The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl-Chapter 183: Entry to Beijing

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Chapter 183

In addition to letters, Li Mingwei also prepared some gifts for them. As soon as Lord Tang received them, he immediately sent someone to deliver them. The servant delivered Mr. Jin's and Hu Jin's things to the school, and Dong Lei went home with him.

He pushed open the courtyard gate excitedly and rushed in, "Dad, Mom, Auntie sent a letter, and she also sent us a lot of things."

Wang Chunhua frowned. Why send more things? Didn't they say a letter would do? There's nothing lacking at home. She went out to greet them and saw there were guests, so she hurriedly took off her apron to entertain them.

Dong Shan helped the servant carry the things into the house, then sat down, "What did she write?"

Dong Lei opened the letter, read it once, then said, "Auntie asked when we're going to the capital..."

"Mom!" He was a bit excited for a moment, almost jumping up, "Are we going to the capital to see Auntie?"

Wang Chunhua and Dong Shan exchanged a glance, smiling, "Your Auntie's grandfather teaches there. She's sending you to study at her place."


Dong Lei pointed at himself. He's going to the capital to study? This isn't a dream, right?

He realized and stared at his parents intently, "Am I going alone?"

"No, we'll accompany you along with your sister. After you start classes, we'll come back." Wang Chunhua saw he was a bit unhappy and pulled him to her side, "There are things at home we need to take care of. We can't stay with you all the time, but we'll visit you when we can. You should listen to your Auntie then."

"And your Auntie's husband, Granny Wang, they'll be there too."

The servant cleared his throat and interjected, "Lord Liu has been transferred to Yunzhou to serve as chief advisor and is no longer in the capital."

"Chief advisor?"

"What's that official position?"

"Well..." The servant thought for a moment, then explained, "A chief advisor assists the Governor. Yunzhou is in the Central Region. Lord Liu is now a sixth-ranking official, even higher than our lord here."

Dong Shan and Wang Chunhua's jaws dropped. Their brother-in-law is so capable that after just one or two years in the capital, his rank surpasses even that of the Tang County Magistrate!

The couple's gaze fell on Dong Lei, strengthening their determination to send him to the capital.

"It's fine. Brother-in-law isn't here, but your sister is." The more Wang Chunhua said, the more uncertain she felt. Shouldn't Dong Lei's sister go to Yunzhou with her husband? After they finally reunited, they couldn't be separated again.

"She's here. Lady Liu is pregnant now and can't travel long distances, so she's been staying in the capital." 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

"Pregnant again?" Wang Chunhua was somewhat surprised. "How many months?"

The servant calculated, "About four or five months, I don't know much. We'll have to ask the lord."

"Alright, alright." Wang Chunhua agreed, letting Dong Lei continue reading the letter.

With the letter's back and forth, it was already autumn by now. Naturally, they couldn't set off immediately. They agreed on next year, which would also be around the time Li Mingwei was due to give birth. It would be good to visit the child then.

The servant only asked them to leave a few days before departure to inform the county office, and they agreed, seeing him off at the door.

"Next year isn't far off," Wang Chunhua said, running her hand over the fabric Li Mingwei had given her on the table, her gaze shifting to Dong Lei. "Let's start preparing. I'll take this fabric to the embroidery workshop tomorrow and have everything made."

And Dong Lei's shoes and socks—once he's gone, he won't be back, so we need to prepare more for him. Our little sister doesn't have much money left, and we can't let her spend it on these small things.


Dong Shan didn't refuse. He just let her do as she pleased, while he started going up the mountain more frequently. They still weren't sure if they had enough money for the journey, and they needed to set aside a year's expenses for Dong Lei.

Before setting off, Wang Chunhua left some money with Aunt Lin, asking her to occasionally check on the house. They'd be gone for a month round trip, and they might not be able to return for a while if something unexpected happened.

Before leaving, Dong Lei specifically went to bid farewell to Mr. Jin. Since he was six years old, Mr. Jin had been his teacher. Now he was getting a new teacher, and Dong Lei felt a twinge of reluctance.

"Mr. Jin~"

Mr. Jin smiled and waved his hand. "Go on, go on. I'm just a mere scholar. The scholars in the capital are much more knowledgeable than me. Study hard, and you'll surely excel in the future."

"But..." Dong Lei's eyes grew slightly red as he looked at the gray-haired Mr. Jin. He was already in his teens and understood some aspects of life and death. He didn't know when he would return from this journey, and where would Mr. Jin be then?

He didn't want to dwell on it any longer. He simply knelt down and respectfully kowtowed to Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin accepted his gesture, helped him up, and waved him off.

Wang Chunhua watched Mr. Jin's departing figure, sighing. She called out to Dong Lei, "Let's go. Study hard, and Dad and I will take good care of Mr. Jin when we return."

Dong Lei agreed and followed them as they headed to the county town.

This wasn't their first time at the county yamen, so they knew the way well enough. They met Lord Tang, explained their reasons, and he let them stay for the night, arranging for servants to prepare the carriage and horses for their departure the next morning.

"Thank you, Lord Tang."

Tang Shan waved them off with a smile. "It's nothing. Besides, I have something I want Jue'er to deliver. When you see him, tell him to send home a letter more often. We don't know what he's busy with day after day."

Wang Chunhua had always been fond of Lord Tang, immediately complimenting, "What else could he be busy with? Of course, studying. Maybe next year, Lord Tang might become the top scholar's father."

Although she felt it was unlikely, Tang Shan's face still lit up with a smile. "I hope so."

Before the family of four set off, Tang Shan still sent a letter to the capital city as usual. Li Mingwei was in her postpartum period, just counting the days, so Tang had someone wait at the city gate for Jue'er.

It was a coincidence that Wang Chunhua and her family arrived just in time for the celebration of their third son's full moon. Following the servant who had come to pick them up, they arrived at Li's doorstep, gazing at the bustling crowd ahead, feeling a bit bewildered.

"What's going on?"

The servant led them inside, explaining, "Today, the mansion is hosting a banquet, so there are more people than usual. Master Dong and Madam Dong, please go in quickly. Madam Liu has been waiting for you for a long time."

Dong Lei raised his head, furrowing his brows. "Why is it the Li Residence?"

"Oh." The servant slapped his forehead, realizing he forgot to mention to them, "Madam Liu, originally named Li Mingwei, this is Madam Liu's maiden family."

Mingwei, Li Mingwei, the names rang a bell in Wang Chunhua's mind, but she didn't think much of it. She just stared at the gate of the Li family, feeling a bit shaky, instinctively reaching out to Dong Shan for support.

Her smile seemed somewhat insincere. "Teaching in the capital, is it that profitable?"

Is this mansion a bit too grand?

The servant chuckled, saying no more, simply gesturing to the gatekeeper of the Li family and leading them inside.

Ah Xiu quickly came out to greet them, guiding them to Li Mingwei's courtyard. "Miss, Madam is not feeling well at the moment. How about you and Sir go inside to talk?"

Wang Chunhua became worried. "Hasn't she recovered from childbirth yet? Why can't she come out?"

"She received guests in the morning, and she's a bit tired now."

Today, with the announcement of the Li family's heir, there were too many guests. Li Mingwei was overwhelmed, so she went back to rest after lunch.

They arrived late, so Li Mingwei had the kitchen set up another table in the courtyard and forced herself to stay alert, waiting for them to sit down.