The God Virus-Volume 2 - 49 Friends

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After that the chef started steaming meatbuns, this was something he has never made in this house, though he knew how to make one.

Sometime later the meatbun was brought by the chef to the study while Mr. Martin and Detective Lock were talking about some trivial matters.

Seeing the steamed meatbun ready and here, Mr. Martin said "Oh... the food is finally here! let's see how delicious this thing which made you use the word 'Love' actually is!"

As it would probably be uncomfortable for Detective Lock to eat while everyone else was just staring at him, Mr. Martin too joined in, though a part of the reason he joined was because he was genuinely intrigued by the food, he wondered just what kind of taste would make John fall for it.

After the chef placed the dish of steamed meat buns on the table, in the middle of two couches, he went back and stayed at a place where both of them could see him clearly and then started explaining about the food's background, its recipe, and how it was made.

"Help yourself, John! Dig in." Mr. Martin said and then without waiting for Detective Lock to eat the first meatbun, just picked off one of the meatbuns and took a bite from it.

After taking a bite his eyes shone as he said "Ohhh, it has a nice taste, such a balance!"

After that, he started eating a couple more as Detective Lock dug in too.

But what no one knew was that since the moment Mr. Martin had heard of Detective Lock's baseless hypothesis, he had been thinking of what would be the best way to use the baseless hypothesis? He needed a way that would cause irreparable damage to that company.

After they had finished eating the meatbuns, Detective Lock bid farewell and left as the butler guided him outside.

Now Mr. Martin was alone again inside the room, thinking of how to use this great opportunity.

After thinking for about an hour more, he finally decided!

His decision was to not get involved in this directly, while causing the most damage through others, just in case this doesn't work, he didn't want that unknown company as his enemy.

Because if that baseless hypothesis was true, they would be a frightening power and enemy, not someone easy to mess with, they could freaking steal money from all over the world! just thinking about it made him afraid.

Mr. Martin thought. 'I just need to guide others to leave the seed for me. That friend of mine in the phone industry should be in the meeting where all of the major phone companies are going to be present. According to what he told me they have reverse engineered the phones by applying some changes to it so it would be more difficult to tell it was a copy.'

'And they are banding together and putting all their money, power, and connections on this so no one would be able to talk to them or make a move against them, trying to charge them.

'haha, the only thing I need to do is to let that friend of mine know about this, and he along with his allies are sure to use it in the best way possible by putting all their brains together in this.' Mr. Martin finally decided.

Now that he had made his decision he picked up his Virus Galaxy 1 and called a friend from the list.



After they had finally decided and wanted to talk more about the plan, suddenly the sound of ringtone was heard from one of the chairs, the person sitting on that chair was the CEO of England's phone company.

A little embarrassed seeing how everyone stopped talking and now looking at him, he said as he picked up his phone from the inside of his pocket "Pardon me, everyone, even though I put my phone on silence, I made it so that the extremely important contacts and calls would not be on silence and come through... this must be a very important call."

After looking at the screen of his phone, he said "It's a very important friend of mine and I need to answer it, excuse me." as he said that without waiting for anyone's response he picked up the phone and stood up as he started walking outside the meeting conference room.

"Hey, Ethan, what is it, friend? I think I told you I'm at that meeting... so you must have called because something urgent and important has happened... tell me what's going on?" That CEO from England said as he walked out of the meeting conference room.

"Hey Jacob, I know you're at that meeting and that your time is tight, so I won't beat around the bush and be straightforward and just tell you why I've called." Mr. Martin's voice was heard on the phone.

"I called because I've got an important piece of news that is definitely going to be very helpful to you and all of the other CEOs at the meeting." Mr. Martin continued his talk.

"Oh, what is it, Ethan? please do tell." The CEO from England said.

"Well, here's the deal... " After that Mr. Martin started telling everything related to the Ghost Theft and how someone who worked for him had come to him, thinking they were related.

Mr. Martin explained how he thought that case was related to that company, even though there was no evidence leading to them, also explaining that there was probably no evidence that would be found after this.

After he explained everything, Jacob's eyes shone with a bright light as he said "This is something big and very good! We can definitely use this, thanks Ethan, I knew I could count on a friend such as you at harsh times like this, then I shall hang up, for now, to go explain everything to others at the meeting. I'll visit you later at a proper time."

"Hahaha, don't worry, then what are friends for, good luck, bye." Mr. Martin said as he hung up.

After the line was cut off that CEO from England's eyes changed to one of complete disdain and contempt saying "Tch, this bastard..."

Then he continued the rest of his words in his mind as he thought 'This bastard is telling me this information just because he doesn't want to get directly involved in this and become an enemy of that company as he's afraid of them, so he's just using me, otherwise I heard that just recently that company's gone into the car industry too, and because of them, most of the other car companies are experiencing losses too. Now that he's experiencing a loss, he must've dug a lot about that company to get to this result. And now that he's found something, he's just using me while pretending to do me a favor... bastard.'

'But whatever, it's true the info he gave me was good enough, this will probably affect our whole plan, even though the enemy seems more powerful than we thought, it's not like he left us with anyway, and all of us together? what that company or anyone else could possibly ever do to us?' He thought as he entered the meeting again.

"Everyone, please stop all the talks about the plan for a moment, I've just received an important and essential piece of news from a close friend of mine! And honestly, this is a piece of very helpful news." After entering the meeting again, he started talking interrupting someone who seemed to be suggesting something about their plan.

"Oh, what is it? This better be good." The CEO from the US company said with a cold and indifferent voice.

"Well, here's the deal! A very close friend of mine just called... " Then he started explaining everything and no one interrupted him while he was explaining, only at one point all of the CEOs' eyes started shining making the room very bright, if the imaginary shining lights in their eyes were real, all of them added together would probably blind anyone who entered the conference room.