The dragon's harem-Chapter 811 Pump Your Wood!

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Chapter 811 Pump Your Wood!

?A pitch-black room existed in the middle of nowhere, Shi sat on the ground, staring forward with a ghastly pale stare on her face. Chains dangled above her head as a fragile-looking crystal ball behind her cracked, shattering into two halves.

She stood and kept looking forward and from the darkness, a white door opened, Arad walked inside with his eyes closed and a dying face. It was the end; his soul was disintegrating and no longer able to keep his bodies alive. Even his clone had fallen down, unable to move.

Shi approached him and lifted her palms, staring at a droplet of blood floating there. It was a short life for Arad, born and dead within a year, unable to see anything of the world.

There was no need for words as neither of them could speak. With Arad's death, all the souls he ate were dying with him, including Shi herself, but she didn't seem upset about it. For a barbarian like her and someone who lived inside Arad's soul for a while, she had learned one thing about him, a thing that probably none had noticed.

Tarrasque had fought for survival, she was the last one of her kind, and so her blood and flesh refused death, as her end would spell doom for her entire lineage. That's why her blood kept moving even after being separated, the cells that should be dying kept seeking survival.

As blood gushed out of Arad's corpse, the senses on his dead clone in the mortal world could still sense it, the mana and blood pumping inside Mira's stomach, the child growing there was still alive.

Mira looked to the side as she felt a hand touch her stomach, and she saw a little girl with pink hair touching her. ^Don't cry, little one. Your daddy would protect you.^

A fist crashed into Vorvadoss's face and sent him flying. He barely stopped and looked forward with a scared face, seeing Arad's corpse, his two halves held together by gravity magic standing with a dead face.

^The corpse moved?^ He gasped, ^There is no soul inside you, and your heart isn't beating. You're dead so remain a corpse!^ He shouted.

Vorvadoss was right, Arad was still dead and that was merely his corpse, moving with one sole reason that was engraved into his whole body and cells, to procreate, he has a son coming into the world, and this monster is a threat to that.

^ARAD!^ Betty shouted but quickly realized the same thing Vorvadoss did, that was just Arad's corpse moving one last time. In the same way that some people could get an erection after death, Arad moved to protect his unborn child.

Vorvadoss wiped the blood on his face and smiled, ^One last move, I see. But it's meaningless like your whole life. Everyone is going to die anywhere. I'll go back to the mortal world and modify it for our kind, it's the end. Your pathetic story ends here, dragon.^ He lifted his arms as the meteors approached the ground with his clones getting ready to kill everyone there.

The meteors halted in the sky, engulfed in purple magic. Everyone gasped and Vorvadoss looked at the sky, confused. ^Gravity magic?^

Arad's corpse moved, grabbing one of Vorvadoss's clones by the head and ripping the face out. One after another, it accelerated and started killing the clones left and right in a rampage.

^How long are you going to keep moving?^ Vorvadoss flew at Arad's corpse with a swing from his sword, but his attack got dodged as he got punched in the face.

Vorvadoss's clones weren't a match for Arad's corpse as they all died with a single hit, and he kept aiming for the main one. Arad kept fighting until the last drop of blood and drop of energy that his flesh had been consumed.

The devil in the back started at Arad's corpse in horror, and even Betty and Tempo couldn't believe their eyes.

^This dragon is keeping his body together with gravity magic while holding back the stars and killing everyone he comes into contact with, and he's doing it from the grave.^ The devil growled and clenched his fist.

^Let's hurry!^ Betty lunged forward with the crystal in her fist. She needs to break it on Vorvadoss to teleport everyone back home. But her plan proved hard to execute as keeping a barrier around Tempo's large body was sucking most of her magic and she couldn't accelerate to the speed of light. Going between the rampaging Arad corpse and Vorvadoss was a death wish.

^Don't mind me!^ Tempo growled, his skin cracking with streams of lava as it turned black in color. He jammed his titanic sword into the ground and roared a tempest of smoke, ash, and embers burned out of his throat, heating the whole place.

^Don't move!^ Betty shouted in her mind, ^You're the largest of us! You'll die before you can blink!^ She jumped between Vorvadoss's clones and approached him.

^Still coming at me? Halfling!^ Vorvadoss roared but Arad sniped him from several meters away using the severed head of one of the clones.

She growled, the impact had sent Vorvadoss flying away from her, which was making her job even harder. But she can't complain to Arad, he's already dead and his corpse is only moving with the sole reason of killing Vorvadoss. Betty knew it was impossible to kill such a monster, thus had shifted her priorities to teleport everyone back.

The crystal had clear rules, and the first was that Vorvadoss was always excluded from the teleport. The second rule is that the one who breaks the gem stays, which is why Betty wants to smack Vorvadoss with it. She'll be staying with him if she breaks it.

As Betty chased Vorvadoss everywhere with the devil and Tempo helping her, they managed to notice that the magic gushing out of Arad's corpse was only growing larger and larger. Since he died, something had been unleashed inside him. Unknown to them, it was just him not being able to keep focusing on refining his void to cure Zul, which means he now has full access to his reserves.

Flatail ran through the chaos, crying his eyes out and barely managing to remain alive after his tail got crushed by one of the abominations. A literal titan was jumping above his head and swinging a mountain-sized sword. This wasn't a welcoming place to a small beaver; his eyes stared back and saw Arad ripping hordes of Vorvadoss like they were nothing, his arms flew through them like a chainsaw through butter.

When Tempo swung his sword at Vorvadoss, the impact sent a shockwave of scorching hot air that flung Flatail away and burned his fur, ripping his skin off. He was out of place, in a place where a monster like Vorvadoss existed, where Arad was fighting alongside a Titan, a devil lord, and a light wizard, a beaver was the last thing that should've existed there.

DING! DING! A small crystal rolled to Flatail's feet drenched in blood. He looked at it with a gaping face and a baffled mind, through the tears running down his eyes, he could see Betty had barely dodged an attack and got slashed on the left side. She might've survived the hit, but she dropped the gem.

Flatail instinctively picked the gem with his shaking hands, staring at it for a second as chaos exploded around him.

^Break it! Get back home!^ Vorvadoss's voice boomed across his mind, in this space the abomination where everyone heard each other thoughts, Vorvadoss was the only one capable of shutting them off and directly speaking to one. He's a native to this place after all.

^That beautiful beaver, Filo was her name? She's awaiting you down in the mortal world, do you remember her beautiful teeth and flat tail? She's crying, calling your name.^

Flatail clenched his claws on the gem. 𝘧𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀ℯ𝘣𝓃𝓸𝓿ℯ𝘭.𝑐𝓸𝓂

^That's it, little one. Forget about those long-lived monsters, your life is short, go back and have fun, live your life. What's the problem, I'll be stuck here with them for decades, and you'll never see me or them again.^

^That fucking beaver! Why isn't he giving the gem back?^ Betty's voice echoed in Flatail's head, but he had no way of knowing it was Vorvadoss's tricks.

^I'll drag him and Filo to hell with me.^ The devil's voice came.

^What beaver? I don't see anyone.^ Tempo's voice came in.

^That beaver Filo, she was nice, I'll mate her once I get back, I'm sure that idiot Flatail would love that.^ Arad's voice was the last one to pierce Flatail's mind, and he looked down with a sad and devastated face.

Vorvadoss's laughs echoed in his mind, mocking him for even believing in someone who wasn't a beaver. ^You're a mockery among them, give up. Live your life, those bastards are better left to rot here, don't you agree?^

Flatail clenched his fist on the gem, his eyes glaring forward in absolute rage with his teeth grinding. As tears dripped down his cheek, he growled, "Go pump your wood!" He shattered the gem.

Everyone's vision went black, and Betty opened her eyes inside the cavern with the devil, Tempo, and Arad's corpse. They fell on the ground, panting for air, but something seemed amiss.

Arad's corpse stopped moving and fell to the ground, and the devil looked everywhere in panic. "What did happen?" He yelled.

"That idiot!" Tempo growled, "He sent us back."

"It can't be!" Betty cried.

In the outer void, Flatail stood alone in the middle of the hordes of Vorvadoss's clones as the meteors Arad was holding began to fall again. He began bleeding from every hole as Betty was gone and her spell disappeared alongside her.

Vorvadoss picked him up by the neck, "Such a hideous small beast. Why did you send them back?" He said calmly as veins bulged on his neck and face, showing rage.

Read Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power
AdventureFantasyMysteryMartial Arts