The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 226: The hidden realm -3

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Chapter 226: The hidden realm -3

Chapter 226: The hidden realm -3

He turned around to see Qing Li, she was as impeccable as ever, almost as if the Void Qi didn’t affect her at all… He just didn’t look at her for a few seconds and it seemed she had become even more beautiful.

Bai Lung chuckled, his eyes still glinting with approval.

“Nothing,” he said, his voice a mix of surprise and amusement.

He noticed Qing Li’s annoyance, clearly sensing her disapproval. But that didn’t deter him one bit. He was used to her irritation even in small things.

Like who even cares about small things, she even gets mad at him saying you shouldn’t eat while turning left because it reduces luck.

Qing Li rolled her eyes, annoyed by Bai Lung’s attitude. “Save your apologies,” she retorted dryly, her tone a mix of irritation and mock anger.

“You were too busy drooling over my friend… Ughh! The portal is open, we should head in,” she added, her gaze flicking towards her friend who was standing.

Bai Lung chuckled shamelessly, “Can you blame me when your friend is so captivating?” he said, his tone a mix of playful flirting and shamelessness.

He knew full well that his words would only serve to irritate Qing Li further, but he enjoyed rousing her temper.

Qing Li’s eye twitched, her irritation flaring at Bai Lung’s unabashed flirting.

Bow could he bluntly say it even if just a whisper… Her friend is at the immortal realm so, it’s obvious she has heard it.

She took a step closer to him, her expression cold. “Keep your eyes and thoughts to yourself,” she snapped, her voice like ice. “My friend is not an object for your leering,”

Bai Lung chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement as he observed Qing Li’s fiery expression. He loved seeing her get all riled up over such things, it was like a game to him.

“Oh come on, don’t be so uptight,” he said, his tone light and mocking. “I was just admiring her beauty. It’s not a crime, is it?”

Bai Lung enjoyed teasing Qing Li and seeing her react to his words. He chuckled again, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

“Why so serious, Qing Li?” he asked in a playful tone. “Can’t a man enjoy the sight of a beautiful woman?”

Qing Li narrowed her eyes even further, her patience wearing thin. “You’re insufferable,” she muttered, her voice sharp as a knife ready to alive some butter if needed.

“Always with your lewd insinuations and blatant flirting. Can’t you keep a serious face for once?”

Bai Lung shrugged, his smirk turning into a mocking grin. “What’s the fun in being serious all the time, Qing Li?” he replied.

“Life is too short to be uptight. Why not enjoy the little things, like admiring the beauty of a woman?”

Qing Li rolled her eyes again, clearly exasperated by his nonchalant attitude. “You’re incorrigible,” she snapped.

Her face was red with anger.

“Always with your philandering ways and your wandering eyes. Can’t you keep your thoughts and desires in check?” she clenched her fist.

Bai Lung chuckled again, his expression unrepentant. “What can I say?” he replied with a smirk.

“I’m a man of simple tastes. And admiring beautiful women is one of my favorite pastimes. Besides, your friend is quite a sight for sore eyes, can you blame me?… If I could, I would definitely pace both of you at the same place and have a goodtime”

Qing Li clenched her fists tight, her lips a thin line.

“You’re unbelievable,” she muttered, her voice cold as ice, sharp as knife.

This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.

“You see a woman and immediately think of her as an object for your own amusement… Don’t you have any sense of decency? You think others are like me? Other women won’t even look at you, Hmph!” she hmphed.

Bai Lung laughed at her words, his amusement growing at her irritation. “Decency? What’s that?” he replied with mock seriousness.

“All I see is a beautiful woman, and I can’t help but admire her. It’s not my fault if you can’t appreciate the finer things in life…”


Qing Li took a deep breath, trying to keep her temper in check.

“You’re hopeless,” she said through gritted teeth.

“You’ll never change, will you? You’ll always be a reckless boy, chasing after every woman you lay your eyes on… On the lower realm, you must have a huge harem,” she added.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Bai Lung replied, his expression mock-injured.

“I prefer to think of myself as an appreciator of beauty, a lover of the finer things in life. And if that means chasing after every beautiful woman I see, then so be it,” he proclaimed with a grin, his eyes glinting with mischief.

“And as you said… I do have a small harem on the lower world,” Bai Lung replied with a broad chest, nose touching the sky. freёwebnoѵ

Hearing this, Qing Li raised her eyebrows, ” Oh, and how many women you have…” She couldn’t help but ask.

“haha! Just a small one, just 102 women,” Bai Lung lied, pulling numbers straight out of his ass.

Hearing this Qing Li’s face twisted, ‘Ughh! More than 100 women,’ She wonder in her mind.

Hearing this, even her cold friend Butted in,

“This Junior brother is really handsome, wise, and talented… How about adding me too,” she said while she grabbed his arm.

By no means, she was interested in him, but, she was also interested in making fun of Qing Li and seeing her get annoyed.

Qing Li’s irritation turned into a mix of disbelief and outrage upon hearing Bai Lung’s boastful claim about his harem of 102 women.

Her eyes widened, her lips pursping with displeasure at his blatant lie.

“102!?” she exclaimed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “You call that a small harem? And here I thought you were a simple appreciator of beauty, not a collector of women… ”

Bai Lung chuckled sheepishly, his hand rising to scratch his head in a mock apologetic gesture. He enjoyed seeing Qing Li get all riled up, it was like a challenge to him.

“Ah well,” he replied with a smirk, “when you’re as charming and handsome as me, women just can’t help but flock to your side. It’s a burden, really, but someone has to bear it… After all, you too came to me,”