The Spearmaster and the Black Cat-Chapter 104 - Labyrinth City Pelneet

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Chapter 104 – Labyrinth City Pelneet

“Rollo, let’s enter the city.” (Shuuya)


Passing through the stone gate, she walks with her black-haired paws on the soil of 【Labyrinth City Pelneet】.

We finally arrived, on the land where a labyrinth exists.

I wonder whether the dwarves Zaga and Bon are doing well?

Rubia, whom I left in their care, is probably working hard after becoming an adventurer.

They live somewhere in 【Pelneet】.

Mia is probably doing her best as an adventurer, after changing her name.

This city is also the stronghold of 【Owl’s Fangs】.

If the information I heard from Serva is correct, Eribol’s mansion serves as the headquarters of the【Owl’s Fangs】. It should be located in the eastern part of the noble’s block that lies in the northern part of the city.

However, there’s no need to rush.

Even if I wish to finish off Eribol, I just have arrived in a city I don’t know.

Even without me intentionally starting trouble, the other side will likely act on its’ own. Yet I am ready to crush them as soon at they appear, I suppose.

Alright, 【Labyrinth City Pelneet】, I am ready.

I will face you now.

I sit up straight, shoulders back, chest out and grab Rollo’s tentacle reins and urge her forward.

I advance down the street, leaving behind the gate and join a crowd of intense pedestrian traffic.

I immediately came to a crossing of two broad streets.

I continue straight forward along the main one.

Behind me lies the road leaving the city, back through the stone gate from whence I had come.

The broad roads to either side, both left and right, look as if they continue endlessly as they hug the curve of the inner walls of the city.

If I go along those broad roads, I’ll see the entire wall and eventually complete a circuit once around the city. But it would be a marathon! However, I won’t go right nor left. Instead I forge straight ahead along the main street.

RollodeenHorse Lion plods onwards.

On both sides of the street one can see vast tracts of land surrounded by walls.

As the ground rises, I see immaculate lawns spread out like an endless golf course. The houses here are built of high-class marble stones. This is where the nobles live.

More than mere houses, these are huge three-story mansions.

Do even royalty live here?

It seems this area on the northern side of the city is dedicated to nobility.

For a while now, there are only big mansions on massive, manicured lawns.

As many luxurious carriages are coming and going, that must be the case.

Judging by how well laid out everything is here, one wouldn’t think the city had “labyrinth” in its name.

If I investigate the eastern area from here on, I may unexpectedly discover Eribol’s mansion without too much trouble.

Which reminds me… even in 【Hekatrail】 there were similar high-class block-like streets.

Huge palatial residences with vast grounds were common there, too.

If I take out the absolutely all of the cash that’s in my item box, I just might be able to buy one.

While dwelling on such things, we speed up and continue onward.

Once again I arrive at another crossroad.

Ahead and behind are the main streets, with broad side streets to the left and right.

Once more I continue straight ahead into the heart of the city.

As we travel, the scenery of vast grounds to the left and right changes.

From mansions, now huts made out of mortar and other small buildings appear, reminding me of a German village from the Middle Ages..

The noble’s block seems to end here. Pedestrian traffic is higher now, and I am able to see various non-human races along the more common humans.

Seeing the figures of a jet-black giant and a small penguin wearing clothes among them, I couldn’t help but do a double take.

Around here must be the city’s centre of 【Labyrinth City Pelneet】.

At any rate, I don’t have a map.

We move at a comfortable pace – should I ask someone for directions?

I’ll ask that beastman-san. The cat beastman-san doesn’t seem to be busy.

It scans the main street, leaning with its back against the wall of a general store.

It has the face of a beast, which is covered with fluffy looking grey hair.

It has three eyes, the third on its forehead, and has four arms.

Four longswords hang at its waist and it wears high-class armour made of thick monster leather.

Round shields decorated with small crests are strapped to the end of each of its four arms. I’m certain it is an exceptional adventurer.

… I wonder whether something like a “four-sword style” exists?

An imposing figure with the aura of a master warrior, it reminds me of the cat beastman warrior Deyma, a member of 【Scales of Gaia】.

RollodeenHorse Lion approaches the beastman-san.

Although it may be rude to address the beastman from atop the Rollo’s body without dismounting, I address it anyway.

“— Excuse me. Do you know the location of the labyrinth or the adventurer’s guild?” (Shuuya)

Reacting to my voice, the beastman-san responds by raising its three eyes.

“Oh? An adventurer from the countryside?”

“Yes, that’s right.” (Shuuya)

“I see. If it’s the labyrinth, it towers over everything else in the middle of First Ring Road. It’s a tall round building. You can’t miss it, once you get close. The first floor is the labyrinth’s entrance hall. The adventurer’s guild and the Magic Treasure Map Society are in the vicinity as well. There are countless inns, too. By the way, you are between the First Ring Road and the northern part of the Second Ring Road, If you go straight South from here, you’ll come to the First Ring Road. As you see, the number of adventurers is growing, right?”

The beastman-san prompts with his eyes while smiling.

With one eye fixed on me, his other two eyes are pointing out the people those passing us on the street.

— Clearly, there are various races that appear to be armed adventurers walking about.

“I understand. Thank you for your kind advice.” (Shuuya)


I start forward again after bowing and expressing my thanks.

“First ring road.”

Surely, 【Labyrinth City Pelneet】 is laid out somewhat in the shape of a circle.

The large outer ring, closest to the wall is the “Third Ring Road.”

The middle ring I passed just a while ago is the “Second Ring Road.”

The “First Ring Road” is a road located near the labyrinth entrance.

This seems to be the setup here.

As instructed by the kind beastman-san, I advance down the street, joining the crowd of merchants and adventurers coming and going.

RollodeenHorse Lion quickens her pace and proceeds swiftly, nimbly weaving her way through the crowd.

I see, it’s over there, huh?

A throng of various races, I discover it right away.

A vast, round plaza.

The labyrinth’s entrance seems to be in the center of the circle. There I could see the tall rounded building it looked like some sort of tower.

This is the First Ring Road.

A market has been set up near the unusually thin, tall building.

It looks like all of the shops are flourishing.

I see not only adventurers, but I also spot commoners and merchants.

At any rate, that tall rounded building in the centre…

Is it fine to call it a building similar to a cigarette? It’s stabbed into the ground with a slanting part protruding towards the sky and demarcated by holes at acute angles.

It looked like some ancient tower from the Middle East or Kazakhstan.

I guess it was some kind of minaret like Minar or such.

Raimon patterns have been embedded with bluish stones on its surface.

While admiring this thin, beautiful tower, I move towards the central plaza.

I have seen a similar sight in 【Hekatrail】.

There are several announcement stands with large signboards in the plaza. Several people blow into horns and loudly shout out information for people, one after another.

— Large-scale recruitment has started in 【Deep Lake City Luluzark】 of 【Oseberia Kingdom】. Adventurers, confident in their skills, gather! Adventurers that have space in their item boxes can be assignedinto a special supply unit. Adventurers that do not have an item box will join the mercenary unit, but it’s also possible to be employed as member of the knight order. Produce results, and you will be rewarded and offered long term employment!

A recruitment for soldiers, eh?

You can make a career out of war?

Next, people from other announcement stands begin shouting out.

— The Evil Dragon King that devastated the outskirts of 【Fortress City Hekatrail】 was slain by the Gryphon Unit attached to the kingdom’s Magic Dragon Rider Corps.

I guess this news has reached Pelneet already.

Given that they are not naming the adventurers that played an active role in that, this probably also serves as propaganda tool.

— A large number of war slaves are available at the Korendon Slave Store. Please visit the Korendon Company located at the western part of Second Ring Road, if interested.

— The Archbishop-sama of the Aria Faith has authorized a festival of Enlightenment and Love. Lovely shrine maidens are holding this festival only for the next several days on Aria Square. Priests of Sharfa will be debating the virtues of the God of Justice with any and all willing to debate. Those with faith in the Goddess of unrestrained love, the shrine maidens await you!

A goddess of love, huh? I remember Nicola with whom I had formed a party.

But this is quite a bit different from the teachings of the Holy Church.

If it’s a religion that offers love and beauty without restraint, I am intrigued.

— Attention, because of a large outbreak of Big Stone-Kick Birds in the Great Prairie of Oseberia be wary, as the highway towards Luluzark has been infested with them.

— Be careful! There have been repeated cases of theft in the southern free market.

— It has been confirmed that the Masked Villain Zarlp has appeared at the cemetery on the outskirts of the city’s southern area, West of the magic block. Pay attention, if you see a bloody katana and fingers.

— We have more information to report on the murder that occurred at the home of Baronet Langhard. Once again the great female knight of 【Nine Great KnightsWhite Nine】, pride of Oseberia Kingdom, has arrested the criminal. This is her third time successfully solving a murder case!

The royal guards are completely losing face. However, the serial murder case of the three jewels in the residential area near the southern part of the Second Ring Road remains unsolved. Will this case also be successfully solved in the name of the female great knight? We look forward to finding out!.

A murder case, eh? It is a big city after all.

That could happen anywhere of course. That’s what I think at least.

— A magic tool shop called Awakening of the Truth is having it’s Grand Opening in the avenue of magic in the northwest part of Third Ring Road.

— Here is a notification from the Magic Beast Company Psion. New stock of the Magic Beast “Beiva” has arrived. To those who have confidence in their taming abilities: Please come to the “Psion Shop” located in front of the Grand Arena found South of Second Ring Road.

It’s possible to buy a magic beast, if one has the taming skill for it.

— Notification from the Labyrinth Administration Bureau. A reward for a 3rd class Merit has been granted to 【Blue-Armed Treasure HuntersBlue Arm Jewelers】 by the Labyrinth Administration Bureau for having fully cleared the 10th floor. No one has succeeded in clearing the 10th for one hundred years!

Labyrinth Administration Bureau? Clearing the 10th for one hundred years?

A reward for a 3rd class Merit, I wonder what’s that about?

Even so, those shouting out announcements are amazing.

You’d think after continuously shouting loudly, they would be unable to speak.

In addition to the announcers, there are dancers and musicians playing sweet melodies with flutes.

Gypsies and circus performers, huh?

Girls in beautiful but revealing dresses flash their belly buttons as they dance in sync with the musicians. Their dancing includes backflips, followed by dropping into nimbly to the ground into the splits, like a pair of scissors quickly opening.

You can truly say these were professionals and quite experienced at their craft.

Other dancers performed atop pedestals.

“Behold these shameless dancers! What degenerates! Such depravity! It’s a perversion of our morals! A corruption of the Holy Law! You must not graven images for yourself. Not Male, nor female figures, nor the figures of beasts…”

Is this a warning against idolatry?

I guess it’s another denomination of the Holy Church? It seems that they have various different factions even within their own faith.

A priest who fervently preaches with powerful, persuasive words enthralls those who listen to his sermon. There seem to be more believers here than in Hekatrail.

But, I have not seen a site for public executions.

Leaving the tiresome voices of the crowd behind, I survey the outer part of the plaza, the First Ring Road, turning completely around.

Living up to its’ name, various stores and houses line the road, encircling the outer edge of the rounded road.

I continue my observation as I guide RollodeenHorse Lion onward.

Hmmm… There are few tall buildings.

Is that because it would disturb the scenery of the city, as in Paris?

Perhaps there is another reason, as there’s a continuous wide row of shops cluttering my view. That, and sign boards abound for various inns, general stores, weapon and armour dealers, magic tool shops, magic crafting workshops and restaurants.

One particularly large wooden building catches my eye with a signboard reading Treasures and Maps.

Next to it is a huge, red-bricked building that serves as the adventurer’s guild, according to the signboard.

As most of the buildings here are made wood and white stone, the adventurer’s guild’s red brick stands out quite a bit.

It is three stories tall, with a stable and surrounded by a vast plot of land.

The signboard, with its white and black border, reads Adventurer’s Guild in huge letters making it hard to miss.

The adventurer’s guild and the labyrinth’s “unusually thin” tower are the only two buildings that rise above all else on this ring road.

Sure makes them easy to find, doesn’t it?

It’s a good sign that I’ve found the guild.

Next, let’s look for an inn?

There are several inns and bars around the plaza.

… However, I will look elsewhere.

Since I just finished going around First Ring Road, I will have a look down other alleys, I suppose?

I choose an alley on the left side.

It’s on the left-upper side of the ring road, to the North.

I follow the gloomy alley for around a kilometer…where I discover an inn with a odd vibe.

Soft light leaks out from the courtyard entryway to the left front of the inn.

The lights emanate from a small tower.

It’s an artistic three-dimensional affair, encased in a metal-pole-frame. On the frame are numerous large lanterns.

I can feel mana radiate from the lights.

The inn itself is behind that objet d’art and entirely rounded, almost like an egg.

Due to the brightness of the lanterns, an interplay of light and shadows is created.

The inn’s gently curving left wall being bathed in soft light creates the illusion of a full moon.

This place has a faintly nice ambience. The well-kept courtyard is spacious as well.

I dismount from RollodeenHorse Lion and walk towards the brightly illuminated entrance.

Having shrunk back to her small body, Rollo returns to her usual place atop my shoulder.

At that moment a sound, like a cicada is audible from the inn’s entrance door.

It originates from under the overhang of the roof.

As I look at the top of the wall for the source of the sound came, I see a large cicada staying there.

A different world cicada, huh? How big do they get here…

Will there be an outburst of cicada chirring? It is summer already after all.

I’ll to get used to both this sound and the heat for a while.

Fully aware of the summer’s heat, I arrive in front of the entrance- a black lustrous door.

There’s a door plate with peculiar vermillion characters carved in wood.

Lodging Moon of the Labyrinth was written there.

With such an ambiance, it is a most fitting name.

“Let’s stay here.” (Shuuya)


『Okay.』 (Helme)

Rollo and Helme answer casually.

I push open the stylish, darkly glimmering wooden door and enter.

The smell of alcohol assails my nostrils and the clattering of the guests reaches my ears.

The inn’s interior is larger than expected. The right half seems to be where the inn’s rooms are located.

There’s a stairway leading upwards at the side adjoining to the counter. The huge dining room on the left side gives one the impression of a lively atmosphere.

A stage is located on the left inner part of the dining room. A male troubadour plucks the strings of an instrument similar to a guitar, playing a pleasant song.

Surrounding the stage are ten-odd square tables for dining. Some guests are drinking alcohol as they dine.

There is also a round, luxurious table for playing card games.

At the card table sit a grim-looking dwarf, a middle-aged human in military uniform, a noble-styled woman, a moustached human wearing a hat, and a woman with blue hair merrily playing some card game while huddling together.

The game piqued my interest; is it a game similar to poker?

But, my gaze shifts to the right.

There’s a line of pillars and a door on the right inner side. A long bar counter is in front of the wall of pillars, towards the right.

Twelve tall chairs are lined up at this rather stylish bar.

Making full use of the space below the stairs behind the bar counter, a cupboard has been built. Barrels of Oak-like wood and porcelain containers of alcohol fill many of the shelves.

It looks like there is a wide variety of alcohol.

It feels like a nice place to have a drink or two.

As I look over the inn’s appearance from the entrance, a beautiful woman approaches me from the counter.

This beauty has hair the color of honey, which spills out to the sides, tamed somewhat by red hair clips.

She has a small, slender chin and the bewitching gaze of a woman at her peak.

Her light brown eyes and nose bridge are high. Her chest is big and under her slender waist grow long, smooth legs.

Due to her red shirt clinging to her plump chest, my gaze ends up focussing there.

She wears an undergarment? She’s a Big Breast-san.

Below she wears a short skirt with navy blue edges and a white apron.

If she is wearing an apron, she’s one of the inn’s staff, I guess? She’s simply lovely.

— Oh, she’s beautiful, but it’s a surprise that her body is imbued with magic source.

Moreover, her magic source overshadows that of any run-of-the-mill adventurer.

『This woman is smoothly manipulating the mana in her body.』 (Helme)

Just as Helme says, she’s no ordinary woman.

“Welcome dear guest! We’re happy to see you visit our 『Lodging Moon of the Labyrinth』. I’m Mel. I work as landlady here.” (Mel)

Huh? She’s the landlady?

She has a somewhat masculine voice, but she’s a young, beautiful landlady.

I find myself slightly aroused.

… Beautiful landlady gets NTR’ed. The lewd sex life of a pretty landlady.

Dangerous, yabai. (T/N: MC uses katakana for yabai (dangerous) here)

In an instant, several obscene thoughts come to mind…

Let’s gloss over that. After adjusting my eyes upwards, I address her with a serious expression,

“… I’m an adventurer. The name’s Shuuya. Do you have a free room?” (Shuuya)

The landlady also stares at me for a moment, as if judging me.

— For an instant her look turns sharp, but then she immediately faces me with a smile.

“… I do. If you stay on the first floor, it will be five large copper coins per night, dinner included. If you wish a large room on the second floor, it will be eight large copper coins.” (Mell)

Five large copper coins, eh? As expected, the price is both reasonable and cheaper than that of a high-class inn.

Checking my item box, I confirm I have several gold coins.

What day of the summer season was it again…? The third? Then, until the end of the year would be…

— Ah, right.

I have to also ask about Rollo staying with me.

“Ah, one more question, This black cat, Rollo, is with me, will that be alright?” (Shuuya)

Rollo voiced a gentle 「Nya」 without moving from my shoulder.

“Oh my, what a cute cat-chan. She’s a familiar, right? By all means, it’s fine”, Mel says.

Great. For the time being, I’ll pay the money to stay until the end of the year.

“Well then, please give me a corner room on the second floor “with this.” That should cover me until the end of the year.” (Shuuya)

I take out gold and silver coins from my item box and hand them to the landlady.

“Got it. … I will receive it on deposit.” (Mel)

The landlady took my coins in a hurry. After the beauty-san bewitched me with her dazzling smile, she fills in the registry placed on the reception desk.

Vying for attention and counter to the smell of alcohol, the delicious fragrance of food wafts over from the dining room.

Rollo immediately reacts by sniffing the air.

Which reminds me, we still haven’t had any proper breakfast.

I wonder if we get something to eat right now? Let’s ask.

“… Mel-san, do you have anything we could eat?” (Shuuya)

Since I asked without any doubt, the landlady says that there should be something and tells me to sit down on a seat over there while waiting.

“Kazun, can you cook up some food?” (Mel)

The landlady speaks towards the kitchen.

“Yeah~, I can.” (Kazun)

A stern, sombre voice replied from inside the kitchen.

“That’s how it is. Please wait a moment.” (Mell)

I obediently follow the landlady’s words.

Sitting down on a chair at a table, I wait several minutes for the food to be prepared.

Finally the food is brought in.

“Thank you for waiting. It’s meat congee with mushrooms.”

The dish placed before me is wooden bowl plentifully filled with stew. They also bring a spoon and even some food for Rollo.

I immediately scoop up a spoonful of stew, filling my mouth.

Yummy. When I try to scoop up another spoonful, I discover a big, soft vegetable similar to a potato.

Squashing the potato with the spoon, I scoop up the mashed potato and bring it to my mouth.

It’s soft and flaky. There’s also mushrooms mixed in. The meat-on-bone is tasty, too.

As I’m eating the delicious stew…

I suddenly remember the time when I ate my first decent meal in this different world.

Reminiscing, I see Goldeeba Village in my mind.

I wonder whether Rabi-san, who always made such delicious food, is doing well?

I will be happy if my master who taught me many things, cute Leifa who was like a little sister to me, and the brawny Raglen are in good health as well.

As I recall my dearly missed days of training, I eat the stew with a blissful smile.

Once I finish eating, Mel approaches me. 「This way」, she says. It seems she waited for me to finish my meal. I am guided to my room by Mel, who brought along a young girl as helper.

Climbing the stairs that are located close to the entrance on the first floor, we head towards the second floor.

Reaching the end of the stairs, I’m led down a passage to a corner room.

A two moons decoration has been carved onto the room’s door.

A large basket, for use as a laundry hamper, had been placed on the ground beside the door.

“Please put your laundry in this basket. This child, Iriel, will take it away.” (Mell)

“Yeah. I’m Iriel. Please put your clothes inside this.” (Iriel)

The girl Iriel is a waitress-san with an apron.

She has deep brown hair and eyes, and a cute smile.

There’s a power in her eyes. She’s a girl that looks dependable.

“Best regards, Iriel. I will leave it you at that time.” (Shuuya)

“This is the room’s key. And, if you tell Iriel when you want to take a bath, she will fill the large bucket inside the room with hot water.” (Mel)

I’m given the key after the landlady lightheartedly explains everything.

“That’s not necessary. I can fill it myself.” (Shuuya)

“Oh, dear guest, you possess the water attribute, right? That’s great as it will save us some time. Well then, as I still have some things to do, please excuse me. If something happens, call out to me with a shout.” (Mel)

An actual shout… eh?

“Got it.” (Shuuya)

Once she hears my approval, this beautiful landlady smiles again.

Mel returns to the first floor, leaving Iriel behind.

Will I really need to shout? Will it be that noisy around here?

While thinking about that question, I tried to enter the rented room. At that moment—.

“Guest~? Do you have a moment?” (Iriel)

The door is stopped by her small foot being pressed against it.

The one who called out to me like that while waving her thin arms in a less than seductive manner was none other than the servant Iriel. 𝒇𝐫ℯ𝑒𝒘ℯ𝑏n𝑜ѵ𝐞l.c𝗼𝗺

“Mmh? What is it?” (Shuuya)

“Are you really an adventurer?” (Iriel)

What’s up? This child is…

Once I look properly, her face is that of a grown-up?

She wears a red ring on her hand, and I can feel that it is filled with thick mana.

How does a child come to possess such a high-quality ring, a tool of magic or sorcery…

『Your Excellency, this girl’s entire body is imbued with mana. I don’t think she’s a young human.』 (Helme)

I am warned by Helme.

This child isn’t normal, I am guessing.

“Since you aren’t answering, is there anything else you need?” (Iriel)

What a brazen and audacious first impression she gives!

“No, I’m an adventurer. To begin with, why are you the one asking such a thing?” (Shuuya)

“— Humph, so you realized. Currently I’m working as a normal servant.” (Iriel)

Only after pushing her beautiful face slightly forwards and inhaling deeping with a sniff-sniff, as if smelling my scent had Iriel stated something so deeply meaningful.

She faces me with a slightly unwomanly smile, then leaves skipping away down the passage back towards the stairs to the first floor.

What is this place?

It’s fine since the landlady is a beauty, but I don’t want any shady whacko girls around me…

I might have made a mistake in my choice of inns. But I already paid for it.

For starters, I might as well check out the inside of my room.

Feeling a bit dissatisfied, I enter the room. f𝘳𝚎𝐞we𝐛𝑛𝐨𝘃e𝘭.co𝘮

There are four beds with small side tables on the left inner side.

Against the far wall there is a bay window with curtains attached and a small veranda beyond. A large bucket has been left on the floor.

Since the bay window has been connected to an adjoining sloping roof, it’s possible to exit directly towards the top of the building.

It’s a nice view since it’s the second floor, but I’m slightly worried about someone breaking in.

However, I will be able to enjoy a cool breeze by opening the window while bathing. I also can observe things outside from atop the roof.

The veranda actually has quite a nice view. Even on the surface of the smooth floorboards of the veranda have is a properly depressed hole. Since it’s sloped so water can drain due to the angle, I’m pleased with it.

It’s smaller than the single room at the high-class inn in Holker, but the room’s design is refined and tidy. The size is not bad either.

As I’m checking the room, Rollo happily plays by repeatedly jumping up and down on top of the bed, gaining little bounce from the stiff bed. All the while she’s purring out 「Nyaa」 as if encouraging herself, as usual.

Since it’s a hard bed, there’s no flexibility, but Rollo seems to find it easier to jump on than on a softer bed.

Soon she gets bored of jumping up and down, Rollo spins around on one spot as if chasing her tail. Then she curls up and tries to sleep after settling down on the bed’s pillow.

… Cute.

I gaze at this cute cat of mine as she shuts her eyes.

I’ll use this inn as base, I guess?

There’s that weird servant here, but it will be fine if I ignore her.

Alright, I secured an inn. Should I head to the guild now?

After I carefully check what kind of requests are posted on the board, it might be nice to search for a special magic tool shop that sells magic books, and then take a walk through the back alleys.

Well, with a spirit of whatever will be, will be, that is.