The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me-Chapter 86

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When the world first found out about the existence of superpower, America was the first one to propose the ranking system. They proposed this in order to differentiate the power and utilization of superpower.

The class system at that time was simple. It was only from C rank to A rank. However, since then, more superpowers appeared thus the current superpower rankings were created by distinguishing power by too weak to too strong.

Starting from the lowest E rank and going up to the SSS rank, this ranking system was actually nothing more than adding ranks one by one.

Some superhumans had the best abilities, and people classified them as A rank. But the very next day, a stronger superhuman appeared and people gave it another A rank. It was a period of confusion. Too many superhumans appeared. and then one day, a superhuman who reached the limit of humans appeared, and then the first S rank appeared. It was then the superpower ranking system was properly established.

Unlike the usual superhuman, that superhuman surpassed the power of A rank. So, they add another rank to the ranking.

That was the Super Rank.

This title, it waa given to only those who had reached the human limit. It was the most honorable title to be given to a superhuman, and very few have received it.

An S rank superhuman who has reached the limit of humans.

However, will one neglect their training just because they attained S rank? No way.

In recent years, SS ranks, which are said to have transcended human limits, and even SSS ranks have been discovered, and even when their progress has stopped because they can no longer absorb ether, they still continue to grow further by honing their superpower.

However, it was impossible for Taylor Nine. There is only one way to make her stronger. It was by injecting ether into her body to increase the output of her superpower.

The reason for that is simple, the form of her superpower was fixed. It was in the shape of ‘Sphere’. It was impossible for her to make another form, and so she could only increase its power.

This was quite common. Those who have a fixed type of superpower can no longer develop. Just as their appearance was determined when they were born, so were their superpowers. No matter how high the ‘output’ is, if their ‘utility’ was bad, they would only get a low rank. That was the case of Taylor Nine.

Taylor Nine’s superpower, sphere of light, was an ability that allowed a sphere of light float on top of her hand. It was an unfitting ability for a hunter.

‘It’s real! When I touched the ether dispenser, the sphere of light moved! Seodam, it’s just as you said!’

However, by coincidence, she discovered that she could use an ether dispenser to move the sphere of light. And the ‘utility’ of the sphere of light expanded.

Because of that discovery, it was possible for her to create a shield of light, or a sphere of light that bended as soon as it touched an object and shot at another target by using a ‘named’ ether dispenser.

But in the end, she could only do it by relying on tools, not her own control. Taylor could move the sphere of light to some extent without a bat after long-term training, but… in the end, it is only an E-rank ability.

A superpower with high power output but no utility.

“……So, you want to be able to deal with various forms of light?”


“Why all of a sudden?”

Yoo Seodam looked at Taylor with a questioning gaze. She twisted her hair and shook her head.

“The family suddenly wants me to return. So, I’m thinking of applying for the ‘duel’ and walking out from the family confidently.”

“Ah, your family…. Didn’t you say they despise Hunters? But aren’t all superhumans of your family ‘knights’?”

Unlike hunters, knights were superhumans who dealt with humans and they were quite a nuisance for hunters. They were also called ‘the police for superpowers’

“I do not care about that. Because I am also a villainous hunter. But, should I say the problem is that all my siblings have slightly better superpower than me? I rolled in mud to grow stronger while they grew up eating good food and getting infused with ether every day.”

Even with the same S rank, there is a wide variety of differences between them. Perhaps they have a much stronger output than Taylor.

“Besides… You can’t use the dispenser in duels.”


Without a bat, Taylor becomes an idiot who could do nothing. Yoo Seodam was the one who knew that fact better than anyone else.

“That’s crazy! If you don’t have a dispenser, even an E rank monster will beat you up!”

“Then what do you want me to do? Go back to my family? They’re going to sell me off in an arranged marriage like in dramas. The only way for me to avoid that is to fight one of my siblings and beat them in a duel! And I’ll leave that family forever! Or, do you want me to marry some random shit? Huh?”


As Yoo Seodam frowned, Taylor slapped him on the back and suddenly his mood improved.

“Okay, anyway, I came to see you. Because you are the only one who has two ways to help me.”

“Two ways?”

“Yeah, The first is like before… I came here with the thought you could help me with something quirky and unique. Besides, you are DDR-”

“It’s DR.”

“Yeah that! Anyway, you’ve been learning an unusual skill in another world. Maybe you could give me a hint.”

That was right.

“Then the second way?”

“The biggest problem I’m facing is the arranged marriage. Solving this is actually simple. I just have to bear a child of another man.”

“It’s really simple..But am I the only one who could help you with that?”

“Then who else is there besides you?”

Taylor looked into Seodam in the eyes as she spoke. Her eyes looked nonchalant. It was weird of her to ask something like that. Seodam sighed and swept his hand over his face.

“The easy way is the second, but….”

“Then shall we go make it right now?”


“Ahaha! I’m kidding you punk! Don’t be embarrassed like that.”


If so, in the end, Yoo Seodam needs to make sure that Taylor attains a level that can beat a S-rank superhuman. But would it be that easy? The opponent Taylor would face would be someone who already possesses superpower close to perfection with superior output thanks to constant ether injection. On top of that, the Blestash family was a family that specialized in dealing with superhumans.

It was almost impossible for Taylor, who couldn’t use her superpower properly without an ether dispenser, to quickly grow.

Besides, except for magic or martial arts, Yoo Seodam really didn’t know anything about superpower.

-Hey witch~

“What’s wrong?”

-It’s similar~


-To magic.

Currently, Taylor kept a sphere of light floating on her palm. In order to observe the sphere of light closely, the flower spirit came out of the inventory and sat on Yoo Seodam’s palm. He called the spirit because he couldn’t find any magic related book after searching through the Library of the White Witch.

As a result, he got some pretty useful information.

“The structure of magic and superpower is similar….”

Magic and superpower used different types of energy sources. Magic uses mana, while superpowers use energy called ether. Unlike Mana that comes from nature, Ether is the energy of life itself.

But just because the energy source is different, would the resulting structure be different? Just as diesel and gasoline are different type energies, both have a similar structure. Magic and superpower were also like that.

However, while magic was an act of giving Mana a physical form through formulas, spells, and magic circles, superpower could only follow the prescribed form.

“Wait…. Then, maybe this…”

What if we could transform Superpower using formulas just like what they did with magic? Is there a way to freely control the flow of energy?

Earth’s superpowers were discovered only a little less than 30 years ago. It was absurdly insufficient for development. However, the Library of the White Witch was a magical product with thousands of years of history. On Earth, ‘form’ is given to etheric energy in tens of thousands of ways that we have never dared to think about.

“……I think it’s worth trying?”

“What is?”

“I think I can change the form of your ability. It looks like something will happen if I look at it myself.”

“Really? Don’t be such a tease because I’m really excited here?”

Instead of answering, Yoo Seodam put his hand under Taylor’s palm.

“Try reducing the output.”

If Taylor put her everything in the output, it was impossible for Yoo Seodam to keep up because of his magic power and magic level. As the sphere of light gradually became smaller and finally reached C rank, Yoo Seodam closed his eyes and activated the Library of the White Aitch. A magic book related to ‘light’ appeared in front of him, and the flower pot grabbed it and started reading it.

The magic book contains methods and formulas for dealing with light in dozens or hundreds of forms, and some of them could be reproduced with a simple flow of energy.

“From now on, I will show you the way. Try to memorize and copy it.”


Slowly, Seodam’s mana flowed through Taylor’s wrist and gradually moved into the sphere of light under the control of the pot. Eventually the magic began to twist and rotate in a strange direction. It was a flow of energy that people of the 21st century never thought of.

Magic was determined by completely calculating everything such as a certain amount of magic power. The speed at which the magic power flows, and the direction the magic power flows, and it’s also applicable to Ether energy.


That mass of light, which had never taken any other form besides a ‘sphere’ for nearly 16 years, began to change. It was a very simple change. Seodam just changes the shape of the sphere to an elongated stick.

“Hold it.”


Taylor slowly grasped the bar of light, it reminded her of a baseball bat.

“Make a sphere with the other hand and swing it.”

She followed Seodam’s advice and made a sphere with her other hand, and swung the light’s bat to hit it.


The sphere of light flew and disappeared after hitting the wall, just like when Taylor used a ‘named’ class baseball bat,

It was her first time firing a sphere of light without the aid of an ether dispenser!



However, it was only possible to swing it once. The bat of light quickly disappeared. It was because Yoo Seodam was the one who shaped the light, so Taylor could not maintain the shape by herself.

It was like teaching a primitive man how to design electronic circuits to convert a voltage when the primitive man knew nothing but to make it burn more by pouring oil over the fire.

Still, her basic output was strong, so if she could complete her training, she could display even more destructive skills compared to now.

“What should I do to be able to do that?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

Yoo Seodam pointed his finger to his back. There was a superpower control meter that looked a little cheap.

“You need to train like crazy.”

From that day on, Taylor Nine’s special hell training began.

* * * This translation hosted by Nocturne Translation* * *

The training process was not easy. In the first place, Taylor output level was on the high side among S rank superhuman. But in terms of control, it was pretty bad. In addition, it is impossible to teach her about the calculation and magical parts, because just like Yoo Seodam, Taylor wasn’t really a studious person.

There was no other choice but to control the flow of energy and follow the movement of the magical power.

With so much time, Taylor wasn’t nervous.

After a month, she was able to turn the sphere of light into an ellipse.

She was amazed by the fact that she coule train her superpower.

She was happy that she could study the same discipline, discuss superpower, and practice together with Yoo Seodam.

After two months, she was able to transform the sphere of light into a slightly elongated baguette.

Every day was a thrilling time for her.

At some point she forgot about the reason why she trained her superpower. Duel? Arranged marriage? Those were no longer a concern.

She was just enjoying this moment.

And when three months had passed.


It was a night of full-moon.

Taylor got out of bed in her underwear and walked to the window. At first she felt awkward in Yoo Seodam’s officetel because it wasn’t the studio she was used to, but now she has managed to adapt.

Leaning her arms against the window, she looked out blankly. After some time, she raised her hand.


A bunch of lights slowly gathered in the air, and soon it took shape. It wasn’t the perfect shape of a baseball bat like what Yoo Seodam made three months ago. Still, it formed the perfect rod shape.

In other words, Taylor finally succeeded in transforming the form of light perfectly with her own power!

Somehow, her heart was beating quickly. She wanted to scream loudly, but she didn’t want to wake Yoo Seodam who was sleeping soundly.

She squeezed her fists and squatted on the floor, her body was shaking, she made a very timid, delicate and restrained ceremony.


It was a silent roar.

‘F*** It! I did it!’

However, it was also a very strong cheer that echoed through the entire blue sea.