The First Evolution-Chapter 564: Settled

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Chapter 564: Settled

First, Feromone made that idiot Laget despair and quit the competition.

Secondly, he curried favor with the deputy minister by letting his daughter take the position.

Finally, his aunty Ms. Sidell even had to thank him because she had been making a mess in the previous position.

Even if she didn’t leave now, when the audit happened in half a year, she would probably be demoted. Now, she could step down safely and get a relatively relaxed position. There were also someone cleaning up her mess.

Feromone drank half a glass of red wine and felt the effect of alcohol on his nerves. The heightened feeling was really pleasant. Now that the matter was basically settled, Feromone rang the bell, summoned the secretary, and made a gesture to her…

At this time, a medium-sized accident occurred that killed 20 people and injured more than 40 people. It also had a very bad negative impact. About 300 people felt that working here was quite dangerous and required immediate termination of the contract.

It must be the work of Mr. Laget. This guy almost had all the characteristics of a spoiled rich person. Although he lacked the ability to succeed, he was still an outstanding troublemaker.

Fang Linyan also learned the news immediately through the internal network.

To be honest, he originally intended to let Laget cause a small accident, but more than ten people died now, escalating it to a serious matter now. The opponent would be alerted by this, but in a positive sense, even if the appeasement was effective, at least a hundred people would resign.

With Laget’s ability, if Fang Linyan couldn’t fit into these 100 slots, then he was really a pig.

While waiting for news from Laget, Fang Linyan had been accessing all sorts of information with advanced authority.

Yes, just access like visiting the forum. He just read silently without commenting or trolling anyone.

In this case, he had already mastered a lot of basic information. Most of which were of little use, but a few of them were exactly what he needed…

About 3 hours later, Fang Linyan was eating a lunch box while having a heated discussion with Engineer Ivan. When they discussed something important, they stared at each other like they were about to fight in the next second.

At this time, a staff member suddenly ran over, looked around, and said,

“Is Mr. Ruvel here?”

Fang Linyan took a look and stood up,

“It’s me.”

The staff member said,

“I have a confidential matter to inform you, please follow me.”

Fang Linyan looked around and pointed to the operation room beside,

“Let’s talk in there.”

Engineer Ivan snorted coldly and said,

“Boy, be hurry!”

Fang Linyan smiled,

“I will be back soon.”

He followed the staff member into the operation room, closed the door, and said,

“There is no one else here. You can say now.”

The staff member said solemnly,

“You are listed in the recruitment sequence. Please follow me.”

Having said this, he deliberately came closer and whispered,

“Mr. Laget asked me to come.”

Fang Linyan looked at him deeply and said,

“Oh? Really? Why did Mr. Laget tell me in a phone call 10 minutes ago that he will pick me up in person?”

The staff member suddenly became a little panicked,

“Really? Why didn’t I receive the notification?”

As he spoke, his eyes looked away guiltily.

But Fang Linyan smiled and approached him,

“Really? Then where are you taking me?”

The staff member forced a smile and said,

“Of course to report! Are you coming? If not, I’m leaving!”

Fang Linyan smiled and said,

“Relax, I just informed Mr. Laget. He was surprised and will rush over soon. If you have anything to say, just tell him.”

The staff was shocked, and he immediately said,

“Impossible, he is still in the headquarters of Tutuga Starport!! Ah…”

Fang Linyan was almost certain that he had come with bad intentions, so he struck his neck with a palm knife.

He clutched his throat and curled up on the ground in pain. Fang Linyan grabbed him and took out the truth serum he got from Doctor Davis!

“Listen, young man, I have something to ask you…”


Half an hour later, Laget, who came in a hurry, saw this unfortunate guy curled up on the ground and said with great joy,

“This is Feromone’s henchman Jones. He is the one who tries to deceive you?”

Fang Linyan said,

“Yes, Engineer Ivan can testify.”

Laget laughed and said,

“With this witness, Feromone is definitely going down this time.”

As he said that, he walked forward and kicked Jones with his toe, only to see that he twitched and let out a painful groan.

Laget said doubtfully,

“What happened?”

Fang Linyan said simply,

“After I saw through this guy, he realized something was amiss and wanted to kill me. In order to protect myself, I fought back a little harder…”

“I also had a lot of pressure. It’s better than letting him escape, right?”

Laget let out a sigh of relief, loosened his tie, patted Fang Linyan on the shoulder, and said,

“You’re right. It’s better to render him half-dead than letting him escape.”

Fang Linyan said to Laget,

“What about the matter we agreed on before?”

Laget nodded and said,

“No problem and the 3 of you are in the same group.”

Fang Linyan smiled,

“Well done, Mr. Laget. If I were you, I would pop the champagne and get ready to accept the shops on Central Street.”

Laget’s gloomy face finally showed a smile and said,

“Thank you, but I have to keep an eye on Feromone now. See you.”

Fang Linyan said,

“See you.”


Half an hour later, an email suddenly popped up on Fang Linyan’s portable optical brain,

“Respect Mr. Ruvel, you and your companions have been officially secretly recruited as the secret members of Operation Swordfish.”

“This operation will last for 48 hours, and the final base reward is 90 platinum coins.”

“Your role is to provide comprehensive support to military members participating in the operation.”

“The performance of you and your companions will affect the final evaluation and reward of this mission.”

“Please board our mothership: Lakshar within 2 hours on time.”

After seeing this email, Fang Linyan knew that Laget had gotten the job done.

An hour later, another man appeared in front of Fang Linyan. After meeting this man, he said straight to the point,

“Hi, Mr. Battery, I am Receptionist KD018. You and your companions have been officially recruited as secret members of this Operation Swordfish.”

“I have been ordered to guide you to your companions and bring all of you to report.”

Fang Linyan nodded. He had made an agreement with Laget before. Only those who call him “Mr. Battery” were allies. Otherwise, everyone else was enemy. Since the other party mentioned the keyword, he followed along.

Before leaving, Fang Linyan must say goodbye to Engineer Ivan. After all, he had been protected by him here for so long. Engineer Ivan frowned and said nothing. He just waved his hand to let Fang Linyan leave.

However, after Fang Linyan took a few steps, Engineer Ivan waved him back with a disgusted look and threw something like a badge at him. This thing was made of metal and looked like a broken gear.

Then Engineer Ivan said in a rough voice,

“Boy, if you run into trouble, go to the engineer camp and find the supervisor. Show him this thing. He can get you a job where you don’t have to be cannon fodder.”

Fang Linyan didn’t expect Engineer Ivan to take such good care of him, and he suddenly felt a sense of gratitude in his heart. He said,

“Old guy, then I will give you a gift in return. If you can guess what this thing is for, I will promise to work under you for a year.”

As he spoke, he took out a fist-sized mechanical core and threw it at Engineer Ivan.

This thing was actually a piece of waste that Fang Linyan used for practice before. Because [Mechanical Gyrfalcon]’s technology was outdated in this world, it had been repeatedly discovered by aborigines’ technology.

Fortunately, Engineer Ivan happened to have all the tools and materials. There were 2 materials that did not exist on Earth at all. So Fang Linyan tried to craft the Mechanical Gyrfalcon Egg and crafted 3 successfully.

What he gave Engineer Ivan was the waste product produced during crafting.

However, the Mechanical Gyrfalcon Egg created by Fang Linyan was just a white item using the evaluation of Space.

If he used it as a spellcasting item, then he only summoned an enhanced [Mechanical Gyrfalcon], which did not have its own name. However, the advantage was that it was definitely more durable and difficult to be detected.

However, Engineer Ivan took it, snorted disdainfully, threw it aside, and then went directly to the bathroom while humming a tune.

Obviously, he thought it was just the gear of a clock.

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