The Strongest Dragon in the Era of Beast Taming-Chapter 493 - 487: Time Poison

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Chapter 493: Chapter 487: Time Poison

“In short, this thing is a death sentence for pets. Be cautious if you want to bid on it.” Grau yawned, his eyes somewhat uninterested.

“But can’t it also be used to pause time? Although it only lasts for 0.5 seconds.” David Jones hesitated.

He had finally come across a rare time-related pet resource and didn’t want to miss it so easily.

Unlike the Level V resource certification given by the Star Moon Commerce Guild, when he used the Illusion-Piercing Eye to Identify the Time Stone in the cabinet, it gave a Level VI rating much higher than expected.

[Time Stone]: Level VI Time-Related Resource. For time-related pets, this resource is a great panacea to significantly shorten their growth time. However, for all other non-time-related pets, it is a terrifying poison that locks their Level.

“Pause time?”

Grau rolled his eyes at David Jones, “This thing doesn’t distinguish between friend and foe. Pausing time will also pause the user’s time, and the range affected is very small, using it is no different from not using it. It might be useful for long-range attacks, but not much else.”

“After all, if you could accurately hit distant enemies, why not use large-scale damage weapons instead? There’s no need for a Time Stone that can only pause 0.5 seconds, and its effect can’t be stacked with multiple stones.”

Wen Yan thoughtfully nodded.

Only time-related pets could use the Time Stone; otherwise, it would be a deadly poison. No wonder so many trainers abandoned it like worn-out shoes. It was like ancient people spending their fortunes to learn the dragon-slaying technique, but there were no dragons to slay in the world!

As far as David Jones knew, except for the Time Dragon mentioned in the ancient books, no living time-related pets had been discovered in the Flowery Kingdom so far. Instead, time-related resources have been discovered in various dungeons across the country.

This finding led some researchers to believe that Blue Star had time-related pets, but they could not find any concrete traces yet.

As for Star Moon Dragons possessing individual time-related skills, strictly speaking, they were not recognized by researchers.

In their eyes, a real time-related pet should be at least able to control time-pausing abilities like Level V Time Stones can.

Therefore, if a time-related pet couldn’t be found, this Time Stone would be considered useless.

“It’s pretty good for a collection!”

David Jones did not hide his interest and, under the astonished gaze of the staff, filled out the auction form with a starting bid of one hundred million star coins.

Unless the seller insisted, the majority of buyers would choose to trade with star coins. David Jones was no exception.

The staff bowed when taking David Jones’s auction form and discreetly glanced at the features of this buyer.

According to the superiors’ requirements, she needed to assist intelligence personnel in their work and record the information of every participant in the Time Stone auction.

Seeing that David Jones was genuinely interested, Grau said in an old voice, “In the Celestial Dungeon, apart from the Time Stone, there is also a higher-level Time Stone called the Time Zhou Stone, which is a Level 7 Epic. It should appear at tonight’s auction.”

“Level 7 Epic?” David Jones blinked.

When Identifying the Time Stone with the Illusion-Piercing Eye, it was one Level higher than the one marked by the Star Moon Commerce Guild. If the Time Stone was also like this, could it be a Level 8 Legend resource?!

R𝑒ad lat𝒆st chapt𝒆rs at free𝑤 Only.

Thinking of this possibility, David Jones’ heart raced.

Although this was only his guess, it was still worth attending tonight’s auction just in case it was true.

After thinking it over, David Jones lost interest in window shopping and decided to ask Grau the Mysterious Dragon for more information.

David Jones: “What kind of effect does the Time Stone have?”

“The Time Stone, like the Time Stone, is also despised as a time-related resource!

Whether it’s a human or a beast, as long as they are within a meter range of the Time Stone, their lifespan will accelerate!”

Speaking of this, it seemed like Grau was hungry, swallowing his saliva.

“The Star Moon Commerce Guild once did an experiment with a Time Stone. They had an 18-year-old novice trainer sit next to a Time Stone and practice cultivation to test its effects.”

“What were the results?”

“The trainer cultivated for two months, and his Arcane Star Cultivation advanced from Class I to Class II. However, he transformed from a youthful teenager into a white-haired old man with the bone age of 78. He died not long after the experiment ended!”

“That means sitting next to a Time Stone for one day is equivalent to spending one year!” David Jones’s pupils contracted.

In the old myths and legends, a day in heaven was a year on earth. He didn’t expect the Time Stone to be capable of such a feat!

After chatting about the Time Stone for a while, Grau’s stomach suddenly made a low, thunder-like rumble.

“Shall we go eat first?”

Looking at the calm-faced Grau, David Jones whispered.

Following the waiter instructing the pet to push open the heavy doors, David Jones saw an extravagantly decorated but elegant dining hall.

The crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling cast a dreamy, dazzling light, making the delicacies placed on the exquisite long table look even more appetizing.

Then, David Jones carefully selected dozens of delicious dishes and placed them on his table under the slightly astonished gaze of the surrounding guests.

If this behavior were to appear on someone else, it would most likely attract some mocking glances, but no one dared to say a word or even look at David Jones disrespectfully.

The reason for this was none other than Grau, who was eating heartily next to David Jones.

Even though Grau consciously restrained his dragon domination while eating, the terrifying threat from its life level still made it impossible for the guests present to ignore the monstrous dragon that had become the center of attention.


Loona glanced at her teammates feasting nearby, then lowered her head to look at the delicious steak in front of her, her eyes hesitant.

“What’s wrong? Doesn’t it suit your taste?”

David Jones patted Loona’s head. As far as he remembered, the Star Moon Dragons were carnivorous creatures, though they occasionally ate plants as well.

“Meh.”(a*^*s>) (No problem.)

Loona narrowed her dragon eyes, enjoying David Jones’s touch.

Loona loved it when David Jones stroked her head. The gentle gesture gave her a sense of security, especially since she had left a familiar environment.

Yes, that’s right. Loona had always lacked a sense of security.

Before David Jones appeared, she had seen more than once the scene of her peers dying after leaving the dungeon with their trainers.

Due to this terrifying future, Loona, who had longed for the free world since birth, became fearful of the outside world!

“As long as I follow the trainer and leave the dungeon, I will die!”

After learning this, Loona never envied the companions in the dungeon who were taken away by their trainers, simply because she could see their inevitable death in the future.

Until she met David Jones!