The Fallen Vampire-Chapter 186: I Missed You

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It was another day at home, and Inadu preemptively sighed in exhaustion at the thought of everything that she had planned.

Today was going to be a special hair-care day for her that would very likely eat up most of her time.

The dreadlocks in her head had just about had it and she was in dire need of a re-twist.

She considered it a miracle that she had been able to land a husband with her looks being as shabby as they currently were.

But today, she would change all of that!

When her husband and everyone returned home, she would show them a side of her that would captivate and astound!

With determination in her heart, she finally got up and began heading towards the washroom.

It took Inadu four hours to take down all of her hair.

Normally it would have taken someone with this much hair significantly longer, but as an Arachne her fingers were more nimble than normal.

When it was done, all that was left was a young woman in an ocean of thick gray hair.

'Okay... Now for the difficult part.'

Holding in her breath, Inadu dove into the family bath like it was a swimming pool.

A few moments later when her hair was fully wet, she popped her head back out of the refreshingly hot water and caught her breath.

"Seems it's wash day. Do you need a hand?"

Ina's blood ran cold in her veins.

She slowly pulled back the curtain of her hair to see her husband standing over the bath; more handsome and captivating than he had ever appeared before.

A great many emotions and feelings ran through Ina's mind at this moment.

But one emotion overpowered them all.


Inadu buried her head ack underneath the water and hid herself from Taira's sight.

'...' He simply stood there gobsmacked; believing he may have kept his new wife waiting too long and earned a small amount of her ire.

He heard her voice in his mind from underneath the water, and his suspicions were only worsened.

'Y-You aren't supposed to be back already!'

'...Not the reunion I was expecting. It seems you were having more fun here without me. '


Inadu finally popped her head back out of the water with her eyes as big as saucers.

"I.... Just wanted to look a bit more put together for when you returned. I wanted you to see how much work I was able to do on my own."

Now that he knew the reason, Taira couldn't help but smile in earnest.

"You need not worry, my love. I can see it well."

Inadu now was almost night and day compared to before.

Not only was her hair much longer and healthier, but so was the color and texture of her skin. Even her eyes were brighter than before.

While she had gained weight in her face and body, most of it appeared to have gone towards two very particular areas...

It was as if she was glowing both inside and out.

"...I have missed you." she finally said.

Judging by the way her cheeks darkened, it was clear that she felt embarrassed just by admitting it.

"And I you." Taira smiled. "Will you join me out here, or must I join you in there?"

Inadu smiled as she lifted up her bundles of thick hair.

"You were the one who offered to give me a hand, remember? So which one will be easier for you, my husband?"


"...You know, Ina, I quite believe I like your hair the way it is now."

"Are you just saying that because you are incapable of helping me with it?"

"..." Taira said nothing, for he was unwilling to admit such a thing out loud.

"Fufufu. My husband, the hardened assassin and the son of the most famous ruler in the last 1,000 years is left stumped by simple box braids. Who would ever believe it?" Inadu giggled.

Taira felt just a tiny bit embarrassed.

He could expertly pinpoint the pressure points of his enemies and bring them down with but a single touch, but apparently braiding hair was far too much for him.

And Inadu seemed to find that hilarious.

Together, the two of them were seated along the top roof of their home; right underneath the delicate white cherry blossom tree.

Inadu sat comfortably in Taira's lap with her back pressed fully against his chest. It almost seemed as if she was trying to embed herself in his skin so that they might never be separated again.

While they were entwined, Ina's fingers swiftly spun her own web of hair as if it were silk.

"I actually believe I might like this better." she finally said as she closed her eyes. "Even my great husband has things that he cannot do."

"And why exactly do you prefer this..?"

"It makes me feel as if I have a place beside you... And helps me to not feel like a butterfly clinging to the sleeve of a god.

There is something that I can do that you cannot... even if it may not be substantial, it is still something nonetheless.

It means that there is hope that I might still find something all my own that I can add to our family. That alone would bring me unbridled joy." freё

Inadu may very likely never pick up a weapon again.

Even if one day she re-embarks along the path of cultivation, it would be only to enlighten herself. Never to harm another soul.

She simply no longer has the will to do such a thing inside of her.

Which is why she was relatively elated to witness Taira's persistent ineptitudes.

It provided an epiphany that she sorely needed.

Even if she should never be able to fight with them, she will always be able to provide for them in her own way.

"So, tell me about your travels." Inadu began. "I am dying to know why you have returned from-"

"Honestly... Why must you be so alluring?"

Taira ended up stealing Ina's lips before they could form another word.

Let the record show that the pair had already spent quite a lot of time sharing kisses in the bathroom.

But Taira was so infatuated with Ina that he was still hungrily after her for more.

She might never get done with her hair at this point...

In the midst of there kiss, Ina felt something vibrate against her butt and she released a small yelp.

She knew that Taira tended to exercise quite a bit of restraint when when it came to physical intimacy with her, but she never would have expected that such restraint would actually be capable of making his member vibrate.

"S-Should we return to our bedroom..?" She asked quietly.

Taira so desperately wanted to say yes.

More than a fat kid wants cheeseburgers and fries to be a healthy food.

More than an old man wants his hair back.

More than Americans want free college.

Even more than a hospital patient with a DNR wishes to see the pearly gates.

But he knew that a certain someone would never let him indulge in his loving wife so openly the way he desired to.

"Forgive me, my wife… I fear there is someone I must introduce you to."

Taira fished out an amulet from within his pocket and held it out for Ina to see.

Before she could ask what it was, the amulet shone with a bright blue light that temporarily blinded her vision.

In a moment's time, Inadu could see a remanent spirit of an old man wearing the finest clothes she had ever laid eyes on.

"Business before pleasure, disciple. We had an agreement." Even the way this man spoke was full of elegance and the utmost grace.

"I'm aware of our bargain, but the least you could do is give me a moment. I haven't seen my new wife in so long and I am in need of some time alone with her." Taira dismissed.

Inadu was still looking back and forth between the two men as if she couldn't follow exactly what was going on.


"Ah." Taira realized. "I suppose... I have to catch you up on quite a few things."

- 16 Minutes Later...

After a long and colorful explanation, Ina's eyes had regained some sense of clarity.

The knowledge that the gods were just high level cultivators with no interest in lower realm existences didn't shock her in the slightest.

She had felt abandoned by the heavens long ago.

No, she was much more surprised by the knowledge that Vermeil's entire class had followed her to Tayar, her husband had become Heavenly Demon, and their family were starting a sect.

That already had numerous members no less...

"Is anything I've told you upsetting?" Taira asked with thinly veiled concern.

Inadu smiled at him sweetly and kissed his cheek.

"You are very kind to worry about me, but I am not so fragile that you need to concern yourself with my wellbeing at every decision you make. I will be fine, and I will help with the cult in any way that I can."

Taira didn't know what exactly Ina had been doing in her time apart from him and the rest of the family, but she was almost like a new woman.

It was equally comforting and mystifying to see such growth.

"So? Shall we begin?" Velreth asked again.

Taira looked like he had a few unkind words for the old soul, but held his tongue out of respect for Ina's presence.

Finally, the trio moved to the center of the courtyard just in front of their home.

Ina sat within the doorway to their home, watching everything that was about to unfold with great interest.

"Alright, disciple. Just as we spoke about." Velreth reminded.

Taira nodded to his master and closed his eyes.

He focused his mind on the connection Keran shared with him that was the source of their home's ownership.

Once he had a firm grasp of it, he began tapping into his soul where the Pagoda of Limitless Frost was transferred.

Extracting it, he then began to slowly fuse the Pagoda into the makeup of the underground cavern.

The reaction was almost immediate.

All of the cavern rumbled as the air became noticeably colder.

Which for this place was already saying something...

Sheets of ice grew to cover every structure; almost like a glimmering protective covering. It created a series of structures and scenery that were more beautiful than gold. Stay tuned to novelbuddy

And the kicker? He still had so much more left to do.