The dragon's harem-Chapter 1086: A Massive Soul

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Chapter 1086: A Massive Soul

Back at the abyss, Arad had been left alone in the room with Merlin, Tina and Lala. He approached the bed and took a seat, looking back at Merlin, "So…we still haven't fought yet…"

"You wonder what I am doing here? The answer is simple, I'm being a bit shameless." She said with a smile, "I know that defeating you will be a bit impossible with my current strength and magic…so I was wondering if I could cast some spells at you beforehand."

Arad's eyes slowly turned toward Tina, "Who's idea was this?"

"It was Merlin's idea…but Lala encouraged her." Tina looked back at Lala, "Luckily, the wives agreed to her plan."

"You know that I was born a high human, you can tell us apart by the white hair and blue eyes." Merlin explained and Arad looked at her face, "Your eyes are purple, no, more of a deeper shade of pink."

"The blue color is the visage of mana, there are two types of high humans. Those who are blessed with mana and have blue eyes, and those who are blessed by fate and have gray eyes." Merlin waved her hand, "Your friend Jack is a high human blessed by fate, just means he's far luckier than most people."

"Back to you then, why are your eyes pink?"

"I'll have to explain from the start, I bet you know that we high humans blessed by mana have extremely weak and sickly bodies. And you know that to combat that I've used many spells and surgeries to empower my body." Merlin started explaining how high humans are different from normal humans.

Like how all humans have a circulatory system of blood, they also have a circulatory system of mana. High humans have a bigger and stronger mana circulatory system, which puts a lot of stress on their physical body, weakening it.

The first sign of damage to a high human's body is the loss of melanocytes, the cells that make melanin, as they start acting as mana output sources instead. Which causes the skin to turn pale, the hair to turn white, and the eyes to turn blue.

Merilin was the same, in her early years she was as thin as a broom stick with ribs for breasts, the hair of a 90-year-old woman and ghostly blue eyes.

Using her talent for magic and blessed body, she took it upon herself to fix her own body and strengthen herself without needing to resort to curses like vampirism and lycanthropy. After years of research, she managed to find an ancient tome written by the white mage of legends, in it several treatments and remedies were recorded to sooth the constant damage the body of a high human takes naturally.

The techniques detailed in that tome were made for him so they didn't work for Merlin, so she had to spend years rewriting and developing them. In the end she began slowly treating herself, from implanting magic crystals into her body to absorb the extra mana burning her flesh into inscribing several seals around her organs and changing whatever didn't work inside her body.

"I doubt any other human would survive the treatments I created, but one of them caused me to have a great deal of succubus powers. Mainly to prevent me from degrading into an emotionless chemera." She leaned toward Arad, "My eyes glow somewhat purple is thanks to the pink magic of the succubus blood inside me."

"So your plan is using that succubus blood to charm me?" Arad could see where she was going with that.

"I can both try to put a charm seal on you, and can also make my succubus blood stronger like other succubus by…sucking you dry," She leaned toward him and he looked at her with a suspicious stare… "Now that you mentioned that…I've been wanting to ask something for a while."

"What is it?" Merlin leaned on his knees, staring at his flesh, "I'll answer anything you want to ask."

"Ever since entering your labyrinth and knowing that you've been modifying your body for years…I had this strange feeling that you might be older than you claim…" As he spoke, Merlin opened her mouth to bite him off, almost cutting the poor snake in two.

"You can't ask a woman about her age…" Merlin glared at him, "But…you're right, I've been the archmage of Alina for twenty years and I was nineteen when the city lord employed me." She looked up at him, "I was also in Alcott's party, and I was older than him at the time. What do you think?"

Arad started thinking, "You don't have any family members in Alina and you've studied in the mage's tower…as well as joined the university…"

"You're right, I used to live in Riverside. My parents and sister died of old age years ago. I just went to visit my sister's children a year ago." She stared at him and he started counting on his fingers.

Tina looked at them, "The wives only allowed her to suck you off. Using anything beside her mouth is not allowed until after your fight."

"You knew I was going to make a bet with him…" Merlin looked back at her and Tina pointed at the door, "I'll kick you out if you try to play tricks on the others."

"If I say your parents lived to their sixties and were twenty when you were born…then you're in your eighties?" He made a guess and she bit him, "Wrong…" She started vicariously sucking him in a way the others wouldn't dare do. Loud, deep, and loud.

She let go of his flesh and looked at him, still working her hands. "If you want to guess how old I'm…start by trying to understand what aging is. Why do people grow old? What changes in their bodies, not just their look?"

"Isn't it just due to time passing by?" Arad replied and she bit him again, "No, if you stopped time and lived in there, you'll still age. Time is a measurement tool, not a cause."

"Then…something is constantly changing in the body…and that change takes time." Arad casually said and Merlin's eyes started sparkling. She immediately hugged his torso…

"I love you! Love, love, love you! I knew it from the first time I saw you that you're different from other people…you can see things from my perspective." She couldn't contain her excitement and started rubbing her face on his stomach.

"Isn't that a wrong statement? If you stopped time on someone, they wouldn't grow old." Lala disagreed and looked at Merlin with a confused face.

Merlin looked at her, "In my whole life I wanted to find the love of my life…I wanted someone tall, muscular, rich, gentle and most importantly, smart enough to understand my world view and not nag at my head all the time." She squeezed Arad's flesh between her breasts and started sucking on the tip.

It didn't take Arad long to reach his limit, and she swallowed everything that came out to the last drop, nothing letting a single little swimmer out of her lips. Merlin could instantly feel the succubus blood inside her burning hotter and hotter. The light in her eyes grew more pinkish red and she had finally felt her soul burning.

What succubus can feed off isn't the sperm itself, but it's soul. Every little swimmer carries a part of the father's soul. Those fragments are unstable and would die in hours, disintegrating into nothing unless the little swimmer finds an egg to merge with.

Succubus can take those soul fragments, turn them back into pure energy and fuse it directly with their soul to grow stronger and extend the lifespan of their souls, their life and youth.

Merlin's eye shot wide open and she looked back, "Something is off…Lala, come try it."

"She can't unless she finishes her work." Tina stood between them and Merlin stood, "No, tell the wives, Lala need to suck him and see for herself. She told me how much power I would expect to get from a void dragon, and that it'll probably be a bit stronger from Arad…but, this is more than just a bit stronger."

Lala looked at her with a worried face… ^I was using my illusory arts and mirages to collect his extra semen all of this time and stored it away. I didn't want to eat it immediately since it might show up on my face…but…^

Tina sighed and went to ask the wives, a minute later she returned with an answer, "They said it's okay, only once. And if there is nothing wrong with Arad, both of you would get punished."

"Then, if you'll excuse me." Lala sat between Arad's legs, gave Merlin and Tina worried look then started sucking Arad. When he reached his limit, she immediately choked on his semen.

"The hell is this…how fucking massive is your soul?" She threw most of what she was trying to swallow and Merlin looked at the mess with a sad face, "Why waste it all!"

"Is it really that weird?" Arad lifted an eyebrow and Lala exclaimed, "I've seen Gracie's soul, yours should be at least four times bigger than hers! I felt millions of full souls flow into my stomach."

"Merlin drank it all fine…" Arad pointed at Merlin and Lala shook her head, "No, she isn't efficient, so the amount of energy she can get is small. But even with her low efficiency, she noticed the difference. For me, who is a pure blooded succubus? I got all of that energy and it almost crushed my soul."

"My soul can't be that impressive…" Lala stood and glared at him, "Listen, this isn't a small thing. Your body naturally takes shards of your soul to mix into your sperm like all living beings, but with such a powerful soul…you might even be able to create life, breathe souls into things."

"Breath souls? Create living beings? I can't do such a thing." Arad shook his head but Lala insisted, "The only being that I've ever heard of to be able to do this is the previous overgod AO. He started life and created the whole world. You must understand this, even the gods need to bring life from other planes of existence and plant it in their world. The mother of all life, Gracie can manipulate life, but not create it out of nothing like you."

She grabbed him by the face, "You must learn how to control your soul. And…don't let any succubus drink your semen beside me, if they knew of this, the whole succubus kingdom would chase you. This is like drugs to them, you'll get them addicted with a single sip." She immediately went to lick what she coughed on the ground.

While licking the ground, something clicked inside Lala's head and she immediately stood and grabbed Tina by the shoulder, "Yeah! You! This is it!" She shouted, pointing at Arad's flesh, "The solution!"

"What?!" Tina gasped.

"His soul can create new souls, the only one who can teach him how to control that is the previous overgod AO. But…he died long ago. He should learn how to control and use his soul, and if he did that, then solving your problem would be as easy as snapping his fingers."

"Is it that simple?" Tina exclaimed, but quickly started thinking. It shouldn't be that easy, master such a thing…it seems outright impossible, let alone a feasible method to achieve anything.

Tina and Lala started a lengthy discussion about if all of this was possible. Lala seemed convinced that Arad has the potential and if trained diligently for several years, he could achieve it. While on the other hand, Tina was hopeful, but still didn't want to place such a burden on Arad, especially with a never-heard-of-before technique.

This content is taken from fгeewebnovё

While the two argued, Merlin was busy sucking Arad to her heart contend. One she is the one sucking him off, and one time she is lying on the bed, dangling her head from the side and allowing him to have his way with her throat.

While Merlin helped herself to his flesh and could only do that, the only thing they can't do is stick his flesh in any other place than her mouth. Arad could take this chance to have a closer look at her body, such a succulent feast, he couldn't wait for their fight.

Merlin had spent two hours latched onto Arad. It took so long that the other wives rushed into the room to check. She indeed had the blood of a succubus, it took a lot of effort with all of them working together to pull her away.

Having cooled her head down a bit, Merlin finally cast her beguiling spell on Arad. This charm spell should make it harder for him to use his powers against her, each time he targets her, he will reflexively try to miss.

Finally, Arad's nights are coming to an end and we'll finish the training and officially take Merlin in, next, a barbarian.