The Supreme Satanic System-Chapter 72 Home

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After giving his work a final pass, Bobby returned home and was greeted by Margaret White and his aunt Mia, who were wiggling their fingers. Having not seen each other for four months, they were delighted to see each other.

"How are you doing, ladies?" Bobby beamed at them and placed his backpack on the table and sat on the sofa, joining the two.

Mia touched his hands and said, "We are doing okay. And how is your work trip?"

"Nice. It went well. Now, I feel so great that I'm able to join you again, guys." Bobby responded and asked, "I don't see Uncle Jeremy. Aunt Mia, where is he?"

"Forget him. He will not be here as he has accepted the post of Dean for the warden of School Boarding. Alright, honey, it's really nice having you here again." Mia responded. "Oh, you two catch up. Let me make some evening coffee for you guys. Which one do you like?"

"Aunt Mia, cappuccino for me plus whip with the cream," Bobby replied as he reclined his back on the couch leisurely.

"Okay, got it. As usual, cappuccino whipped cream and you, Mar honey." Mia looked at Margaret White.

"I'll go the same as him. Can I help, mom?" Margaret White asked.

"Ah, you are so sweet." Mia tapped over her back. "But, no, you two kids catch up while I make some coffee for you guys." Then she left for the kitchen, leaving the two alone.

Bobby moved his butt and lay his head over Margaret White's lap and took a long sniff and said, "You smell great. How have you been, my little butterfly? "

In response, Margaret White stroked his hair and said, "Mm-hmm, I'm still breathing. See." She suddenly raised his head and hugged him tightly. "Oh, god, I miss you so much. Why didn't you just call even once? It's been four months...Hmm, you seem different."

"Sorry, I can't do that. You know everything about my job is classified. Alright, you just tell me about me being different. What is it?" Bobby hushed in his gentlest tone.

"After these four months, I kind of feel that your aura seemed to get stronger. Your ways of talking, gaiting posture seem to change drastically. Even the way you breathe is now a lot like….. like a martial expert. Yeah, now, get the air of an expert." Margaret put her words exactly as she felt from him.

"Hmm, you know what you are right. In these months, I practiced with some great masters in the military. Now, I even wish to test out my strength. How about a duel?" Bobby responded, fondling her.

"Okay, that sounds more like fun. But, you need to remember one thing, I'll never go easy in a fight even if it's you. So be ready. Today, I'm going to kick your arse for not calling me for the last four months." Margaret grinned goofily at him.

Mia entered the recreation room carrying three cups of coffee on a tray. She placed the plate over the table and said, with a smile. "Guys, your coffee is ready. Help yourself,"

As the three enjoyed a pleasant evening with coffee and chat, the atmosphere in the room had a very positive vibration as they laughed sometimes.

"Oh, I almost forget. What results from your interview for the military college, Margaret Darling?" Bobby asked after taking a sip of the coffee.

"They have already accepted my admission. I'll be joining the college tomorrow." Margaret White replied with high spirit.

"Oh, congrats!" Bobby was happy for her. "You know what? We should throw a party for you today. Aunt Mia, what do you think?"

"That's a good idea. I have some chicken and beer in the fridge. How about this Bobby? You go to the supermarket nearby and buy some wine and some meat." Mia suggested.

Bobby put the cup on the tray and stood up. "Alright, I am all set to go. Later, my ladies."

"I'll come with you." Margaret White stood up.

"No-no, honey, you can't go. This is your party. He should go alone." Mia stopped her.

He rushed out of the house to take a stroll toward the nearby supermarket.

"Hey, Bob, some people are following ?you," Cynthia informed him.

"Ah, must be assassins like last time. How many?" Bobby asked, using his mind.

"Yeah, why don't ?you check it out yourself? Have you forgotten something again?" Cynthia responded in his mind.

Bobby then activated his devil's eyes skill, used his x-ray vision, and scanned around him.

"Hmm, seven. This will be tougher than I thought." Bobby muttered softly. "But judging by their energy levels, I think I can take them all out. What do you think? Shall I kill them all? "

"Killing! I like the idea." Cynthia chuckled in his mind. "But why don't I feel any killing intent from them? It's as if they are just watching after you. " 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

"Then they are in luck. I'll leave them for now. First, I need to give a party to Margaret White. So, let's not waste time with them. If they are just watching after me, then there is no need for now to kill them." Bobby said.

Then he bought everything he needed and returned home.


Somewhere very far away in Milky Way Galaxy,

In the dark space, a spaceship is constantly warping.

Three people were inside the luxury-looking room at the moment; a female and two males were chatting as they usually do. They all had a pair of wings on their back. It was plenty clear that they were the same as Cynthia, angels.

"Ariel, did you have any progress in finding anything related to the whereabouts of the Holy Grail?" One of the male angels asked, glancing at the other male.

"Sorry, Lord Gabriel. We still have nothing related to it until now." Ariel replied politely.

Lord Gabriel was from one of the highest noble families of Feathered Clan-slash-Angel. And the other male angel was his advisor, who dealt with his everyday affairs and the beautiful, elegant lady beside them was none other than his wife Cillo.

"Hmph!" Lord Gabriel snorted and further added. "I need something more than that, Ariel."

Ariel retold his report calmly. "Lord Gabriel, we send some experts related to searching the holy grail to those regions infested by humans four years ago. As you know, because of the current peace treaty between the five aliens and us, we have restrictions to send our best man there. Luckily, after a year, our men successfully infiltrated among them and could disguise themselves as humans. Then the operation of searching the Holy grain was begun, which is ongoing until now. Yeah, we have our people in every one of their colonies, planets, and other natural satellites that are possible for the settlement of humans. Despite that, we couldn't find it. Now, we still only left the solar system to check. But,..."

"But, what?" Lord Gabriel shouted.

"Sir, I think we can't. The others will know about this if we further proceed with our mission toward the solar system. It might be a rumor or truth. But I heard one of the Spiritual guardians of the Ogarian race is currently living somewhere on the Earth. So, should we proceed with our mission, sir? I have some doubts about further advances to the solar system of the Earth." Ariel asked for his permission.

"I don't care. Just proceed with the plan. If they fail, let them commit suicide and must not come back to us. " Lord Gabriel retorted angrily. "And about that information about the Spiritual Guardian of the Ogarian. How is that even possible? And if it is true, as you say, then the other five races will not remain quiet. Can you tell me how you came to know about the Spiritual Guardian of that Ogarian?" he asked with suspicion.

"Sir, yesterday I got some intel regarding him. Please," Ariel tapped on his wrist and a 3d screen materialized in the air. In it was a 3d image of a middle-aged-looking man with silver locks that appeared with details regarding him in some alien language.

The moment Lord Gabriel gazed at the image of the man, he suddenly sprung up to his feet and exclaimed, "Ah, that's Jo-Moriah!" His eyes remained wide as he stared at the image as if he was seeing a ghost. "No-no-no, it's not possible at all. How is he still alive?"

"My dear, please calm down. Do you know him?" His wife Cello called out and fondled his face.

Lord Gabriel quickly recollected himself and replied, "Yes, I know this man. He is the one in the million years genius of the Ogarian. Born as a slave, but the youngest ever to become the 11th Spiritual Guardian of Ogarian. I simply could not believe he is still alive and at present living somewhere on earth. I think I need to go see my father."

He then looked at Ariel and commanded, "Ariel, we are leaving for the 25th Kaprije."

Read The Primordial Record
Read Watch Out! Danger Ahead