The Last Adventurer-Chapter 88

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[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]

Chapter 88: The Prince’s Legacy (3)


El Pam kept his promise.

“There are no more Dark Nepenthes.”

In just 20 minutes, he created a stage where no one had to worry about the Dark Nepenthes.

However, his comrades couldn’t be entirely happy about it.

“So, let’s wrap this up.”

It was now their turn to keep their promise.

Of course, no one was going to refuse.

“Absolutely, we’ll take care of it right away.”

El Pam’s party, without hesitation, advanced towards the now solitary Giant Nepenthes.

They had a plan.

“Kiri and I will cut the stems. Minerv, you…”

The most threatening thing at the moment was the Giant Nepenthes’ massive stem whips!

In other words, if they could just deal with those stems, the threat of the Giant Nepenthes would be significantly reduced.

The method wasn’t difficult.

“Okay, I’ll be the bait.”

One person would lure the stems, and while they were distracted, the rest would cut them down.

Of course, just because the method wasn’t difficult didn’t mean it was easy to put into practice.

Common sense would dictate that cutting a whip-like stem mid-flight?

It required immense concentration.

Moreover, a single mistake could lead to the death of a comrade. It was a very dangerous task.

It would feel like their lifespan was shortening with every attack.

“Let’s be careful.”

Crucially, the Giant Nepenthes in front of them wasn’t just any ordinary Giant Nepenthes.

“That thing is probably pissed off right now.”

It was writhing in anger at being toyed with by El Pam.


Indeed, El Pam’s party’s attempt to take down the Giant Nepenthes did not start smoothly.

“Damn it, it’s too fast! Gold Eyes! Be careful!”

“Hey, telling me that now doesn’t help!”

It took them a good hour to get used to the Giant Nepenthes’ stem attacks.

“I can see it now.”

“Damn, you’re seeing it a little too late!”

In the process, their stamina and concentration were naturally greatly depleted.

Starting the strategy in that state?

It was a situation where accidents were bound to happen.

It was dangerous.

Nevertheless, El Pam merely watched the scene.

He couldn’t deal significant damage to the Giant Nepenthes with magic, but he could help in other ways if he wanted to.

However, El Pam didn’t do that.

‘If they can’t even handle a Giant Nepenthes, they can’t move on to the next level.’

It was time to go higher.

And it wasn’t just any higher place.

‘From now on, even the basic obstacles will be set by 5th Circle adventurers.’

The opponents they had to compete with were also different in level and ability compared to before.

It wasn’t simply a matter of being strong; it was a different dimension.

‘The core members of each group.’

Currently, a 5th Circle adventurer could easily secure a decent position in most guilds.

So, if they were going to fail, it was better to fail here.

At least here, they wouldn’t die.

El Pam wasn’t the only one who knew this.

‘It won’t be a joke once we leave here.’

‘Attacking the Prince’s Tomb will bring more pressure in many ways.’

‘If we catch this thing and leave, those who want us dead will probably come running.’

El Pam’s comrades also knew they had to prove their worth against the Giant Nepenthes.

So they endured.

‘I’ll go all the way with the boss.’

‘I can’t fall out here.’

‘If I just follow El Pam, I can become a pirate worthy of my teacher’s reputation.’

‘My price will go up. Very good.’

They didn’t want to be dropped from this party.


That’s why everyone willingly threw themselves towards the Giant Nepenthes’ terrifying stem whips.


“Cut it!”


“I cut it too!”

Slowly, they began to cut down the Giant Nepenthes’ stems.

Eventually, they faced it.

“It’s not coming out anymore?”

The Giant Nepenthes, which no longer had any stems to swing.

Of course, even without its stems, the Giant Nepenthes was still a terrifying monster. Not only its massive size, but inside its giant flower, there was another monstrous flower with terrifying teeth, capable of swallowing an adventurer whole.

“Well, then.”

However, in the eyes of the adventurers who had dodged all of its terrifying stem whip attacks, it was merely laughable.

Moreover, El Pam’s comrades came to a conclusion.

“Should we rest a bit before going in?”


It was a wise decision.

There was no need to rush and finish it off against the Giant Nepenthes, which was practically crippled and only had its poison left.

After resting for half a day, the Giant Nepenthes was no longer a threat to El Pam’s party.

“Slash Blast!”

Divo’s polearm smashed through the Giant Nepenthes’ body, its sturdy body.

“Everyone back! Acid is flowing out!”

The powerful acid that had filled the Giant Nepenthes began to pour out.


And the acid began to melt the surface of the Giant Nepenthes.

It was instantaneous.

The Giant Nepenthes’ massive body melted away in the acid it had produced.


Divo, watching the scene, clicked his tongue.

“That’s insane. What kind of acid is that?”

Who knew it had such a potent acid inside it?

“If we had been caught by the stems and dragged in, we would have been done for.”

If they had been grabbed by the stems and pulled inside, they would have faced death without a chance to fight back.

In fact, many adventurers had attempted to attack from within, but not a single one had succeeded.

“Even getting inside would have been the end.”

It went without saying that none of those who died inside had their bodies intact.

Not even bones, let alone clothes, remained.

“The items would have melted too.”

No one in their right mind would expect items to remain unscathed in such acid.

In truth, El Pam’s party knew the moment they saw the Giant Nepenthes.

“The same goes for the Prince’s remains.”

That it would be impossible to achieve the results they desired in this Mystic Gate raid.

Of course, it wasn’t that they had no gains.

“Well, at least we’ll get a decent title when we get out.”

The reputation of El Pam’s party would rise once again.

“And our skills have definitely improved this time.”

Above all, El Pam’s party gained experience that money couldn’t buy.

Everyone was satisfied with that.

“Huh? Boss?”

Except for El Pam.

“Boss! It’s dangerous there! It’s a lake of acid!”

El Pam continued walking towards the corpse of the Giant Nepenthes, which was still overflowing with the deadly acid.

“Everything’s melted, there’s nothing left!”

He knew that.

‘What Prince Saleh had wouldn’t melt.’

He knew what the Prince’s legacy was.

And it wasn’t difficult to find it.


In the acid that melted everything, only that remained, revealing its presence.

“A bracelet?”

A single bracelet, glowing red.

“It doesn’t look ordinary, does it?”

Even at a glance, the red energy emanating from it was unusual.

And indeed, it wasn’t.

“It’s Apollo’s Bracelet.”

El Pam recognized the bracelet.

“Apollo’s Bracelet? Wait, Apollo, isn’t that the small fire arrow spell you use, Boss?”

El Pam’s comrades also knew the significance of Apollo.

‘Apollo’s Fire Arrow is amazing, but the ability of this bracelet is even more amazing.’

Of course, the value of Apollo’s Bracelet was beyond what his comrades imagined.

“What’s its ability?”

“It halves the cooldown of all fire attribute magic.”

“Ah, halves it. Wait, what?”

The more powerful the magic, the longer the cooldown required.

“W-Wait, you said halves it?”

Halving that cooldown, even if it was limited to fire attributes, was incredible.

For El Pam alone, it meant he could now use his Apollo’s Fire Arrow spell twice as often!

At that realization, El Pam’s comrades were speechless.

They knew the implications all too well.

“Wow, as expected of the boss! I’ll continue to trust and follow you to the end!”

And they knew it was a good thing for them too.

“We have nothing to fear now.”

El Pam’s party was naturally brimming with confidence.

“Whoever comes, the boss will just sweep them all away!”

To his comrades, El Pam said,

“The Sand Painting Group will be waiting for us outside.”

“What? The Sand Painting Group?”

At his words, their faces hardened.

The Sand Painting Group was an organization that opposed the Ariant Kingdom.

Their appearance in the Ariant Kingdom’s event couldn’t be a good sign.

In fact, the Sand Painting Group had already carried out various acts of sabotage.

“But how can they come here? The Malgur Oasis isn’t child’s play.”

In other words, that was the limit.

The Malgur Oasis wouldn’t easily allow anyone to do whatever they wanted.

But there are no absolutes in the world.

“That’s why an executive of the Sand Painting Group will be waiting for us.”

If it was an executive of the Sand Painting Group, it would be different.

“Wait, an executive? That means at least 6th Circle, right?”

6th Circle adventurer.

At those words, everyone’s faces hardened.

It couldn’t be helped.

In the present age, 6th Circle adventurers were the true powerhouses, beings of a different dimension.

It wasn’t simply because they had more Circles.

Many unique items required a level of 6th Circle or higher, and that was the reason they were in a different league.

If an expert of that level stepped up, even the monsters of the Malgur Oasis would be intimidated.

Of course, there were questions.

“If they’re an executive, wouldn’t the Ariant Kingdom be desperately trying to catch them? Why would they come here?”

The appearance of a Sand Painting Group executive was no small matter.


If they were taking such a risk, there had to be a reason.

“From the Sand Painting Group’s perspective, they would want to make this event hosted by Queen Areda the worst possible event. And the way to make it the worst is simple.”

El Pam explained the reason.

“Kill all the survivors.”

At those words, everyone’s faces hardened.

It meant that after barely defeating the Giant Nepenthes, an even stronger opponent awaited them outside.


And even for El Pam, achieving any results against a 6th Circle adventurer was practically impossible.

So everyone thought.

“Let’s make a plan. I’ll buy some time. In the meantime, Boss, you take the rest and run.”

They thought of escaping at the cost of someone’s sacrifice.

“Divo, it’s not your place to step up. I’ll try to negotiate. Even the Sand Painting Group wouldn’t dare to recklessly touch the Signus Knights!”

“Nah, forget it. If I step up, it’s game over. Unless the Sand Painting Group guys are out of their minds, they won’t openly wage war with the Nautilus. I’ll step up and talk to them.”

And here, everyone volunteered to sacrifice themselves.

“If necessary, how about we negotiate with money? I’m willing to pay enough.”

Even Ralph said that.

That’s how strong the bond of El Pam’s party was.

El Pam shook his head at his comrades’ words.

“There’s no need for that.”

He had already anticipated this.

“I have a way.”

Naturally, he had prepared a countermeasure.

“As expected, Boss! What’s the plan?”

Divo asked excitedly, and El Pam took out a bottle from his pocket and handed it to him.

“Uh, what’s this?”


“What? Poison?”

It was none other than a poison bottle.

“It’s the poison used by assassins.”

Not just any poison, but the poison used by assassins.

A deadly poison that would lead to death soon after ingestion!

El Pam took out more bottles and handed them to his comrades, then said,

“Before we exit, everyone take one bottle.”

[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]