The Grand Secretary’s Pampered Wife-Chapter 489: JiaoJiao Tricking Someone

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Gu Chengfeng looked at Gu Jiao in disbelief and asked, "Why did you bring him back? No, I should ask, why is he here? And why is he dressed like... this?"

Needless to say, the animal hide beneath Tang Yueshan was obviously peeled from him. He also wrapped animal hide around his legs for warmth and wore an animal hide cap on his head, looking like a proper hunter.

"Wait a minute, the owner of this cabin... could it be Tang Yueshan!?" Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth wide.

Gu Jiao replied, "I'm not sure who the previous owner was, but the current owner seems to be Tang Yueshan."

"So, the reason the remnants of the previous dynasty and the State of Chen's army couldn't find Tang Yueshan all this time is that he's been hiding here? But why is he injured?"

Gu Chengfeng noticed blood stains on Tang Yueshan's clothes and naturally assumed that he was injured.

Gu Jiao followed Gu Chengfeng's gaze and explained, "You mean his blood? That's what he vomited. He's been poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Gu Chengfeng was even more puzzled. Wasn't Tang Yueshan supposed to be very skilled? How could he be poisoned?

Gu Chengfeng had thought of a hundred ways Tang Yueshan could fall, but none of them involved poisoning. This kind of battle-hardened general, if he ever perished, would die from combat-related injuries.

Gu Chengfeng didn't expect Gu Jiao to elaborate. After all, she just happened to encounter Tang Yueshan, and Tang Yueshan might not even be aware of his own poisoning. And even if he did, he wouldn't necessarily explain it to Gu Jiao.

"Give him to me." Gu Chengfeng said to Gu Jiao, reaching out his hand.

He actually didn't want to save Tang Yueshan. It was because Tang Yueshan was overly ambitious and didn't heed his grandfather's advice, which ultimately led to the military defeat. Furthermore, he refused to lend help to his grandfather, causing his grandfather to become a captive and suffer the retaliation of the remnants of the previous dynasty.

Even if Tang Yueshan died in front of him, Gu Chengfeng wouldn't bat an eye. However, Tang Yueshan was brought back by Gu Jiao, and Gu Chengfeng thought that he didn't have the right to interfere with what Gu Jiao wanted to do with him.

However, he still wanted to remind her of the situation between her and Tang Yueshan. "Don't blame me for not warning you. You crippled Tang Ming; you and Tang Yueshan are sworn enemies. If he finds out you're the one who harmed Tang Ming, he won't spare you."

Gu Jiao responded with a simple "Mm," indicating that she understood.

"Then, why are you saving him?" Gu Chengfeng asked, still puzzled.

Gu Jiao looked at Gu Chengfeng and replied, "Among all of you, he's the best fighter."

Gu Chengfeng, observing his own body wrapped in bandages and his unconscious grandfather, found himself unable to argue with Gu Jiao.

If the State of Chen's army and the remnants of the previous dynasty came after them, other than this girl, it did seem that only Tang Yueshan could stand his ground.

However, some thoughts crossed his mind, and Gu Chengfeng held Gu Jiao's wrist, pointing to Tang Yueshan lying in the snow. He asked, "Wait a minute, didn't you say he's poisoned? Doesn't that mean he can't fight either?"

Gu Jiao shattered his expectations with a single sentence, "The poison can be detoxified, and he can recover faster than you two."

Gu Chengfeng: "..."

Gu Jiao dragged Tang Yueshan into the small cabin.

Accompanying them was the prey that Tang Yueshan had caught and discarded but was now picked up again by Gu Jiao. It consisted of three plump rabbits and two fat pheasants.

Now the small cabin had three patients. The two small bamboo beds were not enough, so Gu Jiao brought in two stools from the living room and placed them end to end. Then, she dismantled the bedroom door and used the door panel to bridge the two stools.

Gu Chengfeng watched in disbelief.

That worked too?

Gu Jiao placed Tang Yueshan on the makeshift bed.

Later, she began to check the signs of poisoning in Tang Yueshan. There were no obvious signs of discoloration on Tang Yueshan's forehead and fingernails. Instead, his gum was swollen, and a blue-black line could be seen under the gingival mucosa.

It was mercury poisoning.

Gu Jiao searched Tang Yueshan's body and found a porcelain bottle from which she poured out a few dark-red round pills.

After carefully analyzing the ingredients, she discovered a small amount of mercury.

Mercury was extracted from cinnabar, mainly used in ancient times for alchemy and corpse preservation. It was something only extremely wealthy individuals could afford. However, whether it was pure cinnabar or refined mercury, they were not suitable for use as medicine and could lead to poisoning with long-term consumption.

This was why many Emperors seeking immortality and eternal youth often did not live very long.

Gu Jiao wondered how Tang Yueshan had come into contact with this substance.

Fortunately, the poisoning was not severe and had not yet affected his internal organs. Moreover, there were specific antidotes for this type of poison.

Gu Jiao took out a medicine from her little medicine chest and administered it through an IV to Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan didn't just vomit blood and faint because of poisoning; he also suffered some internal injuries, although they were far less severe than those of Old Marquis and Gu Chengfeng.

An hour later, Tang Yueshan regained consciousness on the makeshift bed. His treatment was complete, and he was covered with his own animal hide, with a burning brazier nearby, providing warmth.

Gu Chengfeng went to watch the fire at the stove in the living room. There was a pot of pheasant soup simmering on the stove.

The aroma of the pheasant soup wafted through the room in tantalizing waves. Tang Yueshan had not eaten in days, and his stomach responded with a loud growl.

Gu Jiao, who was currently changing Old Marquis's bandages, reacted nonchalantly, "The pheasant soup isn't ready yet."

The room wasn’t big, and Tang Yueshan's makeshift bed was right in front of Old Marquis' bamboo bed. Tang Yueshan turned his head and immediately saw Old Marquis and Gu Jiao on the bamboo bed.

A trace of solemnity and surprise flickered in his eyes.

Tang Yueshan's gaze shifted away from Old Marquis and landed on Gu Jiao's face as she was changing Old Marquis's bandages. He asked in a deep voice, "Who are you exactly?"

Gu Jiao finished applying the final piece of bandage to Old Marquis, covered him with a quilt, and then turned to remove her mask.

Tang Yueshan's brow furrowed slightly when he saw Gu Jiao's face. It was a face that was half-ethereal and half-flawed by a red birthmark.

He had never met Gu Jiao, but he had heard of her.

The Marquis Estate’s daughter with the red birthmark on her left face, just fifteen years old, raised in the countryside from a young age, but deeply favored by the Empress Dowager.

"I should have guessed it was you..."

Gu Yan's sister, Empress Dowager's beloved.

This explained why she sought revenge against Tang Ming and why Empress Dowager had lied and acted for her.

Tang Yueshan's body exuded a fierce killing intent again, "Don't think that because you saved me this time, I'll forget about what happened before. You harmed my son, and I want you to pay with your life!"

Gu Jiao could tell from his voice that he was recovering quite well. In reality, Gu Jiao hadn't administered many medications to him. He bore the internal injuries on his own and healed the external wounds himself. The only thing Gu Jiao did was provide him with some medicine to detoxify the poison.

Oh, that really saved medicine.

Tang Yueshan once again harbored murderous intentions toward Gu Jiao.

Suddenly, Gu Jiao raised her hand and halted his actions, "Before you act, you might want to check your own condition."

"What do you mean?" Tang Yueshan asked.

Gu Jiao cryptically asked, "Do you think I would bring you back here for no reason?"

Tang Yueshan's face darkened.

Gu Jiao continued, "Pull up your sleeve and check your left hand. Do you have a red line starting from your palm?"

"Then, look at your lower abdomen. Is there a blue mark there?"

"Finally, touch your hair. Is it starting to thin out?"

Tang Yueshan checked each of these and his expression changed dramatically, especially when he felt his balding head, "What have you done to me?"

Gu Jiao, with her hands behind her back, looked down on him, raised an eyebrow, and said, “Nothing much, I just poisoned you. You'd better obediently follow my instructions, or else, you'll die a very ugly death."

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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