The First Order-Chapter 819 - Prison break!

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Chapter 819: Prison break!

“May I ask if both your bosses from the Zhou Consortium and the Kong Consortium will do likewise?” The Great Hoodwinker asked calmly. “All the former commanders of Fortress 178 had to go through the gates of hell, training with or fighting alongside the Razor Sharp Company before earning the right to command our comrades to risk their lives for them. On this point alone, which consortium can do the same? Take our current future commander of Fortress 178 for example. He had also come up through the ranks of the Razor Sharp Company.”

“You mean Ren Xiaosu, right?” Wang Yun said. When he found out Ren Xiaosu was Chen Wudi’s master, he had already guessed the name. After all, Ren Xiaosu would have left behind some clues back when he was with Chen Wudi. Other people might overlook it, but Wang Yun’s memory was so good he could not forget it even if he wanted to.

“Since you’ve already guessed it, and we’ll be on the same side anyway after leaving this secret prison, there’s no need for me to hide it from you.” The Great Hoodwinker said, “During the war in which the Zong Consortium was destroyed, the future commander fought as a soldier of the Razor Sharp Company the entire time. He would charge to wherever there was danger, which convinced the masses. Back then, Commander Zhang had already identified him as his successor, but didn’t he still harden his heart and send him to the front lines? That’s because there’s a saying that those who have not gone through life and death with their comrades are not worthy of others dying for them.”

Ji Zi’ang sighed and said, “I really didn’t know that Fortress 178 has this tradition. I’m impressed.”

“Hehe,” The Great Hoodwinker laughed. “That’s why I told you before that the Northwest is different.”

Whenever the Great Hoodwinker shared about his experiences in the Northwest, he would always get really excited when he spoke. That was because it was the most glorious time of his life.

At this moment, Ji Zi’ang asked, “When you said that someone will come and save us within these three days, was that already planned?”

Wang Yun ridiculed from the other side, “As if he could have any plans! I wonder why the Northwest would fully entrust you to oversee the field intelligence unit. How stupid can they be!”

“Hey,” The Great Hoodwinker said unhappily, “look, I just came in so that I could figure out the situation. Anyway, isn’t it good enough as long as we can get you guys out?”

“Who’s coming to rescue us?” Ji Zi’ang asked.

“Future Commander.” The Great Hoodwinker said firmly.

Ji Zi’ang was taken aback. “How many people will your future commander be bringing?”

“Uh,” The Great Hoodwinker said awkwardly, “it might just be him alone.”

“Isn’t there the saying ‘the son of a wealthy family does not sit under the eaves’? Since he’s the future commander of the Northwest, why would he still risk his life to come and save you?” Ji Zi’ang said doubtfully, “Why do I feel that he won’t be coming?”

“He’ll definitely be here.” The Great Hoodwinker said firmly, “Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been designated as the future commander!”

“Then how’s he going to get us out from this secret prison all by himself?” Ji Zi’ang suddenly felt that the Great Hoodwinker really was a little unreliable just like Wang Yun had said. After all, this was the Kong Consortium’s secret prison. How could a person possibly break in when there were several hundred heavily armed guards in this well-defended fortress?

Furthermore, the secret prison was located in Stronghold 31. Even if Ren Xiaosu could really break in and get them out, what about the aftermath? They would still get hunted down by the entire stronghold once they got out.

Disregarding the garrison troops, even if it were just that group of people from the intelligence agency going after them, the few of them would not be able to handle it!

The Great Hoodwinker remarked, “Don’t worry, he’ll definitely have considered all of those problems.”

Ji Zi’ang was left speechless. He wondered where the Great Hoodwinker’s confidence came from. He actually trusted that so-called future commander of his so much. But he still said, “If he really shows up, I suggest that all of us break out of our cells and assist him. You two arrived at this prison later than me and have not fought the warden before, so you don’t know how uncanny the warden can be.”

“Uncanny?” Wang Yun was taken aback. Although he knew the warden was a supernatural being, there was no information regarding his superpower in the records.

Ji Zi’ang said, “Don’t you all feel that while your physical fitness has improved after you came here to the secret prison, your powers are slowly getting suppressed bit by bit? When I fought him, my superpower suddenly lost its effect. Furthermore, it took quite a while before my power came back. Why else do you think they can lock me up in here?”

“Something like that actually happened?” The Great Hoodwinker muttered, “It’s fine, our future commander will take care of him.”

Ji Zi’ang was stumped. He could not understand why the Great Hoodwinker would still think everything was fine even after what he had just told him!

Ji Zi’ang said helplessly, “Then do you know when your future commander will be arriving?”

Just as he finished speaking, a rumbling noise went through the secret prison. It left the entire prison complex shaking. Dust fell from the ceiling onto the Great Hoodwinker and the others, covering their faces in dirt.

It was clear that the explosion was caused by a bomb going off. Immediately, alarms went off everywhere in the entire secret prison.

The Great Hoodwinker started laughing. “There he is!”

Countless prison guards ran through the corridor. These people used to be stationed at various parts of the prison, but at this moment, they were all rushing in the same direction.

When they passed through the corridor, the Great Hoodwinker sneered, “Did I allow y’all to pass through?”

With that, his muscles tensed up as he raised his leg and kicked at the cell door in front of him. With a boom, the cell door made from a special metal was sent flying by the Great Hoodwinker. It smashed into two prison guards who happened to be passing by and crushed them!

Wang Yun did not sit idle either. When several of the prison guards passed by his cell, a sudden explosion went off in their ears.

Wang Yun kept compressing the air around the prison guards and shot them into their ears, blowing their heads up from the inside.

There were still dozens of prison guards in the corridor. They were supposed to assemble when the alarm sounded, but they did not expect that the strong prison cell could not contain the old man standing in front of them.

They wondered how the people of the 1st Military Intelligence Division had even managed to capture him. Unless he fucking duped them into capturing him?!

The Great Hoodwinker stood casually in the corridor and chuckled, “Don’t go and cause trouble. Stay around and play with me instead.”

Moments before the first explosion went off in the secret prison, the warden had been patrolling the prison with 10 of his prison guards. There were nearly 80 prison guards standing guard around the passageway. They had already been informed that the stronghold was in a state of chaos, so the entire prison was on high alert.

But all of a sudden, the gate in the passageway was forcefully blown open. When that heavy steel gate was blasted apart, it flew straight into a wall of the secret prison like a massive piece of shrapnel and embedded into it!

This scene was simply too shocking!

A strong smell of gunpowder immediately filled the entire passageway and started spreading into the secret prison. The warden took out his handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose as he looked coldly in the direction of the passageway.

A moment later, to everyone’s surprise, a steam locomotive drove through the wide passageway!