The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me-Chapter 40: Seodam awkwardly straightened his tie.

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Seodam awkwardly straightened his tie.

A clean formal attire could be seen underneath his trench coat.

As the official sword instructor to the Constantini’s eldest daughter, he was asked to at least wear formal attire to the International Swordsmanship Debate.

But since he didn’t have a suit or any formal wear, Celeste had prepared one for him.

It was a custom tailored luxury suit, and perhaps because of Seodam’s well defined muscles accentuating every part of the suit, it looked quite good.

“It looks good on you.”

Said Celeste.

“Wow. It doesn’t look good on you.”

Said Taylor.

Seodam, who was speechless, kept his mouth shut.

Taylor chuckled and patted him on the shoulder.

“Hehe, well, still. It’s worth looking at.”

Dumbfounded, Seodam asked.

“Why are you here?”

Currently, Seodam and the two are heading towards Jamsil Stadium.

It was very surreal seeing how much the stadium had changed since it was announced that this year’s swordsmanship debate would be held in Korea.

And Taylor, who looks out of place here, he couldn’t help but be dumbfounded.

“Why, I can’t be here? I’m done with my mission, so I’m taking a break.”

Said Taylor, glaring at Seodam.

“Also, you look a bit younger.”


“What product are you using for your skin? Why don’t you share some with your friends.”

“If I have the kind of money to put something on my face, I’d rather buy another aether bullet.”

“You crazy punk…”

Taylor grumbled, then Celeste spoke.

“I think it’s about time.”

Today, master swordsmen from all over the world will be gathered here.

For that reason, crowds of ordinary people, cameramen, vendors, police, officials, and notable hunters could be seen here.

Celeste and Taylor, who are quite conspicuous, had quite a few people come up to greet them whenever they passed by.

“Miss Celeste. This swordsmanship…”

“I don’t know Korean.”

“Hunter Taylor! Why did you come to today’s debate…”

“Fuck off.”

Although the two women handled it differently, both were able to efficiently repel the approaching crowd.

Though, unlike Taylor, Celeste turned on her translator to politely answer the right reporter or official whenever they approached.

Contrary to the two, no one approached Seodam, whose face is hardly known.

That was until.

“Ah, aren’t you hunter Yoo Seodam?”


Seodam turned his head when he heard someone calling his name.

Although it was a familiar face, it’s the first time they’ve met in person.

It was the S-Rank hunter Lee Junseok, a member of Velvet, one of the top five guilds in Korea.

He’s also one of the most famous hunters in Korea.

“I didn’t expect to see you here. Haha, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Yes, nice to meet you…but, may I help you?”

Sensing the tense greeting, Lee Junseok waved his hands with the expression of ‘don’t get me wrong.’

“It’s nothing. Just, I heard you cleared a deformed dungeon with just one other person, and it was a S-Rank no less. You’re really amazing.”

Lee Junseok had also greeted Taylor and Celeste.

But he was paying more attention to Seodam.

So the situation looked rather awkward when he didn’t look at the two hunters that everyone else was paying attention to.

Lee Junseok naturally walked alongside Seodam towards Jamsil Stadium.

Contrary to Taylor’s irritated expression, Seodam briefly spoke to Lee Junseok, thinking it wouldn’t be bad to become acquaintances.

“Actually, my abilities have nothing to do with swordsmanship. Still, I wanted to see the skills of the master swordsmen.”

“I see.”

Along the way it was mostly Lee Junseok talking and Seodam responding.

“It’s going to be a swordsmanship debate and sparring, right? That’s how things were in the past, but it’s different these days. Something like…traditional swordsmanship has been overshadowed in the modern era.”

“I guess that’s why people are looking forward to this big event. It’s not a mindless spectacle.”

Lee Junseok doesn’t even use a sword, but it could be said that he loved it more than even some masters.

Passing by people, Lee Junseok quietly pointed and clicked his tongue as they passed several ‘master’ swordsmen.

“These kinds of people shouldn’t be showing their faces here.”

The word ‘master’ seems to imply a master swordsman, but he’d rather have it be ranked.

Master swordsman.

Unfortunately, it’s a meaningless term because even those who could not defeat a E-Rank superhuman could be considered a ‘master swordsman.’

Though, they’ve helped keep the sword tradition alive in modern times, and thanks to that, there are superhumans who use the sword, but it’s also inevitable that ordinary swordsmen are weaker than those with superpowers.

Because they couldn’t’ do anything when the odds are against them.

And, it’s better to shoot an aether gun than to swing an aether blade as an ordinary person.

…It was common sense, and not long ago, Seodam also thought the same.

But not anymore.

Unfortunately, the problem is simply because Earth’s swordsmanship is lacking, not because swords are weak.

There was a limit to what mana can do for the swordsmanship on Earth.

Seodam didn’t feel very good about this sword debate.

Because this swordsmanship debate was full of ordinary martial artists who still held regrets of not having superpowers.

“That’s why I don’t really like ‘Aren,’ a master swordsman.”


Seodam tilted his head, not expecting to hear that name.

At the same time, Taylor creased her eyebrows, but Lee Junseok didn’t see it because Seodam was in the way.

“Yes. You’ve heard of him?”

“Of course. But why?”

“Aren occupies a high position in the Master Swordsmen Association.”

“Ah…is that so?”

“Yes. Ah, come to think of it, I heard he came with a ‘kendo master’ this time. You understand that could only mean Sanagi, the master swordsman of the Okamoto family, right? She was all over the news when she awakened as a C-Rank superhuman at age 20.”

“I know.”

It’s none other than Celeste’s rival.

“And, I heard that Aren has been teaching the eldest daughter of the Okamoto family. Well, I get why. It’s more effective to be instructed by a martial artist with similar strengths.”

In addition, he’s a strong S-Rank superhuman.

“It appears the Okamoto family came prepared. Well, for nearly a decade they’ve been in the shadows of the Costantini family and now they finally have the opportunity to build up their reputation.”

Celeste’s father, Salvatore, is a powerful SS-Rank swordsman while Sanagi’s father, Itsei, is still only S-Rank.

Even though he has the title of ‘master swordsman,’ his pride was hurt by a simple missing letter.

And with the end of their era, now it’s their children’s era.

Itsei Okamoto seems to be trying to restore his pride by having his daughter beat Salvatore’s daughter.


I wasn’t aware of such politics happening behind the scene.

Yet, in the midst of all this, Celeste was determined to take me, a F-Rank, as her instructor, and Salvatore who allowed it.

Somehow I felt like a big shot.

As such, I thought to myself as I entered the new stadium that looks like an event hall.

There were many people in uniform for the swordsmanship debate.

“Senior. Where have you been?”

Lee Junseok, who was constantly talking to Seodam even as they entered, finally stopped when he heard a person’s voice on the side.

It was a woman in her mid to late twenties.

“Ah. Heejung, didn’t you already go to your seating?”

“What do you mean, really…How can I go there alone without you? Who is that next to you?”

Heejung’s eyes brightened when she saw a man walking with Lee Junseok.

As a member of the Velvet guild like Junseok, as well as being a A-Rank superhuman, she once made headlines for gaining a C+ rank fire ability as soon as she awakened.

Her eyes shone when she saw Lee Junseok excitedly talking to this man, thinking he was probably a celebrity.

“Ah, right! This is Yoo Seodam. He’s a F-Rank hunter that has been active for 15 years. You’ve heard of him, haven’t you?”

“…What? F-Rank?”

Unlike Lee Junseok who enthusiastically introduced Seodam as if he was amazing, Heejung’s eyes waned immediately.

However, she’s been a hunter for three years.

So although she didn’t try to show it because she had some decorum, anyone could tell that she had lost interest.

“Ah…Yes! I think I’ve heard of you. It’s nice to meet you.”

Lee Junseok noticed the poor reception and became embarrassed, unlike Seodam who remained calm.

“Ahaha, she’s still new and doesn’t know.”

“…Hm. Well, it doesn’t matter. Can we go now?”

Said Seodam, covering Taylor’s mouth with both hands, as Lee Junseok sweated profusely.

It was because it was quite difficult sealing this Pandora’s box, which was about to burst.

Nonetheless, it’s a headache being in the spotlight here where there are many celebrities.

“Ah, haha…Excuse my manners. Then, we’ll be going now. I have to get seated since I’m representing my guild.”


After saying their goodbyes, Lee Junseok turned around, but then looked back at Seodam when he suddenly thought of something.

“Ah, also. I hope you can participate in this year’s ‘Korea’s Hunter Conference’. There’s something I really want to ask you about Hell Gate…”


With those final words, Lee Junseok and Heejung hurried to their seats.

After walking for a while and out of Taylor and Seodam’s sight, Lee Junseok looked at Heejung and spoke.

“…Heejung. What was that pathetic way of greeting your senior just now?”

“What? What’s the big deal, he’s a F-Rank hunter. Isn’t he just an ordinary person?”

Although Yoo Seodam is not a celebrity, people still knew that he was kicked from Lost Day because it was publicized.

When Lee Junseok heard her say ‘what’s the big deal,’ his tone instantly became cold as he spoke.

“…Yeah. An ordinary hunter who has lived on the battlefield for 15 years and had even survived Hell Gate. Do you understand?”

“Oh, uh…That’s great, but…”

“Ahn Heejung.”

Lee Junseok pitifully looked at Heejung and spoke.

“I know you’re following me around trying to network. And since you’re such a good junior, I don’t mind it. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong for a junior to gain connections through me.”

Exposed, Heejung kept her mouth shut as she broke out in cold sweats at the thought that Lee Junseok had known all this time.

“So I tried to set up a good connection for you again this time. It was a short time, but I tried to gain his favor, and I wanted to give you all the effort I made. But you threw it away.”


“I’m very disappointed, Heejung.”

After saying so, Lee Junseok turned around and went ahead first.

Heejung stayed behind, gripping the hem of her dress and lost in thought.

She still couldn’t understand it.

It wasn’t because she’s a prideful A-Rank hunter, or that she belongs to a top five guild in Korea called Velvet, or that she was in her twenties chasing only celebrities.

No, rather, she saw him as he is.

‘The hell…Isn’t he just a F-Rank hunter?”

She has heard enough about Yoo Seodam.

He was involved in two rather big incidents.

However, the A and S rank veteran hunters with more than five years of experience she knew were reluctant to reveal anything about the incidents.

‘Uh, well. Okay. It’s great, but…That’s all?’

‘Wasn’t it Taylor who cleared the deformed dungeon last time? The energy output showed it was a SS-Rank dungeon.’

‘F-Rank. There was also the time he looked a little smart…But there’s a limit.’

‘15 years. He’s been active for a long time without superpowers. That’s amazing…But still, I’d rather take a third year C-Rank over him.’

‘Right. Even a C-Rank porter is more useful, isn’t it?’

Ahn Heejung view was skewed from listening to her seniors’ experience on the battlefield of how superhumans are superior.

‘I really don’t understand…’

While she was agonizing over it, Lee Junseok quickly walked down the corridor.

Lee Junseok.

A S-Rank hunter who has been active for 10 years and has experienced all sorts of hardships.


He’s been active in the industry long enough to have seen and heard more than an average hunter would, and because of that, he knew.

Hell Gate.

What does it mean for a person to survive hell?

Seodam is simply too talented to be treated the way he is just because he’s F-Rank.

Perhaps if not for some manipulation from Lost Day, he would have been famous everywhere in the world now.

‘I blew my chance.’

Thinking about it, if it wasn’t for the interruption, he could have gotten a little closer to Seodam.

Lee Junseok quietly clicked his tongue.

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