The Grand Secretary’s Pampered Wife-Chapter 446: The Crown Prince’s Wrath

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The Crown Princess's complexion turned pale!

How could this happen?

It wasn’t Xiao Liulang?

No, it should be Ah Heng, right?

How did it become Ning Wang!

Her initial reaction was to fix her gaze on her adulterous lover on the bed, making the Crown Prince's eyes grow even colder!

A sweet, metallic taste welled up in the Crown Prince's throat, and he felt himself swaying, on the verge of collapsing.

He harshly pinched himself, only to be reminded that this wasn't a dream. It was real, damn it!

How could his elegant, sincere, and gentle Linlang, the knowledgeable and rational Linlang, the Linlang who harmonized with him so perfectly, betray him and engage in such actions with another man behind his back?

Everything happened so fast that he didn't even have time to react.

In the midst of this immense shock, it was as if his blood had turned to ice!

Every word that Wen Linlang uttered just now was like a knife, stabbing the Crown Prince mercilessly!

Saying it hurt didn’t seem right, but saying it didn’t hurt wasn’t right either, as he was almost unable to stand up straight.

The Crown Prince's eyes reddened, he staggered back and collided with the wooden door behind him.

With another loud crash, the Crown Princess finally snapped out of her daze, realizing that her absurd actions and crazy words had been heard and witnessed by the Crown Prince.

Her mind was in disarray.

Those words didn't sound like something she would say.

She couldn't imagine herself saying such explicit things.

But she had said them...

What on earth was going on?

And then there was Ning Wang and the Crown Prince...

Everything was filled with an inexplicable sense of strangeness.

However, in this urgent situation, she didn't have time to sort it all out. She looked at the Crown Prince, who seemed as if he had been struck by lightning, and with a slight movement of her eyes, she discreetly pulled up her fallen clothes.

Then, she got off the bed with her eyes red, and approached the Crown Prince. She reached out to take his hand and said, "Your Highness, please listen to my explanation..."

The Crown Prince instinctively avoided her touch, and in doing so, he unavoidably collided with the door again. The pain from the earlier collision resurged, snapping him back to full consciousness. He looked at Wen Linlang in disbelief, his face full of pain, "Why did you do this... Why..."

Why did she do this?

She didn't want to do this at all!

Only God knew what had happened. She had merely gone out to buy something, and then she suddenly lost consciousness. It was just moments ago when she woke up...

The Crown Princess, tears in her eyes, pleaded, "Your Highness, please believe me. I don't know what happened to me. I was set up by someone..."

The Crown Prince responded, "Set up? Did someone hold a knife to your throat and force you to say those things?"

"Did someone tie your hands and feet, preventing you from escaping from here?"

"You willingly did this, Wen Linlang! I heard it all! You said you had feelings for him! The one you've always liked is him!"

As the Crown Prince spoke, he felt his entire being crumbling. He was born as the Empress's legitimate son with unparalleled privilege, and he also had his powerful uncle, Marquis Xuanping, to support him. He had been accustomed to having everything his way and had never experienced any setbacks.

He wasn't as mischievous as his younger brother Little Seven, so he rarely faced any punishment either.

For over twenty years, he had sailed through life smoothly. Now, with this sudden turn of events, he felt like the whole sky was collapsing!

"Who’s that adulterer?!" The Crown Prince asked with bloodshot eyes.

The Crown Prince recognized her only by the sound of her voice, in fact, the lighting in the room was too dim for the Crown Prince to have clearly seen that the person on the bed was Ning Wang.

Even in her confused state, the Crown Princess knew she couldn't let the Crown Prince discover that the man on the bed was his own brother.

Otherwise, this wouldn't be a simple "misunderstanding"–– it would be a catastrophic disaster!

The Crown Prince, not usually so perceptive, surprisingly noticed the Crown Princess's subtle movements today.

Whether it was due to his broken heart or wounded male pride, he was in such a furious rage right now that he had lost all tender feelings for Wen Linlang.

He rudely pushed the Crown Princess aside and stormed forward.

The dose that Gu Jiao had injected into Ning Wang was larger, twice the normal dosage, which was why he woke up slightly later than the Crown Princess.

He had a vague understanding of what was going on. He thought he was outsmarting Gu Jiao, but from the moment this idea crossed his mind, he fell into the trap set by the other party.

The only reason he was able to trace Xiao Liulang's whereabouts was because Gu Jiao had allowed him to find Xiao Liulang's location.

The person he had his men capture was probably not the real Xiao Liulang, just a decoy.

Ning Wang had actually guessed right about this.

It was an idea inspired by the Dual Blade Sect. In the martial world, there was something called a "skin mask" made primarily from fish glue and fish skin. They were made to be very lifelike, and unless you looked closely, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But if you made sudden, large movements, it would give away the disguise.

It was Gu Chengfeng who had been captured in Xiao Liulang's place,

By now, he had likely escaped.

Ning Wang realized that the Crown Prince was approaching him. He knew he couldn't let the Crown Prince see him, or else he wouldn't be able to escape the blame, no matter how much favor he was!

He grabbed the blanket on him and suddenly covered the Crown Prince's head when he came close!

Then, he got out of bed and quickly headed for the door!

But with a loud crash, he fell straight to the ground face-first!

Damn it!

Someone had tied his feet!!!

This fall was quite a heavy one, leaving Ning Wang's head dizzy for a bit!

The Crown Prince was flustered and in a hurry, taking quite some time to pull the blanket off his head. His headcrown had become loose, and his hair was in disarray, giving him a disheveled appearance.

The Crown Prince couldn't care less about imperial decorum right now. He immediately stretched his foot and gave the other party a hard kick!

Launching a sneak attack on this Crown Prince!

He must be tired of living!

No, that wasn’t it. He actually dared to sleep with his woman. He surely was tired of living!

"Well, well, this prince shall see who you are, you audacious adulterer!" The Crown Prince declared.

The Crown Princess couldn't intervene at this point; after all, she had no martial skills and couldn't stop the Crown Prince.

As for Ning Wang, his head was still spinning, so what could he do?

The Crown Prince didn't bother to use his hands and kicked the other party again, flipping him over.

It would have been fine if he didn’t see, but now that he did, it was as if a thunderstorm had struck him!

"El… Eldest brother?"

The shock of discovering that the adulterer was Ning Wang was even greater than the shock of finding out that the Crown Princess had betrayed him. He simply couldn't accept the reality before him.

Taking advantage of the Crown Prince's momentary bewilderment, Ning Wang bit his lip and cut the rope around his feet with a dagger he had on his waist.

In reality, if the Crown Prince had merely glanced at him, it might not have been an irreparable situation. He could have explained later, telling the Crown Prince that someone had worn a lifelike skin mask resembling him.

Ning Wang had only said one word throughout the entire incident, and from the Crown Prince's reaction, he hadn't recognized his voice.

His top priority was to quickly leave the scene and find a way to establish an alibi for himself.

However, the Crown Prince grabbed him.

"Eldest brother, is it you?" The Crown Prince asked blankly.

Ning Wang turned his face away, avoiding eye contact with the Crown Prince.

But the Crown Prince rolled up his right sleeve. When Ning Wang was eleven years old, he had taken his younger brothers out for horseback riding. At that time, the Crown Prince and Rui Wang were still young, only eight years old, and their horses had collided, nearly causing them to fall from their mounts.

Ning Wang had been injured while saving both of them.

The Crown Prince remembered a long scar on Ning Wang's right forearm.

Years had passed, and the scar had faded considerably, but it was still visible.

The moment the Crown Prince saw the scar, tears finally welled up in his eyes and streaked down his cheeks.

"Why... Eldest brother... Why..."

His heart ached so much...

Why was it Wen Linlang...

Why was it his eldest brother...

Although they were not born of the same mother, he had always respected his eldest brother's character. He didn't harbor any ill feelings towards his eldest brother and had never considered doing anything against him as the Crown Prince.

Even though his imperial mother had repeatedly warned him to be cautious of Imperial Consort Zhuang and Ning Wang, he had never taken it to heart.

The sudden turn of events today was abrupt for anyone. It felt as if overnight, all the veils of decency had been torn away, revealing the ugliness and ferocity within the imperial family.

The Crown Prince had been well-protected throughout his life, and the only truly improper thing he had ever done was to exchange things privately with Wen Linlang.

But even that was rooted in genuine affection, and they had maintained their relationship as friends. He had never touched a hair on her head until he married her into the East Palace.

If it weren't for Xiao Heng's death and if they had each married someone else, he wouldn't have resorted to such means to pursue her!

He couldn't fathom Ning Wang's actions.

Of course, he couldn't understand Wen Linlang's either.

What did these two people think of him?

"You... Both of you disappoint me greatly!!"

He choked out the words, wiped away the tears in his eyes, and turned away in anger.

He couldn't be allowed to publicize this matter!

In the blink of an eye, Ning Wang's mind and body both reacted simultaneously. He took a step forward, pulled the Crown Prince back, and coldly instructed Wen Linlang at the door, "Close the door!"

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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