The Emperor and the Knightess-Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

Unlike the other families where they reunited in their own homes, Sir Ainno and his family met in the royal castle. It was fitting since the castle was Sir Ainno’s second home since his childhood.

Sir Ainno saw his younger brother, who was wearing his blue guard uniform and standing behind Duke Luzo.

Sir Jainno.

He was three years younger than his older brother, Sir Ainno. Sir Jainno also wanted to join Lucius the First in his conquest, but in most cases, at least one male member had to stay behind. What happened in Sir Baufallo’s family, as well as Sirs Aeke, Beke, and Deke, was rare. It was especially considered a gamble at the time because many thought this conquest would be a disaster.

But the risk-taking paid off for these families because Lucius the First was victorious. Those who entered the war were going to be rewarded richly.

But Marquis Seki’s family, where Sir Ainno belonged, did not give up all of their sons. They didn’t even give up their firstborn. Sir Ainno ended up joining the war thanks to his friendship with Lucius the First.

Seki family had a close relationship with the Acreian royal family for generations. But despite it, they refused to send two of their sons. If Sir Ainno didn’t insist on going, his younger brother Sir Jainno would have been allowed to join the war.

Instead, Sir Jainno ended up winning the honor of protecting Duke Luzo. With this position, he didn’t expect to be remembered in history as a hero, but Sir Jainno was still satisfied with it since it was an honorable duty.

Sirs Ainno and Jainno weren’t very close, but Sir Jainno still greeted his brother happily. This was because he wanted something from Sir Ainno. As long as Sir Ainno remained Lucius the First’s head of the guard division, Sir Jainno knew he would never take that position away from his older brother. But for some crazy reason, Sir Ainno gave up this greatest position to some foreign woman and returned home as the head of a new order.

Sir Jainno served Duke Luzo faithfully during the last 10 years. He had no doubt that he would become the next head of the royal guard division. Based on his skills and experiences, this had to be the case.

Sir Jainno lived his whole life under Sir Ainno’s shadow. Becoming the head of the guard team was his lifelong dream. Sir Jainno never expected Sir Ainno to die in war. He expected his older brother to survive and return, but as the head of the guards.

It seemed, however, that something incredibly unexpected happened. Sir Ainno gave up the position voluntarily, which meant that Sir Jainno had a chance.

Meanwhile, Sir Ainno was pleasantly surprised that his younger brother greeted him with a warm smile.

‘Hmm… I guess he liked me more than I thought.’

But Sir Ainno was not naïve. He knew that his brother, as well as everyone in the banquet, was after something.


Lucius the First looked around the hall. It had been 10 years since he last saw his home, but he still didn’t feel much. Duke Luzo obviously spent a lot of time and care to arrange this feast. Lucius the First smiled smoothly. The atmosphere was pleasant, and there were many nobles who looked up to him with pride and respect.

So far so good.

As they walked together to the banquet, Duke Luzo told Lucius the First a brief summary of major changes in Acreia. They talked about things they could not discuss through the letters during the last 10 years.

The castle itself didn’t look much different. Maybe there were more expensive decorations? Lucius the First wasn’t sure. It was possible since the colonies would’ve sent valuables to Acreia as offerings, but overall, the emperor didn’t find a major change in his home. The air especially still felt the same.

Cold northern air, it filled his lung as he breathed in deeply. Lucius the First smiled and greeted the elders. “I see that you all have gained more wrinkles. Time hasn’t been kind to you, anyone here closer to the ground yet?”

At the emperor’s rather crude joke, everyone laughed. Lucius the First was asking why none of the elders have died yet, and although they all understood it, they had no choice but to laugh.

He was the victorious emperor after all.

Lucius the First continued to smile. He loved making the first attack like this. It was even more fun when his opponents couldn’t fight back.

‘You old bastards.’

It was clear the elders bullied Duke Luzo while he was gone. Duke Luzo’s receding hairline said it all.

The elders laughed at the emperor when he announced his plan to conquer the world. They told him he was being young and naïve. During the entire conquest, the elders incessantly insisted he should return home immediately.

But look at them now…

Lucius the First returned as the emperor of the entire continent, and they were looking at him with proud smiles like they knew that he was going to succeed, like they have been supportive of him all this time. But even as they smiled, the emperor could see their wrinkles deepen and their mouth quiver awkwardly.

Duke Luzo stood next to Lucius the First and smiled gleefully. Despite his receding hairline, Duke Luzo was still a very handsome man. Two handsome unmarried cousins standing side by side made the unmarried ladies stare excitedly. The parents of these ladies looked ambitious and determined.

Marquis Seeze replied with a smooth smile, “We are so happy to see you return, your highness.” As expected, these old men weren’t easy opponents. They got to where they were because they were cunning and patient.

Marquis Seeze, who was over 70 years old now, bowed lightly. Lucius the First said to him, “Marquis Seeze, you look so much older now.”

“Hahaha, it’s my job to get older as an old man, your highness. How have you been?”

“You look like you should be resting at home. Why did you come?”

“I just wanted to come and make sure my grandson did a good job of protecting your highness.”

“I will not forget what your family has done for this country.”


Lucius the First and Marquis Seeze smiled at each other. The emperor was a beautiful young man while Marquis Seeze, a 70-year-old man, looked very different. However, they had one thing in common and that was that they hated each other.

‘Stupid old man.’

“Naïve little boy.’

If Marquis Seeze didn’t object to this conquest, the former emperor, Lucius the First’s father, could’ve been the one who began this journey.

Just then, a young girl appeared from behind Marquis Seeze and whispered, “Great Uncle.”

She was young, but she was still a very beautiful lady. As soon as Marquis Seeze moved to introduce her, Lucius the First knew immediately what this was.

‘Already? I guess the husband-hunting begins now and I am the juiciest target.’