The Emperor and the Knightess-Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

When Poliana returned to his tent, she saw that a wooden bathtub was ready and filled with water. She took her clothes off and checked the temperature of the water. As expected, it was cold.

She was too tired to wash, but she knew this was necessary. In the past, she used to wash once a week at most, but those times were long gone. She was the head of the personal guard division, so she needed to pay special attention to her hygiene.

She made sure her uniform was always spotless and wrinkle-free. She even got a wooden comb for herself. When the other guards saw it, they were appalled that she got a cheap wooden one. They nagged her to get a higher quality brush for herself.

Poliana then replied, “It’s not like a better brush would improve hair quality.”

“Yes, it does!”

When her subordinates insisted, she decided perhaps that she needed to buy a new brush.

‘Well, I guess if they say so, it must be true.’

She would have to get either an ivory or a jade comb when she gets a chance. Poliana clenched her teeth and got into the bathtub. She dipped her head once as well and quickly began to wash herself. She rinsed her hair and rubbed her body with a bar of soap. The water was so cold that her body became covered with goosebumps, but she ignored it and continued.

“Gosh, it’s freezing.”

It took a very long time for the smell of alcohol to disappear from her body. After rinsing her body three times, Poliana finally got out of the tub.

Poliana was busy drying herself with a towel when suddenly, she felt a presence at the entrance to her tent. She quickly grabbed her sword.

“Sir Pol, why is my dog running around in that hideous reptile hide…!”

It was Lucius the First.

Lucius the First was having a drink because he was unable to get to sleep. Feeling lonely, he searched for his hunting dog and when he found him, he was outraged. His beloved dog was wearing that dreadful reptile hide like a coat.

The dog, happy to see his master, jumped up at Lucius the First, but to the emperor, it looked like a ghastly monster attacking him. Lucius the First ran away and still feeling lonely and needing good company, he decided to visit one of his most understanding knights.

Someone who wouldn’t reprimand him for breaking the promise of leaving his tent alone without a guard.

…and that was Poliana.

It wasn’t the first time Lucius the First visited Poliana’s personal tent unexpectedly. As they got to know each other better, the emperor came to like Poliana as a person.

Poliana, in turn, felt even more strongly about her emperor. She respected him and hoped to become closer to him. The two of them both wanted the same thing.

This could occur easily because as his personal guard, Poliana spent a lot of time with him. Lucius the First, who treated his knights with unusual familiarity, had a good feeling about Poliana.

An instinct that Poliana was going to be someone very special to him.

He wondered what she would turn out to be. Would they become the legendary emperor and knight combo? Or perhaps she could become his friend?

Sir Ainno was already friends with Lucius the First even before he became a knight. Duke Luzo was close to the emperor, almost like a friend, but they were cousins first. Sir Aino was… a friend who was a bit of a jerk. Duke Luzo was a close relative who was… a good guy but gets easily manipulated and used.

Unlike the two, Lucius the First and Poliana’s relationship began very differently. They began strictly as a business acquaintance, but they were beginning to become personal friends.

The emperor and the foreign knightess. Lucius the First wanted to become Poliana’s friend, and it was a good thing because he already knew Poliana was in love with him, not as a man, but as her master and emperor.

It didn’t take long for Poliana to gain special privileges. She now had the right to request a private audience with him. She was also allowed to have a seat on a chair in his presence and not just any chair, but a chair with a back and even armrests.

She could get onto the horse in front of him and was also allowed to have a conversation with the emperor while on the horse. Being able to wear a hat and lie down in front of the emperor… Being able to leave his presence without his permission… Being allowed to ask for his audience at a moment’s notice without a formal request… The list went on and on.

‘Oh, but he didn’t give me permission to be naked in front of him… wait.. there is no such thing.’

Lucius the First came here just to have a drink with Sir Poliana. If he knew she was having a bath, he certainly wouldn’t have come. The problem was that he hasn’t been seeing Poliana as a woman. He realized that it was a mistake to unexpectedly visit her tent so often.

The emperor contemplated. ‘Should he apologize to her?’

An emperor had to be careful about apologizing because a ruler was supposed to remain flawless in front of his people. When Lucius the First hesitated, Poliana put down his sword and greeted him.

“Your highness, why aren’t you coming in?”


“You’ve already seen everything of me before, so why are you so shocked?”


Poliana swore her fealty to Lucius the First naked. She didn’t have an attractive body, and she knew her emperor didn’t see her in a romantic way. She felt comfortable and unashamed in front of him. Besides, what worried her the most was the fact that Lucius the First was walking around the base alone and unprotected. The best thing now was to get dressed quickly and make sure to remain with him as his guard.

Poliana put on her clothes quickly. Lucius the First still looked embarrassed, but he walked in and sat down. He replied, trying to look calm, “Yes, of course. This isn’t the first time I am seeing you naked, so it’s all good.”

Lucius the First pretended to be indifferent while taking a secret look at Poliana’s body. If he looked away, it would have looked like he was embarrassed and trying to avoid her.

In his memory, Poliana’s naked body was miserable and sad. She was covered in old and fresh scars and bruises. But today… Her body looked entirely different. Lucius the First felt proud and happy. He smiled and said, “The condition of your body has improved greatly since you became my knight, Sir Pol. Many of your scars have faded, and… oh wait, how did you get that new injury on your waist? It looks new.”

“It happened when I was under Sir Rabi.”



After fully being dressed, Poliana grabbed some snacks and laid it out in front of her emperor. This was what he came here for, to drink and chat with Poliana, but Lucius the First still felt a little awkward. When he looked hesitant, Poliana started the conversation. “So what brings you here, your highness?”