The Game of Life TGOL-Chapter 54 - ’ Hot Searches (Makeup for yesterday’s missed update)

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Chapter 54: Chapter 54’ Hot Searches (Makeup for yesterday’s missed update)

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

By the time Jiang Feng delivered Liu Qian to the hospital, she was nearly in so much pain that she was about to faint.

She was doubled over in agony, covered in cold sweat, barely able to speak clearly.

“What’s happened here?” The emergency room doctor looked quite young, but

was a little light on hair.

“Ate too much,” Jiang Feng said succinctly.

“Overeating shouldn’t cause this. She’s not a child. Could it be food poisoning? You go register while I get Wang to prepare for a stomach wash,” the emergency doctor instructed.

Jiang Feng obediently went to register, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Liu Qian looked thin but was no lightweight; Jiang Feng had tired himself out carrying her all the way here.

This private hospital was quite large, and there were many people in line to register. By the time Jiang Feng had finished, Liu Qian had already had her stomach washed. She was resting in bed while a middle-aged nurse scolded her.

■■You’re in college for goodness’ sake. You’re not a child anymore; how could you not watch what you eat, six pounds, and so many carbs? Eating like that could kill you,” the nurse lectured Liu Qian as if she were her own daughter.

Liu Qian listened meekly, not daring to say a word.

“President!” Seeing Jiang Feng was like seeing a savior for Liu Qian.

“Are you her classmate? This is the bill; pay the fees, and after resting for a few minutes, if there’s nothing wrong, she can leave,” the nurse handed the bill to Jiang Feng. The ER was busy, and after scolding Liu Qian, she had to move on to the next patient. “You’re all classmates. You should have said something about her overeating; six pounds is excessive. What if something had happened?”

Jiang Feng: ???

Six pounds???

He looked at Liu Qian: “Didn’t you say you hadn’t eaten breakfast?”

Liu Qian kept her head down, not daring to look at him, and whispered, “I didn’t have breakfast. I just had some snacks, just a packet of cookies, a bit of pork jerky, two Holiland pastries, a bottle of milk, and a pickled vegetable bun. I didn’t realize that the bun, though it looked so small, had such a substantial


Jiang Feng:…

He should never have believed Liu Qian’s nonsense about skipping breakfast.

After paying the bill, Liu Qian tried to transfer the money to Jiang Feng only to realize she had left her phone at the restaurant.

“Oh no!” Liu Qian suddenly remembered, “My live stream was on the whole time.”

Jiang Feng realized the same thing-Liu Qian’s entire meal, her stomach pains, breaking out in a sweat, her pallor, and him carrying her away-all of it was probably broadcast live in front of the camera.

Hurriedly, Jiang Feng turned on his mobile phone and entered Liu Qian’s livestream channel.

By now, Liu Qian could be considered a somewhat famous streamer in Alan City, with a good audience because of her unique way of streaming. At the moment, about 40,000 viewers were gathered in Liu Qian’s hvestream room— the majority having come to watch after Jiang Feng had carried her away. They were raising quite a ruckus in front of the empty screen.

“Will the broadcaster be okay? Could it be some kind of sudden illness?”

“That damn broadcaster better not have food poisoning, right? Or is the restaurant unclean?”

“These eateries near universities are definitely dirty, and the health bureau never checks. Look, someone almost died!”

“Yeah, eateries near our school are also dirty. I often get sick from eating there.”

“For sure the restaurant is dirty, I’m reporting them.’

“What are the health inspectors doing, letting this murderous restaurant stay in business?”

“That can’t be right; I’ve eaten there, and it’s pretty clean.

Most people were denouncing the Healthy Stir-fry Restaurant, with many saying they were going to report it to the health bureau, and some claiming they had already made the call. A minority of Liu Qian’s loyal viewers speculated whether she just overate, or perhaps it was acute appendicitis or even speculation of menstrual cramps.

Netizens always love to stir up a good scene, and Jiang Feng noticed that Liu Qian’s livestream channel had even made it to the trending list. After all, it was quite rare for a streamer to suddenly appear to have a medical emergency and be rushed to the hospital during a live broadcast.

“How did it go?” Liu Qian approached and asked.

“They said the food I made for you was dirty and killed you,” Jiang Feng concluded.

Having live-streamed for so long, Liu Qian knew all too well the level to which some netizens could twist right from wrong. Once one person started it, the rest would follow suit, not to mention the streamer wasn’t present. If she didn’t return now to clear things up, by tomorrow there might even be hot search headlines claiming ‘streamer died suddenly while broadcasting.

-President, I think I’m fine now, let’s hurry back!” Liu Qian sprang out of the hospital bed with the vigor of a dragon or tiger, showing no trace of her previous frailty.

Illness came quickly, and it left just as fast.

Jiang Feng didn’t want the Healthy Stir-fry Restaurant to be slandered with killing someone with unclean food just because he and Jiang Jiankang had been out for the day, so he hurried back to the restaurant with Liu Qian.

The phone was still on the table.

Liu Qian adjusted her hair, ensuring she looked healthy, rosy, and vibrant before sitting back in front of the camera.

“Annoying host is back!”

“Annoying host, are you okay?”

“How did you come back so quickly? Is the hospital nearby?”

“This must be a performance; it’s so fake. Trash streamer, reported!

“I didn’t have food poisoning! There’s nothing wrong with the food from our president’s restaurant. I ate some snacks this morning that I didn’t tell the president about, and then he cooked too much for me, and I overate,” Liu Qian hurriedly explained. “I just went to the hospital to get my stomach pumped, and though it was a bit uncomfortable, I’m totally fine now.”

“hhhhhh, the Annoying Host sure lives up to the name, managing to overeat.” “Are you sure it was just a little snack, Annoying Host, or are you trying to anger the president to death?”

“Trash streamer, liar, acting, report!!!”

“Crappy streamer can’t even pretend properly, xxxxx

“Trolls, don’t talk nonsense. Haven’t you seen how little the Annoying Host makes in a month? She doesn’t even earn enough to eat properly; do you think she has money to pay actors?”

“I don’t think so. How could she overeat like that, it must have been food poisoning, she’s covering for her president’s restaurant.”

“Right, dishonest restaurant!”

Seeing the barrage of comments veering off course yet again, Liu Qian quickly clarified: “No, I really did overeat. The nurse said she pumped more than six pounds of stuff out of my stomach. This morning I ate only a pack of crackers, some pork jerky, two Hostess cakes, a bottle of milk, and a pickled vegetable cake. I didn’t expect the stuffed dish the president made to be so filling. Initially, I didn’t intend to eat it all; I just felt it was quite chewy, sweet, and even though there wasn’t much pickled vegetable, it was still tasty. I couldn’t help myself and ended up eating it all.”

“This is my first time overeating; I had no experience with it before!”


“Feel sorry for the president, even your Annoying Host makes things hard for you.”

“Want to know the size of the president’s mental shadow right now.”

“Six pounds, the host has got a baby in her belly huh (||o_o)”

“In the end, she still blames those five innocent stuffed dishes.”

“Am I the only one who noticed that bowl of braised pork on the table, which, though cooled down, still looks very tasty?”

As Liu Qian explained, room admins began to mute the trolls intentionally stirring up trouble, gradually restoring the chat to normal.

Liu Qian also proved with her actions that the Annoying Host can do anything. What Jiang Feng hadn’t expected was that Liu Qian ended up on the trending searches after all.

However, this time it wasn’t any fake news like ‘streamer suddenly dies during a live broadcast.’

It was #FirstTimeOvereatingNoExperience#.

Two hours later, it soared to the top ten of the trending searches, even outperforming news like some third-rate male star’s affair..

This chapter is updat𝙚d by f(r)eew𝒆bn(o)