The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me-Chapter 113: Let’s compare the confrontation between a regressor and a transmigrator to a game of chess.

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Let’s compare the confrontation between a regressor and a transmigrator to a game of chess.

Regressor was someone who knows a lot. If we imagined their future knowledge as pawns, it would be equal to at least twenty pawns.

However, pawns had a very limited power. They could easily be killed by rooks, bishops, and knights controlled by the transmigrator.

When that happened, the regressor would had nothing left, while the transmigrator still has all of her pieces. The match seems to be ending.

But what if, suddenly, two hidden horses that the transmigrator wasn’t aware of, intervened. It was me and Aracelli. At first glance, it may seem like the two horses can’t do anything… But what if those two horses were actually two queens?

Still, no matter how strong the two queens were or how freely they could move, it was still impossible for them to do anything in front of two rooks, two bishops, and two knights.

But what if, in addition to Aracelli’s and my intervention, the opponent also made a bad move?

“Let’s pray.”

The Goddess of Time and Season, Kader. She’s the Goddess who oversees the ‘time’ and four seasons in this world.

I heard that more than half of the continent believes in the Church of Time. It was difficult to imagine how large it will be, since it was also the designated religion of the empire.

In the Church of Time, it was said that a ‘Saintess’ would appear once every two or three centuries.

Saintess was the holiest woman. An existence closest to the Goddess herself. It is said that she could understand and practice the word of the Goddess.

However, during the time when the Saintess hasn’t appeared, the most devoted and exemplary woman on the continent would be designated as a ‘Child of Goddess’. Princess Sahar Serenity was someone who played that role.

Of course, as soon as the Saintess appeared, the value of the Child of Goddess was bound to decrease.

However, from what I heard from Princess Sahar, her value was dropping outrageously compared to her first life. Even if the Saintess appears, her image as the most devoted believer wouldn’t just disappear all of a sudden.

And eventually, Princess Sahar was deprived of all her authority and her position as ‘Child of Goddess’, but ….

“Let’s pray one more time. May our Time reach them.”

After the incident in the royal palace, Princess Sahar was once again granted access to the Church of Time’s Vatican, and was qualified to pray.

Although she wasn’t reinstated to the position of ‘Child of Goddess’, she said she was satisfied as long as she could offer her prayer to Goddess Kader.

In the process of obtaining her qualification to pray at the Vatican, I only gave a very simple piece of advice to her.

‘Just do nothing and wait.’

That really was it.

Princess Sahar’s sense of justice was so extraordinary. She couldn’t bear to see even one person get hurt in front of her eyes. That was why she used her future information and all of her strength to prevent the accidents from occurring in advance. But in the end, the one who benefited the most from her action was the Saintess, Bianca.

The Saintess, or the transmigrator, was also someone who possessed the knowledge of the future. She even knew how Princess Sahar would move. And in order for her to reap the most benefit from Princess Sahar’s action, she had to do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Last time at the banquet hall was the same, Bianca was patiently waiting for the accident to occur in order to reap the benefit from Princess Sahar’s action.

And when the accident occured, Bianca, who was trying to do something, couldn’t do anything, and Princess Sahar Serenity, who belatedly appeared, ended up finishing it nicely!

In short, the keyword for this mission was ‘just regressor’.

It means that I need to stop Princess Sahar from doing anything to confuse Bianca.

‘Somehow I have to get Princess Sahar to regain her position as the Child of Goddess….’

In order to kill Bianca, I had to make her lose all of her abilities.

Her first ability was… the four male lead.

And the second ability was ‘time return’, given by the Goddess of Time and Season.

The trigger conditions for regression were unknown. However, I couldn’t overlook the chance that it might be handed down to the most devout believer.

So, from now on, it would be a thorough fight using future knowledge.

A fight between me, who has the knowledge that even the transmigrator did not know of.

…. Or that was what I’m hoping for.

“Oh, Knight Yoo Seodam is here too. You look really good in the uniform.”

When Bianca smiled as she looked at me, I greeted her back with a smile and nodded.

“I’m flattered. But, Saintess Bianca is more gorgeous today.”

Yeah, I had to admit that she’s really pretty.

However, just like how some women didn’t get fooled by handsome men, there are also men who weren’t fooled by beautiful appearances, like me.

To be honest, I was a little bit disappointed.

Right now, Bianca was trying to entice me by purely relying on her ‘charm’. I expected a more sophisticated psychological warfare in which politics and the knowledge of the future would collide.

Perhaps, if she chose to face me in a psychological battle, I would lose. Bianca surely had the ability to do that. Moreover, I’m pretty sure that she was smarter compared to me.

However, I fully understand her choice of action. Her [Charm Monopoly (SSS)] skill was her strongest weapon and the easiest way to go.

But she chose the wrong opponent.

After spending time with so many beautiful girls, I’ve become quite immune to it. On top of that, [Protagonist Hunter] was resisting [Charm Monopoly (SSS)].

“Hu…. By the way, do you have any spare time? I’m planning to hold a ‘religious group social gathering’, and I want to invite you.”

Religious group social gathering.

It seems to be a gathering that could be attended by anyone who was a believer. Even though originally I shouldn’t be able to attend because it hasn’t been long since I became a believer, one word from the Saintess was enough to overturn that fact.

At this moment, if the knight who guards Princess Sahar was enchanted and accepted the invitation, Princess Sahar would feel completely excluded and hurt.

Don’t think of a traditional feudal system knight who faithfully did their job. If it was a story of a knight in the genre of romance fantasy, there was nothing impossible.

“Of course. How dare I reject the invitation from the beautiful Saintess.”

As I accepted her offer, I could see Bianca laughed like a fool and turned her gaze towards Princes Sahar. In her eyes, the figure of Princess Sahar, who stood a bit away with an anxious expression, was reflected.

“Have you decided the date for the social gathering yet?”

“Well, I haven’t decided yet.”

Good. If the date wasn’t set yet, it would be easier for me.

“I’m glad. Then, could you please accommodate our Princess’s schedule?”

“What? What are you….”

“If I’m going to the gathering, wouldn’t it be natural for my master to be there as well? Why do you look so surprised?”

For a brief second, I could see a ‘it’s not supposed to be like this’ expression on Bianca’s face. But she nodded her head soon after. Anyway, whether Sahar would be involved or not, I felt that it would be nice if I could spend some more time with her.

“Not at all, Sir Yoo Seodam. Do you have a date in mind? I will set the schedule for that time.”

“The night of the thirteenth day when the moon is tilted.”


As I told her the date, Bianca’s expression turned pale.

“Because Princess has no free time except for that day…. If not that day, it would be possible only when the moon was tilted three more times.”

Then I could see Bianca knot her eyebrows and bite her nail.

This was a kind of psychological warfare and gambling, so I swallowed my saliva too. If Bianca gives up on me here and goes into a political war, things could get worse.

“Is there any reason why that day doesn’t work? If so, it can’t be helped.”

Reason? Of course, there is. But how could she say in advance that ‘there would be a great crisis that would befall on the empire on that day’?

Bianca stared at me with calm but bloodshot eyes. It was as if she was asking, ‘Do you know something?’ I answered her questioning gaze with ‘I’m just meeting the Princess’s schedule.’

Bianca looked around. People were paying attention towards her.

The believers know that she had no schedule on that day, but if she said ‘it is not possible’ for no reason here, she would get mistaken for canceling the social gathering just because Princess Sahar participated.

At present, Princess Sahar’s image was recovering thanks to her success in the previous accident. Many believers were also curious about her answer.

And then, Bianca answered.


Eventually, Bianca had no choice but to accept my proposal.

If the other person made a bad move, I was confident that I could take advantage of it as much as possible.

* * *

‘It was postponed.’

After the time for the prayer session was over, Yoo Seodam said so. Princess Sahar sighed as she recalled the calm expression on Yoo Seodam.

Up until this day, she didn’t know who he truly was. She doesn’t know whether his name was real or fake, or even if his knighthood was authentic. It’s just, one day, he suddenly showed up and showed herself which way she had to tread. And without even realizing it, Princess Sahar was already following his direction.

Princess Sahar still remembered what he said.

‘I came to kill the Saintess.’

It was a ray of hope for her. However, Princess Sahar lied by saying, ‘I’m not curious’ because she didn’t want him to know her anxious heart.

However, Yoo Seodam chuckled as if he knew that she was lying and said ‘I just told you because I wanted to say it.’

Hearing that, there was something else that Princess Sahar wanted to say. It was, ‘Your Majesty the Emperor said the same thing as you. But he left, and he completely forgot me.’ But she couldn’t say it.

Princess Sahar sighed. The feeling inside her chest was nothing but an obsession towards their relationship.

She had lost everything.

She had lost everyone.

The few people who still remained were those who were sent by the empire to watch her over. She had always thought that she would live the rest of her life alone. Her heart was so desolate that even if only one person was left there, their presence would surely be huge.

Princess Sahar looked at her own mansion outside the window.

Duchess Serenity residence was clearly visible from the temple of Time. Even though the residence was located in the capital of the empire, it was so shabby and desolate.

Somehow, Princess Sahar, recalled the excuses she gave to Yoo Seodam because she was embarrassed of the fact.

‘My mansion is not lonely. Even though everyone has gone, the place is still there. And this place has not been touched by humans for so long. You can see the trace of passing time here, in other words, I’m in this place together with time.’

However, Yoo Seodam simply tilted his head and said,

‘Ah, so in other words, you are embarrassed right? I’ll pretend I don’t know.’


He was an understanding man. However, he didn’t have any shred of sense.

At that time, she remembered the laughter came out from her mouth unknowingly, but she had no choice but to keep it in.

And there was one more thing that he said to her. It was the fact that he was leaving sooner or later.

….After he rescued her, who fell into hell, and escorted her towards the light of the world once again, he would leave.

So, Princess Sahar had to refrain herself from prying deep into his life.

* * *

[The episode ‘The Fallen Angel (4)’ begins.]

“……Is it starting soon?”

Unlike Yoo Seodam, who had a bright expression on his face, Bianca’s forehead was trickling with cold sweat. Perhaps, just like what Knight Yoo Seodam had told her, Saintess Bianca seems like she also knows the future. But now, that doesn’t matter.

Princess Sahar shifted her gaze from Saintess Bianca toward the reddish sky above. She stood up as her hand clenched the handle of the sword tightly.

While other attendees wore a pretty and loose-fitting dress. Princess Sahar wore a tightly wrapped dress in order to hide the combat suit that stuck to her body underneath.

Her eyes darted towards her vicinity for a moment.

Indeed, the capital city of the Empire was a beautiful place.

She still remembers. In her previous life, this place was thoroughly destroyed.

At that time, the sky split open and an eerie red light painted the world. Right after that, a creature with white wings came out from the gap in the sky.

Its wings were really beautiful and splendid, just like an angel’s.

But Princess Sahar Serenity knew. It was an adversary and a demon summoned by the dark cult.

In the banquet hall accident the other day, in order to directly punish the dark cult who endanger Saintess Bianca, the four male-leads, who were hailed as the strongest in the entire empire, left the banquet hall.

However, the problem was, in the end they couldn’t prevent the dark cult from causing an accident inside the empire.

And the biggest problem was today. Princess Sahar remembered that she fought desperately against the devil.

In the midst chaos of people getting slaughtered, and nobles as well as knights being cut down, she never let go of her sword.

But, in the end, the last person standing was the Saintess.

Unlike the Saintess of this timeline, who was known for being gentle and calm, the Saintess in her previous life was famous for her evil and dirty personality.

At the moment when she defeated the demon, she remembered that the Saintess appeared with a splendid glow and sprinkled her beautiful divine power to the world.

Everyone praised and worshiped the Saintess instead of her who had defeated the demon.

‘Since then, I’ve been being thoroughly used by the Saintess….’

But her previous life and the life she lived right now were completely different.

This time, Princess Sahar had a man named Yoo Seodam with her.

Crack!! Crackle!! Boom!!

When a terrible blood-red demon with pure white wings emerged from the crack in the sky, the entire capital of the empire, including the venue of the social gathering, was quickly engulfed in chaos.

Because of the majesty of that great devil, ordinary people were forced to their knees and couldn’t even lift their head.

A desperate cry could be heard from everywhere.

“Uwaaaaaaaahh!!! What is that!”

“It…it’s a demon!!! A demon has appeared!!”


Someone screamed at the top of their lungs. Someone barely managed to get up and tried to run away but fell down soon after, and most of the people fell into despair and sat down.

However just as usual, people called one name.


“Saintess, please save us!”

They had no choice but to believe that this time too, the Saintess would save them.

“Ah, ah… I, that…….”

Saintess Bianca struggled to keep her calm. Her eyes were trembling.

Perhaps, the Saintess had some plan in mind, because Princess Sahar remembered that the priestess wouldn’t die here.

And, even though she knew about this incident in advance, she was forced to come to this place thanks to Yoo Seodam’s scheme.

Perhaps, her plan was something along the line of hiding her body. Perhaps she could disappear and the ‘black wizard lady’ would reappear just when Princess Sahar successfully defeats the devil.

However, Bianca could only use that plan if the ‘black wizard lady’ moved according to her plan. However, the ‘black wizard lady’, or Aracelli wouldn’t move according to her plan this time.

And Princess Sahar wouldn’t let such an opportunity go to waste.

“Saintess, let’s fight together. That demon is much weaker than you think. With your ‘magic’ and my swordsmanship, we will be able to stop it without any damage.”


Bianca had always denied that she was the ‘black wizard lady’. However, she never clearly denied it. It was only a half-serious and half-joking denial, so people still believe that she was the ‘black wizard lady’.

“Why? If we don’t get going now, something big will happen.”

And here, Princess Sahar once again engraved that fact on everyone.

That moment.


“The wizard appeared!”

From the sky, a magician with black hair appeared with a brilliant glow.

Aracelli, who took off her mask, and was dressed in a bright black dress that was requested by Yoo Seodam, was the horse on this playfield.

With an embarrassed look on her face, she raised a cane that she would never use normally, but she did so this time in order to make her face visible to everyone. Then, an intense firecracker with a complex shape and numerous colors made from 9th circle magic permeated the whole world.

“I-I-I have appeared!”

Immediately after she said so, cheers burst out.


“The lady wizard appeared!!”

Now no one paid attention to the Saintess.

Everyone found out. That the Saintess and the ‘black wizard lady’ were two completely different people.

And then Princess Sahar snorted at her while turning her head, and Saintess Bianca squeezed her hair with a pale expression.

‘It wasn’t supposed to be like this….!’