The Supreme Satanic System-Chapter 78 The Splattering Of Brain Matters All Around!

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....On the other hand, I felt guilty for taking all the attention from my big brothers. I started referring to you by your name." Bobby responded in a sincere manner.

"It's not true, darling. You should stop thinking like that. Since you started staying aloof after the Origin Chi testing ceremony when you were branded as Defect by others, we are more concerned about you and pay more attention to you.

As long as I remember you, you were the little boy who always ran after his two big brothers. Ah, boy, I really miss those days." Mia said with a warm smile over her face.

"Well, mom, it's been five years since I last heard from my twin big brothers, oh god I do miss them now that you mentioned them, don't you?" Bobby asked while caressing his butt.

"Nah, I don't miss those two little nasty monkeys one bit... .. It's more like I could finally take a breather after they left," Mia responded, adding a chuckle to their mutual laughter.

In spite of Bobby's ability to tell that the first part of her It's statement was a lie, the last statement was the most accurate he could hear. "When will they be here for a brief family reunion?" he asked hopefully because he wished to miss his big brothers soon.

Mia responded. "Honey, you know what their job entails, right?.... You basically can not have them here at this moment. I can't promise anything, but they told me they'd be here within three years, and they kind of missed you and Margaret when I called them last week. "

"Fine, let's walk around the neighborhood, maybe see what's around the nearby market... See you," Bobby stood up and rushed out of the house.

After she was all alone inside the guest room, Mia mumbled softly, asking herself. "Did I just go over? I should have gone a little gentler." Then she continued, "No, the boy needs a thrashing like that, anyway. He is simply asking for it… hmph! At least, my boy finally called me mama again. It feels really nice."

In less than half an hour since Bobby had left his home, the sun had just set, and soon the city was illuminated by the lights, showing sights that were beautiful to see as people walked randomly around the city going about their business.

Leaving District A13, he walked through a dark alleyway next to the city's slum. Bobby saw very few people in that area because this place was like a ghost town around here, so few people came here after dark and criminals committed muggings and murders around this neighborhood. He suddenly paused for the first time and announced loudly,

"Enough with the stalking, guys. After that event with my mother not too long ago, I think I deserve some time alone." He unconsciously rubbed his battered behind and said lazily, "Alright, come out now...I think it's time for a little talk. You must be tired of following me all this time... Don't you think so?"

Two men emerged from the dark corner with knives in their hands. As soon as Bobby saw them, he noticed that they both had extreme spiky Mohawk hairstyles and were wearing leather jackets and jeans; their faces were covered by masks.

"Kekeke, boy. Good lad. 'Now you can take everything you have in you out and throw them to the ground.' One of them tried to sound like a gangster, but his voice sounded cranky.

The other man followed. "We don't want to kill anyone here today, so we don't intend to kill you before we lose our patience and kill you and then take what you have down to your clothes... Otherwise, you will have just ended up in this shithole… Quickly, quickly, today we are in a good mood and don't intend to kill anyone... "

"Yeah, pick your choice, motherfucker?...You want to leave this damn place alive or do you want to lie dead in this nice shithole of a neighborhood?" The first mugger spoke again as though they were all on the same page, for all anyone could work out was that both of them sounded amateurish and comical for muggers.

In a blink of an eye, Bobby glanced at the two men and completely ignored them, as if they were worthless clowns, and proceeded to speak. "Listen, guys, I don't have the patience anymore. Wouldn't it be nice if you just come out and stop hiding and seeking?" 𝑓𝐫𝑒e𝒘𝚎𝘣𝚗𝘰𝘷𝐞𝑙.co𝑚

Because they saw that the youth before them didn't treat them seriously, they became angry and one of them said, "Hey, shithead, who the hell are you talking to?... Perhaps something is wrong with your head?"

Bobby frowned a bit, feeling a bit annoyed this time. Nonetheless, he didn't care and said, "Come out, baldy," to them again. "It appears that you are the leader of your little group. May I have a word with you now?"

"Baldy!? Are you calling us that?" One mugger yelled at him furiously. "What the fuck is wrong with you, man? Do you have a problem with your vision, too?"

"Hey, shut up. I'm not talking to you two. Are you two bald?... As I see it, you two have those little bird's hairs which, for all I care, I don't give a shite about? Just get lost and try your luck on others. If you still wish to become a dead corpse, then do whatever you want." Bobby shouted at them. Then he gazed over a dark corner and said again, pointing at it, "You, the baldy with the Scorpion head, enough with hiding. Come out, man, before I kick your sorry ass."

Upon looking in the direction he pointed, the muggers saw a tall and muscular baldy emerge out of the alleyway's dark corner.

On seeing the bald man, the muggers became stiff with fright because they instantly knew who the man really was since he had another name in this neighborhood.

"He is the...Baldy scorpion head!"Both of them exclaimed and shouted, "Run!" And the two of them began running in two different directions chaotically.

"Two late. You should have listened to him earlier! Now it's too late. Since you two have seen my face with this boy, then I can't help but send you both to hell." The baldy spoke casually.

As both muggers had Origin Chi foundational level skills, they ran faster than the average person could, but the Baldy seemed to be even more agile than them despite the size of his body and the way he chased them.

In a few seconds, he caught up to one mugger and punched him in the head. A large portion of his brain matter spilled all over the ground as his headless body fell over the ground lifeless. The Baldy pursued the other mugger and did the same thing when he caught up to him, causing his head to explode too.

A handkerchief was used to wipe away the dirt on his hand and then he threw it over the ground. Then he came back to Bobby, standing in front of him.

"Now that we are all alone. Can we start?.... Hmm, where shall we begin from? Well, well, are you an assassin too, Mr. Baldy?

My condolences go out to all of you who lost three of your comrades. Actually, I have no intention of hurting you. However, those three came at me with strong killing intent, unlike you." Bobby smiled amiably at him before he turned serious once more. "Alright, let's get straight to the point. You seem to have zero intention of killing me, so why the heck are you spying on my family and stalking me all the time? Hmm, I wonder, has your idiot boss lost his mind, or is he afraid of me after losing his three useless pawns to me?"

"Did you kill them?" The Baldy asked with a serious tone as he was angered by his words.

"What do you think? They came after me for my heads, so kill them all instead. Yeah, actually I killed two of them and the last one was killed by someone, but you can say partly I killed him too. Why don't you answer my question? Why are you watching after me and my family instead of going after my head like last time?" Bobby replied, and grinned at him.

Baldy became enraged at Baldy's wide grin and hit him with a war cry.

In response, Bobbie punched the Baldy too, meeting their fists in the air. Both of them took multiple steps back and stared each other in the eye.

"With that strength now, I'm convinced you have your hands in killing those three, which means I can kill you. "Baldy with the Scorpion tattoo spoke boldly as if it were just a part of his test right now.

Afterward, he chanted a spell and touched his hand to the ground, then shouted, "My Earth Elemental Broadsword, come forth!"

An emerald green pole suddenly rose from the ground. After gripping it with both hands, he slowly pulled it out and lifted it high above his head.