased 65%, able to absorb the blood of enemy to replenish own life. Able to grant Blessing of Conceal (depends on how devoted the believer is, Undercover level will be increased by 1 to 3 levels.]

[Deceive Contract: You’ve been treated as the God of Mist, you can use the Lord of Mist to accept a great amount of worship from the worshippers and then give them some rewards (rewards are not limited to actual items. When you choose an actual item, you can +1 to a defensive attribute permanently, requires a great amount of stamina)]


All-rounded power up!

On top of that, with a thought from Kieran, he didn’t have to hold [Lord of Mist] with his hands anymore, it floated in front of him and swirled around with his thought.

The dazzling glow also dimmed down with Kieran’s thought, looking like a normal crystal the size of a palm.

Ultimately, when [Lord of Mist] flew into his inner pocket, the feeling of yearning rose from his heart.

It was not unfamiliar. He had the same feeling when he first got his hands on [Judgment Scale], but that was weaker, unlike the simple and pure one with [Lord of Mist].

Based on his guess all this while…

A smile appeared on Kieran’s face.

He seemed to have found a shortcut to rank VI, and of course it was not an easy one. He had to be prepared for it and… it wasn’t the time yet.

He still has to confirm something else.

Dok Dok Dok!

Knocks sounded at the door.

“Your Majesty, Your Highness, Marquis Horton and Knight Kuer have arrived,” the voice of the guard came in.

“Come in,” Bloody Mary sat straight right away.

The door was opened, the old marquis and the young noble came in.

“Your Majesty.”

The two of them saluted at the same time, their salutations impeccable, but Kuer Horton couldn’t help but take a peak at Kieran.

His eyes showed surprise, shock, and disbelief.

Kieran had seen too many similar sights in a single night, but Kuer Horton was different, he was considered a friend.

When in front of a friend, Kieran tended to show patience and friendliness.

Therefore, when he caught the peak from the young noble, Kieran returned a smile.

There was no concealment or anything, Kieran reckoned it wouldn’t be necessary.

The young noble flushed and lowered his head.

The old marquis beside him showed a smile and signalled to Edatine VI with a quick glance.

Bloody Mary had no access to all of Edatine VI’s memories, so all it did was squint its eyes subtly and avoid commenting on the subject.

The old marquis was at peace when he saw Edatine VI’s reaction.

“Ahem, Kuer, can you guide Prince Colin around the place? Remember, it’s time for you to be honest with your secret!” said the old marquis.

Intuitively, Kuer wanted to retort but when he saw the king, he sighed a bit and agreed.

“Yes, father,” said Kuer.

He then walked out and Kieran followed.

Kieran didn’t greet Bloody Mary or anything but he nodded at Marquis Horton.

“The problem in his Highness’ heart requires tim,.” explained the old marquis as he looked at the king.

“Mm. I know. Horton, I’m a little exhausted today, I want to rest—I left Monte in charge of the hall but you still have to attend to some details yourself,” Edatine VI nodded.

The old marquis immediately bowed at the king when he saw the bloodshot eyes.

The king might have a good body but rest was mandatory.

Of course, with Prince Colin’s appearance, the king would have to adjust himself as well and no one could be there to see that side of the king.

Which ruler of a country would want someone else to see his soft side?

Therefore, the old marquis stepped out.

The door then closed up, leaving Bloody Mary alone.

It stood up like a king and walked to the bedroom hidden in a corner, seemingly trying to get some rest but its mouth was muttering non-stop.

The mutters were soft and quick, one could only hear it if they were close enough, it sounded like “Next show! Next show!”