The Grand Secretary’s Pampered Wife-Chapter 491: Formidable Alliance

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Gu Chengfeng actually understood that it was not suitable for either him or Tang Yueshan to stay.

He didn't trust Tang Yueshan in the first place, who knew what might happen if he left Tang Yueshan here? As for letting Tang Yueshan leave with Gu Jiao, he was even more worried. Tang Yueshan had high martial arts skills, and in case he realized he wasn't poisoned but had been tricked by Gu Jiao, then Gu Jiao would be in danger.

Gu Chengfeng gritted his teeth and quickly carried the stretcher ashore with Tang Yueshan, disappearing into the boundless darkness of the night.

The man in the silver fox fur cloak on the opposite bank stared at Gu Jiao with a piercing gaze. His eyes lingered for a moment on her red-tasseled spear, unknown if he recognized something. He hesitated for a while but not for too long.

He raised his hand and pointed downwards.

Gu Jiao seemed to hear him say, "Attack."

A hundred soldiers stepped onto the ice, brandishing their long swords as they advanced towards Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao didn't rush to attack but instead reached into her back basket and pulled out a pair of ice skates made in advance, securing them to her feet.

No one understood what she was doing, and no one cared. They had a hundred people. Wasn’t that more than enough to kill one enemy?

Besides, they were soldiers of the borderlands, and their footwear was treated to provide traction even on the ice.

However, nobody expected that they would be left dumbfounded as soon as Gu Jiao moved!

While they could walk steadily on the ice, this masked figure seemed to be running on it... no, she was flying!

Gu Jiao’s movements were incredibly fast. With the ice skates on, she moved like a nighthawk with wings spread open, and no one could capture her figure.

She wielded her spear, and each strike was a killing blow. The soldiers of the remnants of the previous dynasty fell one after another. In the blink of an eye, nearly half of their forces were already depleted.

"My Lord!"

One of the trusted subordinates of the man in the silver fox fur cloak looked at him with shock and concern.

The man in the silver fox fur cloak didn't speak and merely stared at Gu Jiao, who was immersed in the bloodshed. Her red-tasseled spear was covered in blood, and her body was also stained with blood, but not a single drop was her own.

The man in the silver fox fur cloak slowly removed his glove and extended his fair, slender hand to his subordinate.

His subordinate understood and handed him a large bow.

The man in the silver fox fur cloak drew the bowstring with his right hand and pulled out three arrows from the quiver hanging on his saddle with his left hand. He released all three arrows at the same time, aiming them fiercely at Gu Jiao!

His three arrows almost sealed off all of Gu Jiao’s escape routes. No matter how she tried to evade them, she would be hit by at least one arrow, and with bad luck, all three could find their mark!

The soldiers on the ice seemed to have noticed their leader's tactics and rushed to block Gu Jiao at all costs, even if it meant sacrificing themselves.

At this very moment, something unexpected happened.

Three arrows were also shot from the other side of the river. Each arrow intercepted the arrows from the man in the silver fox fur cloak, splitting them apart, and with undiminished force, they headed straight for the man in the silver fox fur cloak.

The man in the silver fox fur cloak grabbed the shield from one of his subordinates and used it to block the incoming arrows.

To the eye, all three arrows seemed to be directed at him, but as they came closer, it was apparent that only one arrow hit the shield, while the other two hit his two subordinates.

The two of them fell to the snowy ground on the spot!

The man in the silver fox fur cloak's gaze crossed the ice and fixed on Tang Yueshan, who had returned with a bow and arrows.

Tang Yueshan didn’t step foot on the icy river but found an elevated point in a tree, aiming at the blind spots that were difficult for Gu Jiao to cover. One shot, one kill, two shots, a pair of kills!

The Tang Family was renowned for their archery skills, and as the head of the Tang Family, Tang Yueshan's archery was naturally unmatched.

Gu Jiao knew that Tang Yueshan had returned, so when the man in the silver fox fur cloak made his move towards her, she handed her back over to Tang Yueshan without hesitation.

To be honest, this level of trust surprised Tang Yueshan.

Wasn't she afraid that he might not make it in time or miss his shot?

As Gu Jiao continued to fight, she became increasingly fearless. Her speed on the ice was incredible. If it were a regular archer, they would likely struggle to keep up with her.

But Tang Yueshan kept up.

Gu Jiao thrust her spear through one soldier, and right behind her came two more soldiers. Without even blinking, she charged forward, while Tang Yueshan shot down the two soldiers with a single arrow!

If Gu Jiao was the fearless spearhead charging ahead, then Tang Yueshan was the shield guarding her back.

The two of them coordinated seamlessly. Even Tang Ming, Tang Yueshan’s own blood relative, didn't have such synergy with him.

Tang Ming was an exceptionally skilled soldier, but he never dared to fully entrust his back to anyone. He only trusted himself, which brought hesitation into his actions.

It was often said that a pair of father and son soldiers work well together on the battlefield. If it weren't for Gu Jiao, Tang Yueshan would have been content with the synergy between him and Tang Ming.

However, after this battle, Tang Yueshan truly understood what real synergy meant.

Wherever Gu Jiao charged, Tang Yueshan's arrows cleared the way.

Wherever Gu Jiao retreated, Tang Yueshan's arrows shielded her path back.

Though there were only two of them, they exuded the aura of a thousand-man army!

The man in the silver fox fur cloak squinted his eyes slightly.

As Tang Yueshan drew his bow again to eliminate the obstacle behind Gu Jiao, the man in the silver fox fur cloak aimed an arrow at Tang Yueshan's leg and swiftly released it.

If Tang Yueshan protected himself, he couldn't protect Gu Jiao. Among the two people, one of them had to get hurt.

Tang Yueshan clenched his teeth and shot towards the side of Gu Jiao.

With a sharp sound, the blade pierced his leg, and a sharp pain shot through his thigh. Tang Yueshan let out a muffled groan and fell from the tree.

Gu Jiao frowned, kicked away the last soldier, and swiftly moved across the ice with her red-tasseled spear.

She had become like a black lightning bolt. With a swift motion, her red-tasseled spear pierced the man’s silver fox fur cloak and slashed across his muscular waist.

"My Lord!"

A soldier shouted.

The man in the silver fox fur cloak's belt was severed. He clutched his abdomen, and with a tap of his foot, he leaped from his horse.

Gu Jiao held the red-tasseled spear and looked up at the man in the silver fox fur cloak as he retreated into the air.

The man also looked at Gu Jiao.

In that moment, he saw an endless, icy, bloodthirsty intent in the eyes of this youth.

The youth was clutching the belt that had fallen from his waist as she gazed up at him, and yet, she exuded a sense of disdain, which made the man in the silver fox fur cloak feel he was being looked down upon.

The youth, with a cold expression, seemed to be telling him:

Next time, it won’t be your belt, but your life.

The man in the silver fox fur cloak retreated, leaving behind his small contingent of troops forever.

Gu Jiao crossed the river and removed the ice skates, putting them back in her back basket.

Tang Yueshan had an arrow lodged in his left thigh, piercing through the entire leg.

Gu Jiao placed the red-tasseled spear and the back basket aside and knelt down on one knee, saying to Tang Yueshan, "Bear with it."

Tang Yueshan's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

Gu Jiao took out a dagger and cut off the arrowhead, then pulled the arrow out from the other end.

Blood splattered everywhere!

She quickly used gauze to plug the two holes in Tang Yueshan's leg.

"It's useless." Tang Yueshan said with pale lips. "It's a rusted arrow. I regret it now, lass. If I had known... I wouldn't have saved you."

Tang Yueshan, having been through countless battles, knew that once someone was wounded by a rusty weapon, there was no cure.

The Imperial Son-in-law did it intentionally.

He wanted either him or Gu Jiao dead!

Gu Jiao calmly took out a syringe from her little medicine chest.

Tang Yueshan looked at the thick, long needle, and his heart thudded, "What are you doing?"

Gu Jiao raised an eyebrow, saying, "Giving you a tetanus shot."

Tang Yueshan couldn't quite understand her words, but when Gu Jiao raised the needle and started to pull down his pants, he was suddenly thrown into a state of panic!

"You brat! I saved you! And you're sticking me with a needle! Are you even human?! You— Ow—"

Tang Yueshan's backside suddenly felt cold and painful, and the otherwise unflinching Supreme Commander Tang bit his fingers and cried!

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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