The King of Hell's Genius Pampered Wife-Chapter 1047: Separation

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Chapter 1047: Separation

“Change the location?”

Nangong Yu nodded with a smile, but his face was full of cold evil intentions, “Feng Yunjing is now covered with wounds and blood, so if he falls into the magical beast forest like this, how will he end up?”

“Magical beast forest?” Hexi was taken aback for a moment, then she couldn’t help laughing.

It’s not just because Feng Yunjing is covered with wounds right? And his scorched skin, en, he will definitely become the delicious food that magical beasts are vying for.

Nangong Yu lowered his head and kissed her laughing mouth, but his eyes were slightly dull. “However, the magical beast forest can’t block message transmission. Feng Yunjing may not be able to die. Moreover, once he reports my strength and the news of Elder Cheng’s death to the Feng Family and the Doctors Association, I’m afraid the Feng Family will start to act.”

Qing Long also stepped forward and said, “Master, I want to report to you that there is news from Xuan Wu and Wu Yu that the Feng Family seems to have begun to take action in various kingdoms. Especially the edge of the magical beast forest that Iron Kirin, the Feng Family’s people began to increase.”

Nangong Yu’s eyes were dim, and he sneered, “I’m still afraid that they won’t make a move.”

But… he looked down at Hexi, “Xi’er, the Feng Family has started to act, I must go back to preside over the overall situation, you go back with me, en?“

Hexi was hesitating, but Xiao Li’s whisper came from the void. She was taken aback, then she shook her head and said, “Nangong Yu, I have some things to deal with here. I may need to go to Miracle Healer Academy first. What’s more, my current status is quite special. Staying by your side will restrict your actions instead.”

Nangong Yu’s shining eyes suddenly dimmed, and he put his arm around Hexi and said with a slightly aggrieved voice, “Xi’er, I haven’t seen you for a long time, are you willing to separate from me?”

Hexi was naturally a little bit reluctant, but the only feeling of parting was dispelled by Nangong Yu’s tone and attitude.

She took out a large stack of talisman papers from her arm, handed them to Nangong Yu’s hand, and whispered, “These talismans were given to me by a remarkable man in crafting talisman. They contain a voice message talisman, item transfer talisman, and the recording talisman. Even if we are thousands of miles away, it can be delivered, unlike inscribed jade slip that can only convey simple messages.”

As she said, her face was a little hot, and she lowered her voice, “If you miss me, send me a voice message talisman, I… I will reply to it; if you want to see me or eat my food, I can also send you video recording talisman and item transfer talisman. In short, we won’t be not seeing each other for a long time.”

Nangong Yu looked down at the girl in his arms.

Hexi was always cold and arrogant, but occasionally facing him, she would have the shyness of a little girl.

And he really loved Hexi like this.

Just thinking that he couldn’t be with his loved one, even if he can send a voice message and see a recording talisman, he felt an indescribable depression for not being to hold her in his arms.

He couldn’t wait to tie her around him so that she couldn’t leave even one step.