The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler-Chapter 141

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling

Chapter 141: Real Fake Act


Hearing GuYu announcement, Zhang Siyi heart skipped a beat and quickly stared at Gu Yuwide eyed in surprise. Before turning into his office, Gu Yu smiled at him.

Shit! Gu Yuwas so daring that he chose him directly. Is he not afraid of their colleagues'misunderstandings?

Even thoughZhang Siyi was worried about it, his colleagues really didn't seem to care.Rather, it was expected. Perhaps, Gu Yu did not want to play the game. However,he also didn't want to spoil their fun and therefore he chose a boy. Zhang Siyiwas the company's mascot and everyone saw their good relationship during theannual festival so it didn't seem unnatural for Zhang Siyi to be picked.

The same istrue for the female colleagues. On one hand, since their opportunity was takenaway, they were a little depressed, but on the other hand, they also feltrelieved. After all, if Gu Yu really choose a female colleague, it willdefinitely cause problems. Only by selecting a male colleague could everyone coexistpeacefully.

Even ifthere wasn't a misunderstanding, the girls couldn't stop themselves fromstaring at Zhang Siyi.

When ZhangSiyi heard Gu Yu, several watchful female colleagues caught Zhang Siyi show a'shy' expression. They all covered theirmouths and laughed. Bi Lele caught Zhang Siyi by surprise and said: "Hey, AuntieFour, why are you so shy!”

Zhang Siyi:“….” (o////o)

Smiling, XuJia also followed suite: “It seems that the boss really likes you!"

Du Rui heldhis face with both hands and squished his cheeks: "I'm so jealous. I wish I wasa boy!"

Even ZhuHongzhen followed up and happily joked: “Congratulations! You are favoredby the boss again!”

Zhang Siyican’t tell whether they were joking or if they really could see their truerelationship. Feeling a bit nervous and helpless, Zhang Siyi turned red.

Bi Lele sniggered:“Wow, why is your face red? Ha-ha-ha! Are you a kid? What funnyreactions!"

The lastcomment brought Zhang Siyi over the top and was finally provoked. He raised hisvoice to state: "It's already after nine and no one is working!"

The crowdlaughed while returning to their respective desks. He could still hear some ofthe girls whispering about the couples' game. When everyone walked away, ZhangSiyi sat down at his desk and brought up the internal chat program on hiscomputer. He selected Gu Yu's icon and as he channeled his energy into typingout his message, he made a series of loud clicking noises: "How can you saythat in front of everyone!? What are we going to do if they guess the truenature of our relationship?"

Gu Yu:“Don’t you want the privilege of a boyfriend?”

Zhang Siyi:“…”

Gu Yu: "Imade a reservation this time, so I don’t have to be robbed again." 🙂

Zhang Siyi:“…….”

Gu Yu:“Well, those female colleagues just wanted to tease you. Act naturally anddon't worry about it. Now, get to work."

Zhang Siyi:“…………”

Be normaland relax …… Shit, he’s not that kind of guy!!!

In recentdays after their joint project, Zhang Siyi and Tao Fei often ate together atlunch time. Carrying his Bento, Tao Fei selected an empty table and sat downwith Zhang Siyi. Not more then a couple bites of food reached Zhang Siyistomach before Tao Fei spoke: "The girls told me about the couples' game thismorning."

Zhang Siyi:“I heard them talking. Who did you choose?”

Tao Fei:“No one yet. How am I supposed to choose when there are four girls?"

Zhang Siyi:“…” God Damn! Four choices aren't enough? Tao Fei already has thesecond-best treatment from the girls in the design team. Thinking about it madeZhang Siyi feel irritated. He is obviously a man, but because of his nick-name,he felt cheated. They labeled him as a girl and thus, he had to wait untilsomeone picked him instead of choosing for himself.

“Iheard that Gu Yu selected you.” Tao Fei glanced at him mischievously:“He is bold enough. Don't end uprevealing the secret."

With hiseyes darting around the room like a small frightened animal, Zhang Siyi held afinger up to his lips and directed a "Shhh" at Tao Fei.

Tao Feilaughed at his 'shush-ing' antics: "There is no use in shush-ing me. In thecompany, I don't think anyone has noticed. In the morning, the girls weresaying my brother still treated you well like always."

Zhang Siyi wasfeeling a little guilty: “I think it will be OK.”

Tao Feiturned a blind eye: “Is it okay? Don’t you feel like the way Gu Yu looks andspeaks to you is different than anyone else?

Zhang Siyinervously questioned: “Where is there a difference?”

In a longdrawn out, exaggerated tone, Tao Fei explained: “Ahh, the gentle,lingering eyes and the tender voice….It gives me goosebumps!"

Zhang Siyi:“He does not!"

Pausing amoment in thought, Tao Fei stirred his food then said: “But I wouldn'tworry about it so much. I think Gu Yu may have deliberately wanted to playreal-fake-act with you.”

Zhang Siyisaid: “What do you mean? What is the real-fake-act?”

Tao Feiexplained: “In fact, when we were at Big T, we were considered a couple."

Zhang Siyiremembered Tao Fei's social media page where he posted pictures of Gu Yu andhim together when his classmates asked for them.

Reminiscing,Tao Fei laughed out loud and said: “Especially some of the rotten girlsfrom the architecture department. They started a forum and posted candidpictures of us together."

ZhangSiyi:”……!" Is there such a thing?He’s going to get jealous again!

Tao Feiwent on: “Even though we didn't have an intimate relationship we played itup sometimes for the girls. Neither of us were dating so it wasn't a big deal. Thejokes never got out of hand and besides, Gu Yu never cared about gossipanyway."

Zhang Siyi wasdeep in thought. Indeed, he and Fu Xinhui were often passed on as a pair.Although it used to bother him, as Tao Fei said, if the person does not care,being misunderstood will neither affect their friendship nor their respectivelives.

Tao Fei:“However, if the person being joked about has a relationship with someoneelse already, then it's not appropriate."

Zhang Siyinodded. It's no wonder that Tao Fei later deleted the photo of him and Gu Yu.

Tao Feisaid: “Gu Yu may want to create this illusion with you in front of our colleagues.If you deliberately let everyone think of you both as a pair, then the more frankyou are, the more people will take it as a joke. In contrast, the more careful and nervous youare, then the more suspicious you become and your true relationship will berevealed."

Zhang Siyi:” !!! ” makes sense!

Under thepretext by Gu Yu's actions that Tao Fei explained let Zhang Siyi feel moresecure and thus, less nervous about exposing their relationship.

Afterswallowing his mouthful of food, Tao Fei said: “That being said, I believethat the couple game was a plan devised by a male colleague who had ulteriormotives because they like someone in the company. Deliberately playing the gamewould let him cover up his true intentions."

As ZhangSiyi was going to say something more, Ji Feiyu sat down next to them with hislunch box. Zhang Siyi retracted his thoughts.

Ji Feiyu:"You guys look so happy. What are you talking about?"

Zhang Siyirepeated what Tao Fei said to Ji Feiyu.

Smiling, JiFeiyu chuckled: “Hey, you saw through me!"

Stunned,Zhang Siyi stared at Ji Feiyu. Thinking about this morning again, he realizedthe person who proposed the couples game idea was in fact Ji Feiyu.

Grinning, TaoFei curiously inquired: "So who is it? Du Rui?"

Ji Feiyushyly said: “Shhh! Don’t say anything!”

Zhang Siyi:“…” Tao Fei guessed it again? Nothing can hide this Fat Peach'seyes! (→_→)

Tao Feisaid: "There is no use in shush-ing me. Well, I often see you sharing food andtreating her nicely. Maybe she will be able to feel it!"

Zhang Siyi:“…” Deja-vu! (=_=)

Ji Feiyupanicked: “Is it so obvious?”

Tao Feinodded: “Yes.”

Since TaoFei was the only one to notice, Zhang Siyi wasn't so sure.

Wanting toexplain it further, Ji Feiyu eagerly talked to them: “It wasn't just DuRui. I didn't want to single her out so I also passed along some treats toothers and as a result it got more people involved to share together.

Tao Fei:"But even though you shared with her, because there were many othersafterwards, it makes it seem like you were never sincere in the beginning."

Ji Feiyu.:"……"

Zhang Siyi is also stunned to hear Tao Fei ashe could perceive this little detail. Shit! He is really impressed with the Fat Peach!

Tao Feiscoffed: “If you want a real relationship then why bother suggesting the couples'game? What kind of foresight is that!?"

Scratchinghis head, Ji Feiyu admitted: "I’m afraid of being rejected. Since we worktogether in the same office, it would be really embarrassing and awkward."

Zhang Siyi interjected:“Chicken brother, I don't want to burst your bubble, but doesn't Du Ruilike Gu Yu?"

When ZhangSiyi first started his job at the company, he had a really favorable impressionof Du Rui. Later, when they became more familiar, she admitted to liking theBoss. The last thing he expected was to be her love rival and was now with GuYu. Life can be so unpredictable!

Ji Feiyusighed, helpless: “Hey, I already know this. In our group, which girl doesnot like the Boss?"

Tao Feisuddenly stuck up his index finger and moved it back and forth: “No, No, No!You are mistaken. That isn't love or like. The girls simply worship him like anidol for fun as some do with me. I firmly believe that the girls in ourdepartment are very sensible. They know the difference."

Beingsupportive, Zhang Siyi was trying to nod, but then Tao Fei continued and said:“Not to mention my brother likes Zhang Siyi. There is no chance for them."

“Pfft–!"Zhang Siyi spit out a mouthful of vegetable soup. Dead Fat Peach! Are you afriend or foe!?!?

Ji Feiyu laughedout loud at Tao Fei comment then smiled:" Yeah, fortunately Boss choose AuntFour this morning. What a relief!"

Zhang Siyi:“……” What? Ji Feiyu reaction is… normal?

Ji Feiyulooked at Tao Fei and said: “But they are still waiting for you to choosesomeone!”

Tao Feisaid: "Well, Joe Sister should be alright. I won't bother playing the couplesgame. If you mistakenly give a girl the illusion of love, it is verytroublesome."

Ji Feiyusaid with gratitude: “Thank you, thank you! I misjudged You!”

Gesturinghis hand back and forth, Tao Fei said: "It's not a problem."

After JiFeiyu left, Tao Fei whispered to Zhang Siyi: “Actually, I feel like Du Ruiis also interested in him."

If Tao Feihad mentioned this previously, Zhang Siyi wouldn't have believed him. However,now that he had witnessed the 'Peach-Eyes', whatever love affair Tao Feispeculates, then it must be true!

TaoFei also asked Zhang Siyi: “Are you familiar with Joe Sister? He is alsorather handsome, but he is usually very quiet."

Zhang Siyi recalled the business trip he has with Lu Qiao and didn't have any problems with him. He nodded: “He should be a good roommate.”

One person is the self-proclaimed Old-Lady of the company and the other is the longhaired Lady of the company. Zhang Siyi thought these two could certainly get along!
