The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler-Chapter 148

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling

Chapter 148: Visit


Regrettably,Zhang Siyi missed the rare expression on Gu Yu's face because he was completelyimmersed in his own complaints…. What, "wife"! He doesn't call himself that!

Zhang Siyi leisurelyreturned Gu Yu's phone. He couldn't stop himself from foolishly laughing: "Ididn't cook the dinner. I only helped!"

Even thoughlying isn't a commendable thing, Gu Yu's deliberate misdirection made Zhang Siyifeel loved. Gu Yu's action was really cute!

Returningto normal, Gu Yu calmly said: "Enlightenment is good. Remember wife, you owe mea dinner."

Zhang Siyi:“…”

After dinner,they went outside to walk the dog. Once they returned and hung up their coats,they went upstairs and sat down at the chess table. Gu Yu was going to teachZhang Siyi how to play.

Gu Yuexplained the movements of each chess piece and by playing two games with him,Gu Yu guided Zhang Siyi step-by-step. In the early stages, it didn't matter whowon or lost the game.

Having quicklylearned the movements of the pieces and the rules of the game, Zhang Siyi thoughtchess was simple and smugly said: "What's so hard about chess? It seems prettyeasy. Come on, let's see your skills!"

Lifting hiseye site to look at Zhang Siyi momentarily, Gu Yu grinned widely: “Youasked for it."

Aftersetting up the chessboard, with great enthusiasm, Zhang Siyi moved his firstpiece. Being under the care of Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi thought he would always show himmercy.

During thegame, Zhang Siyi encountered danger twice. Since he was able to counter themoves and escape, he further believed Gu Yu was going easy on him. In contrastto Gu Yu's attitude towards the girl during the day, Zhang Siyi's heart swelledand felt intoxicated by sweet feelings.

Gradually,he realized something wasn't quite right. Several times he had to make sacrificesto protect his pieces but it wasn't enough. Calmly and methodical, move-by-move,Gu Yu had taken each of his own pieces.

Playingrashly, Zhang Siyi was left with a few pieces to protect his king. In chess,the queen’s power was almost omnipotent while the king can only walk one smallstep at a time. Zhang Siyi used his queen to protect his king for if he movedhis queen farther from the king's side, Zhang Siyi thought he would be easilytaken.

Unbeknownto Zhang Siyi, Gu Yu deliberately let Zhang Siyi feel hopeful by letting him keephis queen. Gu Yu wanted to play a slow game with Zhang Siyi. Feeling pressured,Zhang Siyi realized it wasn't easy to play both an offensive and defensivechess match.

Afterthirty minutes, Zhang Siyi panicked as his queen finally fell. Left with onlyhis king, he noticed the section of the grid that was safe to move in was verysmall. His heart was grey.

Even now,Gu Yu wasn't in a hurry to overtake him. Gu Yu systematically used his eight remainingpieces to slowly force Zhang Siyi's king to move until he was completely surrounded.

Zhang Siyidesperate attempts slowly turned into despair. When he decided to admit defeat,he looked up and saw Gu Yu smiling at him with an expression that the outcome ofthe game was clearly expected written on his face.

Feeling atwinge of annoyance, Zhang Siyi almost didn't resign, but finally, he knockedover the pieces and said: "I admit to defeat!"

Gu Yu smiledat him then looked at the board and said: “But I haven't killed you yet."

Zhang Siyi:“…” Ah, you go to hell! (╯‵皿’)╯(┻━┻

Gu Yumuffled his laughter and reset the board for another round: "Ready for anotherround?"

Withbulging cheeks, Zhang Siyi squinting his eyes and said: "I'm not playinganymore!" Zhang Siyi thought Gu Yu's slow pace was merciful, but in fact he hadbe toying with him the whole time!

Gu Yu laughedout and asked: "Are you angry?"

Zhang Siyi:“…”

Gu Yucontinued to tease him: “How are my chess skills?”

Zhang Siyistood up and jumped over the table to push Gu Yu and directly overwhelmed him. SinceGu Yu blocked his mouth, Zhang Siyi bit him instead. He is a man and wants to determinethe outcome in a man’s way! …… Hey, wait, what are you doing!

Thegentlemanly discussion did not begin.

“Ah, mmn….."

A minutelater, Gu Yu countered Zhang Siyi bold advances.

Fiveminutes later, with pleasurable sighs and moans, anyone listening would feel theirheart race and face turn red.

Ten minuteslater, Gu quipped in a hoarse voice: “What are you going to call me?"

Zhang Siyi:“You…” (o////o)

Gu Yu:“Well? Let me hear it.”

Zhang Siyi:“fuck off….!"

Zhang Siyi:“Mm, Ha… Ah, ah…”

Anotherminute later, Zhang Siyi collapsed and cried out: “Gege! Gege!"

Gu Yusmiled in satisfaction and whispered softly in Zhang Siyi ear: “Next time,call me husband."

Zhang Siyi:"…… Get out!!!"

Monday atwork, Zhang Siyi saw the director smiling at him warmly and waited for theyoung man to greet him as courteous and politely as before…. Unexpectedly,the director witnessed Zhang Siyi turn his head the other direction and walkright by him.

Chief Director:“???”

Zhang Siyi:– Hey I'm going to ignore you. (ˋ_ˊ)

The cousinwho had access to Gu Yu WeChat hadn't made contact again. When the Chief implicitlyasked Gu Yu about his situation a second time, he finally had the chance to refuseoutright. Gu Yu tactfully expressed his intentions for someone else. Elders alsounderstand the larger issue at hand and since both children had no furtherintentions on this matter, there was no need to continue trying to put themtogether.

After Gu Yutold Zhang Siyi about it, Zhang Siyi felt completely relieved. He sincerelyhoped that there will be no more random people setting up blind dates in thefuture!

In a flash,the week went by and in order to prepare for Zhang Siyi parents, the two men paidspecial attention to their home and carefully cleaned it. Zhang Siyi didn'twant anything left out that would cause his parents to misunderstand.

In reality,the two innocent boys have been relatively conservative so far. Apart from thelubricant, and the more intense times with Gu Yu in his room, there was nothingelse. At this time, Zhang Siyi was really glad to have his own room. Half ofthe time, he was sleeping separately in his own bed.

At noon onSaturday, Zhang's parents arrived in Haicheng. Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi drove tothe high-speed rail station to pick them up. When Zhang Siyi met them, hisparents seemed happy and warmly greeted him. Even though he felt moved, ZhangSiyi also felt tense.

As he hadwhen Zhang Siyi returned home from Haicheng, his parents had a bunch of largepackages and bags with them. If Gu Yu hadn't brought his car, Zhang Siyi didnot know how they would have been able to bring them all home on the subway.

Since theyhadn't seen each other for a few months, Ms. Zhang felt as excited to see herson as she did during the New Year's Festival. She ignored any onlookers andtenderly touched her son's face: "This time, your complexion is really good andyou have slimmed down." She took a moment to pat and feel his waist.

"Have I? I've been working a lot of overtime."Zhang Siyi smiled and twisted away. His waist had become very sensitive nowthat Gu Yu touches and holds it every day.

When it comes to his improved complexion, GuYu should take credit. Since living together, they have been cooking a healthybreakfast and dinner regularly.

Zhang Siyi'sfather saw the antics of mother and son and couldn't stop himself frominterrupting. With a rigid tone he said: "Ok. Ok. There is time to talk. Don't letothers wait." Father Zhang was as serious as ever. Only the slight upturn inthe corner of his eye betrayed his happy mood. In response, Zhang Siyi's motherwent to greet Gu Yu.

Gu Yusmiled and gestured: “Uncle and Aunt. If you please, step into the car. Wewill eat lunch at home."

Zhang'smother opened her eyes and smiled. She had always looked at her son in the bestof light, but now, looking at Gu Yu in comparison, it seems like her son wastossed to the other side of the train tracks.

As theydrove home, Zhang Siyi complained: “There are so many bags and boxes! Whatelse did you bring besides crab paste and fish?"

Ms. Zhang explained: “'I've come to visit so naturally, there will be more. Isn't this the Dragon Boat Festival? We also brought some dumplings that you loved when you were a child. Your grandmother gave you a bag of glutinous rice for the two of you. Oh yes, there are also plump, sweet lychees that your uncle brought over……."


Read The Duke's Passion