The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 502 - 450: Shenxiao Inheritance, Pei Xuanjing’s Request

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Chapter 502: Chapter 450: Shenxiao Inheritance, Pei Xuanjing’s Request

While Pei Xuanjing found no immediate use for the inheritance left to him by Shenxiao Sect, it does not mean it offered no value to others. Therefore, he handed its commanding token over to Pang Hong, and asked him to find the location of the secret realm and its inheritance.

With his current high-level power in the martial arts Spirit Realm, Pang Hong should be able to obtain the inheritance. And just to ensure his successful quest, Pei Xuanjing planned to arrange for Yu Zhenzi to accompany him, using his abilities to safeguard Pang Hong.

“My sincere thanks to you, Master.” A fleeting hint of joy crossed Pang Hong’s face before he kowtowed.

Pei Xuanjing raised his hand gently, supporting Pang Hong with an invisible power. “No need for thanks. You are my disciple, and it’s only natural I plan on your behalf.”

Pei Xuanjing continued, “I’ve brought two items with me this time to Tiandu. The first is the Sacred Fire Order from the Holy Flame Sect, which I initially obtained in the Mountain God Temple. The second is the Seven Kills Sword, a weapon entrusted to me after the Seven Kills Sword Master’s death.”

He then said, “Both of these items are of no use to me anymore. You can hand the Sacred Fire Order over to Zhao Baiyang.”

The Sacred Fire Order held no value for Pei Xuanjing, but for Zhao Baiyang it was extremely beneficial. He had long wanted to gather the various martial arts skills from all branches of the White Lotus Sect in order to perfect his Three Yang Skill.

Originally, Zhao Baiyang gave the Sacred Fire Order to Pei Xuanjing, hoping that it would serve as a pretext for him to challenge Pei Xuanjing in the future. However, Pei Xuanjing’s rapid growth took him by surprise, and his power had become something that Zhao Baiyang himself could hardly challenge.

In such a difficult situation, the stronger Pei Xuanjing became, the more awkward Zhao Baiyang felt about asking for the Sacred Fire Order. Even if it meant his martial skills could not be improved, he could not swallow his pride and voice his request.

Pei Xuanjing understood that if he himself were to directly offer the Order to Zhao Baiyang, it would probably make Zhao Baiyang overthink matters and possibly view it as a sign of disdain.

Now, Pei Xuanjing’s considerations were not limited to the present. He needed more powerful individuals to share insights and verify hypotheses so as to draw on the collective wisdom of many in order to find the path to immortality.

As far as Zhao Baiyang’s talents were concerned, Pei Xuanjing acknowledged them and did not want to see a potentially powerful future martial artist be nipped in the bud just because of this predicament.

So, by having Pang Hong present the Order to Zhao Baiyang, he believed that Zhao Baiyang would understand Pei Xuanjing’s intentions. Even if just in order to save face, Zhao would surely offer enough of an equivalent value to give to Pang Hong in return.

“Yes, Master.” Pang Hong nodded, showing that he understood Pei Xuanjing’s intentions.

Pei Xuanjing spoke on, “As for the Seven Kills Sword, based on my promise to the Seven Kills Sword Master and my agreement with Xue Wuheng, once the younger generation of the Seven Kills Sword Sect matures and they can challenge me, the Seven Kills Sword can be returned to them.”

At this point, Pei Xuanjing chuckled lightly, “With my current strength, it will look like I’m a bully if I am on the receiving end of an attack from any member of the Seven Kills Sword Sect.”

“Still, if they have confidence in their younger generation, then I should not be short of confidence myself. Therefore, the Seven Kills Sword will be temporarily entrusted to you. In the future, if anyone from the Seven Kills Sword Sect proves worthy, it can then be returned to them.”

“I will obey!” Pang Hong nodded.

However, he thought to himself that since this matter involved his Master’s reputation, he definitely wouldn’t just let it go easily unless someone from the Seven Kills Sword Sect proved impressive to him.

“That’s all. Go now,” Pei Xuanjing commanded.

Pang Hong nodded and left alone.

Watching Pang Hong’s retreating figure, a smile appeared on Pei Xuanjing’s face, “Hopefully, these tasks can provide you with more challenges, helping you to move forward more steadfastly.”

Currently, he had only two disciples. Although Zhu Houji was technically one of them, the extent of their bond was limited by their numerous entangled interests.

In essence, the only disciple that Pei Xuanjing personally guided was Pang Hong. As such, he never neglected Pang Hong.

Pei Xuanjing considered Pang Hong’s progression in the martial arts as too smooth. If you were to say that his hardships during adolescence provided him a greater understanding of the warmth and coldness of human nature, then…

After Pei Xuanjing consolidated his power, Pang Hong, because of his status, lacked worthy opponents and was surrounded by sycophants. Coupled with receiving inheritance from the blessed land of the secret realm, his power rose rapidly, but the hardships he faced were fewer.

According to the feedback from Yu Zhenzi and others, even though Pang Hong still maintained respect in front of Pei Xuanjing and themselves, he couldn’t help but show some arrogance and condescension towards others.

Pei Xuanjing considered this a negative development. Therefore, he entrusted the Seven Kills Sword to Pang Hong not only to challenge him using the sword but also to provide him some opponents from the Seven Kills Sword Sect of the Demonic Cult, helping to temper his character.

Next, Pang Hong went to visit Zhao Baiyang, who also stayed at the Taoist temple.

As expected when Pang Hong presented the Sacred Fire Order, Zhao Baiyang was slightly taken aback. He quickly understood Pei Xuanjing’s intentions.

Without hesitation, he first gifted Pang Hong with a skill, and then presented several more skills and asked him to share these with Pei Xuanjing.

After giving the skills to Pei Xuanjing, Pang Hong, accompanied by Yu Zhenzi, left the Taoist temple to explore the secret inheritance of the Shenxiao Sect.

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Unperturbed by the imperial court’s intense competition over their divine positions, they decisively departed Tiandu.

This was understandable. Given their talents, even without relying on the divine positions, they could still tread far on the path of cultivation. Besides, even if they could not progress a step further in the future, how could Pei Xuanjing, who possessed the Auxiliary Golden Book and Jade Scroll, not make arrangements for them?

Not only them, many of the strong martial artists and disciples of Shenxiao Sect also thought the same way. With Pei Xuanjing, the leading martial artist in the world, at their helm, they felt secure. Despite facing the temptation of immortality, they collectively put on a brave face and united to request the divine position from the Taoist school.

As expected, they soon received a response from Pei Xuanjing.