The Last Adventurer-Chapter 81

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[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]

Chapter 81: Human Hunters (1)


The moment the Prince’s Tomb was unveiled, countless adventurers began flocking to the Ariant Kingdom.

Renowned adventurers gathered in droves.

“Look, it’s the Boss Slayer!”

“Over there, those are the adventurers from Ellinia!”

Adventurers from every region were present.

“Even the Alchemists of Magatia have come!”

“The Resistance of Edelstein is here too.”

Even Alchemists, who were notorious for never leaving Magatia, and the Resistance, who were wanted criminals in Edelstein, had arrived.

This was quite extraordinary.

The Resistance, as their name implied, were rebels wanted by the Black Wings, the current rulers of Edelstein.

They were fugitives.

For such fugitives to appear openly before everyone was unheard of.

But no one questioned their presence.

“It’s the Prince’s Tomb, after all!”

The weight of the Prince’s Tomb was so significant that it turned even non-adventurers into adventurers.

Instead, people wondered about something else.

“What will the reward be?”


“Abdulla VIII wouldn’t host this grand event without a prize, would he?”

What would Abdulla VIII offer as a trophy for this incredible festival?

“He’ll probably give out amazing items.”

“It could be gold.”

“Maybe even a city?”

All sorts of rumors were circulating.

The adventurers, however, were different.

The question on the minds of the adventurers gathering in Ariant was:

“How are they going to select the participants?”

Who would be chosen?

No matter how great the prize, it was meaningless if you couldn’t even participate.

“Rumor has it that only around 250 adventurers will be allowed into the Prince’s Tomb.”

Even if they were generous, the number of adventurers chosen couldn’t exceed 300.

So everyone thought:

“They won’t choose based on skill. There’s no way to do that, and even if there was, it would take forever.”

“Titles will be important.”

Adventurers would be selected based on their achievements, their titles.

Naturally, people’s attention turned to them.

“Who’s the best adventurer here?”

“Who else but the Great Warrior of the Desert, Karcasa!”

The first name mentioned was Karcasa, the Desert Warrior, considered the best adventurer under the 4th Circle in the Nihal Desert.

It was only natural.

The nickname “Desert Warrior” was bestowed upon him by none other than Abdulla VIII himself.

“Karcasa may be a great warrior, but wouldn’t the Red Scorpions be the best for this kind of thing?”

The next group mentioned was the Red Scorpions, the most successful Mystic Gate raiders in the Nihal Desert.

“We can’t forget the adventurers from Ellinia. I hear the White Wolf of Ellinia is coming too.”

“They say a dream team of mages from Ellinia, archers from Henesys, and warriors from Perion is forming on an airship from Victoria Island.”

Among the names mentioned, there was one that stood out.

“What about the El Pam Party?”

The name of the El Pam Party.

“The ones who conquered Jack Richie’s Tomb?”

The story of Jack Richie’s Tomb was well-known even among the adventurers of the Ariant Kingdom.

It was only natural that the El Pam Party, who conquered it, was also known.

Of course, they weren’t known in a good way.

“The scammer El Pam?”


That was the nickname of the El Pam Party.

It wasn’t surprising.

In general, the credibility of adventurers’ achievements wasn’t very high.

Moreover, the adventurers of the Ariant Kingdom looked down on those from Victoria Island.

It wasn’t a matter of pride or anything like that.

Everyone considered Victoria Island to be a low-level place.

It was natural to be suspicious of fame earned in such a place.


“Isn’t that right? It’s ridiculous to claim that only five people defeated a boss that even the Boss Slayer gave up on.”

“That’s not all. Look at the titles they’ve earned. They can’t be real.”

“Of course not. Everyone’s been fooled. They’re affiliated with the Gafor Guild, a dirty place that only cares about money.”

Moreover, the achievements of the El Pam Party were so incredible that they were hard to believe.

In many ways, it was inevitable that they would be labeled as scammers.

“Damn it, being called a scammer party.”

Of course, it was infuriating for them.

“And to think we saved their lives.”

In the case of Jack Richie’s Tomb, everyone would have died if it weren’t for the El Pam Party.

Instead of being grateful for being saved, they were spreading these rumors?

“Just wait until I meet that Boss Slayer.”

“Yeah, just wait. I’ll put a hole in his head.”

“Tarnishing the honor of the Signus Knights is unacceptable.”

It was a frustrating situation for adventurers who risked their lives for achievements.

“We can’t let this stand.”

Even Ralph voiced his discontent.

“Ralph, what’s gotten into you? You only care about money.”

“If we’re called scammers, we won’t be able to earn money properly! This is unacceptable!”

“…I suppose you’re right.”

Of course, his reason was, as always, money, but all members of the El Pam Party were unhappy.

“Boss, what are you going to do?”

“It’s not a bad thing.”


Except for El Pam, that is.

“But we’re being treated like scammers?”

“It’s better than being treated as a competitor.”


“Divo, what would you do if you were competing against our party?”

“Well… I’d team up with another party and attack first.”

In his view, being treated as a scammer was far more advantageous in many ways.

Therefore, El Pam didn’t pay much attention to being labeled as a scammer.

“But Boss, even so…”

Of course, it wasn’t an issue that could be easily dismissed just because El Pam said so.

“This isn’t right. If we’re treated as scammers, we won’t even be able to participate, will we?”

No matter how much Prince Kashan pushed for them, it was highly unlikely that someone labeled a scammer could participate in this event hosted by Abdulla VIII.

“It doesn’t matter.”

But El Pam wasn’t overly concerned about that.

‘The Sand Painting Group has already taken over the area around the Prince’s Tomb.’

The main reason why the Ariant Kingdom had left the Prince’s Tomb untouched until now was because it was under the influence of the Sand Painting Group, a rebel faction opposed to the Ariant Kingdom, or more specifically, Queen Areda.

Every time the Ariant Kingdom tried to conquer it, they would do everything in their power to interfere.

And Mystic Gates were very vulnerable to such terrorist acts.

‘There’s no choice but to attract other adventurers like this.’

That was why Abdulla VIII was now openly recruiting adventurers.

‘The Sand Painting Group’s justification is to stop Queen Areda’s evil deeds. If they attack innocent adventurers here, they’ll lose their justification.’

The moment the Sand Painting Group attacked the adventurers who had gathered with pure intentions, they would no longer be rebels fighting for the people of the Ariant Kingdom, but mere terrorists.

Of course, that didn’t mean the Sand Painting Group would simply stand by and watch.

So El Pam was certain.

“It’ll be different from the usual methods. So reputation doesn’t matter.”

They would come up with a different method than the standard way of selecting adventurers and then raiding the Mystic Gate.

And the time had come.

On the day the capital of the Ariant Kingdom was filled with adventurers.

“It’s Abdulla VIII!”

Abdulla VIII appeared at the royal palace of the Ariant Kingdom.

His face was covered with a cloud-like, thick white beard, and he wore a giant purple turban.

“He’s not as extravagant as I expected.”

Abdulla VIII didn’t look like the extravagant king he was rumored to be.

Of course, El Pam saw things differently.

“The purple turban, how much do you think the red jewel on it is worth?”


He knew the value of that jewel.

“It must be expensive, maybe 100 million mesos? But it’s just a jewel, right?”

“It’s an Onyx from the Onyx Dragon. There are only two left in the world, and Captain Kyrin offered to trade the Nautilus for it.”


He knew the value of that jewel.

“Hey, Golden Eyes? Is he serious?”

“Yeah, he’s serious.”

Divo was surprised by her words.

Minerv, on the other hand, was surprised for a different reason.

She had already heard this story from her mentor, Captain Kyrin.

And in that story, Captain Kyrin had said.


Abdulla VIII possessed the only Onyx Dragon’s Onyx in the world.

But two?

It was a question that had to be asked.

Unfortunately, there was no opportunity to ask that question.

Flutter flutter!

“Something’s coming down from the sky!”

A balloon floated in the sky, and countless papers began to rain down from it like confetti.

“On the day the sky turned black, where the stars visited, the reddest flower bloomed.”

Naturally, people picked up the papers, and everyone could see.

“The Prince’s Tomb is there.”

They understood what this meant.

‘It’s a free-for-all.’

No selection.

No reputation.

‘First come, first served.’

Whoever finds this clue and reaches the Prince’s Tomb will win everything!

It was a shocking twist.

It meant that even adventurers with little fame could become the protagonist of this big event if they had the skills and luck.

‘It won’t be easy, though.’

In other words, this Mystic Gate raid would be more competitive than ever before.

All the adventurers who came to the Ariant Kingdom would be vying for it.

So everyone weighed their options.

Was it worth taking on this adventure?

The answer was already decided.

‘Just look at the reward.’

The reward that Abdulla VIII would offer!

The adventurers each made their own guesses.

‘It’s likely to be a Unique item.’

‘It won’t be just one, there will be quite a few.’

‘What kind of item will it be?’

Most of them expected items.

That was because Unique rank or higher items couldn’t be bought with money.

“To the one who brings back the remains of my son.”

Abdulla VIII showed the adventurers.

“I will give this.”

At that moment.

Rumble rumble!

As soon as Abdulla VIII finished speaking, with a loud noise, a group of workers entered the Ariant Royal Palace, pulling an elephant.

“Oh my god.”

“Is that… gold?”

An elephant made of gold.

Overwhelming wealth!

In front of the reward Abdulla VIII had prepared, no adventurer hesitated any longer.

All the adventurers did the same thing.


Everyone went wild.


Among them was the El Pam Party.

“Crazy, they’re giving that away? We could live like kings if we just sold one of its legs.”

“Amazing. So much gold.”

Not only Divo but even Kiri, who had never been interested in money before.

“This is insane, insane. Wow, this is really crazy!”

Minerv, who was always passionate about treasure, was naturally ecstatic.

And everyone thought:

More than anyone else, Ralph would be excited.


But Ralph, looking at the golden elephant, wasn’t excited at all. He was calmer than ever.

“Hey, Ralph.”

Surprised by his reaction, Divo asked.

“Are you sick?”

It was a natural concern.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not reacting at all, even though a golden elephant is the prize.”

“I’m calculating, calculating.”


“I’m calculating the amount of gold based on the volume of that golden elephant. And I’m also calculating the gold prices in each region, transportation costs, and risk costs.”

But after hearing Ralph’s words, everyone stopped worrying.

And Divo, no longer worried, looked at El Pam with a brighter face than ever and said.

“Boss! This is awesome! This is really awesome! With that, we wouldn’t have to worry about money for the rest of our lives!”

El Pam replied.

“It won’t be easy.”

With a stern expression.

But instead of being surprised, Divo nodded as if it were natural.

“Of course, it won’t be easy. Everyone whose eyes are on that golden elephant will be venturing out to find the Prince’s Tomb! Finding the Prince’s Tomb itself will be a problem.”

El Pam said to Divo.

“That won’t be a problem.”


“I know where the Prince’s Tomb is.”

At those words, everyone, including Divo, looked at El Pam with surprised expressions.


“I deciphered the code.”

Divo was shocked by the short answer.

At that moment.

Everyone’s faces, including Divo’s, turned pale.


They realized.

‘Deciphering a code is easy? Then what does the boss mean by “not easy”?’

What did “not easy” mean to El Pam?

El Pam gladly told his companions.

“The moment you enter the Prince’s Tomb, everyone becomes an enemy. Without a single exception.”

[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]