The Primordial Record-Chapter 1132: Can’t See The Mountain

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Chapter 1132: Can't See The Mountain

The whispers that abound called him a god-child. A being entirely in a class of its own, an individual without parity.

The day he changed the Creation problem troubling the Blood Blessed began like any other day, except this famous child had called a meeting and the majority of the Elders were in attendance, and those that were missing were not far behind.

Every Elder was aware that the power of creation within the fingertips of everyone would become a recipe for disaster in the future if it was not carefully managed, but they were afraid of stifling innovations if they set too many restrictions on the people and not allow them to find the limits of this power.

The Primogenitor that gave them this power freely would not want them not to explore it and develop it to its full potential, anything short of that would be heresy, but they also knew that without check, this power could destroy their entire society in the blink of an eye.

What could stop an unscrupulous individual from creating an insidious poison that could kill children or halt the bloodline refinement of others so they could progress faster? There were many terrible things that could be done with this power if someone was determined enough to see it through.

In the past the Blood Blessed were truly bound together, but the true test of anyone is the test of power. When power was given to the helpless, or hope to the hopeless, there would be different responses that could be expected, and even though a majority of people would choose to serve the common good, there would always be outliers, most were for selfish reasons, but some were just born wrong. Such a thing was always inevitable.

There were many ongoing debates on how it should be controlled, especially when they started discovering a clear increase in unscrupulous individuals who were beginning to use this power to commit atrocities.

This god-child quickly came to a stunning solution that was right in front of their faces all this while but it would have required someone with a certain temperament to easily discover it and to seek to implement it on a massive scale.

The child had proposed that the crux for creation lay in the willpower of the creator, and someone with powerful willpower could not just create better designs, they could manage the creations of others. They could effectively prevent others from making certain changes just because their will over the creation-grass was stronger.

To demonstrate what he meant, he took a single strand of grass and while holding on to it, told an Elder to attempt to change the grass to a sword, the Elder attempted to change the grass into a sword to no avail because the will power of the boy had forced the grass to stay in the same shape.

To further buttress his argument, he pointed to a small pile of grass he had gathered and told the Elders to select any grass of their choice and change it to the shape they were most familiar with, and none of them was able to succeed.

There were hundreds of Elders who simultaneously accepted this challenge, and all of them failed to make any changes to the grass.

The Elders who at first were a little bit skeptical about being lectured by a three-month-old child who was being escorted by a flustered father and mother whose faces held equal parts pride, fear, and confusion, saw themselves mirroring the same expression, and the look of annoyance and pity which they first directed at the parents turned to understanding. This baby was a monster, and the rumors had underestimated his capabilities to a vast extent. After many experiments, it was well known that with a firm mental image in mind and strong enough willpower, you did not need to physically touch the grass to institute the creation process, but it was very difficult to make meaningful changes, although some individuals excel in this aspect.

One of the Elders swallowed and asked the question in all of their minds, "This is a stunning demonstration, but what are you proposing, surely you don't think you can manage the entire valley?"

The boy nodded, "I don't see why that should be an issue. It is quite simple actually," the babyish voice chimed out with firm confidence, and no one here looked down on his tone despite how outrageous it sounded, "With the help of my Natal treasures I can spread my will unto the entire valley and make some creations impossible to perform."

This gathering had already called the attention of many Blood Blessed who heard the stunning demonstration of the god-child, the meeting that was supposed to be a closed affair was now being actively transmitted to nearly everyone in the valley, and, with his words an uproar arose among them, it took a while for it to die down and the child naturally continued as if he was not aware of the effect of his utterances,

"Of course, I will not be doing this for long, because that would mean that the entirety of you would become dependent on me alone, and I do not want something like that. When I leave this place to bring the battle to our enemies, there needs to be something in place to keep the structure of our society in one piece or we would have disgraced the grace of our Primogenitor. Also"

He smiled, "Can you trust me in the long run with such ultimate power over the fate of everyone here?"

Waiting for his words to settle in their mind for a while, the child smirked, before screaming, "That is what you want to hear right? You lazy bums!"

His childish voice transformed what should have been a roar into a cute shriek like a girl's, and the child blushed in anger, he seemed to despise his present body, but no matter how strong he became daily, his body was unique and refused to rapidly develop like some of the Blood Blessed whose growth to adulthood was accelerated with every star point they unlocked. He transferred the irritation he felt into his words, as he turned to the Elders,

"You were all given the title of Elders because you are expected to be at the forefront of our society, creating changes and shaping the direction that we all should follow."

"You have a heavy responsibility on your hands and the only measures you should be following are thinking outside the box and making sure your strength is at the peak of our society. I was born three months ago and I am stronger than all of you combined, and Old Father Jinuh here is nine hundred years old! If it takes a three-month-old baby to show you the way forward then it might just mean that you all are useless."

Old father Jinuh, a respected Elder was not angry with the berating from the child, when placed against his immense talents, they all felt useless, he coughed, "Eh... god-child..."

"Don't call me that"

"Um, ok, kid, it is not as if what you mentioned had not crossed our mind before, but it was not even considered an option because no one could keep a total transformation from happening over time if someone else is fighting for control, it would take too much resources to implement such a thing."

The boy sighed and massaged his forehead with his little chubby fingers, "They all have eyes but they cannot see the mountain in front of them."