The Return of the Condor Heroes-Chapter 33 – Conversations at night in Fengling, Part 7

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Chapter 33 – Conversations at night in Fengling, Part 7

The dwarf loudly said, “If you do not see him today, I fear you may never see him in future.”

Guo Xiang curiously asked, “Why?”

Guo Fu stood up, saying to the dwarf, “What is your great name?”

The dwarf laughed coldly, “I am such an ugly person; how can there be another on this Earth? Since you don’t know, go home and ask your father and mother.” ƒ𝐫𝒆𝐞w𝗲𝚋𝗻૦𝘷e𝙡.c𝑜𝙢

At this time, a distant voice slowly and softly said, “In Xishan are a group of ghosts; he is the ninth out of ten and his is called Big Head Ghost! (Da Tou Gui) If you don’t find out now, then when will you?” This voice was rather incoherent, worn out and had a ghostly tone, but everybody heard every word clearly.

That big headed dwarf was shocked, made a loud noise and a “Peng” sound was heard, the flames became dark and the dwarf disappeared without a trace. The people were startled, and saw the front door had a large hole, made by the dwarf when he exited. Breaking down a door was not unheard of, but this person dashing through a door was really uncommon.

Guo Polu said, “Big sister, this dwarf has such good skills!” Guo Fu had followed her parents for a long time, and saw much of the pugilistic world, but their parents never mentioned this dwarf before, so she was struck dumb for quite a while.

But Guo Xiang said, “Among Father’s teachers, the Jiangnan Seven Freaks, there was a short guy named Grandpa Ma Wangshen. Third brother, you called him a dwarf, if Father knew he might not be too happy. You should call him Senior.” Guo Jing never forgot the Jiangnan Seven Freaks’ kindness, and was very respectful towards them and treated any blind person or dwarf kindly, teaching the children to do that too.

Before Guo Polu could reply, a “Hu” sound was suddenly heard and the big headed dwarf stood in front of him, with wind and snow blowing in through the broken door, causing sparks from the fire to fly about. Guo Fu feared that the dwarf would injure her brother and sister so she rushed forward and blocked him from Guo Xiang and Guo Polu.

The dwarf poked his big head towards the side of Guo Fu’s waist and said to Guo Xiang, “Young lady, if you want to see the Eagle Hero, follow me.”

Guo Xiang said, “Alright! Elder sister, Younger brother, let’s go together.”

Guo Fu said, “What’s so good to see about the Eagle Hero? Don’t go. We don’t even know this person well.”

Guo Xiang said, “I’ll just go for a while and return, you guys wait here for me.”

Song Wu suddenly stood up and said, “Lady, do not go. This person is… … is one of the… … Ghosts of Xishan…If you go… … something unfortunate might happen to you.”

The dwarf grinned cunningly, saying, “You know the Xishan Ghosts? You know we are bad people?” His left palm suddenly struck out, hitting Song Wu on his shoulder. A “peng” sound was heard, Song Wu flew backwards and hit the wall and immediately fainted.

Guo Fu got angry and loudly said, “Sir, please leave! My younger sister is naive, how could she go along with you and create trouble in the middle of the night?” She turned her head and fiercely shouted at her younger sister, “Stop this foolishness. You are not going!”

At this moment, that distant voice was heard again, saying, “The ninth of the ten Xishan Ghosts, Big Head Ghost, our spirits are restless, we have been waiting for a long time!” This voice sounded a li away, yet seemed very close, causing much confusion and everybody to be terrified.

Guo Xiang made up her mind resolutely, “Tonight, even if I meet evil spirits and ghosts, I must still meet the Eagle Hero.” She said, “Senior, please lead me there!” Upon saying that, her legs made a leap and she dashed through the broken door.

Guo Fu anxiously called, “What are you doing?” She put out her hand to grab her younger sister’s arm but missed, so she leaped quickly, and pursued her through the door.

Who knew that when her body was about to pass through the door, the hole swiftly disappeared; Guo Fu immediately stopped her body in midair. Her dash was blocked and she had to land her feet onto the floor, her toes less than one foot from the door. She looked carefully, nearly calling out in alarm. Actually, the dwarf was using his body to block the door, the distance between them was only several inches and the tip of his nose nearly bumped into her chest; how would she not be startled? She hurriedly leapt back when a gust of cold wind blew at her body and the big headed dwarf was gone. Guo Fu called loudly, “Younger sister, come back!” She leapt out, only hearing a distant rumbling laughter, but Guo Xiang’s shadow was nowhere to be seen.

The dwarf made Guo Fu retreat in fear, he’d turned around and leapt into the snow saying: “Good! The lady is very courageous.” Holding Guo Xiang’s hand, he jumped forward. He utilized a rather uncommon qing gong (lightness skill), like a big frog, jumping forward continuously, and although he was short, each leap covered a great distance. f𝘳𝚎𝑒𝚠𝑒𝚋𝘯o𝘃eƖ.co𝓂

Guo Xiang’s wrist was being pulled by him and she felt like a metal circlet was round her wrist and it felt rather painful. Her heart was thumping madly and she did not know where this dwarf would take her. Since childhood Guo Jing and Huang Rong taught her martial arts personally, so her wugong (martial arts) had quite a strong foundation, but she found it difficult to keep pace with the dwarf’s leaps. Later on she was actually being dragged by him, forcing them to jump and land together.

After jumping like this for a little while, someone behind a mountain suddenly said, “Big Head Ghost, why are you so late? Ha-ha, you even brought a beautiful girl along!” The dwarf said, “She is Guo Jing and Huang Rong’s daughter, she wanted to meet the Eagle Hero, so I then led her here.” That person gawked, saying, “Guo Jing and Huang Rong’s daughter?” Another person behind the mountain eerily said, “Hurry up, let’s get going!” The voice became distorted, and dozens of horses appeared from behind the mountain ridge.

The heavy snow still did not stop, and the white snow created a shiny reflection. Guo Xiang saw nine strange people mounted on the horses, but most of the horses had no riders. The dwarf pulled two horses forwards and gave the reins of one to Guo Xiang with himself mounting another horse, shouting, “Let’s move!” He whistled, and the horses neighed and galloped towards the northwest.