The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity-Chapter 147 - All-Around ACE, Who Would Believe Such a Character

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Chapter 147: All-Around ACE, Who Would Believe Such a Character

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Soon it was Saturday. ๐‘“๐ซ๐‘’e๐’˜๐šŽ๐˜ฃ๐š—๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐ž๐‘™.co๐‘š

[Star Idol] played fair, and every performance was broadcast live.

And the first performance was on Saturday night.

Netizens prepared fried chicken, cola, melon seeds, and potato chips, sat in front of the screen, looking forward to the first performance stage.

Before the live broadcast began, the screen rolled to play the traineesโ€™ first stage, and the theme music video.

At 7:30 am, the live broadcast started on time.

It was pitch black. From the twinkling glow sticks on the stands, it could be seen that there were no empty seats.

The silent stage background lights slowly lit up. The camera gradually moved closer and aimed at the center of the stage.

In an instant, all the lights were lit up. Everyone clearly saw the girl in the center of the stage.

Her long pink hair was tied into a single ponytail, revealing her slender and fair swan neck. Her palm-sized face was beaming with a smile. Her black eyes were like a lake that had been smashed into pieces, sparkling and flickering endlessly.

The girlโ€™s shapely eyebrows were curved, her bright eyes and white teeth. The sequins attached to her eyelids reflected the lights of the stage.

They were bright and dazzling, soul-stirring.

This kind of beauty could be used as a screensaver.

A face that even black fan could not scold.

The theme song of [Star Idol] played. The girl smiled faintly and started dancing along with the music.

The bullet screens were filled with screams:

[Ahhhhhh, Xi Xi is opening!!]

[The beauty is amazing! The beauty is unbeatable!!]

[Wife, wife! My wife Xi Xi is posting!]

[Whoโ€™s glowing? So itโ€™s my wife Xi Xi!]

Xi Xiโ€™s husbands shut off the bullet screen in anger and focused on licking the screen. No, they were focused on watching Shi Xiโ€™s opening show.

The male teamโ€™s dance was wide open and full of strength, but Shi Xiโ€™s movements were not weak and her singing was also very good.

โ€œBreaking through the shackles of the galaxy, advancing without backing down!โ€

โ€œMy heart is burning with the flames of karma, burning with endless depravity!โ€

Shi Xi had gone to the dance studio to practice for so long, and she already knew when to exert strength when dancing and what to do to make the movements look better.

The girlโ€™s voice was slightly sweet and soft. After practicing, she was able to grasp the momentum of this song.

It was clearly sweet and beautiful, but she sang with the momentum of breaking through the restrictions.

โ€œIf itโ€™s a star, then let it shine. If Itโ€™s a dream, then let it shine.โ€

โ€œThe more exaggerated the dream, the more the world will block it.โ€

The rhythm of her body stopped with the music, and the camera aimed at the girl.

Shi Xi smiled faintly and winked her eye.

The sweet wink caused waves of cheers from the fans at the venue.

โ€œShi Xiโ€“โ€

โ€œShi Xi!!โ€

โ€œXiโ€“ Xiโ€“โ€

Most of the fans who came to watch the public performance were the traineesโ€™ fans.

But who didnโ€™t love sweet girls?

After ending the action, Shi Xi took a breath and waved to the audience below the stage.

The audience below the stage: โ€œAhhhhh!! Shi Xi Xi!!โ€

Shen Hanquan held his handcard and walked up to the stage. He smiled and said, โ€œAs expected of a popularity teacher. Teacher Shi Xiโ€™s popularity is really high!โ€

The audience: โ€œAhhh! Shen Hanquan! Super cool!โ€

Shi Xi: โ€œTeacher Shenโ€™s popularity is also very high.โ€

Shen Hanquan was a strong idol.

โ€œDoes everyone like Teacher Shi Xiโ€™s opening show?โ€ Shen Hanquan asked.

The entire audience: โ€œYes! Yes!!โ€

The fans on the bullet screen also posted โ€œYesโ€ and โ€œAh, Iโ€™m dead!โ€

[Oh my god, I didnโ€™t expect Shi Xiโ€™s singing to be so stable. If she were to participate in the talent show, she would definitely make a C-list debut!]

[Ace, who would believe such a character setting?]

[I finally know why the program team asked her to be their teacher. Her strength is definitely worthy of this teacher position, let alone a popularity teacher.]