The Supreme Satanic System-Chapter 125 Combing Operation!

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The scene was inside the conference hall of the castle that stood tall in the middle of the island and there were fifteen men currently sitting on their seats with Captain Shiko sitting on the principal seat facing all of them.

"Alright, listen to y'all people... Thanks to all of you, working so hard for these two days and finally recovering and deciphering all the data of the Humans' so-called AI." Captain Shiko began his speech with praise and he started clapping.

All the other fourteen inside the room also clapped, including the arrogant Hunk and the golden-hair Rapson.

Clap! Clap!...

Captain Shiko raised his hand, stopping them and he further added, saying. "Our recent, thorough investigation has confirmed that the signal sent from the AI was automatically sent as programmed and that there is a less than 1% chance of any survivors among the humans that come with the Human Teleporter device. Which is a piece of good news for us."

He added, "I have already sent all the required reports to be reported to the high command, and they gave me a task to follow before we leave this island once and for all... They gave me a strict order to comb through the entire island three times for any survivor as in any case there is still a measly percentage of survivors and judging by the time of impact and our arrival here there is a possibility that if there were any survivors then they would be somewhere hiding in this island… So, boys, gear up. We will all be conducting a thorough search of the island. I will prepare all your particular patrolling areas in the meantime. Join me here by fifteen minutes sharp. Dismiss!"

Then all the fourteen soldiers walked, rushing out of the room one at a time, and Captain Shiko activated a plate-like device installed on the roundtable. With multiple clicking on it, a beam of light flashed out from the device and a 3-D image of a miniature version of a blue planet appeared in the air.

"Zoom in, to my current coordinate." In a flash, Captain Shiko yelled out, and the device zoomed in as it appeared to be like Angel's version of Human's AI, but there were many differences considering the technology, as this device was powered by Angel's Grace Energy, which was a magical combination with technology whereas AI was merely a machine.

Then he approached and used his fingers to magnify in and out as he started analyzing the topography of the island in and out and along the shoreline.

His eyebrows creased as he observed the three volcanic peaks, two of which were on the island's north-eastern side, and the tallest of all standing on its southern side near the shore.

"Hmm, other regions are easy for a search party except for these three peaks and the volcanic level is the more things to worry about. They might blow up any time considering the level of volatilities of those peaks." Captain Shiko hushed under his breath.

After pondering for a bit, and considering all the good points and bad points using his long military scouting strategies, he finally ousted the three peaks for patrolling for the time being.

"Well, I think it's best to search these places after going combing through all the other regions of the island." He then used his finger and started circling fifteen regions, which were the region they were going to scout today. And then he sat back in his principal seat and inclined his back.

It was 13 minutes later that all the soldiers arrived inside and sat down in lines on their assigned seats. Their disciplines show they were well trained and well-timed.

Captain Shiko observed, eyeing all of them one at a time. He felt satisfied with their confident body language and he sighed when his eye landed on the scrawny youth named Loki. He thought. "I should properly train this boy after this mission… If I were to put some effort into physical training for him, then perhaps maybe he could be the ace of my team. He has everything except for his weak physique ."

Next to Loki, Captain Shiko spotted the golden-locked youth named Rapson Winchester.

Seeing the wildly untamed arrogant side of his face, which anyone can see through, he sighed again, shaking his head in disappointment this time.

And finally, his vision landed on the muscular giant of the guy among his team, Hunk. 𝑓𝗿𝐞𝘦𝘄e𝘣n𝘰𝘷eƖ.c𝘰𝗺

Captain Shiko thought with suspicion. "Hump! For some reason, he seems to be more respectful and silent for the last two days, a sight I have never seen before from him…. What in the hell's name he's cooking up this time?"

He put all the thoughts of his observation on them and announced, saying aloud. "Attention, boys, I will start briefing you on your respective areas you need to comb today."

He then rose to his feet and everyone inside the room also stood up straight since sitting when their superior stood up was against the code of conduct of the Blue Lagoon Unit. And if they didn't, then they would get extreme physical punishment.

Captain Shiko called their names and started assigning them their position and the areas to comb today and said. "Questions?"

"Alright, good. Follow exactly what you learn in the training. If you were to spot any human survivors, then report to me first and don't act on your own… From my long battles on the border, I can say that they were weak but tricky bastards… So everyone is careful. Always stay on high alert all the time. This meeting has been adjourned." Captain Shiko said, and he was the first to leave the hall this time.

After a couple of minutes, all the remaining fourteen in their official military gowns also came rushing out of the castle.

Just after they stepped out of the castle, they saw Captain Shiko spread his pair of long black wings, flapped them, and flew up in the air and quickly darted in the air toward the east.

Likewise, all of them spread their pair of black wings, flew up in the air, and went toward the particular region they were tasked to scout today and they didn't want to waste a minute here since each area they were going to comb today thoroughly was kind of broad. So, they didn't want to waste any second here.

Soon, all of them flew away hurriedly in the air, leaving only three; Loki. Hunk and Rapson are on the ground.

Hunk glanced at the scrawny youth and the moment he eyed him, he almost spat out to abuse him verbally, like he did all the time. "You, piece of sh—"

As he held his tongue, he gave him an evil grimace and spread out his pair of black wings, then flew away from him in the sky.

The golden-lock youth named Rapson glanced at Loki and said, "Oh, man, it's pretty awful seeing you get bullied like this. If you consider my earlier offer for you to be my subordinate, then I promise you none of this will ever happen again. What do you think? Have you decided yet?"

Loki ignored him and said without batting an eye at him. "Don't give me that crap like helping me for your own selfish end? I know people like you…. You know what? It's not your place to feel sorry for me, and it even sounded even funnier and more impressive coming from a young master of the Winchester family. Here you are again, offering your hands to a damned bastard born from the wedlock of a mere slave to be his subordinate all these years on end."

He then further added. "Even though I am constantly bullied here because those scumbags are afraid I may usurp their position as family head once they realize I have the purest and most concentrated Grace energy in me. So I know my position here." "But on the other hand, what about you?...

After nine months you are going to your family's trial for choosing the future Winchester Lord… Hah, I heard it was more like killing each other between brothers in a ring and it's going to decide your future position inside your clan… Good luck with that."

"So, you knew all along. Then, there is no way I'm going to give up on you… I'll give you one more week to accept my offer, and in return, we can discuss terms and conditions, including your benefits, mostly within this week. Okay, I'll take my leave first. Good luck with your hunt today." Rapson responded and then spread his wide pair of wings with multiple red spots on them.

From high in the sky, he shouted as he drifted, flying away rapidly from that place. "Hey, in the meantime, do me a favor by keeping yourself alive."

"Hah, what a joke? There is no way I'm going to join those arrogant clans after going through all of this. My only purpose is to take revenge for my mom. Fuck those Bradworth clan scumbags. Eventually, I will take revenge for what you did to my mom, a simple maid who had no ability to defend herself." Loki spat out, clenching his hands, showing his true side no one knew about.

Taking a deep breath, he spread his pair of black wings with white spots on them and started flapping them as he floated in the air, quickly heading toward his assigned position.

Just after that, a lanky youth wearing torn pants appeared just beside the spot. It was none other than the lone human survivor they were meant to look out for.

"Hee-hee-hee, everyone, good luck with the search party!" He muttered, chuckling.

"Yeah, hahaha... It's so ironic that the one they're searching for is instead standing right here where no one will look." Cynthia jumped in with a peal of hysterical laughter.