The Main Characters That Only I Know-Chapter 40:

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Chapter 40:

Chapter 40

Most of the tellers who stayed on Earth had heard the rumors about Yu-hyun.

He was a weirdo who chose to fight alongside the humans of the lower world, giving up his patronage.

They could not understand why he chose that way.

What Yu-hyun did shook the foundation of the tellers who had always been mere observers.

The tellers who had pride in their roles were especially displeased with Yu-hyun’s actions.

‘That arrogant junior. Who does he think he is, throwing away his patronage like that?’

‘What a fool. He was lucky to win once without patronage, but can he really survive in the future?’

‘It’s just a temporary popularity. The lords will come back eventually.’

Contrary to their thoughts, there were also some tellers who analyzed Yu-hyun’s actions calmly and acknowledged him.

‘He gave up his patronage and fought directly? Has there ever been such a thing? It’s a truly groundbreaking way of storytelling.’

‘A teller fights. This alone creates a new story that drives the lords crazy. He came up with such a brilliant idea.’

‘His name is Kang Yu-hyun, right? Judging by his growth rate, he’ll soon be promoted to deputy, and I wish he would join our department.’

Such rumors spread slowly from Earth to the whole mixed world.

Especially in the Celestial Corporation where Yu-hyun worked, almost everyone knew what he had done.

“Hahaha. This guy. I knew he would cause some trouble someday by looking at his eyes, but I didn’t expect him to do it so soon.”

The dragon teller who heard the news in the archive room laughed.

He remembered the day he met Yu-hyun.

A rookie who had just finished his entrance ceremony.

Despite that, he had a lot of potential that impressed him.

He noticed Yu-hyun’s peculiarity from then on.

To be precise, he noticed the huge flame of desire that was hidden inside him.

“Showing him the Hall of Fame might have been a good move after all.”

Unlike other tellers who just followed the flow of time, Yu-hyun led the flow in the opposite direction.

He chose the difficult path that other tellers instinctively rejected.

How would that process be, and what kind of ending would await him at the end?

How many people would be interested and passionate about his story?

Walking a new path would not be easy.

“It seems like more people are interested in him from other departments or divisions.”

Would Yu-hyun be able to do well, including those external factors?

“Hehe. I guess we’ll meet again soon.”

It wasn’t confirmed yet, but thinking positively was also fun, wasn’t it?


“Damn it! What the hell is going on!?”

Jinpoong exploded in anger in his room.

He was happy as a bird until he heard that Yu-hyun had chosen [The Siege of Constantinople] before taking action himself.

What kind of place was Constantinople?

A fortress-like worldview that no one had ever cleared.

He thought that Kang Hye-rim, who never failed, would suffer terribly and run away when she entered there.

That was how it was supposed to be.

Other tellers and collectors didn’t go there to clear it in the first place.

But the result was completely different from Jinpoong’s expectation.

“How did he clear that place?”

Jinpoong had also taken his collector there a long time ago.

But he got bored of seeing the endless Ottoman army and gave up.

His collector was also so scared that he wet his pants, wasn’t he?

That was what it was like there.

A place where no ordinary collector could clear.

But Kang Hye-rim did it.

When all other collectors ran away in fear, she stayed and fought.

And her teller Yu-hyun also gave up his patronage and fought with her.

They solved the problem that no one had ever solved before, just by themselves.

‘He gave up his patronage and fought with his collector, and survived? Is that even possible?’

He couldn’t believe it even when he heard it directly.

It felt like facing a terrible nightmare, even though this was reality.

His library grew so much with this success. According to the rumors, his viewing spirits had already exceeded 1,500 and his subscribing spirits had also exceeded 1,000.

That was the minimum estimate.

Maybe more spirits from other places would come as the rumors spread more and more.

Jinpoong felt sick to his stomach.

He didn’t want to admit that his distant junior had done what he couldn’t do so easily.

His clenched fist trembled.

“That bastard!”

And what?

He had a connection with the Satan of Pandemonium?

He also heard that the Great Army of Eden was interested in him.

Rumors breed rumors.

As such rumors spread, other armies would also be interested in him.

Jinpoong couldn’t stand it.

‘He must be stopped. I have to stop him somehow.’

It was now his mission to crush Yu-hyun, as if he was obsessed with his downfall.

‘I can’t leave him alone. He will grow so much with this momentum that I won’t be able to touch him. If that happens, I won’t be able to turn it back. If I fail to bring him over or step on him as the department ordered me…’

Jinpoong shivered as his thoughts reached that point.

Even if a teller was protected by patronage, there were still things to be afraid of.

Patronage only protected them from physical threats from the outside, not from other pressures that were inflicted in different ways.

For example, the harsh punishment of his boss in his department was one of them.

‘I must succeed! I have to! If I fail, I’m done for!’

Fortunately, he had prepared some chess pieces that would follow his will.

As a teller, he couldn’t take direct action, but it was easy for him to instigate and manipulate someone from behind.

There were many collectors who were jealous of Kang Hye-rim, who was rapidly gaining popularity.

‘If I use these guys.’

He could kill not only Kang Hye-rim, but also that arrogant Kang Yoo Hyun.

Didn’t he give up his protection?

Although it worked well for him, it also meant that he gave Jinpoong an opportunity to attack him in a different way.

“Hehe. Yes. He should pay the price for giving up his protection as a teller.”

Jinpoong’s eyes shone coldly.


[The library has been opened.]

As soon as he opened the library for the show, the spirits rushed in as if they had been waiting.

The spirits, who had been around 200~300 until a while ago, had already surpassed 1,000 and reached 1,500 in no time.

‘It’s already spread like wildfire.’

Even as he thought so, the spirits who visited the library didn’t stop.

It didn’t even take five minutes for the number of viewers to exceed 2,000.

[Congratulations. You have successfully achieved the sub-mission-viewers 2,000.]

[You have acquired a small amount of points as a reward.]

[Current viewers: 2,482]

[Current subscribers: 1,142]

The number of viewers had definitely increased, but the subscribers were less than half of that.

The number of viewers increased so suddenly that the subscribers couldn’t keep up.

Of course, it was still increasing in real time, and it was unusual to have a subscription rate close to 50% with this many viewers.

‘But it’s still a bit disappointing.’

If advertisements from external companies came in soon, it would increase more then.

Anyway, it was time to work.

He smiled broadly and opened his mouth.

“Welcome. Spirits. I’m glad you came to the story of the fighting teller and the sword master.”

[Some spirits greet you warmly.]

[Some spirits ask you to show them the show as soon as possible.]

[Some spirits tell you to shut up.]

The message window was a mess as the number of viewers increased.

[100TP donation!]

[Huh. Newbies. Don’t you know Daknusam? Daknusam? Just stay still.]

[100TP donation!]

[So when are you going to show us the show? Show! Show! Show! Show!]

[100TP donation!]

[I don’t care about Namjeong, show me Sword Master! Where did Sword Master go?! Give me Sword Masteraaah!]

The direct message window using points was also a mess.

He had noticed this problem before, but seeing the situation that had been upgraded even more, he felt it more seriously.

He realized anew that without Satan, the library would be like this.

“Everyone. Please calm down for a moment. First of all, I opened my library earlier than planned because I wanted to inform you of some announcements.”

[Some spirits ask you what you mean.]

“It’s exactly what I said. You have been so kind to me that I have received more attention than I intended. Thanks to that, my library has grown bigger, which is good, but it’s hard to manage it right away. So I made some rules for my library and I want to tell you about them.”

[100TP donation!]

[Well, other libraries have already posted their announcements, but this one is a bit late.]

[100TP donation!]

[It’s not really late??? It’s just that the library grew so fast, usually new libraries don’t have that.]

“This is something I decided before. It just happened sooner than I expected. First of all, I will inform you of the announcements. This is a kind of rule that you must follow in my library.”

He spread his fingers and said.

“First. No socializing in the library. If you meet someone you know in the library, don’t act like you know each other in the library. It can make other spirits feel left out. This is absolutely forbidden.”

[The spirits focus on your words.]

“Second. No mentioning of other libraries or collectors. The reason is similar to the first one, but more importantly, there is a possibility of conflict.”

Especially for the second one, he considered it very dangerous.

“Don’t come here and say who’s better in the other neighborhood or who looks like who in the other neighborhood. That naturally makes the spirits who don’t know feel left out. And when they start to agree with each other, it produces results that are different from the show that the existing library shows.”

This is my library, and the main characters of my story are me and Kang Hye-rim.

But why do you come here and mention other collectors or tellers from other libraries?

You might think that you’re just showing off what you know, but you don’t care about the impact it has on others.

Why do you even come to my library and say that someone is better than someone else in the other neighborhood, or that someone looks like someone else in the other neighborhood?

Don’t you know that it’s a huge nuisance to other spirits? 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝖜𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝖈𝖔𝖒

“And conversely, please finish the story of Sword Master here. It’s not good to talk about Sword Master in other libraries either.”

Fandomization has the advantage of creating a loyal fan base, but there can also be problems with the fandom itself.

They say that fans make haters.

Excessive fan behavior can cause discomfort to others and create a bad image of the fandom.

If the fandom’s power and actions become too extreme, then they are called thugs, not fans.

Those who shout wow! when they see a skull are gentlemen.

“I will never compromise on that. If you violate this, I will block you without mercy. And third, I will also sanction any unreasonable slander or hate speech against other factions’ spirits. My library does not discriminate the spirits’ affiliations. If you take sides just because of who the other person is, you will be blocked immediately.”

The same goes for messages that cross the line and ruin the mood, or for those who make unreasonable demands while supporting points.

It might seem like I’m asking too much from the spirits, but I thought this process was necessary.

If you give them a chance, there will always be someone who takes advantage of it and causes trouble.

Even if they don’t do it right away, there were cases where the atmosphere gradually turned bad over time.

To prevent problems in advance, it was easier to be strict from the beginning.

Once the subscription spirits get used to restraining themselves, it’s not too late to loosen up then.

[Some spirits react strongly to your words.]

[100TP support!]

[No! How can we do anything if you block everything like that!]

“It’s not just for my sake. It’s also for the sake of other spirits who come to my library because they like it. It’s about being considerate of each other.”

Maybe they didn’t like that I didn’t back down and answered firmly?

Some spirits were very angry.

[100TP support!]

[Ha. You’re really stubborn. Fine, fine. I heard rumors and came here, but I’ll just leave.]

“Yes. Please go.”

I immediately blocked him mercilessly.

Did he think I would blink an eye if he sent me a message directly with his support?

No way.

[Most spirits express admiration.]

Did they not expect me to kick out a supporter so easily?

Some of the watching spirits seemed quite surprised.

But I didn’t care about their reactions.

I just did what I said I would do.

[Sunset Sea King 1,000TP support!]

[Hey young teller gentleman. Let’s get along well. Huh? I’ll give you a lot of support.]

“That’s not possible.”

1,000 points was a pretty large amount, but I didn’t waver.

If I made one exception, there was no point in making rules.


[Sunset Sea King 10,000TP support!]

[How about now?]

A ridiculous amount of support popped up with a loud notification sound.

Some spirits got noisy at the 10,000 point support.

But I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

‘Look at this guy?’

Is he trying to challenge me now?