The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler-Chapter 163

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling

Chapter 163: Kneel


Acting like he was going to ask themost provocative question, Zhang Siyi squinted his eyes at Ji Feiyu and said:“I heard you liked a female colleague in our group. Is it true?"

Everyone listened and thought therewas going to be a good show! As long as Ji Feiyu's answers, naturally they willcontinue to probe him for answers. However, Ji Feiyu scratched his head andsmiled: "I choose a Dare."

Zhang Siyi almost spit out his mouthfulof wine. – Huh? Why didn't he go forit? I provided the perfect opening!

Ji Feiyu suddenly looked at Zhang Siyifor additional help and moved his eyes in the direction of Du Rui.

Zhang Siyi understand. Ji Feiyu couldn'twait for the next question! All right then, send the Buddha to the West forhelp. Zhang Siyi coughed lightly and said: “Since you are not willing toanswer, I will have to punish you. Kneel down before the girl you like."

Ji Feiyu: “…”

Everyone: “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!”

Ji Feiyu slowly got up from his seatand walked to Du Rui. Under the watchful eyes of the group, he got down on hisknees onto the tatami mats. Since they were in a traditional Japanese Inn, theywere dinning on tatami mats and low tables. As a result, it didn't look very strangefor Ji Feiyu to kneel down as he was on the same level as everyone else.

As Ji Feiyu maneuver into position,many members of the group hooted and hollered. While some people banged on thetable, others tapped their glasses. For a second time the, ruckus grew louderand louder until it culminated into unified cheers.

Watching him in disbelief, Du Ruicovered her mouth. His shy expression overshadowed any embarrassment……

Since Tao Fei assessment was correct, ZhangSiyi breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Du Rui is interested in Ji Feiyuas well.

After ji Feiyu knelt down, he took asmall box out of his trouser pocket…. Witness to his actions, everyone in theroom held their breath in surprised. They all seems to have similar thoughts. –Shit! Is Ji Feiyu is going to propose?!

Even Du Rui looked shocked at the box hepresented. She was even a bit scared.

Fortunately, when Ji Feiyu opened thebox, there was only a pair of delicate earrings. He looked at Du Rui andsincerely said: “Du Rui, since your arrival at the company one and halfyears ago, I am yours. I've been attracted to your gentle and quite demure.With further contact, not only did I find that you are a soft-spoken person, butyou are also a strong, independent, and hardworking individual withconsiderable empathy for others.

Being in the spotlight, Ji Feiyu wasvery nervous and as a result, his tone changed. In the now tense room, all ofhis colleagues sweated for him.

Ji Feiyu plucked up his courage andcontinued: “Do you remember the Changsha Hotel project a year ago? At thattime, the company was very busy and no one else was able to spare their time tohelp me. Only you, after finishing your own work did you extend a hand andoffer help. You stayed with me the whole week for overtime and together, youhelped me tremendously. I was very moved by your kind gesture and wanted toconfess to you at that time but I was afraid of rejection. I endured for a yearand hearing about your family's pressure for marriage, I became worried thatyou would be taken away from me. Our industry is very demanding. We sacrificeda lot of our private life for our profession and as a result, we seldom had theopportunity to date and fall in love. In this field of work, peers are moreunderstanding. It isn't easy to meet someone special from the same industry .Because of my hesitation, I don't want to let you go if someone else comes tocourt you."

Having heard his confession, with atouch of red in her eyes, Du Rui let go of her breath. The sweet words touchedboth her heart and everyone else's. The similarity ended their however, becausethe sweet words were only directed towards Du Rui. The lone dogs were leftfeeling a tinge of jealousy.

Ji Feiyu raised the small box in hishand and said: “We saw these pair of earrings the night before in themarket in Osaka. I saw you look at them more then once and ask about the price.I don't know why you didn't buy them so I made it a point to quietly go back tothe shop and buy them for you. I hope you like them. I want to work together,design together, and grow together…… Du Rui, please be my girlfriend!"

The excitement of the occasion couldbe felt by the group. As the volume increased, people started chanting'together' and as a result, Gu Yu raised his hand to quiet everyone. Theredidn't need to be any more pressure on the couple as there already was.

Du Rui wiped the corner of her eye andreached out to take the box. Nodding, she said: "Yes."

Everyone cheered and screamed:“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!”

Next to her, Bi Lele was chewing apiece of tempura. With tears in her eyes she exclaimed: "I'll eat this bowl ofdog food gladly!"

After his heart calmed down from the ecstaticfeelings of acceptance, Ji Feiyu immediately turned to addressed Gu Yu: "Boss,I'm sorry. I know office romance isn't encouraged in the work place. If youthink……"

Gu Yu could guess what he was going tosay and raised his hand to interrupt him: "As long as the relationship doesn'teffect both your work and Du Rui's then it won't be a problem." He himself hasn'texactly followed the rules by being in a romantic relationship with Zhang Siyi.How could he prevent others?

Ji Feiyu gratefully said: “Thankyou!”

Gu Yu smiled at him and said: "I haveworked with you for many years and treat you more as a friend than asubordinate. You don't need to kneel at me. Get up."

With laughter from the group the volumein the room was once again loud and cheerful. Ji Feiyu turned red then quicklychanged his position from kneeling to sitting.

Gu Yu raised his glass and continued:“Today I witnessed heartfelt feelings. I am very happy for you. Du Rui isa good person so I hope you treat her well."

Ji Feiyu tapped Gu Yu glass with hisown and drank all the wine in his cup: "I know, I will!"

After the real purpose of the game wasreached, they no longer played.

Waves were made by the shock of Gu Yuand Zhang Siyi acting out 'fake' dog food and then shortly after, witnessing JiFeiyu and Du Rui's real dog food. In the excitement, many people exceeded theirnormal alcohol tolerance. As a result, most everyone returned to their rooms torest.

In these last two days, Tao Fei becameobsessed with Era of Music. He also left the dinner party to play the game inhis room. While the group wasn't paying attention, Gu Yu pulled Zhang Siyialong for a walk outside.

At night, Kyoto was quaint andsecluded. The inn was located near the Kiyomizu-Dera Temple. Along each side ofthe road the ancient capital was all around them. At this time, having alreadyclosed for the night, most of the small shops are dark, but for the glow of a singlewarm orange paper lantern hanging outside each shop making the atmosphererather romantic.

Gu Yu checked his surroundings. Withthe help of alcohol and the influence of emotions expressed by Ji Feiyu'sheartfelt confession, and seeing no one around, Gu Yu reached out and envelopedZhang Siyi’s hand with his own.

Gu Yu gave Zhang Siyi’s hand asqueeze. He whispered: “Do you envy them?”

Zhang Siyi: “…”

Gu Yu didn't hear Zhang Siyi's answer:“Do you regret staying with me?"

Zhang Siyi: “No.”

Gu Yu smiled gently and said with somesadness: “But I am envious.”

Zhang Siyi: “Hmm…?”

"I envy them because they can openlyexpress their love and can be blessed by everyone." Gu Yu let out a long deepsigh: "I'm sorry Siyi. I can't do this for you as I've pulled you into the darkto be with me."

Feeling distressed over Gu Yuadmission, to reassure him, Zhang Siyi held Gu Yu hand tightly: “Itdoesn’t matter, we are good the way we are.”

In fact, Zhang Siyi did have somefeeling of jealousy, but not in the way Gu Yu thought. He was envious of theway in which Ji Feiyu got on his knees to confess his feelings.

Zhang Siyi chuckled thinking about it.He jokingly said to Gu Yu: "When Ji Feiyu chose a dare, I asked him to kneel infront of the person he liked because I wanted him to get on one knee like amarriage proposal. I didn't think he would get down on both knees. Ha-ha……"

While half smiling and half laughing,Gu Yu suddenly took both of Zhang Siyi hands and stopped. Facing one another,Gu Yu looked at Zhang Siyi affectionately. Zhang Siyi stopped speaking andforgot to breathe.

The atmosphere became someone else andhe thought that they would kiss…

Instead, Zhang Siyi was caught by surprisewhen Gu Yu slowly got down on his knee while staring at his face.

Zhang Siyi gasped and held his breath.His nervous heart was pounding in his chest…. The person he loves was on oneknee… Gu Yu lowered his head and looked at his shoes: "Your shoelaces areuntied."

Zhang Siyi: “………”

Kneeling on the ancient store floor in Kyoto, slowly and carefully, Gu Yu re-tied Zhang Siyi's shoelace.


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