The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly-Chapter 112 - Ismera’s Great Forest (11)

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 112 - Ismera’s Great Forest (11)

"H-How did you find this place...?"

"Nierta told me. She said you’d probably be here, that this was a place you both often visited as children."

"That’s right... But what brings you all the way here, Sir Linus...?"

"Dian asked me to come find you since it was getting late. He said you’d feel uncomfortable if he came himself."

At the mention of Dian's name, Ismera lowered her head.

"I can’t deny that..."

Linus looked down at Ismera for a moment before asking.

"Professor. Could you tell me a bit about Dian’s time at the academy?"

"Professor Dian...?"

"Yes. As you probably know, Dian and I have been friends for a very long time. And now he’s reluctantly working as a professor at the academy in my place. So of course, I’m curious about how he’s been getting on."

"That makes sense..."

Hesitating for a moment, Ismera eventually began to speak about Dian’s time at the academy.

"When Professor Dian first arrived, there was a lot of gossip. At the time, there were rumors that you, Sir Linus, might be a candidate for Headmaster. But then you didn’t come, and instead, someone with no experience showed up."

"The academy must have been taken aback."

"Exactly. Plus, Headmaster Kirrin had already packed up and was ready to leave, but then Professor Dian showed up and said he had no intention of becoming Headmaster, which left everyone in a state of confusion. Some of the professors even tried to investigate him, but they couldn’t find anything. All they could learn was that he’d lived in a remote port city for ten years without any notable job. And that was information he gave them himself. In reality, they couldn’t uncover anything."

Ismera shook her head as if in disbelief.

"It was the first time I realized that, if the Palace wants to, it can completely erase someone’s traces."

"It’s truly a chilling thought."

"So, at the academy, there were speculations that Professor Dian might be a former member of a special unit, like some of the Combat Department professors, or even a secret prince hidden by the Palace, although that seemed far-fetched."

Linus let out a low chuckle at the mention of a secret prince.

"Professor Dian, who made such a strong first impression, turned the academy upside down from his very first day."

Ismera began recounting the story of how Dian had unleashed a barrage of attack spells on the graduating students.

At that time, Kirrin nearly fainted, and the Combat Department, experiencing real training for the first time, was thrilled.

Most of the students were also enthusiastic about Professor Dian’s bold actions.

Afterward, Dian resumed all the practical training, renovated the neglected training grounds, and even succeeded in recruiting a priestess for the infirmary, something everyone thought was impossible.

He brought in a market for the campus, captured a herd of wild horses for practice, and even captured a troll for potion-making exercises.

But that wasn’t all. He pushed forward with the long-delayed selection of special students, securing the exceptional talent, Sophie, and even won first place in the competition, among many other achievements.

"He worked harder than I expected. I thought he would just sit around and occupy the position."

At Linus's words, Ismera shook her head.

"That’s not true. Professor Dian always gave his best. He may have seemed indifferent or careless on the surface, but he always worked towards the academy’s progress and achieved results no one expected. And yet, Professor Dian never sought any rewards..."

Ismera suddenly fell silent.

Before she realized it, she had started praising Dian.

Now that all her misunderstandings and ill feelings toward Dian had dissipated, as she recounted his actions, Ismera was finally able to judge everything objectively.

Yes, that's right. Professor Dian always gave his best.

He pushed through the things that the Headmaster opposed, the things everyone said couldn’t be done, and in the end, he made them happen.

And yet, Dian never sought any compensation for what he did.

He had no desire to become Headmaster, nor did he use his achievements as a stepping stone to rise in the capital.

Even with the overwhelming support of the academy’s staff and students, he never grew arrogant or wielded power. He just continued to stroll around like a carefree wanderer.

He’d spend nights drinking with the Combat Department professors, calling it a gathering, and whenever he had time, he’d buy a strawberry cream cake at the dessert cafe.

He’d wander around the campus with a practice sword at his waist, cracking jokes with the students, and whenever he ran into Ismera, he’d tease her with infuriating comments.

And yet, Dian always gave his best. Truly, he was such a remarkable... amazing person...

And yet, I... blinded by my own ambitions... treated him so harshly...

And despite all that, Professor Dian never got angry at me...

Even though I was an elf with no power, who didn’t even know her place, despite already owing him my life...

If he’d wanted to, he could have easily gotten rid of someone like me...

And yet, instead of getting angry, Professor Dian actually helped me...

What have I done to this man...

Ismera began to sob quietly.


As Ismera’s shoulders shook with her silent cries, Linus spoke.

"As you said, Dian doesn’t expect any reward for what he’s done. He doesn’t boast about it either. That’s why he’s lived as an unsung hero all this time without complaint."

Ismera nodded silently through her tears.

"That’s the kind of person Dian is. He’s someone who, even after performing heroic deeds that no one else recognizes, is content just knowing that the people he saved are living well."

Linus looked back up at the starry sky as he continued.

"To be honest, I still don’t fully understand Dian. If he were an ordinary person, it would be hard to live like that. He hasn’t received the rightful compensation or rewards for what he’s done. But Dian, as if he were some kind of saint, remains detached from all that. And yet, what’s funny is that when you get close to him, you realize he’s not quite the kind of person you’d admire from afar."

There was a deep affection and respect in Linus’s voice as he spoke about Dian.

"Professor, you must be very confused right now, aren’t you? The fact that the person you disliked is actually your savior. You feel you should repay him, but your past actions toward Dian are holding you back, aren’t they?"

"Yes... I just don’t know what to do..."

"If you’re willing, I’d like to give you some advice."

Ismera looked up at Linus, her face still wet with tears.

"Go back and tell Dian that you’re sorry for what happened in the past. And thank him for saving you."

"But just ending it like that..."

"That’s enough. Dian will say it’s okay if you apologize, and he’ll acknowledge it if you thank him. And he might even end up thanking you instead."

"Thank me...?"

"As I mentioned before, Dian is someone who feels fulfilled when the people he saved are living well. It’s the only thing he expects in return. If the people he risked his life to save end up dying or living miserably, his sacrifice and dedication would be meaningless."

In that moment, the scene from that day played out before Ismera’s eyes.

Fireballs rained down like a storm, streams and ponds boiled away, and the charred grass turned to ash.

Smoke darker than the night sky filled her vision, and the searing heat made it impossible to breathe.

The world Ismera knew had become a hellish landscape of flames.

And in the midst of it all, Dian was running.

He wore a black mask to protect himself from the smoke, held a sword in one hand, and had Ismera tucked under his arm.

With a crash, a burning tree fell, and Dian barely managed to leap out of the way.

"Stay awake! Don’t close your eyes!"

After landing, Dian slapped Ismera’s cheek with his palm, a bit harder than necessary, as her eyes began to flutter closed.

"My head... feels fuzzy..."

"If you fall asleep now, you’ll die! I’ll get you out of this, so don’t give up!"

Dian steadied Ismera and started running again.

But the flames had already spread for kilometres. No matter how fast they ran, it was impossible to escape.

If he were alone, he might have been able to break through the flames, but he had a young elf with him, one who had inhaled too much smoke and was teetering on the edge of life and death.

They needed to find the safest possible escape route.

But even that wasn’t easy.

"Damn it."

Dian cursed as an enormous fallen tree blocked their path, forcing him to change direction abruptly.

But the alternate route was also blocked by collapsing debris.

The fire had been raging for so long that the weakened trees were collapsing like dominoes, simultaneously crashing down around them.

Crack—! Crackle—!! Thud!

"Dian! Where are you?! Answer if you can hear me!"

Just then, a voice called out from somewhere beyond the wall of flames. It was Linus.

"I’m here! Can you get to me?"

"It’ll be difficult! There are too many obstacles in the way!"

After a moment of consideration, Dian lifted Ismera into his arms.

"Kid, have you ever flown before?"

Dian asked as he gauged the direction of the voice.

"I’m going to throw you over there. Don’t be scared. The blond man will catch you safely. Linus!"

Dian shouted.

"I’m throwing her! Catch her!"

"What about you?!"

"I can’t jump with her! I’ll get her out first!"

"Damn it... Throw her, then!"

Dian smiled as he looked at Ismera.

"Alright, get ready for a nice flight."

"What about you...?"

"Don’t worry about me. I can handle myself. And even if I die here, don’t blame yourself. Just survive. That’s how you repay me."


"The Great Forest falling doesn’t mean the world is ending. So never give up, and keep living."

"Dian! If you’re going to throw her, do it now! It’s dangerous here too!!"

Linus shouted, and Dian hoisted Ismera onto his shoulder.

"Here you go! Take care! And don’t worry about thanking me!!"

Dian threw Ismera with all his strength. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

As she flew backward, Ismera, her vision blurred, looked at Dian, who was left behind.

But in an instant, several flaming trees collapsed, engulfing Dian completely.

"After that, Dian managed to escape on his own. As soon as he did, he immediately went to attack the Demon King’s engineering corps that was following the main force. He joined up with me, and we were deployed to another battlefield."

"I’m so sorry, Professor Dian..."

Ismera crouched down, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I’m truly sorry... What have I done to you..."

As he watched her, Linus spoke with conviction.

"You want to repay Dian, don’t you? Then go back and tell him. Tell him you’re sorry. Tell him thank you. Tell him that thanks to him, you’re alive and well. That will be your way of repaying Dian’s kindness and apologizing for your past actions."

# # # # #

Too much time had passed.

Nierta said that Ismera was probably at the pond on the outskirts of the Great Forest, and it seemed like she should have arrived by now.

Could it be that Ismera, that elf, has run off somewhere again?

"Professor Dian..."

Just then, a voice called out from the darkness.

Turning around, I saw Ismera standing between the trees.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]