The Law of Attraction-Chapter 680: Too Soon**

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When Kenzie's father-in-law left, she noticed that her husband seemed to be feeling down.

"Darling, come here," Kenzie said and signaled Daryl to sit beside her on her bed. Daryl obliged and then buried his face in the crook of Kenzie's neck.

"Hmm, how are you feeling? You sounded disturbed when father shared his concern for Harry," Kenzie whispered as she gently caressed and stroked Daryl's soft hair.

"I couldn't help it. I almost lost you, Kenzie, because of Harry's wrong decision. That annoyed me the most, Baby. I've never been afraid about anything in my whole life, Baby. But I was so scared when faced with the possibility of losing you and I felt like I was going crazy, Kenzie," Daryl opened up to Kenzie.

Another sigh escaped his lips before Daryl added, "About Father, I'm honestly used to him favoring Harry over me, so that's nothing new. It's just that, I know I'm not perfect, Baby, but it irritates me that Father is still showing concern for Harry even after everything that has happened. Yes, you and our baby are both safe now and I'm more than grateful for it, but what if that had not been the case?"

He could not find the exact words to describe what he was feeling at that moment but he was definitely not pleased at all.

Kenzie sighed and said, "Hmm, I didn't mention this to you before but Father opened up to me before this incident. He said he kept favoring Harry instead of you in order to protect you. He thought that if Karen and Harry felt that they were being favored then they wouldn't bug you so often and treat you nicely. But it turned out that in the long run, he lost you and things didn't end as he had expected.

Right now, he is being merciful towards Harry as the man is a lost soul now and no longer has anyone to call his own. I mean he is someone who is in need unlike you, cause you have me and will always have your Father with you as well. Harry, though he is partly responsible for this incident, redeemed himself by saving my life in the end. He did keep me safe during my kidnapping."

Daryl chuckled and Kenzie pouted her lips mumbling, "What's so funny, huh?"

Daryl hugged her and whispered, "Well, there's nothing funny, but I suddenly feel so childish after hearing my young wife say such mature words to me. I'm really grateful that you and our baby are safe and well. That is all that matters and just like your suggestion, this childish husband of yours will try to look at the bright side of this incident and avoid being bitter."

"That's more like my husband. I'm feeling sleepy. Will you sleep here with me on my bed," Kenzie asked with a grin.

"We're in the hospital. Why are you being so naughty?" Daryl teased.

"Hey, who's naughty? What are you thinking? I just miss your cuddling, hmp!" Kenzie defended herself.

Daryl pulled her towards him as he settled more comfortably on the bed and cuddled her.

"I won't know what to do without you in my life now," he whispered on her neck.

"Well, what I want you to do without me is to move on with your life and be strong like you always are, when I'm no longer a part of your life. Promise me this" Kenzie whispered.

"Would you do the same if I'm no longer in your life?" Daryl asked. He did not know when or how it had happened, but he had grown attached to Kenzie, had fallen really hard for her, and could no longer picture his life without her in it with him. He did not want to experience the feeling he had endured when she had been abducted.

"Of course, I will do the same, Darling," Kenzie answered firmly.

"Alright, I will try but can we stop talking about this? I don't like it. I love you too much now and just the thought of losing you makes me feel uncomfortable," Daryl whispered and hugged Kenzie tightly in his arms.

At Cris' Apartment.

"Good thing everyone is alright," Brix whispered as Cris handed him a cup of coffee. Cris then sat down beside him. They were seated in the living area of Cris' apartment.

"Yes, I'm glad that things turned out well in the end. Master Jack will be so happy when he finds out that he is going to be a grandpa soon."

"Yeah, and I will be an uncle now. I guess the one thing left to sort out now is my mom. I feel really bad for Kenzie. I only hope my mother will listen to me," Brix whispered as he looked at the documents lying on the table. If only his mother would be willing to sign these documents then everything would be peaceful for Kenzie and his Uncle Jack.

"Hmm, it's already very late. Talk to your mother tomorrow morning, after breakfast perhaps. You should go home now as it's late," Cris whispered with a smile.

Brix put down his coffee cup and suddenly pulled Cris to him and urged her to sit on his lap.

"Can I sleep over tonight?" Brix whispered as he nuzzled her neck. Cris unconsciously bit her lower lip as Brix's simple gesture brought shivers and electrifying sensations to her body.

"Did you call your mom? I mean won't she be worried?" she whispered as she felt Brix's tongue start licking and sucking her skin.

"Cris I'm a grown-up man, not a kid, okay, that she needs to check on every once in a while. But to ease your concern, I messaged her earlier saying that I'm at a friend's house for a party?" Brix whispered with a wink and then continued raining kisses on Cris.

His hands crawled over Cris' front and unbuttoned her blouse, removed it, and threw it on the ground. He kissed her bare skin while he unhooked her bra and tossed it next. Her nipples were pink and hard already, inviting Brix's mouth to suck on them.

He played with them, first with his fingers, gently pinching and circling them, making Cris tilt her head back and moan. Brix then licked and sucked them, nibbling them till Cris cried in pleasure.

"I want to be inside of you, Cris," Brix whispered. Cris answered him by moving to remove her clothes. Brix did the same and quickly pulled Cris back on his lap. Brix brushed the tip of his member over Cris's sex and was satisfied to find that Cris was already wet, ready for his penetration.

He held her hips and guided Cris slowly and gently to go down and cover his hardness completely.

"Does it still hurt?" Brix whispered, urging Cris to move slowly on his lap.

"No," Cris whispered and followed it with a moan as she moved up and down and bounced on Brix's member. Brix caressed her mounds and alternately licked and sucked them.

Their pace accelerated as Brix joined Cris in her rhythm, meeting her quick pounding with thrusts of his own until they both reached their climax at the same time.

Cris felt so weak that she slumped her tired body on Brix and they hugged each other tightly while panting.

After a minute, Cris felt Brix gently stroke her back as he whispered, "Do you think you can come with me tomorrow? I want to formally introduce you as my fiance to my mother. Also, I want you to be there with me when I ask her to sign these papers, so you can support me in case my mother's answer disappoints me."

'Fiance?' Cris gasped, utterly surprised. Brix stopped what he was doing, bent to pick up his pants, and pulled out a small box from his pocket.

He let out a loud sigh as he gently lifted her chin to look intently into her eyes.

"I did not know how to court women or how to be sweet or how to flatter them. I didn't know how to approach you about the proposal in a sweet way. So please forgive me if I haven't prepared anything special," Brix whispered, feeling embarrassed about his lack of experience.

Cris felt nervous as she got an inkling about where this was heading.

"Will you marry me Cris?" Brix asked. He felt a bit tense as he opened the small box with the ring inside. He knew it was a bit early in their relationship and also sudden, but he did not want to miss the opportunity before him. The ring was a family heirloom. His father had given it to his mother, who had passed it to him.

Cris gulped, unable to answer. Everything was moving so fast and she did not know what to say. Of course, she wanted to marry Brix, but she first wanted to be sure that the feeling was mutual between them before they stepped into the next level in their relationship. Getting engaged right now felt too soon. Brix said he liked her but had not mentioned anything about love. There was a big difference between the two.

"This is so beautiful Brix, but I can't accept your proposal. How about we enjoy each other's company a little more, just enjoy this boyfriend and girlfriend stage?" Cris suggested with a smile.

Brix tried his best to force a smile as he nodded. He could not explain what he was feeling at that moment. He had given this proposal a lot of thought. Yes, it was too soon, but he knew what he wanted and what he wanted was Cris.

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