The rise of the pervert primordial-Chapter 94 Honesty

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Once Aster opened his eyes, he saw Alice and Aria sitting next to Lilia one at each side, the bathtub was big enough to fit more than ten people so it was more correct to consider it something like a pool.

Leaving that aside, Aster noticed they somehow looked a bit different as if they were brimming with vitality, their skin looked smoother and even their hair looked so as if it was made of the finest silk, one could imagine

"Seems like you two really benefitted from out little session mm, I wonder if it is because you two got some "nutrients" from the actual me who is undergoing a fundamental physical change?", he said.

Lilia nodded.

"Not only them honey, after the past night I can feel how my cultivation is recovering at least ten times faster than before, who would have thought that making love with my darling would even benefit me since I'm way ahead in cultivation terms, according to the dual cultivation technique I read, I will need more daily session to recover faster hehehe ?".

,m Alice rolled her eyes at his mother.

"Mom, you would have done it with him regardless of that… A-aster don't you notice something different on me?".

Aster was in an inner debate, "that is a lethal question coming from your lover god damn", he thought, after looking at her carefully he did notice something, Alice's eyes seemed different.

"Mm… your eyes they seem to be livelier than before", he said.

Alice smiled.

"Nice answer hehehe, yep they look like this because I just broke through so your older sister is now a cultivator on the early stage of star formation realm ?".

Aster was in awe, "I was just messing around but it seems like she actually benefited from drinking that…", he thought. 𝗳𝒓𝚎e𝚠𝒆𝐛𝐧𝐨v𝚎Ɩ.co𝓶

Rya helped him clear his doubts.

"You are evolving into something new thanks to the golden paragon body and your original bloodline so we will have to wait for the result, although it seems like exchanging yin and yang with them has good effects on their cultivation… seriously what kind of monster are you?".

Aster remained silence for a moment before answering.

"If that is the case then… wouldn't I be able to help you in the same way hehehe?".

Rya was baffled.

"Don't you have enough "material" to work right now… besides even if I want to, the me you can see and touch right now on the mind space is only a materialization of my spirit energy so I don't think it would work like that".

Aster internally shrugged.

"Well, we don't lose anything by trying, let me tell you a little secret miss "materialization of spirit energy", maybe it's because of my bloodline but my nose is quite sensible to a certain type of fragrance so even if you try to hide it, I still noticed the faint traces of… love juice hehehe".

Inside the mind space Rya's face turned red as a tomato, "what are you some kind of horny dog", she thought.

"If you find at least one of the materials from the list I gave you then we will talk about this… also that was only a natural reaction due to a certain pervert master showing me all kind of things since yesterday".

Aster laughed.

"You can consider it studying for the future hahaha".

Rya shook her head.

"I'll return to my meditation".

Aster was amused by her reaction, when he entered the mind space before he felt a thin familiar sweet smell, but it was hard for him to believe that Rya touched herself while seeing him and Lilia doing it but after contemplating things for a moment there was no other possible reason since she was the only one on the mind space besides him.

"She ran away how cute".

Once they finished bathing Aster told the girls to come with him because he had some thing to discuss with them, of course they have decided to sleep all in the same room, even Aria was not shy about it anymore after all both Lilia and Aria have already saw her… climaxing so she could not imagine something more shameful than that for the time being.

They dried off before dressing up, since today they had no plans to go out the girls just put on some casual light clothes, the girls sat on the edge of the bed one next to other while Aster stood in front of them before he proceeded to tell them the same story about Hyperion that Alice knew, that the sword appeared after his awakening ceremony which was not a lie because he didn't have the mind space before that.

Unlike what he expected Lilia didn't seem to particularly care about Hyperion nor the stars, instead she showed a somewhat angry expression when he reached the part about the twins and she was not the only one, Alice also seemed annoyed because she thought that her brother didn't keep anything in secret from her.

"Darling how many girls are you hiding from me?", asked Lilia with a smile that was not a smile.

Aster doubted for a second before raising three fingers on his right hand.

"Ahem, besides the twins there is other one you will know in the future… but I swear they are the only ones and it's not that I deliberately hid their existence from you, due to some reasons they can't be here with us right now so I didn't know how to explain about them before but I decided to tell you all this because It's not fair that I expect you be honest with me when I'm not doing the same".

Aria shrugged as she decided to speak on his behalf.

"Since I started suspecting about you and Alice, I came to accept the fact that I would have to share you with other girls, as long as you don't hide them from us, I'm don't have anything against them… but you better don't start flirting with everyone you see humph".

Both Lilia and Alice nodded.

"Fine I won't inquire in the past but from now and onwards if you want to bring more girls home then… we will have to meet them first, it is my duty as your mother to see if they are good for my darling or if they have some ulterior motives", said Lilia.

Alice agreed with her mother for once.

"Mom is right; besides you don't have free time for new girls so just focus on giving love to me… I mean to us hehehe ?".

Aster let out a sigh of relief.

"That seems fair enough for me", each of them could have found a man which would only look at them for the rest of their lives but instead they choose to be with him knowing that he had other woman in his heart and he was truly glad for that so a bit of compromise on his side was nothing compared to that.

"Now, as I was saying, each of the stars has its own characteristics, Alice is linked to Pollux which ability I have already shown to both mom and Aria so there is no need to explain more about that, as for the twins the star is called Aldebaran and its power is "evolution" but for the time being I can only process one thing at the time and they are using it right now so we will leave that for later".

"Since yesterday I have two new stars, one of them is Orionis which is linked to mom… but according to what I know, my current cultivation is not strong enough to control its power so it is unavailable for now, and last but not least is Rigel which is linked to Aria, its power is supposed to be creation but I still need to learn how to use it, let me show you maybe mom knows more about this".

Aster manifested a little quantity of Rigel's flame on the tip of his index finger, Lilia stood up and got close to him, the flame was too tiny to affect the surrounding like back then on mind space but it still gave of a cold feeling around Aster but Lilia didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

After inspecting it for a moment, Lilia seemed a bit confused.

"It is weird, it kind of reminds me the flame of a spirit blacksmith but at the same time it is also like the flame of an alchemist but the best description I can think of is a spirit flame, on places where the spirit energy and strong elements mix together under some extremely rare circumstances the element might create a consciousness thus giving birth to a spirit, the only problem is that… I haven't heard of anyone being able to control such a thing".

"They are basically forces of the nature, and it's not limited to fire, there are records of spirit lightning or even trees that develop a consciousness, but after appearing they leave as they don't interact with other living beings".

Aster stopped his mother for a moment.

"But I don't feel any "thoughts" from this flame so why do you say that it resembles a spirit flame".

Lilia smiled.

"You couldn't feel it but when I got close to you for a moment that little thing tried to scare me probably because it thought that I represent a threat to you, but then after scanning me it became docile… so it is capable of taking decisions on its own".

Aster was speechless, if that was the case then Rigel's ability was even better than what he thought, but listening to his mother's words he also wanted to clear a question that has been bugging him for a long time.

"Mom… since we decided to not keep anything on secret to each other I want to know what is your current cultivation, what is there above the star tribulation realm?".