The God Virus-Volume 5 - 304 Good Job!

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"Hmm, do you have a search warrant for that?" Still maintaining that cool smile of his, the CEO ugly asked casually.

"Haha! What search warrant! We don't need a search warrant when we're facing an incident that threatens public safety because the law states 'A warrantless search may be permissible in an emergency situation where the public is in danger.'… and we suspect that might be the case right now since that light appeared to be some kind of bomb or a dangerous tool to public safety! So you either move aside… or we move and imprison you. Last warning!" The same person urged again.

Hearing this, the CEO ugly just took a short glance at the Legal ugly. And seeing him nod his head in confirmation, he could only let out a helpless sigh. Then, just as he was about to turn toward the FBI beauty, he was interrupted by the leader of the police officers, the police chief, who had been very silent until now.

"Shut up!" He shouted in the direction of the police officer who had been talking until now. This in return shocked every policeman and policewoman silly as they wondered, 'Why is the police chief scolding one of our own? Could it be because he's angry he spoke without any permission?'

However, next, an even more confusing scene took place in front of them as the police chief ran before the Legal ugly and started talking with a bit of stutter, "Ah… sorry about that, please forgive him… I'll punish him when we go back. A-are you… p-perhaps that person who was with that mysterious person the other day at the precinct?"

Everyone, including the CEO ugly, had previously assumed that the police chief was quiet because he didn't feel like talking at that moment. But, in fact, he had been silent because he was dazed from the second he gazed upon the Legal ugly's face.

He had recalled the Legal ugly's unsightly face the instant his eyes fell upon the two approaching Legal and CEO uglies.

'He was definitely with that enigmatic person who could easily escape even mass-murder by summoning both the Director of FBI and Mr. Chief Justice… even the President of the United States of America himself called me for his sake…!' By this point, some beads of sweat had already covered his forehead as he went on, 'Could… could this indeed have something to do with that person? If that's the case… the country must definitely be behind this and it's not something I can interfere… I have to be careful about what I do next!'

"Yes, I am." Short and simple, the Legal ugly indeed confirmed his doubt.

Now certain, snapping back to himself, he inquired cautiously, "Then… is that person also here? Is all this somehow related to him?"

Just as expected of him, not beating around the bush at all, the Legal ugly answered directly, "He's the owner of this building and the chairman of Virus Corporation."

Immediately, the police chief's face went pale as he thought, 'Oh shoot! I ain't touching that reverse-scale! Yeah… like hell I will! Over my dead body!' He was now certain that he had to flee the vicinity at once if he didn't want any troubles coming his way!

So, turning toward the other police officers, without any further ado, he ordered, "Everyone! I just received a call from the higher-ups! We were all ordered to retreat as they said they'll deal with the situation themselves and dig everything necessary on their own! This incident is now officially out of our responsibility! So… retreat and scatter at once!"

Hearing this, however, every officer was speechless as he or she pondered, 'Just when the fuck did you receive a call? We were with you all along and there was not a single noise rising from your phone! Could it be the higher-ups communicated with you through telepathy?!?'

Nonetheless, there was nothing they could do as their direct highest superior was ordering them to leave. So, feeling a little powerless, they could only turn around and leave.

"Then… I… I shall leave too, there is something very urgent I need to attend to. But please tell the chairman that the police chief sent his greetings! Also… I'll help you guys and take care of the reporters outside… so, don't worry about them." Saying this, as if in a rush, with his tail between his legs, he fled the scene.

A wide-grin had long appeared on the CEO ugly's face as he turned toward the Legal ugly and proclaimed, "Oho… good thing he recognized you. A headache less."

Then, turning toward the FBI Agents, he recounted wearing a natural smile, "Only they remain now."

Actually, the FBI Agents had just arrived at the lobby and were about to interfere and take the matter at hand when they were bewildered witnessing the bizarre actions of the police chief. This included the head of the FBI office in New York.

'What's going on? Why did he leave just like that? Is it because they left everything to us?' Just as this notion popped into his head, his phone started to ring.

And seeing the caller ID, his eyes went wide open as he answered it promptly, "Hello, sir?"



"Yes, I understand… I shall do as I'm ordered."

"Yes, thank you!"

After repeatedly agreeing with everything the person from the other side of the line had spouted, hanging up, he turned toward every agent present surrounding him and ordered, "We're going back!"

Then, turning around, displaying a warm smile of goodwill toward the befuddled CEO and Legal uglies, they all left.

Seeing this, the CEO ugly remained addled for a short moment when finally, some glow of comprehension started to shine within his eyes as he turned toward the FBI beauty and mouthed smilingly, "So you had already called your superior before our arrival…"

"Hehe, yeah… I contacted the Director immediately when I realized it was going to be chaotic pretty soon." She responded with a giggle.

"Well… good job!" Raising his thumb, he praised her praiseworthy deed.

To be honest, witnessing both the Police Department and the FBI office in their front door, the CEO ugly had assumed that he would probably be forced to order the FBI beauty, Sara Garner, to make the call and bring the contract into the play in order to deal with everything quietly. However, against his expectations, the problematic delegators were handled on their own without him having to take any actions whatsoever!