The Mafia King's First Love-Chapter 636: The Mafia King witnesses Limei’s first steps

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Chapter 636: The Mafia King witnesses Limei's first steps

Wei took the twins out of their stroller and placed them on the floor where a soft mattress was laid for them to play.



Weiyun and Limei were excited and hyper seeing the new place around them. Qingqing royally took her place on the couch with the softest foam inside and shut her eyes to recharge from all the love attack she was tortured with.

Wei bent on his knees and played with his kids for sometime. He received Lihua's text meanwhile who wanted to know how everything was going on.

Wei smiled and replied. 'Everybody was squealing and fainting.'

'Ahahahaha! That's the charm of my babies! Nobody can resist their charm.'

Weiyun and Limei got busy playing with each other while Wei thought of completing his work.

He patted their heads. "Be good and play here. I will be done with my work in some time, and then we will play again."

He sat back on his seat and opened his laptop. From the corner of his eye, he saw Weiyun and Limei wrestling with each other and with the toys as they giggled and had fun.

Almost forty-five minutes later, Weiyun collapsed on the soft mattress and dozed off to sleep while Limei still had the energy to play more. She randomly played with the toys and tugged the stroller here and there.

On the other side, Wei was in an online conference with the senior managers.

"Boss, our share market profit has increased by 6%. If we continue with this strategy, our profit will double in the next quarter."

Wei nodded. "The east sector is affected by-"

He just casually glanced at the twins out of habit and stiffened as he saw the scene before him. He stared ahead in a daze and wonder.

"Boss? Boss?"

"...I will call you back," he shut the laptop and slowly got up. He bent on his knees and whispered, "Limei."

"Baaaabaaaa…" Limei laughed as she held the stroller.

She was taking the stroller's support to stand on her feet. Her legs were trembling as she did, but her bright eyes were filled with excitement and curiosity.

Wei felt spellbound.

She is…she is trying to walk?

Limei kept holding onto the stroller and stood at the place for a while before gradually letting her support go. But she failed in keeping her balance, so she held it again. This happened a few more times.


Wei didn't know why but his eyes blurred with tears watching his daughter work so hard. He felt his blood rush with anticipation of seeing her walk for the first time.

He fumbled with his phone and quickly called Lihua.

"Wei! How are you doing? Are the twins playing?" She chirped.


"What happened, Wei? Your voice looks odd…" she asked, concerned.

He switched on the video call and breathlessly said, "Limei…"

Ruiling popped in from the other side, "Bro Wei. What is happening?"

"Yes, tell me too!" Lanying chimed in too.

Meng Ya complained. "Hey I am not getting to see…"

Wei turned his phone to bring Limei in the frame and said, "Sh-she is trying to walk."

The women stared at Limei who was doing her best to stand without support. Finally, she did. Her hands were in the air, and she could hold onto her balance without clutching to the stroller.

Lihua silently gasped. "Limei…!"

Meng Ya dragged her best friend, who was sobbing with joy. "Shit, let's not waste our time here! She is taking her first steps! We cannot miss that!"

"Let's quickly head to Zhao Industries!"

Back in the office, a blinding smile bloomed on Limei's lips with her achievement. She then ever so slowly turned towards Wei.

Wei's breath stuck in his throat, and his trembling hands raised towards her. His heart was filled with anticipation but also anxiety. He was thrilled to see take her first steps but also didn't want her to fall and get injured. f𝒓𝗲𝗲𝒘𝑒𝚋noѵ𝒆𝗹.co𝗺

"Come here Limei. Dada is here…"

Qingqing was also watching her intently.

Limei stared into her father's eyes and laughed. She lifted her left foot and slid it forward by a few centimeters. She was wobbling with her balance, but she didn't give up.


She then took her right leg forward and brought it forward just like before.

Wei felt so emotional and overwhelmed that he had an urge to just lift Limei in his arms and hug her. It was a difficult wait for little Limei's mission to complete.

The women were squealing through the video call, but Wei had lowered the audio volume so that Limei wouldn't get disturbed and distracted. Lihua was shedding a river of tears seeing her daughter trot her way towards Wei.

Limei slowly and steadily took her baby steps and focused on her destination which was her father's arms. Wei patiently waited for her to reach his side with tears streaming down his eyes and cheeks.

"You can do it, Limei," he encouraged her.

Limei didn't understand his words but surely felt the love and encouragement from his warm and doting voice.

Limei finally crossed the fifty percent of the distance between Wei and from the stroller.

"She walked four whole steps…" Wei's tears had no end. "You are amazing."

Limei brought her flailing hands towards Wei and soon with a few more tiny steps, her chubby fingers brushed on his. She clutched on to his index finger and in the last step, she stumbled to fall.

But Wei swiftly grabbed her and lifted her off the ground. He cradled her against his chest and cried. "You did it. My daughter did it. You are amazing, Limei…"

For the first time, he was crying just like Bojing did. The happiness he felt at that moment to witness his child taking her first steps was simply out of this world. It was warm, fuzzy and overwhelming. His heart couldn't feel any happier to see Limei succeed.

She was giggling in his arms and playing with his shirt's collar.

He softly kissed her forehead. "Limei, you are really the best…"

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