The God Virus-Chapter 248: The Time She Cried

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Chapter 248: The Time She Cried

Every second she continued to gaze upon her master's now bald and dried-up corpse, it felt as if one more string had broken in that very second within her heart.

Tears also never stopped dripping from her face, although her face no longer held any expressions on it. It was as if she no longer had any reason to show emotions since the reason for her emotions was gone already. There was also no sparkling lights shining inside her eyes. Her eyes seemed to be already… dead.

At this moment, inside Virus' body, the Dark Dragon's Metamorphosis Revolution had stopped functioning entirely. Every single spot and every single cell was dead in a true sense. Absolute stagnation. A frightening gloom and darkness dominating every corner.

This state continued for around six minutes, until finally as if a spark had been lit within Virus' body, the Dark Dragon's Metamorphosis Revolution quietly began to go in motion once again.

At first, it took around ten seconds for it to complete a single cycle. Moreover, if one was able to perceive the revolution itself, that person would be able to realize that there was now something additional attached to the very rotation of the Dark Dragon's Metamorphosis Revolution itself! Being carried with it everywhere!

Anyway, soon afterward, the time of rotation was reduced to only a second for every perfect cycle.

Before long, ten rotations were done in a single second…

Then the speed accelerated even further as a hundred revolution was perfected in only one second…

By now, externally, Virus' physique's temperature had risen to a terrifying degree as that magma-like burning brilliance started to show up all over his body once again.

Meanwhile, in the outside world, watching this abrupt change that had shown up in the state of Virus' corpse, the golden beauty's dull and dead eyes started to regain all of its lusters too as a ray of hope was promptly set aflame within her.

'Could this be…?!?' The moment this line of thinking howled inside her mind, the Dark Dragon's Metamorphosis Revolution's speed of rotation hit a terrifying thousand-revolutions in a single split second!

Now, the glow surrounding his corporeal body intensified to another level as at this point, the pure energy itself was being emitted from his whole being. And the temperature was also so horrifying that the golden beauty unconsciously took a few steps back due to feeling very uncomfortable.

However, seeing her master's previously sorry corpse transform into a bright source of light which was truly difficult to look at just like the very sun itself, an extreme sense of excitement began to overwhelm her as she gazed upon her master jovially and alive. At this moment, she was truly determined not to take her eyes away from her master even momentarily. Just like a passionate butterfly who willingly flutters into the burning flames itself. To death.

Actually, if it was a normal human being instead of her right now, it would've been truly hard and almost impossible for that person to directly continue looking at Virus without batting his eyes a single time. Because right now, it was as if his entire body had transformed into a flash grenade, making every corner of the space in the room extremely bright. Moreover, an extraordinary heat was also being discharged from his entire body.

This radiance was actually being produced from his whole figure because of the energy that was brought from the Synchronous Transformations Crystal situated within his heart which also resulted in a terrifying temperature.

Anyway, Virus continued to remain in that state for around two minutes, when finally, another minor change took place.

That slight change was the fact that an almost unnoticeable hint of dark glare was also added to the fray, merging with the blinding blaze and showing itself in the outer interior of the illumination which was covering every single corner of his being.

At this moment, as if his entire build was going through a renewal phase, drastic transformations started to commence everywhere in his figure.

The first transformation was the fact that, as if he was a snake going through a metamorphosis, he started to shed his skin before a new layer of skin revealed itself underneath. This skin, unlike his previous one which was very dull, had an abnormally moisturized bright shine to itself, as if it was now alive. Just like the rest of his innards.

However, even though his skin was now absolutely abnormally charming, his extremely dried-up body overshadowed it. Making it impossible to look at it in a positive way.

Fortunately though, this wasn't the end of the transformations because next, his dried-up muscles and innards started to regain some of their previous packed and healthy state.

So, his anatomy which was just like a dried-up skeleton began to transform as it gradually bulged further and further.

Ultimately, in just five minutes, his frame regained its former healthy and filled-up shape… with the exact changes that have occurred underneath his skin completely unknown at this time.

Alas, these heavenly changes weren't cost-free as the further his muscles regained their previous glory, the more the Synchronous Transformations Crystal shrank and got smaller.

Next, his body remained in that blazed state for almost an hour as the golden beauty continued to stare at his body which had regained its former charm. She didn't understand what earth-shattering transformations were taking place inside his body at this moment, but she was certain something extraordinary was truly happening.

If she had to point out a flaw in all of this though, it would be the fact that he was now… bald. Not that she cared about it at all.

In the meantime, the STC had gotten extremely small as it seemed like it would vanish from his heart at any moment now.

Anyway, eventually, after an hour drifted away, just as the notion about baldness popped into the golden beauty's head, startlingly, another visible shocking revolution took place outside Virus' body.

To be more precise, this time, the renewal was happening on his head as new hair began to grow from his bald head in an extremely noticeable speed. Moreover, looking at her master's new hair in an amazed manner, the golden beauty realized that his hair no longer bright silver like in the past, instead, its color was now… darkish-silver!

At first, his hair was only around a few centimeters long. However, before long, it regained its former size which could be said to be the average normal size men usually had.

Nevertheless, the hair seemed to have no intention of wanting to stop the process of getting longer as it continued with its renewal procedure.

Two minutes later, when the end of his hair reached his armpits, the growth process, at last, stopped entirely.

And exactly at this moment, the final drop of energy contained within the STC situated inside his heart was used up as it vanished from there entirely!

Now, the Synchronous Transformations Crystal was no more!

And it was in this moment when all of the glowing energy which was covering his entire being to this very moment, began to be sucked up and gathered exactly into the very location of his heart.

Soon, the moment all of that energy was concentrated inside his heart, the Dark Dragon's Metamorphosis Revolution went into motion once more!

However, this time, it didn't follow the same rotation path as before and instead, it initiated a weird revolution that was explicitly confined to the interior boundary of his heart.


Ba-dum! Ba-dum~

Ba-dum! Ba-dum! Ba-dum! …

Just like that, his dead heart was revived at this time as it started to throb stronger than ever! Just like a loud beating drum!

Following the resurrection of his heart, blood began to pump through his veins and arteries at a speed that was much faster and powerful than before due to the strong pumpage from the motor of the body itself, the heart.

And so, every single internal organ together with the rest of his body started to function again as a calm breathing sound reverberated inside the golden beauty's ears who started grinning from ear to ear afterward.

And it was at this moment when Virus promptly opened both of his eyes widely as he stared at the ceiling above him in a lost manner.

Yes, Virus was alive again!

It was also at this time when tears welled up inside the golden beauty's eyes as she charged toward him without any care in the world while screaming, "MASTER!!! Sob… You... idiot…sob… shcared me… Wuuu…"


The next moment, she was already laying powerlessly within his embrace as she cried there with her whole heart, "Ahhhhhhh…"