The Female Psychology PhD Who Time Traveled to the Royal Harem-Chapter 354

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Chapter 354

Second Young Master Su knew the consequences all too well.

His mother's irreversible actions not only failed to tarnish the reputation of the Jiang family's daughters but instead exposed his sister's viciousness to the public. In the future, their family's girls would be the hardest to marry off.

His father had gone to Jiangnan to visit relatives and friends. When he returned, there would be a storm of trouble awaiting his mother and sister.

But who asked them to commit evil first?

They had deprived him of the chance to be with the woman he loved for the past twenty years, controlling his life and binding him with filial piety and family affection. For all these years, he had never dared to express his true thoughts.

So, let's all go crazy together!

No one should have a good life.

His sister was ruined... and it was for the best. She had been spoiled for over a decade, monopolizing the love of their older brother and himself. Now, at least his sister-in-law and the children could be free from her and stop competing for affection.

"It seems there is still a sensible person in the Su family," Jiang Xinyue declared firmly. "So listen up, everyone. Our Jiang family's daughters are perfect in every way. Second Young Master Su has already cleared the air. If anyone dares to slander our family's reputation with baseless accusations in the future... Hmph..."

She smirked with a touch of disdain. "Then you should think about today's Su family. We Jiang family are not to be trifled with."

Those who met her gaze all lowered their heads, unable to withstand her clear yet piercing eyes.

Because in the matter of smearing the Jiang family, none of them were entirely innocent.

The Imperial Noble Consort had arrived at the Su family's residence with a group of people, causing a massive ruckus and heavy losses. Lady Su reported the incident to the authorities, but who dared to arrest anyone from the Ministry of Punishment's residence?

The Emperor was still present!

To save face, the authorities had to arrest the commoners involved in the ruckus and make them compensate for the Su family's losses.

As for Su Ruyue, who had been beaten half to death, what could be done?

She would have to accept her misfortune.

Was it possible to arrest the Imperial Noble Consort's most trusted maid in front of the Emperor and the Imperial Noble Consort herself?

No, it wasn't.

Even if Su the Censor himself were present, the authorities would still say the same thing: It's impossible. One should know their place.

Lady Su had been so naive, lacking a clear understanding of herself, the imperial power, and the Imperial Noble Consort's favor, which led to her downfall and made her the laughingstock of the entire capital.

How could a mere woman from the inner chambers possibly compete with the Imperial Noble Consort, who had survived countless battles in the palace and won the Emperor's true heart?

Where was her brain?

Had it been kicked by a donkey?

The arrested commoners cried out in protest, but it was useless. The Imperial Noble Consort herself had set the trap for them to fall into. The authorities were merely following orders.

For a long time after this incident, the capital's atmosphere improved significantly. No one dared to gossip about others behind their backs, though that was a story for later.

After dinner, Jiang Xinyue handed out red envelopes to the younger members of the Jiang family. Even Jiang Dalang's son, Dong'er, received a gift from her: a pure gold lock and a golden bowl.

The gifts symbolized her wish for him to live a long and prosperous life, free from want.

Jiang Dalang, usually tongue-tied and unexpressive, had just gone through the pain of losing his mother. He merely mumbled a dry "Thank you, Imperial Noble Consort," in response to her gift.

It was Jiang Xinyue's sister-in-law, Madam Pan, who quickly stood up and presented a set of embroidered tiger-head clothes to Xi Que. "Sister-in-law, this is my first time meeting the Sixth Prince. I know the palace has everything, and my gift pales in comparison. But I happened to get some Jiangnan-woven fabric, and I made this myself. It carries my heartfelt intentions."

She was speaking on behalf of her husband, showing that even after the tragic death of Lady Zhou, they harbored no resentment toward Jiang Xinyue.

It was all fate, and no one was to blame.

Jiang Xinyue signaled Xi Que to accept the gift and smiled gently. "Dong'er is getting cuter by the day. His name was even chosen by me!"

She was telling her sister-in-law that the past was forgiven and forgotten. The sins of Lady Zhou would not be visited upon the child.

Madam Pan, having received the reassurance she sought, finally relaxed her tense heart.

As long as her child was safe, that was all that mattered.

After making the rounds of gifts, it was time for the main event of the day.

Under the Emperor's instruction, Wang Dequan stepped forward with a royal decree. "By the grace of Heaven, the Emperor's decree: Lady Ruan, a virtuous woman, has married into the Jiang family. She is gentle, virtuous, poised, and elegant, with wisdom that flows like a river and virtue that comes naturally. She is granted the title of 'Respectful and Virtuous Lady,' a Second-Class Noble Lady, with the privilege to enter the palace freely without prior notice or inspection."

In other words, Lady Ruan could visit her daughter anytime she wished, without needing to be announced, searched, or endure the pain of separation.

This was no ordinary Second-Class Noble Lady. Even First-Class Noble Ladies did not enjoy such privileges.

Moreover, the decree stated that Lady Ruan had married into the Jiang family, implying that Jiang Yankun should officially recognize her as his wife, not just a concubine.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your benevolence."

The Jiang family accompanied Lady Ruan in accepting the decree and expressing their gratitude.

Just as the atmosphere was harmonious and joyful, a cold voice from the doorway shattered the peace.

"So many people, and you have a family reunion dinner without inviting me? Am I not your daughter anymore?"

"Jiang... Jiang Yulin?"

Jiang ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​‍Yuncai exclaimed in shock, unable to believe her eyes as a man and a woman appeared at the doorway.

The man was fat, with a greasy face and greedy eyes that roamed around the room. "My goodness, woman, you weren't lying to me. You really are the Imperial Noble Consort's sister!"

His yellow teeth made Jiang Xinyue feel as if she could smell the stench of a butcher's shop.

"What's that smell of a butcher's shop?"

Xi Que pinched her nose. "Your Majesty, could it be that Third Miss... married a butcher?"

It wasn't that Xi Que looked down on butchers. If he had kept himself clean, she wouldn't have had any prejudice.

But he was dressed in greasy, stained clothes, with a face covered in oil, making Xi Que feel nauseous.

Third Miss, no matter what, was still the daughter of the Ministry of Punishment, how could she...

Jiang Yulin, however, seemed to enjoy the reactions on everyone's faces, feeling a sense of revenge. "What's the matter with you? Aren't you happy to see me? I've been gone for so long, don't you miss me?"

As she spoke, she quickly walked down from the doorway and sat down at the round table, grabbing a big pork joint and gnawing into it.

The man beside her followed suit, grabbing a handful of cloud-shaped cakes and stuffing them into his mouth.

"Delicious... huff... huff... indeed, a wealthy family, so delicious..."

The man clearly wasn't from a respectable background, and it was understandable that he didn't know the proper seating arrangements.

But Jiang Yulin couldn't possibly be unaware.

She had been sent to a countryside estate, not had her brain removed.

The seats they occupied were meant for the Emperor and Jiang Xinyue.