The Last Experience Point-Chapter 107: The Way Forward

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Kalana squeaked with delight, and Zach laughed. Wind blasted into the two of them, and she held on tightly with her arms around his waist as the Kralzek's Beast jumped up on its powerful legs, ascending almost fifty feet into the air before landing on top of a rocky ledge. Then it roared and continued to dash forward, the rocks beneath its feet turning soon to a mixture of grass, sand, and gravel. "This is so much fun!" Kalana shouted, having to speak loudly to be heard over the blast of air in their faces.

It was a beautiful day, and Zach was so glad that Olivir had come up with this idea. He and Kolona rode alongside Zach on much fancier skeleton horses than the ones they'd used in Archian Prime. Zach got the sense that these were "luxury" horses used only for leisure. Both were adorned with jeweled and gem-studded armor and leather saddles; they were also level 50.

This is the best morning ever, Zach thought, smiling. He inhaled, enjoying the fresh scent of the ocean breeze in the distance. He was positively giddy—especially as he thought of all the gold he'd just acquired. Maybe even the best day of my life!

The past three hours had been pure bliss. After an amazing dinner with Olivir and Kolona, the four of them had spent the night in Angelica's, but not before amusingly watching Grundor flirt with a blushing Angelica, who had warmed up to him as the night had gone on. The service had actually slowed a bit compared to usual as Angelica gave Grundor extra attention and seemed to find any excuse she could to be around him. Kalana had thought this was adorable, and when one of the adventurers complained, Zach had to beg her not to start a fistfight as she lectured him on being nice. Thankfully, he'd backed down and even apologized profusely to "the princess." Kalana was becoming too powerful!

At any rate, they'd woken up just before sunrise Galterran time. Running a bit low on points, Zach had stepped out for about five minutes to kill Moldark, which put him back over two-thousand and gave him a few pieces of relatively useless gear between level 25 and level 30 that didn't suit him; nevertheless, he was more than happy to chuck it into his mostly empty storage box with the hope of selling it later on.

It was just too bad both the adventurer and the political guilds were intensely opposed to allowing the sale of gear or items to normal, level-1 people, because even the worst item—hell, even Frog Snax—could probably fetch millions of gold from someone desperate for a taste of the adventuring world. A single piece of Zach's old decaying armor set would probably make him rich, as even something with just +1 str would transform the ordinary person into something far greater. Sadly, the adventurers were opposed to it because it would "destroy" their precious "adventurer economy," and the political guilds were opposed to it because it would create "public mayhem on an untold scale." Still, Zach supposed he could get a few thousand for each of these things, hopefully. Yet, honestly, he didn't even care because his attention had been diverted by something far more important. Moldark had once again dropped 50 thousand gold. Yes, 50 thousand gold—and it was all his.

After quickly disposing of the boss in three fast slashes—and avoiding getting any blood on him this time in the process—Zach had laughed maniacally as the coins pinged against the flooring, with several rolling away and causing Zach to greedily reach out and slap his palm down on top of them. His eyes had lit up when he'd seen multiple of the highest-denomination coin in existence: the 5,000-gold coin. Distantly, Zach had wondered how such a very old "system" was able to keep current with regards to what coins to drop, as it seemed like the coins should have been ancient and from thousands of years ago. Regardless, it was something he'd have to ask Prila, who wasn't around at the moment. And so, discarding the question, he'd happily deposited all but two-thousand gold into his bank, bringing his life savings up to an astonishing 62,511 gold—or about half of what a middle-class family earned in an entire year.

Feeling victorious, Zach had then hurried back to Angelica's and had spent 500 points ordering a bunch of different food to go before returning with the others to Shadowfall Coast, where they'd dipped into a supermarket to buy plastic goods, a picnic blanket, napkins, and a few other supplies. This took a bit longer than expected due to everyone coming up to talk to them, but given that it was very early in the morning, they didn't have to endure too much of it. Finally, with food and supplies secured, they'd taken a local bus to the first stop outside of the city then exited together near the expressway that ran all the way north to the Arid Dunes of Bastia.

Not far from them had been a parking lot with a shopping center. Zach had actually been the one to request they stop here, but when he'd done so, he'd only intended to spend about five minutes grabbing a few things. Honestly, he should've known better. Kolona and Kalana had turned that into more than an hour. They just had to look at everything in the store. This meant him and Olivir sitting in two adjacent chairs making idle chat while waiting for them to pick out new outfits.

By the time the girls were finally done shopping, Zach's Bank and Storage had come off cooldown. He'd quickly ducked into a changing room, and then he'd thrown every piece of his equipment into storage including his sword and necklace, slipping instead into a much more comfortable—and weather appropriate—pair of shorts and a grey t-shirt. He'd also picked up a pair of black sneakers, too. Although he'd felt himself become way less powerful, the sensation of losing strength was something he adapted to within just a few minutes, and what he was instead left with was a much more freeing feeling of comfort as he had finally returned to wearing normal, everyday clothing.

Kalana's gear, on the other hand, was already perfectly suited for the weather and had been transmuted by Alixa into normal, casual wear. But of course, that didn't stop her from wanting to change into something completely different, likely even more than Zach had. She'd looked stunning last night, having worn a gown similar to that worn by her mother, yet she'd reverted back to her equipment after they'd gotten out of bed.

It had been at this point, however, that she'd reappeared wearing a sleeveless white camisole and a pair of tight denim jean shorts that made Zach hate himself for once again exhaustedly falling asleep the night prior. Oh well. They'd have all summer.

With all that out of the way, they'd walked about ten minutes off to the side of the expressway until arriving at a clearing where no one was around. Then Zach had summoned his war-mount while Kolona and Kalana conjured their skeleton horses. They'd invited Grundor and Fluffles to come with them as well, but Fluffles had a "play date" with Chumpkenwiffles, and Grundor had chosen to stay behind and hang out with Angelica rather than tag along, which seemed to make Kalana very happy.

Having changed clothing and completed their preparations, the four of them rode off from eastern Shadowfall Coast, heading all the way to the western coast located in Tomb of Fire. They were going to a place that Olivir had claimed was one of his favorite spots when he'd lived on Galterra centuries prior.

Over the course of the next three perfect, joyful hours, they had raced across the countryside traveling at DEHV-like speeds. Using conventional roads, this would have been a six-hour journey. Instead, moving in a mostly straight line from origin to destination, they had made the trip in just three, and along the way, Zach had been treated to a variety of sights such as farmland, small towns, a brief stretch around one of the smaller cities in northwest Tomb of Fire, and a whole lot of nature.

For the most part, they traveled with few breaks, stopping only briefly right around the halfway mark so that Olivir and Kolona could knock two birds out of the sky and drink their blood. He and Kal had chosen to look away for this part. He'd almost forgotten that this was something they had to do every so often, especially since they seemed to enjoy eating regular food the normal way—whether it did anything for them nutritionally or not. Even still, they were fast about it, and they thankfully killed the animals quickly and without suffering. Afterwards, they hopped back on their skeleton mounts and the four of them once more blasted off.

Now, finally, as they neared their destination, Olivir turned his head to Zach and said, "You guys will love this place. It really is, uhm, just like the coolest picnic spot in North Bastia. Oh, and best part of all is that nobody even knows about it. It was my own secret spot I used to go to."

"I'm so happy I get to see it," Kolona said. "I've always wanted to know more about your life before Archian Prime."

Olivir shrugged. "Eh, it wasn't all that interesting. I was the son of a noble and a member of the Guild of Gentlemen, which controlled the region of Giant's Fall when I was a kid. I used to vacation all the time in Tomb of Fire, though, and whenever I came here, I'd sneak away and go where I'm taking you guys: to the Bluffs of Fire."

Zach became eager to see the place for himself as they drew nearer and the smell of the ocean grew stronger. "And nobody knows about this spot?"

"Yeah, people have no idea it's here at all."


"Pretty sure, dude," Olivir said, nodding.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Zach said with a laugh. He extended his arm and pointed into the distance ahead of them. "That doesn't look like nobody to me."

Olivir's mouth fell open as the end of their journey was just about upon them. "No way."

The closer they got to the bluffs overlooking the ocean, the more people they saw. Many turned to look, and nearly all expressed some degree of shock or fear at the sight of the Kralzek's Beast, but in most cases, this turned soon into awe and then excitement as their eyes fell over Zach and Kalana. Clearly, not only had this spot become better well known since Olivir last lived on Galterra, but on a gorgeous day like today, hundreds of people had come out to do exactly what they were doing. Everywhere Zach looked, picnic blankets, lawn chairs, or in some cases small, portable tables could be seen. Kids were playing various games with a beach ball, and few people had even hauled entire barbecues out here.

I definitely see why Olivir liked this place, though.

Kalana seemed to agree. Even as Olivir was apologizing for being wrong, she was waving him off as though he was being ridiculous and cupping her forehead as if to filter out the sun. "Wow," she said. "I love it."

The view of the ocean was staggering. They could see out into the distance for miles and miles, including the beach far below. Surfers and swimmers kept close to the shore, but further out, there were plenty of large boats. There were also a great many birds flying over the water, and the cry of seagulls were perpetually a part of the background noise. There were also various small islands in the distance, as well as entrances to mouth-shaped caves. Zach imagined those must have, long ago, been great places to explore for mobs and treasure.

"Dismiss the mounts so we don't scare anybody, you guys," Kalana said. With a look of warning to Zach, she added, "And be nice. If someone wants to say hi, you better be friendly."

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

She kissed him on the cheek. "Just making sure." Then she whispered seductively into his ear, "I'll be friendly later tonight."

Zach felt a jolt run down his chest. He decided he was going to be extra, extra, extra friendly to anyone and everyone. And sure enough, he had his opportunity to prove that to her right off the bat. In fact, they hadn't even finished setting down the blanket over a mostly smooth surface of stone and sand before a shirtless young man and his girlfriend approached.

"Hey, uhh…okay, so…so uh, wow," he said, wiping sweat from his brow. "Sorry, I know you guys are just here to have some fun and relaxation away from it all." He swallowed as though nervous. "And I'm so sorry to bother you, and I know you're—"

"You're not a bother at all," Kalana said cheerfully. "Nice to meet you two. I'm Kalana, this is Zach, and"—she twisted her body and pointed behind herself—"that's Olivir and that's my cousin, Kolona."

The guy and his girlfriend looked like they'd be moved to tears. "Gods, it's such an honor," he said. "I can't even begin to…I'm so shocked. I can't believe it's really the two of you! Oh, wow, and I recognize you two from a few days ago," he finished, referring to Olivir and Kolona, both of whom seemed more than happy to wave. "Is…is Grundor here too?"

"Grund's off…doing some other stuff," Olivir said. Then he grinned. "I'll tell him I met you two though and that you're both cool."

This caused the two of them to grab one another's arms and practically bounce with giddiness. "Thank you!" With that, they walked away, and even as they did so, Zach could see the man pulling a phone out of his shorts as though to text his friends and tell them what'd just happened. This then became something of a fairly common routine.

Before long, Zach was shaking hands and chatting away with stranger after stranger. Yet, thankfully, they were all really considerate and respectful, and after each one of them had said a few words or asked for a picture, they went back to their own picnics. Sure, they continued to look every now and again, but they at least gave the four of them some space.

When the four of them had finally been left at peace, Zach sighed. "Is this going to be how it is forever?"

"Probably," Olivir said. "Especially after yesterday. You just have to learn to live with it."

Zach sighed a second time. "Maybe after a few months, everyone will move on and something else will catch their interest. But whatever. At least on Kal's island we'll be all alone. It'll just be us two for miles and miles."

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"Nah-uh," she said, causing Zach to snap his head in her direction.

"What do you mean?" he asked, growing worried.

"My island belongs to all the Elvish people now. It was something I told my mom last night. So, um, they're gonna be coming and going a lot of the time. We'll still have the privacy of my house, but any Elf who wants to build a summer home or even live there can do it. But I think most want to live in the Whispery Woods and stay just for visits."

Zach couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Did your mom make you do this because she's the queen or something?"

"Nope. I wanted to."

"Seriously?" Zach grumbled. "You need to stop sharing. You had an entire island."

"Well, we'll still have privacy in my estate. I had a super-big house built for me, and I got it done in just a week, too. And it'll be nice not to be all alone. You'll even see your friends there. They asked if they could come."

"My friends?" Zach asked.

Kalana nodded. "Yep. Lienne and uh…um, what was his name again?"

"Rian," Zach said.

"Oh yeah! That was it." She continued to speak as the four of them began carefully removing the food and setting it down on the picnic blanket. "I never really got a chance to meet them properly, so I was actually really happy when your friend texted me and asked if he can come and fight mobs there to get stronger over the summer. He told me he felt like he's really fallen behind."

"What'd you tell him?"

Kalana, having been about to put down a plastic serving spoon, paused and gave Zach an expectant look. "Well, obviously I told him he could come. He's already there, actually. Lienne is, too. Oh, but she's only staying for a few days, though. I think her boyfriend is taking her to Archian Prime, and my mom's already approved her entry. She's gonna teach a class or something to the natives about what life is like on Galterra. She might even move there, since the boy she's with is a white-cloak."

Zach shook his head in disbelief. "That's just…incredible. I can't believe this is the same Lienne we're talking about."

"Why's that?"

Zach chuckled. "Heh. If only you knew how racist she was against the Elves before meeting that guy, you would be in shock."

Kolona hummed in agreement. "She did say some really harsh things when I met her…"

"Well, people change," Kalana said.

"Oh, she's changed all right."

Zach again chuckled to himself as he recalled seeing her social media profile last night before leaving for Angelica's. She'd yanked down all her pro-human stuff and had replaced it with Orcish memes and calls for justice for the Elvish people. She'd fallen absolutely head-over-heels for this new boyfriend of hers. In just three days, he'd swept her off her feet. Rian, on the other hand, had already split ways with the red-haired Elvish chick, and now, unbelievably, he was dating her sister. That was sure to end well.

I hope he doesn't end up getting himself killed, Zach thought worriedly. He needs to be careful about pissing off Elvish girls multiple times his level. I don't want to have to embark on a revenge quest.

For the next few hours, the four of them ate, laughed, chatted, and relaxed in the sun. Olivir also pointed out numerous spots from his memories. Apparently, there used to be multiple spawns of deer-like, level-38 mobs that roamed the area, though Olivir claimed they were passive and didn't bother anybody who didn't attack first. He also remarked that there didn't used to be any safety railings preventing people from falling or jumping off the steep bluffs, which would probably kill or seriously injure a level 1.

Together with Kal and her cousin, he listened to Olivir's fascinating stories about the way Galterra used to be. It was both different and similar. The fact that there were still spawns to be found, however rare, was what struck him most about Olivir's stories. And it was this piece of casual conversation that led to Zach making one of the most important discoveries of his life.

"Do you think the guilds today still know how to destroy them?" he asked.

"I sure hope so," Olivir replied. "But I doubt it."

Before bed last night, Zach had pulled Olivir and Kolona into the "privacy room" in Angelica's and had told the two of them about everything they'd discovered: both about the past but also the threats of the future. Zach had also remembered that the…the "something" was coming. He could no longer remember what it was, and as usual, it annoyed him. But what had surprised Zach so much was just how cavalier Olivir was to all the news. Whereas Kolona had been just as shocked as Zach and Kalana had been, Olivir, on the other hand, had merely nodded as though he'd either already suspected as much or just plain didn't find any of it surprising. Oh, he was certainly intrigued, yes. Curious, of course. But there was a total lack of emotional response from him.

"So, we've been abandoned, huh?" he'd asked. "Yeah, that about checks out. I believe it."

And regarding the impending spawn point crisis, he'd said, "That's probably what that woman you told me about—Prila—is off trying to deal with. Sounds like there's nothing you guys can do about it."

Finally, on the topic of the…the…Gods, what the hell was it called again? Whatever it was called, Olivir had said, "Yeah, that seems like the big problem you guys need to worry about. If I can help, let me know. I'm almost certain I don't have any records of it, though."

Now, speaking in a somewhat coded manner, Olivir asked Zach a question, and it was something that was so obvious he was surprised he'd never asked it of himself. It was also the question that opened up an entire new pathway in Zach's life.

"Hey, Zach," he said, putting down his fork and knife.


"You ever try reaching out to your mysterious friend?"

By "mysterious friend," he obviously meant Eilea Vayra. Zach had told him how she'd spoken to him several times in his head. He'd also informed Olivir that Angelica said she had a way of listening in on whatever was said in that room despite having no way of speaking or interacting with Angelica's. Yet, she clearly did have a way of doing so with people on Galterra, as she'd communicated with Zach several times—even if most of it was still fuzzy in his mind.

Zach tapped on his chin with his pointer finger as he thought over the question. He also needed to ensure he worded his reply carefully so as to say nothing whatsoever that could cause trouble with any space-spies at the OMP.

"I don't really see how I could," he said. "I don't know how any of this stuff works to begin with."

Olivir shrugged. "Why not just try really, really hard to call out to your friend in your mind?"

Kalana shot Olivir a look of warning, as did Kolona. Zach understood why; though he was not outright saying anything that went too far, he was beginning to border on the point where, if Adamus really was eavesdropping at this very moment, it might make him suspicious. For this reason, Zach decided to bring the conversation to a very quick close.

"I never tried it," he said brusquely. "I doubt it'd work."

"What've you got to lose?" Olivir asked, becoming somewhat persistent. "It sounds like you need a…a friend's advice. Might as well give it a go."

"How would that even work?"

"No idea. It's just weird you never tried it."

Hoping to end this conversation before one of them slipped up, he said, "Okay, fine, I'll try it." Then he made a dismissive laugh, as he was highly skeptical that something so simple could ever work.

Closing his eyes, he tuned out the three of them and slowed his breathing. And then, sharply and forcefully, he thought, EILEA. If you're real, and you can really communicate with me, give me a sign. Hello? Anyone there?

Nothing happened, so he tried even harder. Eilea Vayra! Miss Goddess chick! Are you there? Angelica says you care about our lives and stuff, and we found out Adamus is going to do something crazy. Ah, what the hell am I even doing? There's no way you can—

"ZACH!" a voice cried out in his head, causing him to become immediately startled if not terrified. He leapt to his feet and gasped, even as Kalana jumped up after him, and so too did Olivir and Kolona, the three of them surrounding him and immediately pestering him with questions, which he ignored.

Holy shit! This actually worked? Impossible. Impossible!

"I am so happy!" the voice said, ringing inside his ears. "I had hoped beyond hope you would attempt to open communication with me, but I never dared to believe it could happen so soon. Please. If you ever need anything at all—no matter what it is—you can always reach out to me, and I will answer you as long as it is safe to do so. The only thing I want in this whole world is to be of use to you."

Why me?

"You know why."

Her voice came across as kind: kinder than he'd expected given that she was apparently some all-powerful Goddess. Or at least that was what Kalana claimed her to be. This, despite Angelica explicitly saying the Great Ones were not actually Gods. Kalana still clung to the idea of it, though. And in a weird, nonsensical way, too. While Kalana did now agree that Adamus was not a God, she somehow continued to insist Eilea Vayra was indeed a Goddess. Nevertheless, whether Eilea was an actual deity or not, she was still a being of incomprehensible power that, for whatever reason, Angelica seemed adamant wanted to help them. Still, Zach couldn't help feel nervous as he spoke to her.

So, all this time, have you been reading my thoughts? he asked, becoming worried that she was privy to every awful thing to ever kick around his brain.

"I can see why that'd trouble you, but the answer is no, Zach. I can't hear your thoughts unless you deliberately send them to me."

Have you been watching me?

"Yes, I've watched over you. But I assure you: not in a way you would find…intimate or indecent. I am not so immodest as to intrude upon you in such a personal way. It's more that I've vaguely kept in mind what you've been up to, and only in moments of peril have I peered further."

From the tone of her voice, she sounded oddly excited and cheerful, but in a way that suggested she was trying to hide it. Zach had the sense that this conversation was very, very important to her. The enthusiasm was practically bleeding into each one of her words.

Now, making a waving motion with his hands at the others that he hoped would convey he was okay and they should stop badgering him for a Gods-be-damned second, he returned his attention to the Goddess, who was somehow mentally communicating with him. Though he had nothing to go on but her word alone, Zach decided, at least for now, to trust her when she said she was not spying in a way that was weird or overly intrusive. This, naturally, led to his second concern, which dealt with much the same.

Can Adamus hear us right now?

"No, Zach. We're safe. At least for a few minutes. I know you must have so many questions, and I do as well. But we cannot speak for more than five minutes a week without risking that awful, heartless creature intercepting us."

Damn. I really did have so much I wanted to say to you. I would've liked to take a minute to process the fact that we can even do this and that this isn't just me going crazy. But since we don't have a lot of time, I'll get straight to the point. Did you know that Adamus was going to reactivate the spawn points?

"I did not," she said, and unless Zach was just imagining it, there was a note of shame, if not embarrassment in her voice. It was as though she felt stupid for being unaware.

Weren't you listening in when we were all together in Angelica's?

"I was. I did not hear everything, though. I missed much of the end of your conversation. It's like a signal that can go in and out."

That makes sense, he told her. So you had no idea about that?

"Truthfully, I did not. But this fails to surprise me. Let me guess: he intends to do so completely at random and with total indifference to the lives that will be erased as a result of these actions?"

Yeah, actually, Zach thought, surprised. How did you know?

"I'm married to him."

Oh, right.

Zach laughed: both aloud and internally, which he could see caused even more confusion among Kal and his two vampire friends. He held up his finger, hoping to indicate to them that he wouldn't be much longer.

I can't…okay, I have to relay this or else she won't stop. My girlfriend wants you to know she hopes to meet you.

"The feeling is mutual. Tell Kalana she's made the Gods of Elvadin proud, and that I too am proud of her."

Not even really knowing what that meant, he mumbled it quickly to Kalana. "Uh, hey, Kal, my old friend from school says you've made the Gods of Elvadin proud, and she's proud of you too."

For whatever reason, this caused both her and Kolona to yelp in delight. What was it with those two? Ah well. At the very least, they backed off him a bit and let him concentrate on the conversation.

So, is it true what Angelica said? he asked. You're trapped way down below the surface of Galterra?

"Yes, I'm afraid so. I thought I'd be able to escape by now. An ancestor of yours—a many-times great grandfather, to be specific—is helping me escape, but the situation has proved more difficult than we at first expected."

"My what?" he shouted, not even realizing he'd spoken aloud. This required him to once more hold up his finger at the others, who were pestering him for some kind of clue as to what they were discussing. The fact they outright believed him and didn't assume he was losing his mind made him realize how badly he could play evil jokes on them if he ever wanted to. Kal would take a long time to forgive him, though if he ever did, so he decided to definitely not do that.

"I wish I had enough time so that I could explain. As it is, I can, at most, answer one more question. You can always reach out to me, but until I know it's safe, I cannot reply. Know this, however: I can always hear you if you address me with the explicit intention for me to hear it. Though we'll have to communicate in parts and pieces, we can talk for at least five minutes a week. That much, I can manage."

Zach, now faced with a sudden urgency, tried to think up what to ask or what to say. There was so much he wished to cover: so many questions. Yet he decided to stick to the most pertinent for the time being. Angelica said you were the one who taught Galterrans how to deactivate spawn points. Can you teach us again before people wake up to find zombies or skeletons in bed with them?

"Yes. I absolutely can. Next week, we will dispense with any formalities and keep the entire conversation dedicated just to the instructions of how it's done. And also, time allowing, how to possibly prevent it from happening in the first place, if necessary."

Before you go, I have to know. Please, tell me. What am I supposed to do about the thing I can't remember?

"I'm sorry. For now, I can no longer reply. I'll leave you with one word: Albion-4. Be well, Zach. And thank you: this means more to me than you could ever possibly know. You've made my dark existence a great deal brighter today. Speak soon."

And with that, she was gone. He could actually feel her presence fading. One thing was for sure: she did not come across to Zach as divine, all-knowing, or anything he typically associated with Godhood. But she did appear caring and genuine. There was something about her: a sincerity that could actually be felt. It reminded him in a very eerie way of Kalana, only Eilea seemed far more scarred and not nearly as carefree. But there was definitely a part of her that reminded him of Kal.

There was also something else though, too. While connected to her, he could very distantly feel some of what she felt. And Gods, there was such an incredible, almost profoundly soul-crushing loneliness in her heart. He wasn't sure why, and he hoped to find out in the coming weeks. But the pain in her was immense.

"Okay," Zach said, drawing their attention immediately. "Let's head back early. We'll swing through Angelica's, and I'll tell you everything that just happened. If we leave now, we can have time to chat and still make it back for loot. I'll text Donovan and Mr. Oren, too."

They'd given him a code he could use should he ever need to meet them in Angelica's to discuss anything important related to Adamus, the OMP, or the thing he couldn't remember. Adding them both to a text chain, he typed the following.

>#104. Angelica's, three hours.

New novel 𝓬hapters are published on freёwebnoѵ

>Mr. Oren: Urgent?


>Donovan: 4 real?


>Donovan: shit ok relax. brt 3 hrs.

>Mr. Oren: I shall do my utmost to be there as promptly as possible. If I'm a few minutes late, forgive me. I'm attending to some sensitive matters.

>Donovan: Alex u type like a fuckng nerd

>LOL! He does right

>Donovan: He thinks its a book report or smth

> LMFAO Donovans the best

>Mr. Oren: Enough!

"Okay, let's hurry back so we can do this and not miss loot."

Zach must have truly been greedy, because despite having a telepathic conversation with an ancient deity trapped miles below Galterra's surface, he suddenly cared more about the rolls tonight than he did anything else. All this other stuff was important too, but there was no way he was missing his roll. Apparently, something of artifact quality had even dropped. Other than Fluffles' collar, Zach knew of no other items of that rarity. Gods, he'd like to win it.

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