The Primordial Record-Chapter 1135: Belief.

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Chapter 1135: Belief.

The face of the child went pale at this information, he licked his lips in fright,

"If this danger can kill billions, how can I stand against it alone? I am strong, but I don't think I can even fight against what could threaten the entire society of Blood Blessed, there has to be another way, there is too much at stake for the entire plan to be resting on just my shoulders."

Lost tapped the shoulder of the boy and winked, "Hmm, these shoulders seem especially strong for someone of your age, besides, who says you will be alone, I will be there with you, every step of the way, and if we hurry, we might be able to delay the battle long enough for the Creator to complete his great works and then we would be able to meet him in person. Avoid confrontation as long as possible."

The eyes of the child went wide, the thoughts of the great danger ahead pushed aside, "Can we see him?"

Lost looking at the sudden change in behavior smiled,

"Of course you can see him, he exists after all, even now, you should be able to catch a glimpse of him, it only requires that you can reach the top" Lost pointed to the top of the Ascension Spear, "and you shall see God. I mean, technically, you are standing on his body at the moment. Kinda"

A sickly smile cut across the face of the boy, as he looked at his feet, "What do you mean by those words?"

"What words? That we are standing on the body of the Creator? Why? Is that such a strange concept to imagine? You should realize that in a manner the body of the Creator is bigger than a universe and that is a size that you can barely comprehend at this time, and you should get used to not just walking on top of his body, but even living inside of him. Your powers, your very life were all taken out of his body. You know what, try not to think about how the body of the Creator works, it would only mess with your mind."

The boy weakly muttered, "Living... inside of him?"

Lost sighed, "Stop repeating everything I say, it is cute only the first time, you will have to quickly get used to how the higher levels of reality work. You have the talent to reach these heights someday, and you should use this opportunity only to listen. We no longer have much time. Nod if you understand?"

The child frowned but he still nodded, Lost smiled and transformed into his flame form, he flowed towards the child and wrapped himself around his right hand like a bracelet, his voice came from it,

"Turn your back to the Ascension Spear and head out of the city. With my aid the barrier will not block you, the aim is to draw the attention of the hunters away from the city for as long as possible. You should know how difficult the next few moments are going to be."

The boy nodded distractedly, "Head out... like upwards out?"

Lost replied, with a little irritation in his tone, "Except you know of other ways to leave the city then of course you should head upwards"

The child stepped off the Ascension Spear and stood in the air, he was about to leave, and then he hesitated,

"You know, I should tell my parents that I may not be coming back, they are aggravating, but I don't want them to wait up for me for too long if I fall. I have always been preparing them for the day that I leave, but I don't think they are ready yet."

The tone of Lost's voice became gentle as if he was reminded that he was about to send a two- year-old child into the jaws of death, he chuckled weakly,

"Well, aren't you the grim one? Um, damn, I am not too good at these kinds of speech. Know that although you might fall, that would be after a fight that would be spoken about throughout the ages. The best message you will leave for your parents is when you return and say it with your own lips, and say you fall, ensure that it is after you have done all you can to ensure that they are safe, they would understand, perhaps not now, but in the future, they would understand your sacrifice."

"Now who is the grim one," the child muttered, but a small smile flashed past his lips, and he zoomed into the sky, his movements drawing attention from those below, especially Young Po who now resembled a young man of seventeen after reaching the third star point.

At 22,000 feet and being the second on the Ascension Spear, he only had to look at one figure in front of him, and despite his diminutive stature, that child cast a large shadow.

Noticing the odd behavior of the god-child, Young Po stopped his ascent and tracked his movement, and soon realizing his destination, he went pale and yelled downwards, "Alert the Elders, the god-child is attempting to leave the city."

The Blood Blessed had not explored all the areas of the city in two years, and although their growing strength had decreased the projected time frame for this massive undertaking, it should take at least centuries despite there being billions of individuals performing the scouting and exploration duties, but this did not mean that they had not researched what sky they lived under.

From the ground, they could see the seven golden suns, and their eyesight was sharp enough that they saw the semi-transparent covering over the city a few miles upwards, even if space in this city was abnormal, they could still see the vast body of water covering the entire city, and this had led them to conclude that this glorious city rested underneath the endless ocean. The ocean has always been a source of endless mysteries, even among the Ascendants, and there were fears among the Elders that any untoward actions towards the barrier could cause devastation that could wipe out their entire society.

The actions of the god-child could not always be easily interpreted, but reaching the barriers covering the city was a forbidden act.

Although free flight was given to those at the fifth level, the power of creation at their fingertips meant they could create tools that could aid them in flight.

Hurriedly hundreds of golden giants were sent after the god-child with large golden wings that flapped as fast as a hummingbird's wings, but it was apparent that it was already too late. As they had feared even though the sky seemed a few miles upwards, it was anything but, and the god-child had already crossed a great distance, and when he reached the edges of the heavens, he easily slipped through it.

Suddenly the focus was no longer whether he was going to destabilize the dome over the city, but shifted why he made these actions and what were the possibilities of his survival.

Among the faces of the many worried people looking upwards, the parents of the child did not appear very much grief-stricken, they believed in their son.