The Era of Gods-Chapter 67 - A Troublesome Issue

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Chapter 67: Chapter 67 A Troublesome Issue

Translator: 549690339

A thick blue beam of light burst out from the temple, and the ocean began to boil. Blue light from all directions surged from the sea, converging into a massive mermaid phantom wearing a gorgeous crown. Its face was indiscernible, and with every movement, it could manipulate the essence of the seawater in the ocean.

This deity definitely possessed the powerful Ocean Divine Position, otherwise it couldn’t possibly contend with a demigod just through an incarnation.

Although a high-level demigod was indeed stronger than a normal demigod, it was still unlikely that one could fight a normal demigod solely with an incarnation. Only such high-level demigods who owned a powerful divine position could achieve this in the short term, relying on the temple and home ground advantage.

Ocean was an extremely powerful divine position, ranked alongside War, Earth, Light, Darkness, Death, Slaughter, and other potent divine positions. It was one that could be promoted all the way to powerful divine strength, highly coveted by many.

Regarding the Snake People Demigod, judging by the current performance, it definitely held the Snake-man God’s Duty and there was a high probability that it also held the Blood God’s Duty.

Of the two divine positions, the Snake-man God’s Duty had certain potential, whereas the Blood God’s Duty fell short. However, if one could gather several other divine positions and synthesize the Blood God’s Duty into the Slaughter God’s Duty, that would be instantly phenomenal.

Kill the God’s Identity was not inferior to the Ocean’s God; it governs battle and is stronger in the aspect of combat than the Ocean Divine Position.

As the two god-level existences clashed fiercely, waves of dreadful might surged back and forth. The city walls near the west gate of Yuyuan City could only withstand four or five waves of the aftermath before starting to destabilize, terrifying nearby soldiers into a frenzied escape. Lin Xiao also seized the opportunity to flee into the city.

But he hadn’t gotten far when he was blocked by several Fishman priests and a troop of Temple Knights. The leader was a beautiful female Mermaid Priest, human-headed and fish-bodied, wielding an exquisite Coral Staff.

Her fish scales on the lower body were aqua blue while her upper body’s skin was delicate. Her slender waist was slim enough to be encircled with a grasp, and the flat stomach had a crystal embedded in the navel area. The crystal swung seductively with the movements of her waist as she swam.

Her attire was quite bold, with only two shells covering her full breasts. A string of blue pearls dangled in the crevice between the shells. Her face was very delicate, with a hint of seduction and a touch of holiness. She first bowed to Lin Xiao and softly said,

“Clan Leader, the Archbishop wishes to see you.”

Alright, he had anticipated this, and replied unruffled,

“Please lead the way!”

He was not naive enough to think that one could block the shots for others and still leave easily. Don’t take people for fools; he was prepared to pay a certain price from the beginning.

The Sea God Temple was located in the very center of Yuyuan City, even the Yuyuan City Lord’s Mansion was beside it.

Yuyuan City was a city built in the sea, with the entire city situated on the underwater reefs. Fish could be seen swimming above the city now and then, with houses made of shells and stones having many barnacles and other shellfish living on their sides. Seaweeds grew along the edges of the houses, and kelp strands dangled down, stretching tens or hundreds of meters upwards, looking like slender trees from a distance.

Near the temple, there were many beautiful corals, and various colorful fish swam in and out of the corals without fear of the nearby Temple Guards.

Inside Yuyuan City, various marine races coexisted harmoniously, such as the common Fishman, Lobster Man, Octopus man, starfish, clam people, and more, giving Lin Xiao a feeling…

So many large and delicious live seafood!

Of course, what caught his attention even more was the beautiful Mermaid girl in front of him, whose swayingly slender waist was incredibly tempting.

After bringing Lin Xiao to a side hall of the Temple to meet the Old Fish Man Archbishop, the Mermaid girl left. In the hall with only him and the Archbishop, Lin Xiao followed the standards of a believer and prayed before the Sea God’s sign, then turned to see the Old Fish Man’s expression full of interest and eyes containing a certain implication. A bad feeling suddenly struck him.

As he suspected, the Archbishop’s words shocked him as soon as he spoke,

“Being from an unknown land, I am Loren, the deity of the Ocean.”

The Old Fish Man’s voice stood out in stark contrast to the subtle air of authority, signaling to Lin Xiao that the one speaking to him was certainly not the old protagonist, but an embodiment of the Sea God’s will.

Clearly, the Sea God was already aware of his identity.

No, to be precise, the Sea God had long been waiting for a student like him; it wasn’t just him — any student who encountered the Sea God would experience the same.

The pretense of humility vanished from his face as he slowly straightened up and gazed at the Archbishop who was emitting a faint blue glow at some point. Placing a hand on his chest, he bowed slightly and said in a deep voice: “Sebolex, 1 greet Your Majesty the Sea God!”

He dared not speak his full name, only the part of his true name that could be revealed when opening the Divine Realm.

In the world of deities, a true name represents one’s own source, the fountainhead of strength, and must not be disclosed carelessly, for it could easily be exploited by enemies through various means to gain control.

The true name displayed on Lin Xiao’s attribute board — Sebolex Meyer — was actually just a part of his real name. Beyond that, there was a much longer segment of his hidden true name, which he was unable to see with his current strength.

As he grew stronger, for instance, becoming a demigod, a new segment of his true name would appear. When he became a high-level demigod, another piece would be revealed, and yet another upon becoming a deity. The stronger the power, the longer the true name — it was said some with powerful divine strength have true names extending over a hundred characters, incredibly lengthy.

“May I know why Your Majesty the Sea God has come to see me in person?”

At this moment, he was equal to the Sea God.

The Sea God was aware of this and didn’t take offense, but simply said:

“I know you all come from a powerful nation, and this plane is your private domain. In the tens of thousands of years since I became a demigod, I have seen too many beings like you freely come and go on this plane. I am curious and wish to know some information about your nation.”

Lin Xiao looked at the Archbishop for a long while and suddenly smiled:

“Your Majesty seeks more than just some information. Having lived for tens of thousands of years and seen many companions like myself, could it be you have never asked them?”

The Sea God nodded and then shook his head:

“I have asked before, but their answers vary greatly, and I cannot discern the truth.”

“Then how would Your Majesty know I will speak the truth?”

“That’s why I need your lordship to swear an oath upon your true name, ensuring that every word spoken is true.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Then I’m sorry, but I would have to hand you over to Gras.”

“That is indeed troublesome!”

Lin Xiao rubbed his forehead, slightly vexed.

It was certainly not something he could agree to; the Federation had strict prohibitions against revealing information about the main world civilization to native deities, especially important information. Any mistake would have serious consequences, such as being deprived of the privilege to use the Divine Realm Login Cabin. In other words, he would never be able to return to the Divine Realm and would have to stay in the main world, tantamount to being ruined..

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