The God Virus-Volume 2 - 47 Logical Choice

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After reserving his plane ticket, as he was on his way to the airport he called Amara, telling him he was going back to England as he had something to do there.

He was expecting Amara to say something about his depart or ask more questions, but unexpectedly she said nothing other than "Okay, safe trip." before hanging up, which made Detective Lock wonder what she was doing at the moment to be so impatient, to the point of wanting to hang up faster.

After that Detective Lock went to the airport as he took off to England from there.

He was going to England in person because it was something better to be said in person, as he also had something else to do there.


Mr. Martin, Amara's father, was sitting in his study room in the family's big mansion that looked almost like a castle, the study was filled with books and bookshelves as the whole room was decorated in brown, giving a more ancient feel too it.

In the past few days, he was quite busy following the news of Virus Industries related to cars, and every time and every day, his face was turning grimmer.

This was probably the reaction most of the companies around the same level as Virus Company was having.

At first this company wasn't under Mr. Martin's radar at all and when he was reported by the news of this company, he didn't care about this company at all, thinking it was probably another one of those cheap car companies which would never be able to compete with them and later he thought even if it did, it would still be far behind their long become known around the world name.

But after seeing the reports of cars' power, functions, shape, etc. he started turning serious because the technology used in some of the cars was even more advanced than theirs!

This made him wake up, as he started following the news related to that company to see if things were as serious as he thought it was.

At first, the reaction was not a lot by people as they had almost no expectation from this new car company, other than saying this was that phone company's car branch.

Some people even mocked and ridiculed them seeing how rashly they jumped into another industry, even before having a strong foundation in their own previous industry first.

Some even said they are just biting off far more than they can chew!

Seeing these reactions Mr. Martin was a little relieved, not relieved that they would not be a rival, no, he knew that was meant to happen sooner or later.

What he was relieved about was that it seems people's trust was not that much in the company, so he was relieved to know that it seemed he would have time to prepare and even advance their technology to the same level before they are known enough in the field of the car industry.

But as a couple of days passed he figured that he was mistaken greatly about this and as days passed, people started to realize how good the cars were.

'This happened because lots of weaker stupid car companies started spreading rumors about that company because they realized how good their cars where, but that just made more controversy as lot's of focus was drawn to the cars, making people start talking about how good the cars are!' Mr. Martin thought, very angry at how nitwit some companies can get.

"Just plain STUPID!" he said out loud unable to keep his anger inside.

Now, in just a couple days, the word was spreading as everyone is speaking about how good the cars of that company are and how they have such wonderful functions.

Mr. Martin now knew the time he thought he had was probably gone and he was right!

After that, in the past few days, the selling percentage of his company's cars decreasing even as he was sitting in his room thinking by himself.

He knew he had to do something soon or his company's going to face a crisis soon.

So he appointed someone to investigate that company as he started looking for plans that might be helpful, he wasn't going to do anything extreme at this point, he just wanted to know his enemy well before making any moves.

But oddly he found nothing other than some general things which anyone can find if they investigate.

So he was quite disappointed but had not given up as he started thinking of ways he could stabilize his decreasing selling percentage.

After thinking for so much he still found no way he could stabilize the sells, other than having the same technology as that company or at least close to it.

But he knew that was not possible in a short period of time before his company goes through a big loss, he needed something that would have an effect fast.

So knowing that he won't be able to stabilize the sells in any legal and more moral way like this, he knew he had to be more extreme and destructive in his ways of dealing with the other company.

He rarely tried to destroy another company as he didn't quite feel right about doing that, as he was not a bad person. However, he was a decisive man and a very good CEO and Chairman at that, so if he had to choose between his own company being destroyed or another, he would definitely decide to the latter even if he has to do it by his own hands.

So he started thinking about how he can take down the Virus Industries before it flourishes too much.

But after thinking for many days, he still hasn't found any way that would lead to their destruction.

All the plans he could think was at most going to hurt them a bit but not something serious or irreparable.

So he was in a bad mood these days, as every second he and his company were experiencing loss, and probably an irreparable one at that.

As he was sitting in his study, lost in thoughts of what to do, his study's room was knocked.