The Mafia King's First Love-Chapter 648: Take Ruiling shopping

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Chapter 648: Take Ruiling shopping

Ruiling cried as she looked at the twins. The way they were pointing their fingers at her and mumbling cute with their shining eyes was too much to take for her heart.

"Aiyaa, You two are even cuter than me!" Ruiling hugged the twins harder against her chest. It felt fluffy and warm to hug them.

Xinyue's brow twitched in annoyance. "You should stay away from my sister as much as possible."


"She is making your dumber."


"Hey!" Lihua's aggrieved voice came from the back, and she glared at her brother. "What do you mean that I am making her dumber!?"

Xinyue sneered. "So you were snooping on us."

She stiffened and her brow twitched. "I…I wasn't of course! I just came with Lanying and heard you insulting me again!"

Lanying quickly nodded with a slightly flustered expression.

"You leave me no choice, little sister. Some things are so easy to understand, but it's your presence that is making other people unable to use their brains."

Ruiling gritted her teeth. "You are being so mean!"

He glanced at her and shrugged. He handed baby Lan back to Lanying and got up. "I will be leaving."

The twins didn't want him to. "Yue…"

Weiyun and Limei hovered around him and blocked his way.

Lihua harrumphed. "You can let the mean Uncle leave."

"Yue…cute…" Limei giggled.


My dear daughter, you should take my side, she cried.

Xinyue ruffled their heads and chuckled. "I will be back soon."

He glanced at Ruiling for a second and left.

Ruiling stomped her foot. "That man…He is good at handling babies, but his heart is black! How can there be such a contrast in him?"

Lihua joined her. "I know right? Why does he always tease me like that? He is just like Mingshen part 2!"

When Ruiling left, Lanying eagerly grabbed Lihua's hand and made her sit on the bench. "Lihua, you saw that right? I felt something was off between them, but doesn't it feel like they will look so good if they get together?"

Lihua beamed and nodded. "Yes! When Bro was holding LanLan and Ruiling was beside them with the twins, it felt like they were family. Aiyaaaa, can this be true? Do you think they have feelings for each other?"

Lanying hopped in excitement. "I definitely think so! They might look as if they are arguing, but hehe~ you saw how Xinyue got irritated?"

She coughed. "Yeah. Weiyun and Limei meant to say that they looked cute together, but haha…Ruiling didn't get that."

Lanying laughed hard. "But Xinyue did. The twins are so intelligent! Even they understand that they are meant to be together."

"Uiling Yue cute…" the twins said with sparkling eyes.

Lihua's gaze softened. "It would be really nice if Ruiling gave a chance to Bro. She deserves to live a good life with a good man. Though Bro is annoying, I know he will treat her very well. I don't want her to be afraid of love because of Shen Yang's betrayal and live a lonely life."

Lanying nodded too. "You are right, Lihua. And I think this is the right time. It has been more than a year since everything happened, and I think Ruiling is moving on too. At first, she was devastated. But now I can feel that the past doesn't hurt so much like it used to. This is the perfect chance for love to blossom in her life once again and forget every last bit of pain she has suffered."

"You are right. It's time for Bro to take some action for his feelings for her!" She proudly said, "But he didn't do anything special to win her. Maybe he wanted to give her the time and space too. But now there is nothing stopping him, hohoho."

Lanying sighed. "But what should we do to bring them closer?"

Lihua was also thinking about it when Weiyun trotted towards him, carrying a handkerchief in his hand. "Mama."

"Ah? Isn't this Bro's? Did he forget it?" 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m

Suddenly, a bulb lit on the top of their heads with an idea.

"Hehe~ Bro must be so distraught searching for his handkerchief."

Lanying grinned. "Then somebody should return it to him."

"But why am I the one to return it to him!?" Ruiling cried as she questioned herself for the hundredth time now as she stood before the Cheng mansion.

She bit her lip, aggrieved. "Why did sister-in-law Lihua and Lanying personally send me here to deliver just a handkerchief? That too of that annoying man!"

She complained under her breath and stepped in.

Cheng Ling raised his head and was delighted to see her. "Oh Ruiling dear! What brings you here today?"

"Uncle Ling," she gave a soft smile. "How is your health?"

He waved his hand. "I am doing fine," he eagerly brought her to sit beside him and chirped. "How are you, dear? Is everything okay at home?"

She nodded. "Yes. Everybody runs around Weiyun and Limei so it's busy haha. Oh, yes," she took out the handkerchief and asked, "Where is Xinyue? He forgot his handkerchief at our house this morning."

He gasped. "Oh dear. Why did you personally come here for such a menial task? Xinyue would have just dropped by again to fetch it."

I am questioning the same, Uncle…her mouth twitched.

When Xinyue came in after being summoned, Cheng Ling scolded him. "Look, you forgot your handkerchief and Ruiling had to personally waste a trip here for it!"


I didn't tell her to do that though. Why are you scolding me?

"I would have come again to take it, or you could have sent someone."

Ruiling glared at him.

Hmph. As if I wanted to do this! Be grateful that I, Zhao Ruiling, came here for you!

Cheng Ling seriously said, "Xinyue, since Ruiling has come this far, you should do something for her as your gratitude."

"Huh? I already said thanks."

"Shut up. Just a simple thank you is not enough. Take Ruiling to shopping."



"Huh? Where does this come from?" He asked, speechlessly.

Ruiling quickly said, "Yes, Uncle. There is no need to do so much. I will get going now…"

"No, no!" Cheng Ling denied. "How can you? He should definitely treat you for coming this far. Xinyue is a gentleman and gentlemen treat women nicely. Right, Xinyue? So go and take Ruiling to shopping."

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