The rise of the pervert primordial-Chapter 119 A Good Way To Pass Time

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Previously when Rigel's flames removed the corruption from her arms and legs Sarina wasn't able to "feel" the refreshing sensation that Kana talked about when she played with the flames before, due to the numbing effect of corruption.

But now that Aster was treating her neck which was near the only part of her body that wasn't affected by the black fluid, she understood why Kana liked to play with the flames, it was a new kind of sensation, like when a strong gust of wind touched your body but a bit denser than that.

A couple of seconds later Aster dispelled the flames and Sarina's neck was free from corruption, she smiled feeling the uncomfortable stiffness that has been tormenting the nerves on her neck fade away.

She moved her head a couple of times to get rid of any leftover numbness.

"Thanks… can I directly call you Aster?".

Aster nodded; formalities were not his thing anyway.

Sarina smiled.

"Since you are Kana's friend now you can call me Sarina too, of course the same applies for your sister", she said while stealing some glances at Alice.

Kana was happy, if her mother got along with Aster then she could play with him without worrying about her father interfering or scolding her.

Contrary to what Aster expected, Alice also accepted the invitation, "since when my zero social skilled big sister is so easy going?", he thought.

It was getting late and the one of the guards told them that the little banquet asked by Robert was already waiting for them in the dining room.

Sarina decided to stop the treatment for the day, on any case now that her body was recovering, she felt hungry for the first time in the past 5 years where she has been forcing herself to eat despite not having any appetite.

"We can continue with the treatment tomorrow, for now let's celebrate that my dear Kana found some good friends".

Kana was all smiles.

"Let's also celebrate that you are feeling better now mom!!", she said.

With Kana's help Sarina was able to stand from her bed and after a couple of tries she could walk by herself, a bit slowly but she was clearly smiling, as a proud star vertex cultivator she was happy to finally be able to do something as basic as walking by herself.

When the two guards saw their madam walking, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets due to the surprise.

"My lady, are my eyes deceiving me? or are you feeling better now?", asked the same guard that told them about the banquet.

Sarina looked at Aster from the corner of her eyes before answering.

"The archduke found a good medicine for me, so I will be assisting the little banquet arranged for our new guests".

Alice was surprised, "she is not reveling anything about Rigel's flames, to avoid Aster getting unnecessary attention… cunning woman".

The guards were ordered to keep protecting Sarina's room while Aster, Alice, Kana and her mother went downstairs to the dinning room, the maids seemed truly happy seeing Sarina walking again, which Aster noticed.

"A good master gets good followers I guess", among the happy gazes there was one which felt a bit different but Aster didn't pay attention to it.

Once they were in the dinning room, everyone took their seats, Sarina should have taken the main seat at the right extreme of the table but instead she chose to sit next to her daughter in front of Aster and Alice.

The maids served the dishes before leaving the room, to respect the privacy if the guests and their lady.

Kana started eating right away without any worries, although she had the proper etiquette of a noble seeing her eating in little portions was quite funny, Aster was worried that the people of this planet had a different sense of taste than them but the food was actually good, he could confirm it seeing his glutton sister enjoying plate after plate of it.

Sarina also felt that the food in front of her was the tastiest she has ever had, "the simple little pleasures of life… sigh to think that I had to go through such a horrible situation to understand it", she thought.

Once they finished eating the main dishes, Kana sounded a little bell and after a moment the maids entered with the dessert, some cupcakes and other pastry along with tea.

Aster didn't like tea too much but the ones he has drank so far weren't half bad and it would be weird to take a bottle of wine from his spatial ring, especially now that he was eating sweet things.

Sarina was happy seeing her daughter eating with her, she knew how sad was her that the maids had to feed her since she couldn't move, "who would have thought that this little girl would suddenly bring home someone that is capable of curing an advanced state of corruption".

She suddenly felt a bit curious about what they would do, even if Kana invited them to stay in the mansion, they would probably have other things to do.

"I know you two are not from Luonto by the way you speak, but how many time are planning to stay in this continent?", she asked.

Aster took a sip from his tea.

"We were separated from our group, one of them was the reason as to why we met Kana but we are still missing two, I guess we would stay in Luonto for a couple of weeks while we look for them before we leave".

To be honest it was a supposition, they didn't know the exact date or place where the portal would open, instead every one was given a coordinate stone which would indicate them when and where the portal is opening.

The coordinate stone was working properly but for some reason his communication talisman didn't reach Eric and he hasn't gotten any messages from him either so they probably didn't work here.

The minimum lapse of time for the portal to appear was one month after they arrived but it could be more time, "since this place is not a secret realm, what a shame I can't contact mother to tell her about this", he thought.

Kana's smile downed a bit listening that they would leave after a couple of weeks, especially since they will be looking for their companions which meant there won't be time for her to play with Aster or Alice.

Sarina noticed her daughter's mood change and she shook her head.

"If you say that you need to look for them that means you have no way to contact them, right?".

Aster nodded. 𝗳𝘳𝐞e𝙬𝙚𝚋𝗻𝚘𝚟𝗲l.𝑐𝑜m

"Yes, I lost my communication talisman", he said, it was a better excuse than saying "it doesn't work because I come from another really far star cluster".

Sarina smiled.

"Then how about you tell me the name and a description of your friend, we can use the information network of the Millefiore to look for them… but in exchange I want you two to go out and see this city with Kana, she hasn't had a single fun day since I was confined to my bedroom".

Kana hugged her mother before her gaze focused on Aster and Alice as if she was saying "pleaseeee".

Aster turned to see Alice, it was a good idea, they now had a place to stay and it would be easier to find Eric this way, besides spending some time with Kana was also not a bad way to pass time.

Alice nodded.

"Sounds like a good idea, I could get to know this city with Kana", she said.

"I also like the idea", answered Aster.

Sarina caressed her daughter's hair.

"It's settled, if you aren't in a hurry, we can make a portrait of your friend tomorrow along with a description and send it so our informants start looking for him".

Aster agreed, he was also tired using lightning trail for such a long period of time and also using Rigel's flames to fight and also remove the corruption from Sarina's body made him use quite a bit of his spirit energy, and he was also still suffering some little after effects of the chaotic space tunnel so a good night of rest was a must for him.

Kana yawned after finishing her dessert, Sarina patted her head and asked them if they were already assigned rooms, before Aster could answer Alice spoke.

"Not yet, our companion is already staying in his room, if it's not too much to ask we only need one room for both of us".

Sarina nodded but internally she was a bit surprised by Alice's words, by their appearances it was clear they were already grown up so she thought that Alice would want a room for herself being a young lady and all that, "I guess it's reasonable to stay together just in case, we only met today after all, I hope they get to know Kana better while they wait for their companions, since she really seems to like them", she thought.

"You two must be tired, let me call someone to take you to your room".

Sarina made a little bell ring and a maid entered the room.

"Lynn, please guide our guests to a double room please".

The maid bowed her head in recognition.

"There will be a service bell in the night stand besides the bed, if you need anything just ring it and one of my personal maids will go to assist you".

Aster and Alice stood up, before saying good night to them and following the maid to their room.

Once they were gone Sarina saw her daughter's sleepy expression and she smiled.

"Do you want to stay with me today… it's been a long time since I read you a night story?".

Kana nodded.

"Yes, I want you to read me the princess and the golden knight please".

Sarina patted her head.

"I will read you all the stories you want", she said.